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Is anyone else experiencing these things?

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posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by shushu
reply to post by ottobot

Not trying to be funny here... but when you get these "feelings"... occassionally go to the mirror and look at your eyes. If you're drug and alcohol free... but your eyes are glassy and bloodshot... chances are you're under the influence of some type of man-made EM source. Not good. It's like a curtain... or a horse wearing blinders.

I learned this from an article in the New Scientist many many years ago... "Glassy-eyed over bugging."

I know you say you're not trying to be funny, but I laughed at your post anyway. I'm sorry.

Seriously, I'd have to be walking around with glassy, blood-shot eyes 100% of my life. So, your theory holds no water - for me at least. I have always felt and recognized things and energy fields others don't notice or accept.

Further proof: I have always been extremely resistant to peer pressure, have never been drunk (taste is just something I can't overcome), have never done any type of drug b/c it just doesn't interest me, and only smoked 1/2 of a cigarette before I thought it was nasty and never smoked again. I have never bought anything from an infomercial or over the phone and refuse to let salesmen into my house.

"They" need to try something else if they're trying to take over my mind.

Besides, I don't lose the ability to think or anything, it's just a feeling I will get off and on throughout a day, regardless of my location or mindset.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by FissionSurplus
It's funny you should ask, because last week I had a similar experience, although not as long and drawn-out as you had.

I suddenly had a weird out-of-body feeling, and I locked eyes with a family who were walking by. They were obviously poor, exhausted, and overwhelmed. I was overcome by a feeling that I can only call love for everybody...that family, the lady behind me who kept hitting my backside with her cart as she was talking on her cell phone, the kid who was screaming a few aisles away, the clerks who seemed tired and distant.

It was so overwhelming and hit me so hard that tears welled up in my eyes. I am usually a person who keeps to myself (I have Asperger's), and I wasn't on any meds that cause euphoria. It was a weird, out-of-the-blue experience that left me a bit stunned. Love for strangers is definitely something I have never felt before. I thought perhaps that is what God feels for everybody.

Anyway, maybe it is something in the air.....if it is, I hope it infects everybody this holiday season.

I find this thread interesting to say the least because i had a similar experience
but also all to different at the same time then that which OP yourself and other have described ( I have Asperger's as well)But am for some reason very socially adept seeing and remembering things most don't but still missing or being oblivious to simple things at times (maybe from playing alot of poker but beyond the point)

Since most have told of having moments of realization that last for a while and talk of being full of love and a feeling that every things going to be alright which is part of what I can say happened to me a little over a year ago and it happened in just a moment in a bar on the patio while smoking cigarette and enjoy my first beer having just arrived- a moment showing what lies within and what is without giving me the last 3 realizations of six directions up down left right backward forward-(but which one is always all directions while the other is but one way meaning 5 in ones path of 2 ways the the same but one different, in whole 7 circles divided 6 in 5 both ways with the outside being the inside)+

I was seated with 2 other people, both older then me one a man who I had meet a few years before playing pool at another bar taking most of his money and the other a Lady who works at the bar we where at and who i have a great respect for being both Intelligent and compassionate. Which the dude who's from Boston, (making him a diehard bruins and celtics fan) is not an idiot though he lacks depth I to this day have no idea what he said since it was nether a great statement nor drunk ramblings

But the moment after something just clicked and in what felt like forever to me i felt as if I were taken within myself down to nothing while at the same time being taken without myself expanding out and beyond and just like that i was taken and shown both ending back all the way thru until both became one with me in my seat which i can only describe as being shown the Truth (horrible; beautiful truth) fulling my understanding of the knowledge of wisdom which I had been grasping at reading religious, scientific, mythology and History from a verity of cultures across the ages.

but it to was that moment where i was shown the Truth feeling both full and happy, but void and empty too
all of this me felt longer then any other moment it left me with a blank plank look on to which the lady asked not many seconds after if i was alright to which my answer was I don't know but I understand, they asked me what was up and i start trying to explain something that I experienced but couldn't full articulate to them which the man trying to over simplify my complex telling which i countered back at him making him seem foolish and get everyone who head it laughing except the lady who had some what grasped what I was saying despite being confused also, like a few others who started listening to me go off with all this information and descriptions
I was not drunk high or low. looking thru the veil within dieing without After I felt neutral but at a loss of part of myself in seeking to know the truth which was forced into me although I didn't fully comprehend it.
It took me almost a year to comprehend and articulate which honesty would take me a year to write down so those who seek not answers but want the truth would gain from all others would deny it or stay they get it which i could tell they did not or be left daze and confused until they got it or gave up

It has been both a gift and a curse those who get the full truth are those that annoy me and my famillia both are told in different ways for different reasons the truth hurts and can destroy worlds whether to end them away or help create a new foundation from their world before and until all is one; and one is all, for the mind is all.

posted on Nov, 23 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by BioStatistic

If you have shoulder length brown hair, green eyes, and were wearing a purple sweatshirt i'm sorry to have popped in on you. Hope I didn't startle or confuse you too much. I kind of just show up places unintentionally sometimes....

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:24 AM
So, on 11/11 I posted this: "All of a sudden I realized that I've learned how to turn my sadness into happiness. Then, I realized I was feeling love. For everything, possibly everyone. It's a really strange feeling..."

Today (11/23) I posted this: For the past few days, I've been feeling an almost oppressive feeling of negative energy in the world. I don't know if it's just the people in my town that are exuding this set of feelings, or if it's just a reaction to the escalating civil troubles all around the globe, or what. It almost feels like something very bad is about to happen but I can't quite grasp what it is. I've been trying to get rid of this feeling, but it keeps seeping in at the strangest times. Anyone else feeling something like this?
AND, later:
"I feel perfectly fine. I have nothing to be stressed or upset about, I'm looking forward to my holiday weekend.
The negativity is not from me and not centered around me or my life or anything. It's just in the air or something.
I thought of a better description: source-less tension. This is what I am feeling."

So, I have definitely been feeling something that is not normal for me.

I feel the goosebumps feeling OP described, but only around spirits/souls. However, I only get goosebumps when it is a loved one visiting. I get an extreme sense of malice when a negative spirit comes around.

My overwhelming love came from deep inside myself, not from an external source. There were no spirits nearby.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by Ha`la`tha
Sounds to me exactly like a meth rush...

LOL I haven't the slightest what that's like.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:59 AM

Originally posted by MamaJ
That is a really cool experience you had!!

I have these feelings from time to time and it is when I am at a peak spiritually. Whether laying down to go to sleep or fully awake listening to a song or happens.

For is defined as the Ultimate Love force/Spirit. God is Love and this wave you speak of is the wave of Love!

While reading your original post I can honestly say I was awaiting the "climax". This is what it feels like minus the tingling of arousal.

As for the Books....I would say you were in the Hall of Records where every thought and word is and remains. Frequently people have witnessed this place and I for one...believe the experiences!!

I think we each interpret these experienced from within our own frame of reference. Overall, I think we're all feeling and experiencing the same things, and based on our backgrounds and belief systems it just translates a little differently.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:00 AM

Originally posted by watchtheworldburn

Long time lurker on ATS, but first time poster

Just signed up to say I get these feelings too... like energy rushes starting at the back of my neck before travelling up to my forehead and occasionally down my arms and back.

In the time it took me to read page one of this thread it must have happened about 3 or 4 times. They are quite weak and only last a a few seconds but I definitely notice them. I get them quite often throughout the day. Sometimes it's just a nice feeling, but other times I feel quite upset or sorrowful, although not usually in a negative way. Sometimes it happens when I'm aware of positive or negative things around me. Other times it can be totally random... like now, sitting at work typing this. I can't remember when they started but it must have been some time in the past couple of years.

For what it's worth I'm by no means a religious person (I'd say agnostic if pushed for an answer) and generally don't live life too healthily or unhealthily with regard to food and lifestyle etc. I do partake in what some would consider "extreme" sports (downhill mountain biking and snowboarding), but it's not the same feeling as the adrenaline rush you get from that.

Someone mentioned meth rush, which amused me as back in the 90 some friends used to use the drug extacy (MDMA) and this sounds exactly like the endorphin rushes they used to experience. I never touched the stuff myself as I was always worried I'd be the unlucky one that ended up on an anti-drugs poster! The euphoric feeling they used to describe does seem very similar though, as I said.

Anyway, I've subscribed to this thread as it's been very interesting so far.


I have that tingling you describe too. If I close my eyes and relax my senses, it feels like there's water moving around me.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by CrimsonNova
I am very glad to say that I have been having the same experiences for a while now. We are the first to become awakened, and I am honored to be sharing this journey with all my brothers and sisters of the light.

I have truly extensive knowledge of what we are experiencing and am very excited to tell you all its almost over! Our mission on mother earth is nearly complete, it is a matter of time as we have already won in the higher realms, it simply must manifest in our reality.

The reason you have been feeling greater energies is from the 11/11/11 energy gateway. Before you (and everyone else) mention that the Gregorian date has nothing to do with the Mayan calendar, I know this, but the date was so much more then that. Through our collective intention from spiritual masters to newly awakened crystal children we created our own significance on this date, and have thereby allowed a greater influx of energy from then on. It can be likened to a 'stair-step' higher on our way to Ascension.

I would be more then glad to answer any questions you or any other spiritual soul may have on these topics. It is my personal duty to share as much knowledge to as many people I can as I feel that is my mission on this earth.

If any of you are willing to do some of your own research I have found some amazing resources to begin your search.

Spirit Science This is a deep and simple explanation to all that we are feeling and going through in these amazing times, including cute animations!

Stankov Universal Law This man has the most valuable information I have ever found on the internet regarding everything that is going on. He holds a methodical and scientific view of the world and seeks to explain everything in the simplest way possible coming from a man with a Doctorate in Physics. He was an early Ascender and seeks to gather the most highly evolved lightworkers together so we can use our powerful intentions as Sovereign Creators to bring the light and love to the world.

These are but a couple of my favorite and most useful spiritual sources that I have used to ready myself for the Golden Age knocking on our door. I hope this helps all of you as much as it has helped me in understanding and implementing myself as a lightworker in bringing the love and light to the world.

In Love and Light

Thank you for your post. I'm sure we can all benefit from sharing this and pointing each other in directions.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by midniteracerx
I've been experiencing this for about 10 years now, but recently the energy seems more loving and intense. Just yesterday I was hit from an incredibly loving wave from Gaia that enveloped me like the warm embrace of a thousand mothers. I couldn't contain the smile on my face and the tears flowed freely. Normally the energy comes from above and trickles down, but I know this was from Gaia because it came from below and it felt very different.

Now that your body is aware of this energy, you can tune into it through meditation. All you really have to do is close your eyes and call on it or visualize the light showering down on you.

See? The same experience, but from a different frame of reference.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by abeverage
I have been getting this feeling like I am rushing even though I am sitting. Like I am in motion fast motion! I can almost make it occur sometimes. My pulse seems normal and I was at once afraid of it now not so much. I have of late felt too much too much for everyone lol was crying too much but now not so much, just chaulked it up to depression. But now I wonder...

Is it you that's moving or something around you that gives the sensation you're moving? I'm not trying to be cryptic, but I'm finding very quickly that perception plays a huge role in this and that sometimes a shift in point of reference can reveal amazing insights.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by smithjustinb
This has happened to me several times. It is the best feeling in the world. I recall one particular time when it happened, I literally thought Jesus came back and I made it to heaven. It was very powerful.

Someone said earlier on page 1 that this feeling is associated with visitations of some higher beings. He is absolutely right, but I don't think it has to be a visitation. I had an experience with an angel and this feeling came with it. I also had an experience with a demon and the inverse feeling came with it.

Either way, be careful. Once demons come, they tend to not want to leave. Be strong minded and don't let yourself fall into an evil trap, because it is likely that once you fall, they will take that opportunity to keep you fallen. Keep your faith in God. Beware of ATS. It is full of atheists who will expose your weakness if you let them. They will drag you away from your faith and then leave you susceptible to possession. Don't think it can't happen.

This didn't feel like an EM attack or a visitation. This was all coming from me. I know what a visitor feels like. I feel them a lot working in the ER. When someone is going to die, it feels like a big invisible hurricane and I can't clear my head because everything seems like its spinning.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:08 AM

Originally posted by ottobot
Yes, I have been feeling just like this. I have always felt this way to some degree, but it has become more intense since March of this year. I made a post about it today, and was pointed toward this thread.

I need to read through this whole thing to see others' experiences. Thank you for posting this, OP.

These are some amazing people. I'm so happy to not be alone in this and to know there is so much Love in this world despite what others are doing. When this is all said and done, it'll be those of us who take care of each other that survive.

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:09 AM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by BioStatistic

Without revealing too much, my husband and I experience this together when.....
We can even make it happen.
First envision energy circulating around your body then pass this energy to your partner. He in turn circulates it around his and passes it back to you. People will say this is crazy but honestly it is not.
When I first introduced this idea to my hubby he laughed but when he experienced it he was blown away. He said, for a second there I could not tell where you began and I ended.
I dont pretend to know what it is. I think imagination has something to do with it but not all of it.

That is absolutely amazing!

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 03:16 AM
reply to post by IblisLucifer

Wow. Hard for me to wrap my mind around this. It sounds amazing. Have you thought about drawing this?

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 01:57 PM
reply to post by BioStatistic
I cried happy tears almost when reading this. Thank you for sharing. I believe I have your answer,and the dream with many were discussing ascension ,personal AND humanity.
You can read many reports from people about their experiences as well. Nov 22nd for everyone as well.
Heres a virtual hug. Bless you

posted on Nov, 24 2011 @ 02:49 PM

Originally posted by Valeri
reply to post by BioStatistic
I cried happy tears almost when reading this. Thank you for sharing. I believe I have your answer,and the dream with many were discussing ascension ,personal AND humanity.
You can read many reports from people about their experiences as well. Nov 22nd for everyone as well.
Heres a virtual hug. Bless you

Thank you so much for your post! I read over some of the material. Interesting stuff.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by BioStatistic

No nothing moving just a feeling like if you are on a face ride or something. That feeling in your head and chest.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by shushu

Originally posted by jrmcleod

Originally posted by z1ppo45
It Sounds familiar to breaking into the astral plane, ive never experienced it but have met people that have and the tingly goose bump thing sounds like the stage where ur spiritual body is trying to break free. i think the next stage is a loud crack then your free!

Can you elaborate on this loud crack? I am very intrigued by this

Like a high powered rifle, I'll bet.

I also heard that happens when people die. I've also heard that sometimes there is a sound of glass breaking.
edit on 26/11/2011 by MarkJS because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 11:11 PM
I don't have much to add to this thread besides what has already been touched on and my answer to the OPs question: yes I have experienced something like that and you are not crazy. Glad you are not afraid.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 11:38 PM
reply to post by BioStatistic

One of the best threads I've read on ATS. Your experience sounds beautiful. There really is no words to describe it... although you did a good job IMO.

I've had this happen when I was a kid once. It was wonderful and unexpected. I was studying for a test in HS, sitting at the kitchen table... It wasn't getting through very well. Then just out of nowhere I felt what might be called a 'flood of consciousness'. Everything in the subject I was studying all of a sudden came into my mind and fell into place. This happened before I had a relationship with God. Thinking about it now, probably someone was praying for me.

What better person to ask the meaning than the Creator Himself? Especially something otherworldy as this. Just ask God (the God of Gods - no other substitute will do) about it. It was from in you, but I suspect that He had a part in it as well.

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