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Israel Slams Calls for Nuclear Transparency

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posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Another do as we say not as we do moment by Israel. If you don't like my source please make sure to click the links that direct you to "mainstream" sources.

Officials say that the criticism of Israel was nowhere near as broad as they expected at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)’s conference of a “nuclear-free Middle East,” a conference which was held entirely behind closed doors.

At the same time, it was pointed out by members that Israel’s massive nuclear arsenal and total lack of transparency are going to make the goal of a nuclear-free Middle East entirely impossible.

Israel, for its part, loudly condemned calls for transparency saying that it was only possible for Israel to offer any transparency on its nuclear program when “the threate perception of all regional members is low.”

Officials cited the “noncompliance with international obligations” of other nations in the Middle East as a chief region for their refusal to even enter into such obligations themselves. Israel is the only nation in the entire region with nuclear weapons.


Think what you want about Iran, Israel is just as crooked. They're constantly making demands of other nations while expecting to be excluded from moral obligations.

Earlier this year I started a thread on this exact topic but a different conference:

Muslim nations demand Israel open its nuke program to IAEA viewing,

The main source is a Washington Times article. It was conveniently taken down a month or so later. I promise you all that the content from the article I quoted in that thread is real. There were even moderators that were active in this thread who can verify.

How long will the world allow Israel to act like this? Especially while they are breathing down Iran's throat:

'Time has come' to act on Iran, Israel says

As other members have said on threads about this subject "Time has come to act on Israel"

European Poll: Israel Biggest Threat To World Peace

Anyone else agree with me?

And I'm not an Anti-Semite so hush in advance about that please.
edit on 22-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:10 PM
Israel is not a signatory to the Non-proliferation Treaty, where Iran is. They don't have the same obligations - Israel is in fact under NO obligation - in reference to revealing anything about their respective nuclear programs. As a signatory to the treaty, Iran must allow inspectors onto its nuclear facilities for inspection, something they have snubbed their noses at.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Very valid points. This gives much needed perspective to the nuclear threat topic, and war mongering.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by OldCorp

You're right, they're not signed on to the NPT.

Do you think they they should be excluded from signing on especially considering their alleged mass nuclear arsenal?
edit on 22-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: bad grammar day

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:16 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

No country is "excluded" from the treaty. Signing the treaty is voluntary.
Iran is free to withdraw from the treaty if they don't like its terms.

edit on 11/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Phage

Yes, they could withdraw. But many believe that would be a great reason for the West and Israel to strike or invade.

I find difficulty in sitting back watching certain countries pressure certain other countries to join treaties such as this one yet other members of the world community are excluded from this pressure.

I know everyone has their mind made up about who does and doesn't deserve to have nuclear weapons. I just think this hypocrisy very disturbing.
edit on 22-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed

I find difficulty sitting back watching certain countries pressure certain other countries to join treaties such as this one yet other members of the world community are excluded from this pressure.


WASHINGTON - US President Barack Obama said Tuesday that the US Administration calls upon all nations to sign the Non-Proliferation Treaty, including Israel.

The conference of the signatories to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a diplomatic victory for Egypt and a failure for Israel. Israel can feel sacrificed by the U.S. on the altar of a successful conference. Israel's nuclear program, and the international assessment that it possesses an arsenal with dozens, if not hundreds of nuclear weapons, has become a hostage to the conference.

US President Barack Obama (R) speaks with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin N...

Washington's unprecedented backing for a UN resolution for a nuclear-free Middle East that singles out Israel has both angered and deeply worried the Jewish state although officials are cagey about openly criticising their biggest ally.

The resolution adopted by the United Nations on Friday calls on Israel to join the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and urges it to open its facilities to inspection.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Phage

You don't see Obama threatening military action over their unclaimed nuclear weapons though. But as you said they're not signed on to the NPT. But that is not a valid argument in my opinion. Any government such as the one currently in Israel who believes they're excluded from certain behavior all because they refuse to sign a peace of paper is a farce.

If Obama was serious about Israel signing on to the NPT he would stop sending them aid. I heard it's illegal for the US to send aid to countries who have nuclear facilities but do not sign the NPT. Can you debunk or verify this?
edit on 22-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

You don't see Obama threatening military action over their unclaimed nuclear weapons though.

Threatening military action against one's allies is not generally done. Can you point out a case of the US threatening military action on Iran because of its nuclear program?

I heard it's illegal for the US to send aid to countries who have nuclear facilities but do not sign the NPT. Can you debunk or verify this?

Can you?

edit on 11/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Phage

I'm trying, trust me.

I have heard it many times but cannot find a factual source so as of now it's just speculation.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by Corruption Exposed
reply to post by Phage

Yes, they could withdraw. But many believe that would be a great reason for the West and Israel to strike or invade.

I find difficulty sitting back watching certain countries pressure certain other countries to join treaties such as this one yet other members of the world community are excluded from this pressure.

I know everyone has their mind made up about who does and doesn't deserve to have nuclear weapons. I just find this hypocrisy very disturbing.
edit on 22-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

I have a hard time understanding why a country finds it necessary to hide the fact that they might have nuclear weapons.

It is what it is... meaning:
Are we to measure the strength of a country as far as military, before we address our foreign relations? How about we just stop with the hypocracy in judging other countries who either have nuclear weapons ambitions or already have them. Considering those who put up the biggest fuss and make the situation worse, are those who already have them.

If other countries respected sovereignty, then there would be no need for this conversation in the first place.
I suppose I would probably have a different stance on the issue if I lived in Israel of Iran, till then I guess...
I might be wrong, but... do any countries in the Middle East put the cuffs and chains on these people to keep them as a citizen? Are they not free to leave?

People have to move all the time, for a whole number of reasons in which pertain to living a better life. If life is so terrible in these countries, then move. I know it seems harsh, and that it sucks, because people shouldn't have their freewill stomped on, but it's called... reality. It's either move, or revolution, there are only so many options. I doubt any country would use a nuclear weapon on their own people, unless it was a 'false flag' type of operation.

WITH OUT, bringing up the whole 'wipe Israel off the map', did Iran threaten to harm any country. Mind your own business, and hopefully others will do the same. Which includes, replacing you own government if necessary.

When addressing foreign policy, can I get a 'Ron Paul'! I'm thinking about turning 'Ron Paul' into an adjective, I think it would catch on.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by OldCorp
Israel is not a signatory to the Non-proliferation Treaty, where Iran is. They don't have the same obligations - Israel is in fact under NO obligation - in reference to revealing anything about their respective nuclear programs. As a signatory to the treaty, Iran must allow inspectors onto its nuclear facilities for inspection, something they have snubbed their noses at.


Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

No country is "excluded" from the treaty. Signing the treaty is voluntary.
Iran is free to withdraw from the treaty if they don't like its terms.

edit on 11/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

/thread x2

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Bull corn!


Anything on topic to say?
edit on 22-11-2011 by Corruption Exposed because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Phage

While the administration has not beat the drum of war (yet) they have (along with the previous administrations) instigated military deals with nations unfriendly to Iran. The nature of these deals is cloaked in the word "defense", when in fact they seem to be geared towards arming middle eastern countries to attack and disarm the Iranian government with out the direct involvement of the US military.

The Telegraph

National Post

These are from Fox News they are probably embellished.

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have shown our government that being directly involved in international conflicts opens them to scrutiny. But being involved in a supply/advisory capacity giving other nations arms and information allows the government to push its own agenda while having a blanket of security. This is what happened in Libya, and this is exactly what Newt Gingrich has talked about doing.

Video is a little long but the first few minutes pretty much sums it up.

Iran has been a target for a while and is now on top of the list followed closely by Syria.

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 05:03 PM
reply to post by Openeye

I can't argue with a thing you said. But I also think that Israel will take measures which it deems appropriate without (even against) the prodding or help of the US.

Nobody seems very enchanted with Syria.
edit on 11/22/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by Phage

Yeah Israel will always do what it feels like doing. My theory is that Israel will be the first to start by sending Mossad to attempt to take out the facilities, but this wont convince them that they don't have a weapon so they will send in troops.

Syria IMHO is much worse than Iran, but they are going through the Arab spring which does not seem very big in Iran (or at least the Iranian media is not covering it). So there is at least some hope that the people will topple that regime, without the aid of a NATO no fly zone that is (Hopefully).
edit on 22-11-2011 by Openeye because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

The fact is this universe is filled with hypocrisy.

It is just clear that a regime with no border will not sign anything to restrict it's freedom to do whatever it wants.

I just don't know why US is backing it. I think it is the first step toward the NWO and One World govt.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 09:35 AM
Two words that are combined together such as "Israel" + "transparency", what a travesty!
Seems like they are getting full of heat lately, which won't stop at this current moment either.

The zionist circus continues.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Corruption Exposed

It makes sense to put your attention on Israel while Iran builds its maniacal nuclear ambitions.

After all, Iran is the one calling for Israel to be wiped off the map and is funding terrorist organizations in and around the region. Iran is the one that claims the US and Israel will not exist in the middle east in the future. Iran is the one that requires its citizens to acknowledge allah.

It makes sense to be critical of Israel. There's nothing to fear if Iran has nuclear weapons.

posted on Nov, 27 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by jonnywhite

It makes sense to put your attention on Israel while Iran builds its maniacal nuclear ambitions.

Iran wasn't voted the number one threat to world peace, Israel was.

Iran doesn't attack other countries, Israel does.

Iran didn't threaten to wipe Israel off the map, just saying.

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