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Obama "Justifies"( FEMA??) imprisonment of civilians !!!

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posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by DarthMuerte

The saddest part is that there are still millions out there saying Obama "needs more time to finish the job." Most black "celebs" use this very statement all the time as they sing the praises because of his race and intelligence.

Just because you have a private paid education does NOT make you intelligent.

Can't wait to see his slogan....if we have just experienced his Hope & Change philosophy what exactly would his hope to change outlook be for 4 more years.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by sapien82
If Obama keeps up this tyranical behaviour its going to be the rest of the world trying to liberate americans for a change and install some democracy in their country!

Why do you think the rest of the world cares what system of government the USA has?

If you mean the Afghans and Iraqis, yes, they may be interested in sending over a few troops to restore democracy in the US and thus repay their debt to the US in kind.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by baddmove

When they came for the Communist I said nothing I was not a Communist.

When they came for the trade union members I said nothing I was not a trade union member.

When they came for me there was no one left to say anything.

If we do not learn form history we are doomed to repeat it. I believe it is already to late the laws are already in place. Think about why would they trust each other with this kind of power unless the divide in politics we see is just to keep us busy arguing with each other.

Ron Paul is the last hope we have I truly believe this. If you would have asked me 10 years ago if I believed the fate of America and the rest of the free world rested with one man I would have laughed and called you a conspiracy nut job.

WHAT HAPPENED TO THE AMERICAN DREAM? How do we come down to one man telling the hard truths?

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 03:32 AM
reply to post by Subjective Truth

It must be so...

Simple truth, very hard to understand....

All must come to pass, or all truth, will be null and void....

This was foretold, and no one listened...

No greater truth, can exist, but this....

We hear, and do not understand, we see, and do not comprehend, all will be as was written....

In time, you and everyone else will know...

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by freetree64
reply to post by Subjective Truth

It must be so...

Simple truth, very hard to understand....

All must come to pass, or all truth, will be null and void....

This was foretold, and no one listened...

No greater truth, can exist, but this....

We hear, and do not understand, we see, and do not comprehend, all will be as was written....

In time, you and everyone else will know...

Thanks you made my night. Simple truths are the hardest to see clearly.


posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 03:38 AM

Originally posted by mcsandy
reply to post by DarthMuerte

The saddest part is that there are still millions out there saying Obama "needs more time to finish the job." Most black "celebs" use this very statement all the time as they sing the praises because of his race and intelligence.

Just because you have a private paid education does NOT make you intelligent.

Can't wait to see his slogan....if we have just experienced his Hope & Change philosophy what exactly would his hope to change outlook be for 4 more years.

I'm real worried about just what the "job" really is !!

the 111th Congress (2009/2010) had the chance of a lifetime to correct everything.

they failed, even with Dem control under Obama.

they gave it all away to the wrong people.

the majority of citizens were impacted negatively with all the legislation under Obama.


he still has a year to go on the first 4 !!!

edit on Dec-16-2011 by xuenchen because:

edit on Dec-16-2011 by xuenchen because:

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 03:52 AM

Originally posted by mcsandy
reply to post by DarthMuerte

The saddest part is that there are still millions out there saying Obama "needs more time to finish the job." Most black "celebs" use this very statement all the time as they sing the praises because of his race and intelligence.

Just because you have a private paid education does NOT make you intelligent.

Can't wait to see his slogan....if we have just experienced his Hope & Change philosophy what exactly would his hope to change outlook be for 4 more years.

Obama is extremely intellegent and smart.

You may not like his actions or agenda, but that doesn't make him dumb.

The speech quoted in the OP was diabolical, no doubt, but not dumb. The MSNBC commentator couldn't digest the fact that he was making perfect sense. Obama repudiated the previous administration, not for their actions, but for the way they went about doing so. He wants to do exactly the same as the previous administration, but within a legal and constitutional framework. He wants the Congress to pass a law that will give him those powers, but will not be ruled as unconstituional by the courts. If it is not consitutionally possible to pass such a law, the Congress has to refuse or if Congress passes such a law ignoring the constituion, the courts should strike it down. If the Congress passes a law giving the executive such powers and it stands judicial scruitiny, it means for all practical purposes he is acting within the limits imposed by the consitution and upholding the rule of law. If anyone believes his actions are wrong that leaves only two possibilities: one that the constitution is inadequate to safeguard the rights of the people or that the entire system at the top including the legislators and judges, not just the President, cares a rat's behind about the constitution and their oath of office. Obama is intelligent and smart and hence he is making everyone, the Congress and the Judiciary, party to the actions. Unlike George W Bush no one can say they have been bullied into passing the legislation, because Obama is not syaing there will be terrorist attacks if the law isn't passed; only that they will have to release some Guantanamo detainees who they don't want to.

As for his election promises, again he proved to be extremely smart. His main slogan was "Change we can believe in" and I am sure everyone will agree this is the change everyone can believe in

But, of course, being intelligent and smart doesn't mean the person cannot be evil and Obama, like his predecessor, is evil incarnate and like his predecessor will return to office for another term.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by DarthMuerte

I see your point... (Apparently) The Nazi's created the CIA in USA, the CIA created the Taliban, and i guess they can easily swing elections as well to put Obama in charge. So it could well be that the same people created each of them (or put them into power). Obama is set to do the same it seems.

Could all of these be linked to our population problems which need to be addressed, as the Georgia Guidestone's states we need to aim for only 500,000,000 people on the planet!

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 05:15 PM
reply to post by xuenchen

I believe he is succeeding....this was his (or his puppetmaster's ) plan all along. To fundamentally transform America...make it the opposite of what it was, that is the intent of the progressives. Those that say he hasn't had enough time yet either mean he's on his way or they don't understand his real mission. Some are still hypnotized and some know the real truth, his is being very successful in ruining America or as they see it, fixing America.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by timetothink

My mom too was really taken in by him. I was warning people that he was not what he seemed. TPTB have been using and honing these NLP hypnotic techniques for decades. There isn't much you can do to overcome messages implanted into the subconcsious to overrule conscious thought unless you know the techniques in the first place. I, also was uncomfortable listening to him for any amount of time. Perhaps it was our knowledge of how deep deceptions can be imbedded in politics and into our brains that have made us to at least become uncomfortable when something just doesn't feel right.

As for spreading the word, education is important. Basic knowledge concerning MK-Ultra and Monarch programming is also key. I believe NLP started with the MK-Ultra programs. There is alot of verified information concerning these programs out there. These programs never ended.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by batgirl

Well, if this is the case (mass hypnosis) is there anything that can be done to fix the problem? We would be looked at as the crazy ones to even suggest such a thing since most of the country thinks these agendas don't exist. And if they are techniques used by cultists and the government, I would assume deep deprogramming would be needed. I don't see that happening. It feels hopeless.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 06:49 PM
I don't know the date that this went on msnbc, but ive been expecting it for a couple of years now. I also expected to hear it after the fact. Seriously, and Leader of a country who uses the word Regime in relation to plans already in progress at time of speech, obviously does NOT have the people's best interests in mind. This kind of thing makes me really glad to be Canadian. Well, for now. I honestly and regrettably do not know enough about Canada/America relations at present, but, ever since i was many years younger, i have noticed a pretty obvious trend. The U.K. Does something, America copies, then Canada and Mexico follow suit. In regards to the "something", i speak in terms of mainstream....everything. Basically anything Secular. Also, not fully informed at the moment, i don't know if Britain has done the same thing or not. I just know this, Americans all over the country, in groups of i dont' know how large, or small, quietly and discreetly are being put into these "Incarceration" like buildings, that are labeled as "Residential", with signs telling ..visitors that they cannot bring anything into the building that might facilitate an escape. Former Governer of Minnesota(am i spelling that right?) Jesse Ventura visited one. Granted it was for his Conspiracy Theory Entertainment Show, but the facts are facts, no matter who presents them right? America is in Lockdown, everyone is being watched, or put on a list to be. The chip is coming. it is only going to take 1 "natural" disaster, or 1 "Terrorist" attack, 1 of either must be big enough to affect the whole country, and possibly abroad directly. You may be sceptical, but, the evidence is there that not only is FEMA preparing for large scale disaster in the United States of Bilderber....oops America, but they are doing it in a way that makes me think it's actually innevitable. And coming soon. Please research H.A.A.R.P. with an objective view, find out it's capabilities and ask yourself one question. If my goverment was able to manipulate the weather patterns, would they do it, and blame it on global warming if it furthered an agenda? Deep question sure, but still, think it over, sorry my very first thread was a little long winded. I never know what i'm gonna type until my fingers get goin.
Thanks for readin, have a great day.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 07:02 PM
It's not hopeless. You and I can see through it can't we? On a mass scale, that is out of our hands, but on an individual basis, the more people are taught to be able to see consciously through the subliminal symbols and double speak the more individual people will be awakened. And more people are awakening to it. These techniques are used not just by Obama but by the mass media in many forms. In commercials, in music videos, in movies. There are many people who have become so conscious of it that it is actually starting to bore them. So, no it is far from hopeless. Many particularly young people are massively aware. It warms my heart, how smart many of them are. You just might want to on top of studying mk-ultra and monarch programs also want to study how these techniques are used in the entertainment industry. One of the sites I like to tap into is

The comments aren't always the greatest but VC knows of what he/she speaks. I don't think we are meant to carry the whole world on our shoulders, nor can we. Sometimes it's good to just chill out for a while and think about how far we have come, there are greater powers at work. It's a Friday night, time to have a few smirnoff and listen to some good tunes. The world will still be here tomorrow. Take care and peace for now.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 07:35 PM
reply to post by batgirl

Thank you for the kind words, I hope you are right. I have been very vigilant with keeping my children up to date and aware. (they are 17 and 19) and they can see what Obama really is, thank god for that. I also try to discuss things with there friends when i can. Even when we get together with friends we always discuss what is going on. Lucky the majority of us are on the same side and we are slowly bringing the others around. What still amazes me is how some of them have no clue what is going on day to day. And these are people who are middle class, they are not worrying where there next meal is coming from, but they still do not venture out of the bubble of their own lives. They are ignorant of the world around them, it is so frustrating.

posted on Dec, 16 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by LightsideAssassin

Originally posted by FreedomCommander
reply to post by baddmove

can I shoot him? He's making my life more of a living hell, when I didn't even choose that.

That knock on your door? That's the US Secret Service. you might want to ease your rhetoric a bit there buddy...

Really, Dude. They have arrested teenagers for posting the same thing on facebook.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by batgirl
reply to post by timetothink

As for spreading the word, education is important. Basic knowledge concerning MK-Ultra and Monarch programming is also key. I believe NLP started with the MK-Ultra programs. There is alot of verified information concerning these programs out there. These programs never ended.

Just having a read about the MK-Ultra program now, first i've seen of it thanks bud. Can you suggest any resources?

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 03:43 PM

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by 46ACE
seriously old news: Maddows' piece was first uploaded May21, 2009

Why the astonishment?
(Most of "you guys"here voted for him...)

edit on 13-12-2011 by 46ACE because: (no reason given)

Just so long as, in the NEW "legal framework", it states at the end, very clearly - "may contain (among known hardened criminals) an innocent man" (or even an innocent scapegoat - JUDAS!) [and I'll betcha dollars to donuts that he was of Arabic descent..]



P.S. Don't worry, whoever he is, he's certain to be released and set free based solely on his sense of humor alone!

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by baddmove

i didnt think this was happening so fast..

guantanamo subjects my ass! this is purely for US citizens to imprison them and keep them down! this is utterly disgusting.

posted on Dec, 18 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by Hawking

This crazy stuff, here and abroad. If you are having bad feelings about America and someone you know is taken away without reason you will be more inclined to fight that. This will increase terrorism,perhaps rightly so, because it is proving what the terrorist are saying may be correct. that imperialism is killing people, cultures and countries. people do not sit around in cities across the world planning attacks because we are doing them favors
Typical Obama double talk.

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