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The End Of The World, As We Know It

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posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:34 PM
The end of the world. Scary thought, isn't it? Would it surprise you to know that every civilization on Earth has stories and legends of this? The Mayan, the Tibetan, the Bible, the Koran, the American Native, all have a legend of a time when the world will come to an end, however you define that.

Right now, for the most part, the World is mostly a modern, high technology and manufacturing civilization. Take just 50% of that away, and civilization falls. One solar flare could wipe out all computers in the world. Mean anything to you, friend? Are you aware that practically everything now days has a computer chip in it? Here are some things that would no longer work when, not if, this solar flare happens:

Grocery store shelves would be empty in 48 hours. Not just empty of pretzels and potato chips and pop, empty of everything.

Gas stations could not dispense fuel, nor could they even start the pumps.

Semi trucks, and trains would stop in their tracks, no supplies would be forthcoming.

Hospitals would run out of supplies, operating lights would not work, generators would run out of fuel and stop.

There would be no home computer, coffee maker, toaster, microwave oven, alarm system, telephone, cell phone, IPad, Tablet, television, radio, furnace, how water heater, water pump. Even city water is delivered by pumps, electric pumps, ran by computer systems.

How much food do you have stored right now? A week's worth? A month's worth? A days's worth? How is your fresh water supply? Medicines? How many clean clothes are on hand?

Within 48 hours, everything would be at a standstill. Airliners would have all crashed, there would be fires everywhere, and no fire trucks to fight them. No food would be available. when people get hungry, after 4 days of no food or water, those people become armed and dangerous.
How well do you know your neighbors? Do you think after a week of no food they may wish to kill you for yours?

The Ice Shelf is melting on both Poles, and ocean levels are constantly rising. Scientists say within a decade oceans could rise by a foot every 10 years, maybe more. Ever see the future maps of the United States? The East and West coast is gone, the Mississippi River is 40 miles wide, the Great Lakes are now one big lake. I am not stating this as fact, but it is a real possibility.

The melting ice will certainly effect the Earth is a balance sort of way, many thing the magnetic poles will shift about, and some thing the physical poles themselves will shift, and the World will turn over. If this were to happen, winds of over 1000 miles an hour would be everywhere, those who survived would be totally deaf. Tornado's, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, fires......everything that could happen, will. Every human being on the planet will be suddenly in the Spirit World. Who among you has considered this?

Some think a Savior will come down and save them from this. Some think an Alien Race will set down and save them. Some believe they will Ascend to a higher plane of existence. Some thing they will just go to Heaven, Hell, Afterlife, Summerland, Valhalla. Avalon, and I am sure a lot more places have been recorded as the place of the After Time.

I do not know what will happen, or how it will happen, or when it will happen. but I do know it will happen. Who among you can go without Fear? To just Accept? How may have gotten a clue, a dream, vision, something like that? Are you worried about this? These are all questions we should be asking of ourselves. We need to examine our beliefs of what will happen, and see if they are valid. We need to research, and study, everything we can. We need to open our eyes to what our governments do to us, and how they go about preparing for this. They all plan to survive in their underground bases, you know.

I will leave you with this. It doesn't matter your religion, your race, gender, or creed. Inside we are all Spirits of Divine Origin. We are all Special in that way. Oh, this fact has been hidden from us, but it is true, look in the mirror, you will know. We are a People, and a Power, but ONLY if we Stand Together in Unison. As long as we are divided, we are venerable. what is it that divides us?

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:46 PM
Ain't change a big pain in the butt? At the same time, without change there is no rebirth, and perhaps it is getting time for an adjustment on a global scale in order to reset the system. Those who can adapt and overcome will survive and teach others how to respect the new face of earth, and not overwhelm the delicate balance once it has been reestablished. We are clever primates, and we have become entirely too reliant on our tools and gimmicks to survive. I can only hope that when the SHTF our human arrogance will not cause the extinction of too many other life forms.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by autowrench

When the end of the world does come ill know what will happen and will be content with it, i actually cant wait till it occurs ive been ready for awhile.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 07:47 PM
I have no need of fear. Knowing what will soon come leaves no alternative but to experience that which is to come.
What will come is relevant but only in terms of being prepared for it. Physically, mentally, socially, and spiritually.
We can't stop it, and watching all the signs around me I came to realize a while back.
It Is time

No Fear, I truly believe we live in one of the most awesome times ever. We just may get to observe some or most of the things you have mentioned. It is like nothing mankind has ever experienced before.
Will these things happen? Of course. When? I actually believe soon. Why? because it simply must be.
and because we have failed to take care of this big blue ball that has been given to us...and of course everything on it including ourselves.
Failing ourselves simply results in failure of our environment.
The entire world is on the brink of political and financial collapse.
It really isn't fear mongering to help people prepare for an event sure to come in the near future.
Then again if it takes fear to help prepare people so be it. Most likely nothing else will convince them to prepare.
In being ready for this..... Well maybe the ride will be a little more comfortable for some of us?
In the end I hope I am wrong...I am sure I am not

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by autowrench

Nice post Auto. SnF

Of coarse there will be an end. I think there is one single thing we must keep clearly in mind about this. In that end, we will all come to know only one truth. We will all share in that one absolute truth. What this will mean
to all of us, depends on what that truth will be. I have full confidence that those of us who love, speak and seek
truth ? Will some how be blessed by this one truth in the end. No matter what that truth turns out to be.
I know you have convinced me of one thing OP. You seek the truth and you mean to speak the truth, becuse you love the truth. We are the same.

edit on 15-12-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:07 PM
You've painted quite a few vivid scenarios. Yes, any one of them could happen and even a few of them could happen at once as chain reactions took hold.

We have nothing to fear though nor do I think you wrote this out of fear, autowrench. I don't believe the Mayans or any other culture wrote such predictions out of fear, but eagerness. Anxiously awaiting the time when Earth would decide when it was time for us to go and renew itself again. Especially with all we've done to this great planet. I don't believe the cultures of yesteryear feared death the way modern man does. I believe that fearing death is part of the program we're all stuck in. Anyways, I'd rather go from a natural disaster than an atom bomb, but beggers can't be choosers. We all have to go sometime. I look at the people who want to live forever within the physical realm and I wonder what they're so afraid of that they're keeping themselves stunted from experiencing a truly profound graduation.
edit on 15-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:18 PM
No worries fellow humans

According to some loose calculations, we still have at least a 1000 years and some change

I highly recommend you make a spiritual transaction or two, before your but a vapor of a life expires.

Feel free to u2u me for further instructions.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

Nice after thought, Afterthought. I see it that way too. The coming events are not in any way to be feared. Fear comes from people who teach it, and I do not need to say which people teach fear, we all know. A thing to ponder though, all of us are not exactly the same in the scale of evolution. What I'm saying is all Spirits are not the same age and experience, the same accumulated knowledge and inherent wisdom. some of us are "Old Souls," and some are New Souls, and all in between. It is up to the Old Souls to teach the Young Souls, this is the Tribal way of the Tell.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by Dillon123
reply to post by autowrench

When the end of the world does come ill know what will happen and will be content with it, i actually cant wait till it occurs ive been ready for awhile.

This is not something I would relish. I don't want to see people wandering around wounded with no medical care; hungry but no food. Looking for their loved ones, but are unable to find them.

I don't want to see animals suffering and displaced from their indigenous homelands, suffering, injured, hungry and thirsty. Confused and in pain.

I don't want to see our beautiful, beautiful planet burning, scorched, or drowned. Dying, but responding by trying to throw off all that which has brought it harm. Seeing all these things would bring such sadness. Sorrow. Despair. It's been home to so many amazing creatures, innocent creatures, for such a long time.

While I agree it is wise to prepare for hard times, it is probably wiser to work hard on creating a life that you do not loathe, and that you do not want to end, no matter how and who goes down with you. To truly desire such a heinous thing only indicates what misery one has, and how much change is needed in their life, and a change only they themselves can bring.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:33 PM
Does it matter? Go watch carl sagans "Pale blue dot". When your done you will get a better perspective of the place we all call home. In the end it dosn't really matter. Humans are just tenants renting a space on a living ball. Everything we know, have done or will do is insignificant.
In the larger universe.
We humans have Big ego's.

So if we nuke each other, or the sun expands to red giant stage it won't really matter cause will all be dust...
You should just live your own life.
Learn to laugh more.
Don't worry about stuff that you have no way of changing.

relax more

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by angeldoll

I don't want to see animals suffering and displaced from their indigenous homelands, suffering, injured, hungry and thirsty. Confused and in pain.

I don't want to see our beautiful, beautiful planet burning, scorched, or drowned. Dying, but responding by trying to throw off all that which has brought it harm. Seeing all these things would bring such sadness. Sorrow. Despair. It's been home to so many amazing creatures, innocent creatures, for such a long time.

I hate to break it to you, but all of this is happening on a global scale right now as I'm typing.

The world must be cleansed so the majority of the causes of the suffering are put to rest. Hopefully, the next phase of life on this planet will be smarter and more resourceful so they won't have to see as much suffering as we've seen in this cycle.
edit on 15-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:36 PM
Not that I disagree with this being a plausible scenario but I cannot let this ride. I practically heard this same message almost word for word on last night's edition of Decoded on History Channel.

Even down to the ice caps melting...

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

I hate to break it to you, but to desire for all living things to perish so you can play with your survival toys is sick.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by autowrench

the Tribal way of the Tell

Exactly. This is what has died and we should be mourning, but most are too distracted, which is also by design by those who want to keep us in fear.

I don't believe it's by accident that many people's extended families live far from them. When I was growing up, I lived within a ten minute driving distance from my great grandmother, great aunts, cousins, etc., then we moved to another state because my dad found work. I loved sitting around with my older family members and listening to them talk and tell stories. Now, it's been years since i've seen them and others have passed.

Now, the majority of people's families are so spread out. It just shouldn't be this way. We lose a really strong connection and loss of identity when we aren't near family and friends we've grown up with. It's no wonder the postal department is slammed with packages this year. Everyone keeps moving further and further from those they love.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:44 PM
reply to post by angeldoll

What survival toys?
I'm hoping to go in the first wave. No toys needed.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:47 PM
There are people among us on this planet who try try try so very hard to set things right. Those who work, and think, and plan, and test and evaluate ideas on how to make the world a better place. This place, our world, our earth, our people.

To shrug and cling to an attitude that all is futile, that nothing can be done, so it's better that civilization be destroyed so we can begin "anew", is a defeatist attitude, and an unintelligent one as well. An intelligent person strives to set things better ........ not sitting around wishing for destruction. It is the wish of a coward, not a hero. A hero faces the reality they live in. Not an imagined scenario that could or could not happen in hundreds or thousands or millions of years.

The history of the planet does indicate cycles with life ending in various ways, and no doubt this will happen again. Probably not in our lifetimes, but it is bound to happen. The problem I have is not in knowing that it will happen, or in preparing for that inevitability, but in those who are so miserable in their lives they want it to happen NOW, with utter disregard for the value, beauty, and meaning that we now have. (Most of us.)

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought
reply to post by angeldoll

What survival toys?
I'm hoping to go in the first wave. No toys needed.

Me too, Afterthought, I'll be riding that wave too! We could probably do worse.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by angeldoll

It's all good. Besides, the alternative is to still be here when the elite rise from their bunkers. If anyone thinks I'm going to be around to help them rebuild, they're out of their friggin minds.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by autowrench

S&F! Great OP!

I assume many of us on ATS have been pondering the same things you brought up…and more.

There are so many things coming together at the same time right now that it’s hard for anyone with half a clue to dismiss them. It’s also hard not to be worried about the things to come. I’m not worried about myself but it’s definitely hard not to be worried if you have young children like I do…

Knell1906 posted a link to the video below the other day (it mentions ATS). It’s very long but I think those of you responding to this link will find time to watch it as I did; very interesting material. Some of it I know to be true and a lot of it I have yet to verify but it’s definitely based in more fact than conjecture. Much of the video is taken from the history channel and has been covered here on ATS in some fashion.

posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by autowrench
reply to post by Afterthought

Nice after thought, Afterthought. I see it that way too. The coming events are not in any way to be feared. Fear comes from people who teach it, and I do not need to say which people teach fear, we all know. A thing to ponder though, all of us are not exactly the same in the scale of evolution. What I'm saying is all Spirits are not the same age and experience, the same accumulated knowledge and inherent wisdom. some of us are "Old Souls," and some are New Souls, and all in between. It is up to the Old Souls to teach the Young Souls, this is the Tribal way of the Tell.

The Equality of the Universe is Absolute.

So while there are Old Souls and New Souls, they are Equals in every aspect possible, which includes kNowledge. So there is nothing an Old Soul can teach a New Soul, other than how to tie their shoes on their non-existent feet.


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