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Pictures western Terrorists with Dead Muslim kids

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posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 06:16 PM
War sucks!! Yes folks...there is a reason they say "War is hell" because it IS!! Unfortunately...innoceeents get hurt during times of war. I hate it, but it is fact....since when has there ever been a war where innocents didn't get hurt? Everyone acts like this a new thing or something? It's very confusing. Woman, children as well as the elderly and the soldiers....even animals...are killed in people not realize this? It still doesn't mean that there may not be some things in this world worth fighting for! I believe some things are worth fighting for, but you must pick and choose your battles wisely....I'm on the fence with this war, started out ok with I'm not sure, but I do know that innocents getting hurt is a reality of any and every war.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 06:30 PM
You people are so amazing.

How can you sit back and say those photos are fakes?

If you believe everything is all fine and dandy like is shown on AMERICAN TELEVISION you better snap out your #ing dream.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by LadyV
It still doesn't mean that there may not be some things in this world worth fighting for! I believe some things are worth fighting for, but you must pick and choose your battles wisely....

That made me think: what is worth fighting for?
Independance? Freedom from decade long oppression? Which nations are allowed to do that? What nations are allowed to have an independence day? There must be a list somewhere, since not all are. Who makes the list? On what grounds?

What dead civilians are called collateral damage and necessity of war and what are called just inocent civilians? Who decides which innocent victims will be breaking news on CNN and which will be forgotten? Who puts the price on human life?

Is freedom worth dying for? Freedom from what? Colonalism? Freedom to have a choice? Who decides what is that exactly?

Makes you think, doesn't it?

We live in a very very #ed up world (excuse my language) full of double standards. One we get rid of those who make it that way, we might actually be able to say that was really a just cause and worth fighting and dying for.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 06:57 PM
You blaming Bush for this. Where's the context? I don't believe it one bit.

Even if it is true in context , it's a fuc**** war. Get used to it. How about they show the World Trade center dead bodies and say

The pictures the a**holes do not want you to see.

I was in a good mood too!

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 07:48 PM
I saw the pictures and videos of people jumping out of the World TRade Center........
America is fighting to punish those who made the towers fall

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by verfed
I saw the pictures and videos of people jumping out of the World TRade Center........
America is fighting to punish those who made the towers fall

The American people may well want those people punished, but Bush and his cronies don't give an arse. If they did, bin Laden would have been found and strung up (I noticed that Dubya didn't mention him at all during his recent speech).

Instead, the Bush Administration went into Iraq - now, where did you say those WMD's were, George ?

It was not Saddam Hussein who ordered those terrorists to crash the planes into the WTC - it was Osama bin Laden.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by verfed
America invaded Iraq to capture Saddam Hussein. We didn't go in to conquer a population. I know you don't want me to say this but I will: Those dead Iraqi children (if they were even killed by the actions of Americans) are collateral damage. They should not have died and America didn't mean for them to die. Can't you see the difference between a bunch of terrorists shooting children in the back as they try to escape and an Iraqi boy who happened to be to close to an American airstrike. There is a difference there and I know for some hippies It doesn't matter how someone dies because all death is bad especially if America causes it. If Saddam causes it hes ok with the hippies. If Yassar causes it hes ok with the Europeans. If Wen Jiabao causes it then everyones ok with it because noone messes with China.

How about we not kill unless we are defending ourselves. Like, not go 8,000 miles to the other side of the globe to invade a country.

Americans would never have allowed this war to happen if we knew what real war was like. Real war is someone dropping bomb on your town and your kids die and they tell you 'collateral damage, have another and stop whining.'

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:08 PM
Would you rather have the fight in your streets?! The American soldiers are now the targets of the Mujahedeen. When the large American target in Iraq leaves the terrorists will come to America and fight us in our streets. I'm sorry but I would rather have Iraqis dieing instead of my American neighbors. By the way I liked that quote at the end of your post. HAHA.........have another'

[edit on 9/5/2004 by verfed]

[edit on 9/5/2004 by verfed]

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by verfed
Would you rather have the fight in your streets?! The American soldiers are now the targets of the Mujahedeen. When the large American target in Iraq leaves the terrorists will come to America and fight us in our streets. I'm sorry but I would rather have Iraqis dieing instead of my American neighbors. By the way I liked that quote at the end of your post. HAHA.........have another'

[edit on 9/5/2004 by verfed]

[edit on 9/5/2004 by verfed]

How in hell are they going to fight Americans in the USA? Please tell me this would be very interesting to hear your theory on how some Iraqi guys with no navy or air force are going to cross 8,000 miles of land an ocean and invade New Jersey.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:29 PM
.............................dude have you FORGOTTEN? Three years ago thousands of people died! "They" don't attack conventionally. "they" will blend into the populace like they do in Israel. Even if Iraq is not Al Queda you can still see the wisdom in attacking Iraq. All of the unconventional terrorists are going to Iraq to fight Americans. Why go all the way to America when you can kill Americans in your own backyard? You will see. In a couple years or so some serious s h i t will start happening in America. Then you'll wish that the American Army was off in some distant country diverting the terrorists attention off of the homeland.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:33 PM
They would fight us the same way they fight the Jews - by strapping bombs to their chest and going onto a train, bus ect.

Instead they are fighting our army, in their neck of the woods. Thats what an army is for - to fight wars. I don't want a single more soldier to die over there, but at least the soldier has made a decision to put his life on the line to keep civs safe, and understands that he is in fact, in harms way. So I say better their dead children then ours, on their land not ours.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:39 PM
Exactly what I'm saying Madman. It's not just an isolated attitude. EVERYONE would rather see the other man die then him especiallly if he is a foreign stranger. Some hippies just refuse to admit it.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:48 PM
If we're fighting terrorists who bombed US on 9/11, you realize we invaded the wrong country. There were no Iraqis involved in 9/11 and over 3/4's of the suicide bombers were from Saudi Arabia.

You realize US has done essentially nothing on the homeland side to secure borders against terrrorism or infiltrators. Our strategy is to 'divert' terrorists by using our troops as live-fire targets? Wow, that's simply amazing. That's right out of the 'Art of War' bloopers section.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:50 PM
Uhm..correct me If I'm wrong..but NO WHERE in those links does it PROVE that it was the 'Western Terrorists' aka U.S. soldiers, who caused those does that prove? NOTHING. That's what.


posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 09:54 PM
Ah, Pisky, you make an excellent point. HOWEVER, Iraq, like many countries throughout the world, are LINKED into, I say into, not to, because Al Qaida is an organization of MANY terrorist cells, not just the Taliban and OBL. Now, Iraq, like many other people, have been LINKED to FUNDING Al Qaida's terrorist operations throughout the world.

Was not 9/11 one of those operations?

(It isn't just Iraq linked to Al Qaida - It's many more - INCLUDING Chechnya, weird huh?)

If Bush wins this election (and I believe he is up by double-digits over Kerry now), if he wins, it wouldn't suprise me if within the next four years, we go into another country, most likely Saudi Arabia or Iran.


[edit on 5-9-2004 by WeBDeviL]

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by Pisky
but Bush and his cronies don't give an arse. If they did, bin Laden would have been found and strung up
the Bush Administration went into Iraq - now, where did you say those WMD's were, George ?

If it's so easy to do, then you go find the WMD and Osama? Hell, Everyone thinks it's a walk in the park.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man
They would fight us the same way they fight the Jews - by strapping bombs to their chest and going onto a train, bus ect.

Instead they are fighting our army, in their neck of the woods. Thats what an army is for - to fight wars. I don't want a single more soldier to die over there, but at least the soldier has made a decision to put his life on the line to keep civs safe, and understands that he is in fact, in harms way. So I say better their dead children then ours, on their land not ours.

Give them hell, Mr.T uh, I mean American Mad Man.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:00 AM
I was very well upset last eve: still yet fanoose, you need to apprehended and tried as the terrorist that you are.

[edit on 6/9/04 by Intelearthling]

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:10 AM

Originally posted by GeniusSage
fanoose that **** Iraq photo was a proven fake.
I think your just an anti-american idiot

No, Its not fake & No, i'm not anti-american.
But i'm definitely anti whatever going on in iraq; and i'm definitely anti the american administration; i'm definitely anti who ever support that stupid administration. . .

But Don't till me these are fake too robert fisk doesnt think so.


Here's A Ramadan Present


Happy Ramadan

The Big

The "Daisy Cutter" weighing 15,000 pounds.

Originally posted by groingrinder
Their demands? A lot like Oil, Rule muslim by someone they don't wan't, Forcing unislamic law on an islamic country, Taking out freedom of muslims, WMD, Bringing workers from out side the country while the locals dont have any job . . .
end of quote. I cannot get the quotes to work right.

I know you will not believe me, but Iraqis WILL be able to vote for who they want. Who is going to stop the group with the most guns from electing themselves? What will happen if America and the Coalition leave now?

Iraqis dont wan't to vote to anyone nor elect anyone; specially if they have to vote for someone who already been a tool by Washington, and beside the Iraqis don't want to vote at all, insted they rather want to live in peace & get jobs. And the group with the most gun will be stopped by the Iraqis them self, by not joining it. And again here we go, you stated voting & election; this's more western democracy than an islamic caliphate.This means you forced your values on them.

Originally posted by groingrinder
Whether you choose to accept it, or not. IT IS IN AMERICA'S INTEREST to make sure that Iraq does not again become a state that sponsors terrorism.

IT IS IN AMERICA'S INTEREST IN general anyway, but perhaps you made it a heaven for the resistance/mojahdeen & it already been a terrorist Country when the stupid occupation invaded it.

Originally posted by groingrinder
Alot of Muslims should be thanking Allah for the American presence there for it has given them the ability to kill them easier. Now terrorists who want to kill Americans no longer have to get airfare to New York and a phony passport and visa. They can walk across the border, kill some Americans, and be home in time to watch the camel races on tv.

Or perhaps you want me to thank Allah for the american presence there for it has given them the ability to kill iraqies easier.Now white-a**ed terrorists who want to kill Iraqies no longer have to lie about WMD/Saddam/Freedom. They can fly above the villages, kill some Iraqies , and be home in time to watch the rodeo on tv.

Originally posted by Flyboy211
As for the term 'Western terrorists' i think that's a blatant generalisation, just because some Coalition soldiers unfortunetely deemed it fine to mistreat civilians doesn't mean the whole Coalition's military are terrorists. I would imagine a lot of service personnel would be very offended by that comment. You're letting the voice of a few speak for the majority and that not on. Please think carefully about such comments before voicing them.

I'm not generalizing this on everyone, but as way to say if you use terms like muslims/arabs terrorists its easy for anyone to use another term like 'Western terrorists'. But i still do generalize that term for the occupation forces. And i don't give a damn s*** if the service personnel got offended by it or not, they are nothing but thugs. And i guess you should spare your advice to those who used the term arabs/muslims terrorists a lot here that became something ok to say.

Originally posted by Flyboy211
BTW i wouldn't take everything Al-Jazeera says as fact since they are a little biased and have been known to 'engineer' certain scenes for dramatic effect and to make the Coalition look worse.

Remember Fanoose.....DENY IGNORANCE

You see here, thats a bias. Most of the american don't like Al-Jazeera & accused it of being biased, though its the only station that broadcast both the death from the occupation & the resistance and till now no western media broadcasted these photos in what so ever effect. And in all cases i have a lot of videos & phostos that were taken by freelance journalists. They aren't *EVEN* broadcast by aljazeera . . .the bad cancer that is eating the amarcan administration inside. . . Again aljazeera doesn't have to 'engineer' anything because when it comes to children then the scenes are 'engineered' from their burnt faces .


Originally posted by bobobb
There is little hope that anything will change your mind and denounce what the "resistance" is doing and you have made it clear that kidnapping civilians and killing them in the most brutal way is acceptable because they dont have bullets for their guns or missles. You also believe that our warplanes drop bombs on civilians rather than military targets which is so utterly wrong.

Then i guess there is little hope that anything will change your mind and denounce what the "occupation" is doing and you have made it clear that bombing/striking civilians and killing them in the most brutal way is acceptable because they don't have enough equipment to till the difference between a residential houses with kid on the street & a resistance camps, They strik'em on the hope there will be a fighter in that house. You also believe that our resistance target civilians, rather than resistance killing them After they are warned million times and released too many times but still they insist on coming.

Originally posted by bobobb
What are they protecting the coalition with? These people arent soldiers they are civilians. Unarm, untrained everyday people.

First if they supplied the enmey then they are enmies too, this's a known fact. Much like you say who supplies a 'terrorist' is also terrorist. And when i say protecting it means they go out side to do jobs rather than a soldier who can do the same job insted of flying planes over the residential houses. If the soldier did that job then he will be targeted insted of the workers.

Originally posted by bobobb
Hmmmm what is it that we cant take? I dont see the occupation running due to the release of the beheadings of civilians. If anything it justifies our cause. One things is for certain the coalition will not leave iraq until a working govenment which is elected by the people of iraq is strong and able to protect itself and its people. That day will come soon enough.

Iraq will be free and its people will be able to live at ease and prosper.

Yes, but that's only the beginning. The occupation is running out of time, money, soldiers. The soldiers are freakin out they pay the iraqies money so they can run a way from that country. And sure, Iraq will be free (from the occupation) and its people will be able to live at ease and prosper.

Casualties in Iraq, The Human Cost of Occupation
Operations in Iraq � Provisional statistics

Originally posted by verfed
1- Fanoose do you seriously believe that the Americans in Iraq deserve the same punishment given out to those Chechens who shot the kids in the school?
2- Fanoose do you agree that thousands of Iraqis were killed and tortured in Iraqi prisons?
3- Fanoose do you agree that Saddam ordered the gassing of a kurdish village killing hundreds?
4- Fanoose do you agree that all American soldiers in Iraq are trying their hardest to kill as many innocent people as possible?
5- Fanoose do you agree that Muslim terrorists should be treated with respect because they are only trying to free thir country from the oppressive imperialistic Americans?
I am not joking with these questions. Please answer truthfully Fanoose. If you can. Don't spin it Fanoose just be honest inyour answers.

1- No, not the same . . But they deserve worse. At least the Chechens got a reason (Though killing children is bad by all standard and i don't condone these acts, i'm making a comparison here only) they lost their children/ families. The Americans don't have any reason what so ever, except oil, and lots of oil . . and the position of the iraq in the middle east (geographically/economically).

2- Yes, i do, but also agree that more thousands were tortured/killed in Iraqi prisons on the hand of the occupation.

3- Yes, i do. saddam is an a**hole by all means. The occupation can have'em and leave iraq.

4- After they killed to many innocent people, and never admitting that nor at least showing any kind of sympathy. Then definitely they are worse than someone trying hard to kill innocent people they just don't care who dies.

5- They already being respected among to many muslims. If not then how come they join them everyday. how come iraqies join them every day.

No, dont even like to spin. . it makes me dizzy
well at least not like Some pig who says We want WMD then he can't find it, then he says We Want Saddam Then they got him Then They say "We Will Bring Democracy To Iraq" then lots of iraqis die.

Now i have a qustions for you :
1- verfed do you seriously believe that the Chechens in Checheny deserve the same punishment given out to those Americans who bombed the kids in the houses and keep doing it all the time without even admitting of that nor having sympathy on them?
2- verfed do you agree that thousands of Iraqis were killed and tortured in Iraqi prisons [Abu Ghraib]?
3- verfed do you agree that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld ordered the torturing of Iraqi people in hundreds?
4- verfed do you agree that all Iraqis resistance in Iraq are trying their hardest to kill as many innocent people as possible if they stopped comming or if they stopped serving the occupation?
5- verfed do you agree that Americans terrorists should be treated with respect because they are only trying to free this country from the oppressive imperialistic resistance ?
I am not joking with these questions. Please answer truthfully verfed. If you can. Don't spin it verfed just be honest in your answers.

Originally posted by Intelearthling
Hey everyone, we've got a genuine terrorist on board here! Distributing anti-American propaganda by the tons. You have made me ... I'm not even gonna say what I want to say you ...

Yeah, whatever . .
just take some of thos similes out they are making the board enlarge.

[edit on 6-9-2004 by fanoose]

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 01:22 AM
[edit on 6/9/04 by Intelearthling]

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