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Predictions Of The Prophet Yoshiel

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posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:27 AM
Constructive Criticism

Welcome aboard, Indigo_Child! I love critics and criticism. While I certainly want to address your points on their individual merits, I offer two general points of criticism in response.

First, I recommend more generous use of carriage returns. They break up the post into more readable bits and make them easier on the eyes. In the case of really long paragraph-free posts, I will confess that I rarely read them, and I doubt I am alone in that.

Second, you have posted authoritatively about things you cannot possibly know, unless you are me, which you aren�t. I have made this mistake plenty of times, and still make it far too often, hence my mantra of telling people not to believe what I post.

While you can legitimately claim that my credibility may be adversely affected by an appearance of contrivance due to my incessant disclaimers, the opposite extreme is no better.

I offer these opinions as constructive criticism, meaning that they come with advice for improvement, namely the use of paragraphs and less a presumptuous posting voice.

But having said that, I think you make some excellent observations, which I would like to go over point-by-point. I have divided some sentences where I think separate examination is in order.

Let�s have a look�

Megalomania Unmasked?

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Yes, I certainly find you very self-centric, megalomanical�

I do experience bouts of mania from time to time, and who knows? Maybe that includes the megalo-mania variety as well. I know I can come across as self-centered and arrogant, to be sure, and in consulting Merriam�s OnLine:

Main Entry: meg�a�lo�ma�nia
1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur

Well, I can�t say that either definition doesn�t apply to me. I�m not really sure my feelings are infantile, but if they were, I probably wouldn�t know one way or the other.

I know I�m not omnipotent, and as for grandeur, that�s definitely in the eye of the beholder. While some of my visions are definitely grand, I can�t say the same about myself, as a rule.

The Lowest Bidder

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
�and I get the impression you are selling yourself here, in a desperate bid.

What am I actually selling? Me? Does anyone actually know who I am? If I am out to make a name for myself, wouldn�t it be wise to draw attention to a name I would use somewhere else?

�Majic� is a very common Internet handle. In fact, this is the only forum I am actually able to use that handle on, because it�s already taken on every other forum I visit. Even k00l_d00d_4788 would be a better choice, because at least it�s probably unique.

If this is intended as some sort of publicity stunt, there are definitely better ways to go about it. I�ll be the first to admit that if publicity is what this is all about, I suck at public relations.

My posts are an insignificant blip in a couple of relatively unpopular forums on a website that is huge beyond belief. I would get more �eye traffic� in the Mud Pit, for Pete�s sake.

If fame and fortune are really my goal, this is a pretty lame effort.

Angelyne�s Evil Twin?

Regarding attempts at bootstrap stardom, I am reminded of the story of Angelyne, a model who gained fame by posting her images on billboards around Hollywood -- at her own expense. While most people still have no idea who she is, she became a local icon through this simple act of shameless self-promotion.

My spiritual awakening, for good or ill, is documented online. While some of my more megalomaniacal predictions speak of world fame for me, I am hoping, frankly, that such recognition will be posthumous, if it ever comes at all.

I wouldn�t mind at all being both wrong and obscure, for the record. A silly old hermit with delusions of grandeur? Better than being a walking, talking celebrity handgun target. I am rather fond of my privacy, ironically enough.

If I am just an anonymous voice in the wilderness, and no one ever hears about me, I will be ecstatic. I don�t need money, and am having serious second thoughts about all of this, I won�t deny. If I die as a person known only to friends and family, I will die happy.

We�ll see how it goes, I suppose.

The Curse Of Literacy

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
All your postings are embellished, polished, refined, and full of unabashed appeals to the ATS members.

I�m not sure this is a criticism. Would you be willing to clarify what is wrong with any of these things?

A lot of that polish comes from reading and re-reading my writings both before and after I post them. I don�t consider that a bad thing in any way, shape or form, and wish more of my fellow contributors would do the same.

One of the stated goals for ATS and its affiliated sites is to encourage quality in its content, and I do my best to aid the site operators in achieving that goal. If that�s a problem then consider me a problem child.

Reverse Reverse Psychology

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Even in your signature, you appeal to credibility, using reverse-psychology: "Do not believe anything I write" or your constant questioning of your state of mind or your psychological condition, in this artificial public display of objectivity and self-criticism.

I�m not sure what alternatives make sense. Should I tell people to believe what I post? Would that be any better? The honest-to-God truth is that my self-directed questions are genuine and many remain unanswered.

The danger of posting stuff like this almost in real time is that I don�t get a chance to think things over, try other ideas behind the scenes and post what I think is most likely to appeal to a focus group.

I don�t claim to be objective. In fact, I don�t think anyone, even the Creator, can be objective, so I have no idea where you got that notion from. Not from me, I am sure.

As for artifice, how can you possibly know if my self-criticism is artificial? I claim to be a prophet, yes, and a writer/philosopher as well. But I don�t claim to be able to read the minds of others. Do you?

Opaque Transparency

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It leaves a very transparant subtext, and contrary to your efforts to garner credibility, it detracts from your credibility.

I can understand your skepticism, seeing my disclaimers as contrived. I wonder about that myself, even though I know the importance of them on many levels.

But would a lack of disclaimers be any more credible? I think you are criticizing me for making a wrong choice where there really isn�t a better choice.

I can�t post any of this stuff without disclaimers, because I truly, honestly, genuinely, absolutely do not know if any of it is true. To suggest otherwise would be an unforgivable lie, even though I am gaining confidence over time.

Regardless, what reasonable alternative do I have but to be honest about my doubts?

As for my credibility, it is what it is. Remember, I offer everything I post without warranty. There are numerous reasons for this. Chief among them is that you don�t know who I am, or if this is all some sort of mind game (if it is, the joke�s on me).

I started insisting on disclaimers when I began studying perception management and saw how pervasive the practice is. In spiritual matters, it seems to me like there simply aren�t proper words in English for the warnings that should be included.

People, myself most definitely included, can and will believe the craziest things taken at face value. It is precisely this tendency that blinds us from the truth, which can only be found within each of us.

The grim irony is that no matter how emphatically I repeat this fundamental message, it will still be overlooked and inevitably replaced by false assumptions and self-deceit.

All I can do is keep repeating it: Don�t believe me, look to the truth within you instead! Et ceterah, et ceterah, et ceterahhhhhh�

�and still be ignored.

Flying Off The Fast Track

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It appears you are using the net as a fast-track route to spiritual superstardom. It will not work.

I�m hoping you�re right about this �not working�. While I do feel compelled to publicly share my opinions and prophecies, I don�t feel compelled to go to a great deal of effort to do so. After all, it�s not like I�m buying press releases on PR Newswire or trolling the spiritualist community for groupies.

People with much wackier and less coherent ideas than mine have gotten a lot more followers than I could ever want (which happens to be zero, but still), so if that was my game, I think I could play it much better than this.

�Look within�? No! Look to meeee! I�m the one with the answers. Put your hands against the television set and feel the presence of the Lord! Send your pledge now and keep Baby Jesus from crying!

If cultivating a following is my goal, I�m going about it all wrong. Fast-track route to spiritual superstardom? I�ve gotten many more visits from discarnate spirits than phone calls or visits from strangers (to date: none. Yay!).

Some of these spirits seem to want to find me physically, but it�s not as easy as it sounds. As far as I can tell, none of them know I am �Majic�, for example, because that�s not my real name or �spiritual� name.

And if you saw me walking down the street, I am certain you would have no idea that it was me. Physically, I don�t look at all like someone who would write stuff like this, believe that if you believe nothing else I write!

While it may seem otherwise from some of my more self-aggrandizing predictions, I really have no interest in fame. I already have fortune -- I have time to write because I am retired, and comfortably so.

Up until my retirement, though, I had never held a job in my life that would have given me the spare time to do any of this. When I work, I work damn hard, and everything else, including life itself, takes a back seat to my work. If I want more money, I can make plenty without resorting to some lame publicity stunt.

It sounds like braggadocio to say this, I know, but my r�sum� could land me a very nice job, and who knows, maybe some fame if I wanted it. If I�m desperate, it isn�t for money.

Maybe I have an unrequited subconscious desire for fame, but if so, it�s well hidden from me. I like a quiet, anonymous life on a remote ranch in the desert -- that�s why I moved out here!

Of course, all this could be a cover story, and maybe I�m some upstart kid who wants to break out and make my way in the world. But the truth is, I am really not that hungry.

Lackluster Prophecies

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
It will not work, because, even if your predictions come to pass, even if you are authentic, your predictions are too generic and vague, and root in educated speculation and borrowed conspiracies: India and Pakistan going to war? NWO? Unification of Koreas? Israel declaring it's nuclear status? Alien disclosure? DNA scanning? Is there anything in your treasure trove of prophecies that is even slightly original?

I know what you mean. It�s rather disappointing to find myself seemingly parroting the same old lines.

In particular, since I rejected Christianity as a religion that worships a false idol, it is disheartening to see so much Christian symbolism in my spiritualism. I would definitely prefer something cooler, like Zen Taoism or something like that, maybe with a little Sun Tzu thrown in for panache. Christianity just ain�t sexy.

The problem of �originality� in prophecy lies in the methods. If I considered this an exercise in creative writing, I would most definitely prefer predictions with a twist, a hook, a better angle -- in other words, something catchy and more believable just for its novelty.

But that�s not where this stuff comes from, tritely contrived though it may seem. The fact is that I truly don�t think I am making this stuff up, just calling it as I see it -- and from the past, not the future, at that. Unless I am fooling myself, creativity has absolutely nothing to do with this process.

Opinions can vary, but �originality� in prophecy would itself be cause for concern, in my opinion. As it is, examples of prophets who are creative are far more numerous than examples of prophets who are right.

If I was setting out to write fiction, I assure you it would be a hell of a lot more creative and engaging than my prophecies!

The Back And Forth

So there�s my characteristically lengthy response to a relatively compact set of criticisms. I started a blog today to record this stuff, sort of as a backup, but as I have mentioned before, I prefer the discussion forum for its instant feedback and interactive atmosphere.

Some of your points I have addressed with statements, some with questions. Megalomaniac that I am, I am sure you came to ATS/BTS for reasons totally unrelated to me, and wouldn�t have it any other way.

Thus if this is the extent of our exchange, I am grateful for your comments, and that you took the time to post them.

If your time and inclination permit, however, I certainly look forward to hearing more from you. In particular, I found a lot of your points to be similar to those raised in my own internal dialog.

I will confide that my original first-impulse reply to your post was going to be much more succinct (and thus probably better), and here it is: �It seems I�m not the only prophet posting to this thread.�

That was going to be a smarmy knock at your presumption of knowing my thoughts, but it sounded too sarcastic, hence the long version (lucky you

While I don�t expect you to necessarily change your views of me or my motives (I kind of hope you don�t -- I really like skeptics), I can say that I do enjoy reading them!

Best regards,


[Edited on 9/22/2004 by Majic]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 06:47 AM
Magic, your predictions into the "future" unobservable universe, are prophecies. My, deconstruction of your mindset, is psychoanalysis. I do not prophecize.

First, I recommend more generous use of carriage returns. They break up the post into more readable bits and make them easier on the eyes. In the case of really long paragraph-free posts, I will confess that I rarely read them, and I doubt I am alone in that.

As far as I am concerned, one paragrapth was sufficient for what I wanted to convey.

Second, you have posted authoritatively about things you cannot possibly know, unless you are me, which you aren�t. I have made this mistake plenty of times, and still make it far too often, hence my mantra of telling people not to believe what I post.

I do not profess to "know" I am listening to my intuitive voice, a composite of my imaginative and logical mind, and gauging everything you say by it. So far, I have no reason to believe I am wrong about you. In fact, you have confirmed, both directly and indirectly, many of my observations

I offer these opinions as constructive criticism, meaning that they come with advice for improvement, namely the use of paragraphs and less a presumptuous posting voice.

But having said that, I think you make some excellent observations, which I would like to go over point-by-point. I have divided some sentences where I think separate examination is in order.

Let�s have a look�

I find your tone arrogant and patronizing, and your text itself, humerous. I am not the one making grandiose claims of grande spiritual ascension, and claming to be a prophet. While I appreciate your "examination" it is really you who are subject to the scrutiny here, and carry the burden of proof. Till you do not substantiate your claims and/or provide more evidential material, you have not earned the due of teaching me or enlightening me. So I would appreciate, you don't

I do experience bouts of mania from time to time, and who knows? Maybe that includes the megalo-mania variety as well. I know I can come across as self-centered and arrogant, to be sure, and in consulting Merriam�s OnLine :

Main Entry: meg�a�lo�ma�nia
1 : a mania for great or grandiose performance
2 : a delusional mental disorder that is marked by infantile feelings of personal omnipotence and grandeur

Well, I can�t say that either definition doesn�t apply to me. I�m not really sure my feelings are infantile, but if they were, I probably wouldn�t know one way or the other.

I know I�m not omnipotent, and as for grandeur, that�s definitely in the eye of the beholder. While some of my visions are definitely grand, I can�t say the same about myself, as a rule.

Im glad that you know you're not omnipotent. I never said you were. I am even surprised you had to disclaim this. I think '1' fits you very aptly: "A mania for great or grandiose performance" In consulting the same for the definition of "grandiose"

1 : characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor or by absurd exaggeration
2 : impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or grandeur
I will revert to these definitions later:

Majic� is a very common Internet handle. In fact, this is the only forum I am actually able to use that handle on, because it�s already taken on every other forum I visit. Even k00l_d00d_4788 would be a better choice, because at least it�s probably unique.

If this is intended as some sort of publicity stunt, there are definitely better ways to go about it. I�ll be the first to admit that if publicity is what this is all about, I suck at public relations.

My posts are an insignificant blip in a couple of relatively unpopular forums on a website that is huge beyond belief. I would get more �eye traffic� in the Mud Pit, for Pete�s sake.

It is your personality you are selling here. This is your window of opportunity to broadcast your delusions/prophecies/predictions into the public domain, what could seem like an attempt to become a z-grade celebrity, like John Titor. As a matter of fact, John Titor's rise to fame, was from an insignificant and relatively unpopular site. Since John Titor, many would-be-prophets have come out of the woodwork, and made all sorts of claims. However, unlike John Titor, the vast majority of these, have not been able to provide any substance, and thus fade into oblivion. Are you destined for the same?

I wouldn�t mind at all being both wrong and obscure, for the record. A silly old hermit with delusions of grandeur? Better than being a walking, talking celebrity handgun target. I am rather fond of my privacy, ironically enough.

You cannot be wrong, because your predictions cannot be falsified, they are generic and indefinite. Here is my own prediction: "Next year, something bad will happen"

I�m not sure this is a criticism. Would you be willing to clarify what is wrong with any of these things?

A lot of that polish comes from reading and re-reading my writings both before and after I post them. I don�t consider that a bad thing in any way, shape or form, and wish more of my fellow contributors would do the same.

One of the stated goals for ATS and its affiliated sites is to encourage quality in its content, and I do my best to aid the site operators in achieving that goal. If that�s a problem then consider me a problem child.

This is not criticism; it is psychoanalysis. You seem to confuse "quality of content" with "embellishment of content" All I aim for is functional and effective communication, unless my purpose is art or embellishment. When I finish composing my reply, I delete more than half of what is said, because it detracts from the crux of the message.

I have some advice for you. This is a discussion forum, of largely informal discussion. Not the bookerprize auditions. Do not constrain yourself with the literacy. I promised I would revert to the definition of grandiose: "2: impressive because of uncommon largeness, scope, effect, or gradeur" The quality you propound is ostentatious, and that alone, gives me insight into your psyche. I always try to see the forest for the trees.

I�m not sure what alternatives make sense. Should I tell people to believe what I post? Would that be any better? The honest-to-God truth is that my self-directed questions are genuine and many remain unanswered.

The danger of posting stuff like this almost in real time is that I don�t get a chance to think things over, try other ideas behind the scenes and post what I think is most likely to appeal to a focus group.

I don�t claim to be objective. In fact, I don�t think anyone, even the Creator, can be objective, so I have no idea where you got that notion from. Not from me, I am sure

"because I truly, honestly, genuinely, absolutely do not know if any of it is true." You do know.

-"My predictions are based on my visions/dreams/spiritual revelations as I see them, I do not know if any of it is really true. I advise reader discretion"

The problem of �originality� in prophecy lies in the methods. If I considered this an exercise in creative writing, I would most definitely prefer predictions with a twist, a hook, a better angle -- in other words, something catchy and more believable just for its novelty.

Originality? If you said to me "On x date, in y location, the event Z will happen" at least your prediction could be falsifiable. You are not really making predictions/prophecies you are stating eventualities. Yet you claim the status of prophet? Yeah, you are a prophet, and so are stock-market analysts.

While I don�t expect you to necessarily change your views of me or my motives (I kind of hope you don�t -- I really like skeptics), I can say that I do enjoy reading them!

I am open-minded. I do not disbelieve you, nor do I believe you. I just think you should not make such extraordinary claims without substantiation and being sure of it yourself.

[QUOTE]Back and Forth

We can go back and fourth forever, but you will still be the one holding the burden of proof, and thus always on the losing front.

[Edited on 22-9-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 06:15 AM
Is This Really About Me?

Indigo_Child, overall I think your criticisms of me are warranted. I will also add that they don�t even begin to scratch the surface of things I deserve criticism for.

In going into the subject of me however, and talking about me, whether pro or con, I am failing to do what I should be doing. The more I do this, the more I fail, so I will try to stay on message.

You could definitely ask for a more worthy messenger, I will not deny it. But nonetheless, I ask that you overlook my faults and focus on the merits or lack of them in my message.

Following My Own Advice

I have now had enough time to decide whether or not I think my messages are real. Because I am prone to error, I cannot say that everything I have said is absolutely true, but not because the concepts are not true.

Just trying to express this stuff in English is dicey at best, and we have already determined that I have enough personal issues to obscure the message itself, as has been done.

My flowery style is a distraction to you, but it comes not only from my eccentricities, but from my conviction that I should be careful with my choice of words, and that these things deserve to be recorded with care. I really do think this is important work.

I know my disclaimers will tend to lead you to see guile in my statements where it is not intended, but to encourage blind credulity on your part would be to do the exact opposite of what I should be doing. Too much evil has been done by those who demand unearned trust, and I cannot bring myself to do the same.

My message is that you should trust nothing but the truth that lies within you, yet I say this with what appears to be distrust in myself. You are right to object to the hypocrisy I am displaying by failing to follow my own advice.

It is reasonable to point out this fallacy, and I am grateful for your doing so.

What I Honestly Believe To Be True

So I�m going to tell you what I really believe, and I specifically waive all disclaimers for this. I am as sure of these things as I am sure of anything, and I�m not going to lie to you about them. Here it is:

I believe that we are indeed, each and every soul, every one of us, a child of the Creator. We carry within us, each of us, all the memories which we shared at the last Convergence.

I had a vision of the last Convergence, and it was one of the most intensely real things I can ever recall experiencing. If it was not true, then I am hopelessly incapable of ever knowing truth.

Any one of us can know all that every soul knew when we were last joined as One simply by finding these memories within us. You will know them when you find them. The Kingdom of God is within you.

I believe that we are indestructible and immortal in spirit, and that each of us is indispensable to the process of Creation. Not a single soul can be left out, and therefore not a single one of us is more important than any other.

Once awakened, no soul may be destroyed. A soul can never cease to exist, because it is simply not possible within the framework of Creation.

I believe that the demand for or grant of any form of worship is a lie and a deception, because we are all brothers and sisters, and none is more important than another in Creation.

I believe that all paths come from the Creator and that all paths lead to the same end: Convergence. There is no eternal damnation for any of us, unless you consider eternal existence without the ability to choose oblivion to be damnation. There is always hope for every soul, and anyone who says otherwise is either mistaken or lying.

Once we have shared all that we have learned in this cycle of existence, we will part and each go on to create our own new universes, Diverging as the previous Creator did, and adding a new soul as the previous Creator did. There is one soul in this universe which did not exist in the last, just as it has always been.

I believe that we have done this trillions of times before already, and that the number of souls in existence corresponds to the number of cycles of existence since the Original Creator. The soul of the Original Creator is among us, one of us.

I believe that our ultimate goal is the attainment of Freewill, which means existence in a reality that will never Converge, but that we are still many Cycles away from that goal.

But I also believe that will never achieve Freewill unless we continue to try to assert it. Thus we must always struggle to break the chains of Destiny that bind us, and �fight the future�, by which we are really fighting a repetition of the past.

I am as sure of these things as I am sure of anything. If I am wrong about them, then I cannot be sure of anything. My confidence in these things is as high as it can be, despite my penchant for skepticism. I believe they are true.

All That Matters

It is ultimately not important for anyone to believe any of this, including me, because belief or disbelief will not change the way things really are.

If I am right, we will all know soon enough. If I am wrong, no harm done. Am I advocating anything that would be destructive to anyone?

Under what circumstances should we ever not look within? Should we be blind to our true selves? Should we fear who we truly are? No!

Make what you want of my shortcomings, they are plain enough for all to see. But I challenge you to look within yourself and see the truth that awaits you there.

In doing so, I knowingly and deliberately place the �burden of proof� back on you. The truth is within you, right where it belongs.

When you find the memory of the last Convergence within you, it will be undeniable, because no words ever written can prepare you for it. You will know it when you experience it.

Look for it. Find it.

posted on Sep, 27 2004 @ 07:13 PM

What if...

Somehow, you connected through some medium and that YOU are the cause of these predictions. After some thinking about prophets and fortune tellers, I've come to the conclusion that they might be the ones who make their events happen, and not the other way around.

As for the convergence, maybe it's true. The only problem is I can't find the matricial membrane or what it is. Or cant penetrate it yet...

[Edited on 27-9-2004 by Desmond]

posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 12:13 AM
Whose Line Is It Anyway?

Originally posted by Desmond
What if...

Somehow, you connected through some medium and that YOU are the cause of these predictions. After some thinking about prophets and fortune tellers, I've come to the conclusion that they might be the ones who make their events happen, and not the other way around.

I have thought about this and joked about it rather crassly in another thread, and of course can�t really know for sure one way or another -- at least, for now. Nonetheless, I�m pretty sure I�m not going to be the cause of anything major, or at least not the sole cause.

In fact, I am seriously debating whether I should just shut my big yap, focus more attention on meditation and stop all this grandstanding in the forums. If I�m right about all this, then it�s going to happen no matter what I do, so why not do what I enjoy most?

When you get down to it, the main thing that draws me to post this stuff publicly is curiosity. Will someone else see what I have seen? If others start finding corroborating memories, I would very much like to hear about it!

As for changing the world, despite my delusions of grandeur, I am becoming less and less interested in trying to do that myself. Even if I�m supposed to do something important, I�m not sure I�m suited for it.

It�s a recurring theme in my meditations, and an issue that leads me to choose a relatively conservative path. For now, I try to reassure myself that I will know what I will need to know when it really counts.

Here�s hoping that doesn�t need to be much!

Pushing The Envelope

Originally posted by Desmond
As for the convergence, maybe it's true. The only problem is I can't find the matricial membrane or what it is. Or cant penetrate it yet�

The biggest challenge facing me when looking within was coming to recognize memories as memories, instead of dissociated and meaningless images and impressions.

I think we tend to reject memory images that don�t match the parameters of our current incarnation, thinking them to be imagination or fantasy. This may be, or at least bear some relationship to the �matricial membrane� you are referring to.

Skeptic that I am, there must still be a leap of faith in there somewhere. In my case, I got a foothold by simply accepting that sure, maybe all this is nonsense, but why not explore it anyway, just for fun?

By looking at meditation as a sort of exercise in imagination, and not prejudging what came from my meditations, enough started falling into place to make me realize that there was a consistency to some images and emotional impressions that suggested they may be more than mere flights of fancy.

By remaining skeptical but not dismissing things out of hand, I managed to begin assembling some of my past life memories into intelligible forms.

Index Search

While the Society of Light may have played some part in triggering a vision of remembrance, I am pretty sure that the vision itself was a memory contained within me, and one I most assuredly will never forget.

While I have been busy with many different things, one experiment of interest to me is seeing if I can locate memories by visualizing key elements of them, sort of like a fast search feature.

In the case of Convergence, there are two main properties I will concentrate on for the first series of tests:

1) The dazzling white light emanating from what looked like a blue giant sun, surrounded by stars and nebulae, and

2) The intense feelings of joy and togetherness that I felt during the last Convergence. They are powerful and hard to ignore.

You may have some luck if you look for these things within you.

I�m not worried about the power of suggestion tainting the search process, because nothing I have written anywhere could possibly prepare you for what will happen if you discover a memory of Convergence.

You will know it is real because experiencing it will change you forever.

Good luck, and please keep me posted!

posted on Sep, 30 2004 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by Majic

You could definitely ask for a more worthy messenger, I will not deny it. But nonetheless, I ask that you overlook my faults and focus on the merits or lack of them in my message.

All I ask for, are acceptable predictions, in the format of X(event) in Y(location) on Z(date) Other combinations are also permissable, provided they are falsifiable, beyond speculation and chance.

It is reasonable to point out this fallacy, and I am grateful for your doing so.

If you are going to make predictions, and claim prohethood, then stand by them. Do you blame myself, and others, for being dubious then?

I believe that we are indeed, each and every soul, every one of us, a child of the Creator. We carry within us, each of us, all the memories which we shared at the last Convergence.

I had a vision of the last Convergence, and it was one of the most intensely real things I can ever recall experiencing. If it was not true, then I am hopelessly incapable of ever knowing truth.

Any one of us can know all that every soul knew when we were last joined as One simply by finding these memories within us. You will know them when you find them. The Kingdom of God is within you.

I believe that we are indestructible and immortal in spirit, and that each of us is indispensable to the process of Creation. Not a single soul can be left out, and therefore not a single one of us is more important than any other.

Once awakened, no soul may be destroyed. A soul can never cease to exist, because it is simply not possible within the framework of Creation.

I believe that the demand for or grant of any form of worship is a lie and a deception, because we are all brothers and sisters, and none is more important than another in Creation.

I believe that all paths come from the Creator and that all paths lead to the same end: Convergence. There is no eternal damnation for any of us, unless you consider eternal existence without the ability to choose oblivion to be damnation. There is always hope for every soul, and anyone who says otherwise is either mistaken or lying.

Once we have shared all that we have learned in this cycle of existence, we will part and each go on to create our own new universes, Diverging as the previous Creator did, and adding a new soul as the previous Creator did. There is one soul in this universe which did not exist in the last, just as it has always been.

I believe that we have done this trillions of times before already, and that the number of souls in existence corresponds to the number of cycles of existence since the Original Creator. The soul of the Original Creator is among us, one of us.

I believe that our ultimate goal is the attainment of Freewill, which means existence in a reality that will never Converge, but that we are still many Cycles away from that goal.

But I also believe that will never achieve Freewill unless we continue to try to assert it. Thus we must always struggle to break the chains of Destiny that bind us, and �fight the future�, by which we are really fighting a repetition of the past.

I am as sure of these things as I am sure of anything. If I am wrong about them, then I cannot be sure of anything. My confidence in these things is as high as it can be, despite my penchant for skepticism. I believe they are true.

I agree with many of your beliefs, except for "But I also believe that will never achieve Freewill unless we continue to try to assert it. Thus we must always struggle to break the chains of Destiny that bind us, and �fight the future�, by which we are really fighting a repetition of the past." you made this post due to an act of free will. That said, I do not see what this has to do with the topic.

If I am right, we will all know soon enough. If I am wrong, no harm done. Am I advocating anything that would be destructive to anyone?

It would be impossible to verify if you were right. You also cannot be wrong. Let's look at one of your predictions:

India and Pakistan will have a nuclear war

If India and Pakistan sign a peace treaty tommorow, it still does not mean you are wrong, as it is occurrs in an indefinite period, if later they go to nuclear war, your "prediction" is thus fulfilled.

Under what circumstances should we ever not look within? Should we be blind to our true selves? Should we fear who we truly are? No!

Make what you want of my shortcomings, they are plain enough for all to see. But I challenge you to look within yourself and see the truth that awaits you there.

In doing so, I knowingly and deliberately place the �burden of proof� back on you. The truth is within you, right where it belongs.

Again, I am not the one claiming to be a prophet here. You are the one making the claim, and it is thus your burden to prove it. You can do this, by making acceptable predictions, and the proof will come when the prediction fulfills itself.

You claim to be a magician and a psychic, can you demonstrate these abilities to me. Feel free to U2U me.

[Edited on 30-9-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 4 2004 @ 10:15 PM
Taxed Prophets

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
All I ask for, are acceptable predictions, in the format of X(event) in Y(location) on Z(date) Other combinations are also permissable, provided they are falsifiable, beyond speculation and chance.

A reasonable request which I doubt I can satisfy. The problem lies in my methods.

Since I cannot see the future, only the past -- and only my questionable interpretations of it, at that, I cannot really know when things will happen, or if they will happen again at all for that matter. Even the rather vague things I offer are subject to being quite wrong under the best of circumstances.

Having said that, I suppose with continued meditation and study that I may be able to put some dates on some of these things eventually. But my interests are less focused on prophecy these days, so I don�t recommend holding your breath waiting for them.

The truth is that I never wanted to be a prophet, and although I felt a rush of excitement when I first realized that I really am one, I am still extremely ambivalent about the job. As of late, I�m looking at meditating much more and posting about it much less.

There�s just too much baggage that goes along with prophecy. I see much more of a need for self-improvement than prophetic grandstanding, which seems to appeal to aspects of my personality that don�t need further encouragement.

No One To Blame

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
If you are going to make predictions, and claim prohethood, then stand by them. Do you blame myself, and others, for being dubious then?

Actually I would be very disappointed if anyone took any of my writings at face value, including those friends and relatives I have referred to this thread. I think I have gone well beyond the call of duty in drawing attention to my own doubts about all of this.

So I would like to reiterate that I both appreciate and encourage your continued skepticism. Despite my mild and vain protestations on a few details, I would prefer that you not believe any of this just because I have written it, but I am hopeful that maybe your curiosity about what lies within you may be piqued, as mine has been.

Fighting The Future

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
In response to my statements about what I believe

I agree with many of your beliefs, except for "But I also believe that will never achieve Freewill unless we continue to try to assert it. Thus we must always struggle to break the chains of Destiny that bind us, and �fight the future�, by which we are really fighting a repetition of the past." you made this post due to an act of free will. That said, I do not see what this has to do with the topic.

Good people can disagree on many things. As for �fighting the future�, I suspect we each do this in our own ways, whether consciously or not.

You should know that I am fighting the future in my own way, which is why I have such mixed feelings about all of this. As I feel destiny�s grip close around me, I look for ways to do something -- anything -- that is new and unprecedented.

Problematically, I have apparently felt this way before, and have done many things in past cycles of existence that might be considered somewhat rash as a consequence, but to no avail. Destiny is a more subtle prison than any of us knows.

Weasel-Worded Prophecies

Originally posted by Indigo_Child

Originally posted by Majic
If I am right, we will all know soon enough. If I am wrong, no harm done. Am I advocating anything that would be destructive to anyone?

It would be impossible to verify if you were right. You also cannot be wrong. Let's look at one of your predictions:

India and Pakistan will have a nuclear war

If India and Pakistan sign a peace treaty tommorow, it still does not mean you are wrong, as it is occurrs in an indefinite period, if later they go to nuclear war, your "prediction" is thus fulfilled.

Yup. By not including deadlines, that pretty much leaves the door open indefinitely, which makes my predictions completely unsuitable for planning anything.

I�m still not sure if that�s a bad thing or not, especially since I am coming to see the importance of working to make these things not come to pass.

Maybe I�ll change my mind about that policy later, I don�t know, and don�t claim to know. My own future is the cloudiest, confusing and indistinct thing I see. Thank God!

Beasts Of Burden

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
Again, I am not the one claiming to be a prophet here. You are the one making the claim, and it is thus your burden to prove it. You can do this, by making acceptable predictions, and the proof will come when the prediction fulfills itself.

Well, I do indeed claim to be a prophet, but as for proving it, I choose to rely on good old Merriam-Webster Online:

Main Entry: proph�et
Pronunciation: 'pr�-f&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English prophete, from Old French, from Latin propheta, from Greek prophEtEs, from pro for + phanai to speak -- more at FOR, BAN
1 : one who utters divinely inspired revelations; specifically often capitalized : the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Old Testament
2 : one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; especially : an inspired poet
3 : one who foretells future events : PREDICTOR
4 : an effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group
5 Christian Science a : a spiritual seer b : disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth
- proph�et�hood /-"hud/ noun

I maintain that at least one of these definitions applies to me, but leave which ones up to the reader to decide. If you think none of them apply to me, fair enough, but I am convinced that at least one does.

So I�ll consider the question of proving I am a prophet to be moot.

The Amazing Majic-o?

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
You claim to be a magician and a psychic, can you demonstrate these abilities to me. Feel free to U2U me.

Actually, I�m pretty sure I haven�t claimed to be a magician or a psychic, but if I have done so and you can point out where, I�d be happy to have a look at those claims.

I have done some sorcery and some prophecy, and have experimented with many things, but I don�t think of myself as either a magician or a psychic. I also doubt I�ll be looking into those fields of study per se.

Rather, it is increasingly clear to me as time goes by that I am only beginning to learn anything of consequence on a spiritual basis. Thus I have decided that my meditations should be focused on the pursuit of knowledge more than anything else.

While I have many things I would like to know more about, it is without a doubt most important that I come to know more about myself first. This is a course of study I can recommend to anyone.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 08:58 AM
I think you need two weeks with Team Sickboy in Northern Ireland, as i could take you to a few places your mind could not.

You could always just go to your local school (wink wink)


Go take a visit to the white house (wink wink)

Go on lad, step-up and be the man.

posted on Oct, 5 2004 @ 10:28 PM

A reasonable request which I doubt I can satisfy. The problem lies in my methods.

Since I cannot see the future, only the past -- and only my questionable interpretations of it, at that, I cannot really know when things will happen, or if they will happen again at all for that matter. Even the rather vague things I offer are subject to being quite wrong under the best of circumstances.

Having said that, I suppose with continued meditation and study that I may be able to put some dates on some of these things eventually. But my interests are less focused on prophecy these days, so I don�t recommend holding your breath waiting for them.

The truth is that I never wanted to be a prophet, and although I felt a rush of excitement when I first realized that I really am one, I am still extremely ambivalent about the job. As of late, I�m looking at meditating much more and posting about it much less.

There�s just too much baggage that goes along with prophecy. I see much more of a need for self-improvement than prophetic grandstanding, which seems to appeal to aspects of my personality that don�t need further encouragement.

Good luck with your meditation. If this makes you feel better, I don't think of you as a prophet.

Actually I would be very disappointed if anyone took any of my writings at face value, including those friends and relatives I have referred to this thread. I think I have gone well beyond the call of duty in drawing attention to my own doubts about all of this.

So I would like to reiterate that I both appreciate and encourage your continued skepticism. Despite my mild and vain protestations on a few details, I would prefer that you not believe any of this just because I have written it, but I am hopeful that maybe your curiosity about what lies within you may be piqued, as mine has been.

I am curious, but again, as your predictions do not conform with the parameters of a prediction, I am not going to speculate further. Once you make a prediction that is acceptable, my curiosity will be piqued enough to test it. It only takes the fulfillment of one prediction, that is beyond chance and speculation, as incontrovertiable proof for me. Provided you only roll once, twice and I won't mind thrice.

Good people can disagree on many things. As for �fighting the future�, I suspect we each do this in our own ways, whether consciously or not.

You should know that I am fighting the future in my own way, which is why I have such mixed feelings about all of this. As I feel destiny�s grip close around me, I look for ways to do something -- anything -- that is new and unprecedented.

Problematically, I have apparently felt this way before, and have done many things in past cycles of existence that might be considered somewhat rash as a consequence, but to no avail. Destiny is a more subtle prison than any of us knows.

We experience the same lessons again, if we have not learnt them before. You will be emancipated from the prison of destiny, once you learn it. Time is cyclic they say, but I also think it is linear. We go in ever-expanding circles, on an upside down cone towards infinity. If there was no infinity, then the universe would lack meaning and purpose. Once the soul has reunitied into the creator, after climbing the vibrational continum, going through countless life lessons, why would he detach again? I liken it to the soul being the thought manifestations of god, and as thoughts can never transcend the mind, the soul can never attain the infinity. It is a journey that never ends; constant life; constant experience; constant being.

Maybe I�ll change my mind about that policy later, I don�t know, and don�t claim to know. My own future is the cloudiest, confusing and indistinct thing I see. Thank God!

Well without fulfilling the normal parameters of a prediction; it isn't a prediction.

Well, I do indeed claim to be a prophet, but as for proving it, I choose to rely on good old Merriam-Webster Online:

Main Entry: proph�et
Pronunciation: 'pr�-f&t
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English prophete, from Old French, from Latin propheta, from Greek prophEtEs, from pro for + phanai to speak -- more at FOR, BAN
1 : one who utters divinely inspired revelations; specifically often capitalized : the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Old Testament
2 : one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight; especially : an inspired poet
3 : one who foretells future events : PREDICTOR
4 : an effective or leading spokesman for a cause, doctrine, or group
5 Christian Science a : a spiritual seer b : disappearance of material sense before the conscious facts of spiritual Truth
- proph�et�hood /-"hud/ noun

I maintain that at least one of these definitions applies to me, but leave which ones up to the reader to decide. If you think none of them apply to me, fair enough, but I am convinced that at least one does.

So I�ll consider the question of proving I am a prophet to be moot.

I am not going to get into a discussion of semantics. The above definitions can be used for several context. Your context is specific and underlined:

My contention in posting my prophecies here is that prophetic authority comes from spiritual inspiration, which I claim, and not necessarily from having lived hundreds or thousands of years ago, which, ironically, I suppose I can also claim. While I do not know the details, for reasons that will become clear to anyone who knows my story, I do believe that every single prophecy I announce will, before The End, come to pass.

but by far the most dramatic revelation came in the form of a visitation by an archangel, Saint Vanessa. I have known her in previous lives, and my name for her is Sweet One, although the name under which she has both lived before and labors now is Miriel. She was not born to this name, but it was I myself in a past life, as a Yassid rabbi born �Yeshua� but named �Yoshe� by her, who gave her this name, to her enduring delight.

After a recent period of rediscovery of one another made possible by my spiritual awakening, I invited Miriel to remain within me for the rest of my physical life here, and she consented. From our joining, a new �entity� was formed, whose name, �Yoshiel� is derived from the names �Yoshe� and Miriel�.

You claimed to be some ascended soul on a mission. You claim to have revelations from archangels and divinity. You claim to make prophecies. Therefore definition 1 and 3 fits your claims. Now can you prove it? No. Therefore there is no justification or proof for your claims of prophethood.

Actually, I�m pretty sure I haven�t claimed to be a magician or a psychic, but if I have done so and you can point out where, I�d be happy to have a look at those claims.

I have done some sorcery and some prophecy, and have experimented with many things, but I don�t think of myself as either a magician or a psychic. I also doubt I�ll be looking into those fields of study per se.

Rather, it is increasingly clear to me as time goes by that I am only beginning to learn anything of consequence on a spiritual basis. Thus I have decided that my meditations should be focused on the pursuit of knowledge more than anything else.

While I have many things I would like to know more about, it is without a doubt most important that I come to know more about myself first. This is a course of study I can recommend to anyone.

You are back-tracking now. I've seen you do it quite a few times as this discussion has progressed, such as going back on your beliefs in your own predictions. Now you are going back on your supposed powers. You have written an extensive thread on your ability to affect others from distance with sorcery, and claimed many such feats. You claim to remember all your past lives. You claim to have visions and spiritual revelations. You claim to be a prophet. This IS psychic ability. If what you claim is true, you have exceptional psychic ability.

Now demonstrate it for me, by performing a positive action and affecting me. U2U me, we'll arrange a time, you do something; a reading, sending me some energy, a good spell, something that will elicit a response from me, and I'll give you feedback. I am not trying to show you up, I know psychic ability exists, and I also know prophets have come and gone, and you may well be one, and my curiosity is piqued enough for me to validate if you really are who you say you are.

[Edited on 5-10-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Oct, 6 2004 @ 05:54 AM
From what i have read you seem like a fairly clever person, you may in fact have predictions of the future, as do i and many of the other people do. The problem is, none of your predictions have seemed to have happened, nor are you answering any of the questions asked to you.

I agree, that when the prediction first start happening it can be confusing and disorianting. I myself was not a religious person but in febuary 2002 i had a terrible dream followed by several others. Then for the next few months, i kept seeing more and more things. In August of 2002, my first prediction happened. Today i have had 17 Predictions and 370+ Premonitions happen, premonitions for me are just short predictions and not very important.

So it can be confusing at first, i know i was confused for a while to why i had prediction, why they where happen, why they really explained my life for the next few years, as i see them threw my own eyes, so for a prediction to happen i must be there to witness it. That's why not many of my predictions are world events.

Again, it seems from what i have read, and from people who i have helped or met in the passed that you are believing a little to much of what you read from other people. I do not doubt you have predictions but and i am not being rude, it's nothing special. Your building yourself up rather than the predictions.

When i explain a prediction, I give the brief intro about the amount, how i have them to try and show that they do happen and i give examples of predictions that have happened in the past, then i explain the prediction in detail.

The time of day i think it was, the weather, the people, the clothes, the building, the event, the marking if any, the season and all sorts of things like this, so that i can narrow down to when that prediction will happen or where.

Again i am not being rude, it's just the predictions are more important than your life of energy experiances.

Thank You


posted on Oct, 14 2004 @ 07:13 PM
kodes post on Confessions Of A Dark Sorceror

Last night before i shut down my computer i cleared out all temp files there was a total of 666.

As i lay down to sleep i feel a bad presence creeping towards me. I turn my head and tell it to leave i push it away with my inner power that seems to come from my gut and abdominal region i tell it, i am loved, i feel the presence of my good spirits, i fall to sleep.

Kodes strange dream.

"We are going to see the field of creatures"
I look into the field and see about 20 to 30 of the most hideous looking monsters you can imagine all staring back at me. They start moving towards me and i draw on my power to repel them, it works. They retreat with a protest of screams and moans and the showing of teeth.

"We are going to join them in the field, but we must camouflage ourselves"
"Ok" [what am i thinking]

We enter a strange place like a stable but with medical machines and silver coffins there are assistants who help us climb in to be transformed. The coffins open and we emerge as hoofed beings covered in brown hair with horns [classic Satan portray] we parade in our new state and then commence towards the field and my dream fades out.

Then today i read the exchange between Majic, PR and ARP.

Strange coincidance or what?

Im not sure if its more likely to do with this whole thread talking of group entity�s and bad spirits a kind of hysteria. Although i know my mind well and have seen enough to know the difference between my mind playing tricks and what i believe in spirits. I pondered the idea of thought projection through the computer with the assistance of remote viewing by focusing on a subject, i just wondered upon it.

I am starting to think dark of you Majic, with your talk of love and then "don�t believe in all i say". After all you have been into sorcery. Though i mean not to demonise you i am just being cautious. It could have had something to do with PR. I have such an open mind, and arm my self well from intrusion.

Originally posted by Majic
I am really enjoying your contributions and am finding myself �stealing� many concepts from The Society of Light (TSOL) for my own nefarious purposes.

Just as a btw to my dream. This evening i went to the shops and felt uneasiness in the air. Walking down the road i notice a drunk, he sees me and then try�s to enter a door that is not there, on a wall. On leaving the shop i had gone to, he was there again, this time he sat down and with his fingertips tried to lift a tile that was cemented into the pavement. All this was watched by me and an old looking rather large black raven that sat above us both on a rooftop, that i just so happened to notice. Odd, this has been odd. This entire thread has been odd. But cool. It very much captured my attention.

Looking for proof

I believe another poster on that thread had a similar experience about being attacked.

What i didn�t mention were the ravens that hung about my window for the next day. Something quite strange happened here and lets not forget Paul Richards�s input on all of this. These are just my thoughts.

Or maybe im delusional maybe i'll have that in my signature. IM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH am not delusional im sane SANE i tell you..........

[Edited on 14-10-2004 by kode]

posted on Oct, 15 2004 @ 06:44 PM
kode, I saw your post just as I am cruising through my various 'Net hangouts before heading out to visit a friend for a few days. I doubt I'll be logging in during that visit, so this is it for a while.

Of course, there's a bazillion things I would like to say in response to your post, but I don't have time.

I guess the main thing is that Darkness can take nothing from you that you don't give it. Remember that Darkness is based on deceit, and ignorance of who we truly are. Don't let them trick you into buying into their game.

We are all brothers and sisters. Don't let your siblings beat you up or frighten you. Remember that they assume hideous forms and radiate fear because they themselves are afraid.

I have been sensing very significant movements among my brothers and sisters in darkness, and many have been crying out to me. It has been difficult. I haven't posted about it because it's basically just "I have a bad feeling...", and we know all about that.

Something is up, I think there is a gathering taking place, and many of those in darkness fear it. I have some ideas about what is going on, but it's only speculation for now.

The anguished cries of my siblings have been tormenting me, it is hard to ignore them, because I have known and loved some of them, but just as I shouldn't fixate on them, neither should you.

Remember that the knowledge of who we truly are is the most powerful tool you can have. Look within and see the light that is the truth of your being, and you will never need to fear anything again.

Don't buy into deceit, the truth is within you!

Hang in there, and let love light your way through the darkness. I'll try to explain more when I return from my trip.

Best regards,


posted on Oct, 31 2004 @ 11:28 PM
I had been content to pretty much leave things on this thread as they were, but Indigo_Child made a comment on my �Confessions� thread that suggested a lack of satisfaction with my responses here:

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
I was wondering what stopped you posting in your "I am a prophet" thread. Some interjection of rationality, objectivity, sense and challenge made you realise you were not quite up to it. Good luck with "vanessa"

Without digressing into even further point/counterpoint tangents, I�ll try to succinctly restate what I spelled out in detail in the thread-starter post, since it seems to have been largely ignored. Doing so will hopefully make it easier to understand why I�m not interested in going too far afield in this thread.

Actually, as I review the topic-starter post, it occurs to me that if you really want to know why I have no interest in continually explaining why I won�t post dates for predictions, conduct personal fortune-telling sessions or print next week�s lotto numbers, you should reread this thread from the top. It�s all spelled out quite clearly, and I doubt I can make it any plainer if you didn�t get it the first several times.

Indigo_Child is repeatedly demanding something I cannot provide. To insist on doing so has nothing to do with �rationality, objectivity, sense and challenge� at all, but an apparent belief that repeating unreasonable demands will somehow make them reasonable. Trying to put words into my mouth doesn�t help, either.

If anyone finds the premise of this thread or my responses to posts unsatisfactory, too bad, because there is nothing I can do to change that except to change my responses, which I see no reason to do. We will get nowhere talking past one another.

Having said that, I�ll add the footnote that I still have major misgivings about this whole prophecy business and am strongly inclined to not want to pursue it further. There have been many things which have come to mind that might very well be within the scope of this thread, but I have not posted them, mainly because I am questioning the point of all this.

I find myself hoping that I am completely wrong -- especially about those apparently egotistical predictions which address me personally. I enjoy a quiet life and am very much interested in continuing to do so. I never wanted to be a prophet before, and frankly I don�t want to be one now -- despite my passing fascination with the possibility.

So if I haven�t made it clear enough already, let me repeat once again that there are probably very few people alive who have more doubts than I do about all of this. Make of it what you will. I post this without warranties, so demanding things I have made exceedingly plain I cannot provide is pointless and irrelevant.

The bottom line: I am getting tired of repeating myself.

[Edited on 10/31/2004 by Majic]

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 10:17 PM
excellent thread, majic the convergence which you have studied/researched could you state some of the reasons why you think it is a good thing and also why you think it may be a bad thing, what are some of your positives and doubts on this subject?.

posted on Nov, 1 2004 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by MysticOfRadiance
the convergence which you have studied/researched could you state some of the reasons why you think it is a good thing and also why you think it may be a bad thing, what are some of your positives and doubts on this subject?.

Thanks for the question! As usual, all this is accompanied by my guarantee that I can�t be certain of any of this, etc. etc. Also, �good� and �bad� are relative to one�s morals, which vary considerably from one person to another, so please add that caveat.

So add the following words in front of each of the following statements: �If Majic is not completely full of bullpuckey, then��

The Good News

- We are immortal and indestructible, and thus need never fear oblivion
- We forget the past so the present always seems fresh to us, but�
- We never permanently forget anything, no memories are ever truly lost (or we�d get into an endless loop)
- We are all children of the Creator
- None of us is more or less important than another, because we are all necessary for Creation to succeed
- We will each become a Creator eventually
- There is an unlimited number of possible futures for us all
- Reality becomes more complex -- thus less boring -- with each Cycle
- Nothing is truly random, only an event for which the cause is unknown
- We may eventually create a universe capable of hosting Freewill
- Our numbers are growing instead of dwindling or remaining fixed
- There is no eternal damnation other than existence itself, and�
- We will achieve Convergence again at some point, and it is extremely pleasant, indeed�
- Convergence is far more wonderful than any vision of Heaven I have ever seen described

The Bad News

- We are immortal and indestructible, and thus denied the eternal rest of oblivion
- We forget the past and are thus doomed to repeat it, but�
- We never permanently forget anything, so we eventually figure out that we did repeat it
- Nothing is truly random, thus novelty must result from deliberate action
- We are stuck with one another for eternity

- We are currently prisoners of Destiny, and may never achieve Freewill
- We will never truly be free of pain, for many good reasons
- Pain hurts, yet without it we cannot create anything new
- All of us spend a majority of our existence in some form of pain
- We are capable of perceiving nothing outside of our realities, thus�
- None of us is alone, but all of us are alone.


- There is nothing to prove that any of this is true, and probably many things to disprove it
- So far, only Vanessa has corroborated any of this, and she may just be a figment of my imagination (though she takes exception to that possibility)
- The search continues

That�s sort of a first pass, which I will no doubt obsessively massage with edits, but hopefully that summarizes things in a useful way. Constructive feedback always encouraged!

[Edited on 11/1/2004 by Majic]

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Indigo_Child is repeatedly demanding something I cannot provide. To insist on doing so has nothing to do with �rationality, objectivity, sense and challenge� at all, but an apparent belief that repeating unreasonable demands will somehow make them reasonable. Trying to put words into my mouth doesn�t help, either.

Who claimed to be a prophet? You or me?
Who claimed to be a sorcerer? You or me?

Now, who could not provide absolutely any substantation to either claims, nor meet any requests for proof? You or me?

So why is this about me, and not you? I think you are a systematic liar, and a shameless self promoter, mate. I don't think you have any powers whatsoever.

[Edited on 2-11-2004 by Indigo_Child]

posted on Nov, 2 2004 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Indigo_Child
So why is this about me, and not you? I think you are a systematic liar, and a shameless self promoter, mate. I don't think you have any powers whatsoever.

That's fine. Really, I don't mind at all. My problem is not with your opinions about me or any of this, and I think I can understand where you're coming from.

What I have posted here does seem pretty outlandish, and if I came across it cold, I would probably react the same way you have. I don't necessarily expect you to believe any of this, and see no reason why I should expect you to.

My problem was with the fact that our exchanges were going in circles. If I am right about what I'm doing -- and I most assuredly could be dead wrong about all of this -- then I can't give you what you are demanding. That's pretty much where things stand.

Also, you seem to be assuming that I am trying to convince you that I have some sort of special powers. In fact, quite the opposite: As I have repeatedly claimed, I don't think I have any unusual powers at all.

Unless I'm wrong (again, quite possible), I'm not doing anything you or anyone else can't do. I'm as certain as can be that we are all capable of doing the same thing. And may I add that I am also quite certain that many others could do it much better than I can.

Finally, the fact that I am having serious second thoughts about this whole "prophet" business doesn't exactly motivate me to mount some sort of crusade for my personal glory.

Some of my more apparently self-aggrandizing predictions may suggest otherwise, but frankly, I hope I'm wrong about all that. If what I post to ATS is all you ever read about me, that will be fine with me.

I'm much more interested in determining if anyone else out there has had any experiences that might corroborate or disagree with what I have been experiencing.

Anyway, I hope that clears up my position a little better. While I can't say that I enjoy being branded a liar, I can say that I think I am capable of understanding and respecting your position.

Let's agree to disagree.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 07:10 AM
Proof Of My Limitless Folly

60. Something Big In December 2005

60.1 Tonight I was awakened by dreams.

60.1 I continue to suspect that my experiences as Yoshiel may have been the consequence of either self-delusion or the activities of one or more spirits of deception, and, as always, advise skepticism in any case, regardless of what the circumstances may have been or may be now.

60.2 I do not function as Yoshiel and have not done so for over seven months. I have no desire or intention of doing so ever again, but this desire does not free me of the curse of visions.

60.3 Though I do not know the specific nature of it, I cannot drive from my mind the sense that Something Big will occur in December of this year, 2005, probably around the middle of the month.

60.4 The nature of this “Something Big” will be such that all who are aware of it will know it for a Sign.

60.5 It may be the Time of Signs and Portents, when symbols and numbers of mystical significance will appear all over the world, or a nuclear exchange or massive attack of some kind, or a major economic collapse, or the Time of Bitterness, or the Time of Ill Winds, but it will be something the world will take note of.

60.6 Perhaps, if I am lucky, what I sense coming will not be “Something Big”, but a quiet turning point which passes unnoticed, some obscure, esoteric event which merely leads to other things more obvious. Maybe something important in my life but not in the affairs of the world. That would be preferable, I think.

60.7 True knowledge of the future would be the greatest curse that could be laid upon any living being. I pray that I am not afflicted by it.

60.8 Therefore I hope that December 2005 will be a month of (relative) calm, quiet and peace on earth, though I fear it will be otherwise.

60.9 If I am truly fortunate, then December 2005 will mark a milestone I can point to as the month I finally put this madness behind me.

61. The Curse Of A Fool

61.1 I despise attempting to forecast dates and consider doing so to be folly due to my perceptions of the nature of time and existence. Thus I pray that these impressions are wrong and proof that I am right to despise them.

61.2 I cannot claim that any of this is true. I am only reporting what I see, which is probably illusion.

61.3 I am happy with my life and have no desire to see any of the things I have predicted come to pass. These “visions” are a plague upon me I wish I were wise enough to ignore, or perhaps have “treated”.

61.4 To make any statement such as those I have made on behalf of Yoshiel is an act of a foolishness. Therefore, my own words are proof that I am a fool.

61.5 Only an idiot would choose to pursue knowledge such as this. Thus I am both a fool and an idiot by my own reckoning, and should consequently be assigned the credibility worthy of the bearer of such titles, and no more.

61.6 Whatever may come to pass, these are words of sorrow.

61.7. Why I even write this nonsense, I do not know. It would be best to ignore it.

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 06:41 AM

You know, I was very much enjoying this thread until all that "attacking & defending" started up .......& it became quite tedious to have to scroll thru.

Just wanted you to know that I'm finding your "prophecies" interesting. Can we get back on track now please, I'd like to hear more. Thanx

posted on May, 3 2005 @ 07:26 PM
Our Irregularly Scheduled Program

Originally posted by Figjam
Just wanted you to know that I'm finding your "prophecies" interesting. Can we get back on track now please, I'd like to hear more. Thanx

Well, if nothing else, I suppose this is at least good for a laugh.

I really do feel like a yutz posting some of this stuff, which is why I was just going to let this infernal thread die, and was doing a damn fine job of it up until last week.

Then last Thursday morning came, and the dreams (presumably some sort of fallout from a manic episode). It's like some godawful sequel to Night of the Living Thread.

As for the back-and-forth, I also hope we've beaten that poor dead horse thoroughly enough. I think I've done far more than can be reasonably expected to carefully disclaim these posts and label them as truthfully as I can.

I don't claim to be able to see the future (I don't think anyone can), or talk to God, or predict next week's winning Powerball numbers. I don't claim to have any special insights that anyone else can't gain -- or even that they're necessarily insights at all.

“I Know Why The Crazed Bird Sings”

Self-delusion is the most likely explanation, and the one I am most comfortable with. Yet still I wonder. I can't help it.

Occam's Razor offers that I'm just some random idiot with obvious mental problems who sees fit to post this stuff for reasons I can't even figure out.

A cry for help? I'm actually quite happy, overall. Never felt better, in fact. Life is good. Maybe this is a sort of subconscious rebellion against that. Who knows?

Maybe the reason I post this stuff despite my misgivings is on the off chance that if some of it turned out to be correct, then you're my witnesses. If not, then you're my witnesses to that, too.

At least when I do post this stuff, it seems to sort of let me off the hook and allows me to stop thinking about it. It feels sort of like a confessional -- either to what I may actually know, or to the fact that I am no less deluded than anyone else.

Anyway, I am glad you find it interesting, if nothing else. I do too -- although I also find it somewhat irritating as well, more often than not.

But such are the travails of being both a fool and an idiot. :bnghd:

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