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At a spiritual crossroads...cannot decide between "inner-directed" and "other-directed" paths...

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posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 06:56 PM
In one corner...the inner road, which assumes that the spiritual lies within. This is the mystical path, usually associated with practices like meditation or discursive prayer, feelings that "all is one," an innefibility beyond words, ego-death, actualization of a "higher self," etc. Examples include: Gnosticism and Christian Mysticism such as quietism, Theresa of Avila, etc.; Islamic Sufism, Theravada, Zen and Vajrayana Buddhism, Classical Taoism, Vedic Hinduism, and so on.

And in the other corner, the all-time heavyweight champeen, what we can call "other-directed" spirituality...the bowing to a higher being...Examples include orthodox and Fundamentalist Chrisitanity, Islam and Judaism, Bahkti devotionalism in Hinduism, Amida worship in Buddhism, and so on.

The two don't seem compatible. Either there is a higher being, and spirituality is about getting in tune with it and devoting outselves to it, or "its all one, man," and spirituality is about experincing some kind of inner bliss or self-actualization.

I see compelling arguments on both sides, but I can't choose. Help's killing me, the choice is enormous...AARRRRGH!!!! Help me decide, ATS!
edit on 11/10/2011 by FailedProphet because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:07 PM
Why can't it be both? Why aren't all of us just a smaller part of this greater being? All because there's a higher intelligence, doesn't mean we aren't one with it. It is through it that we individually exist. In reality, there is no individuality, it is an illusion. There is only unity, balance. That doesn't mean there isn't chaos, it just means that everything is inter-connected, from the smallest quark to the biggest galaxy. I'm not claiming this as truth or as definitive, it's just for conversations sake

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:09 PM
Go inner directed. Don't be a follower of the majority, It's overrated.

You'll get the answers you seek through the less walked path.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:09 PM
If you are at a crossroads there is a third option i.e left, right or straight ahead, unless you mean that you are at a T-junction.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:13 PM
My head hurts.

The more you overtake the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:14 PM
Personally I'm an inner direct, been reading and researching big time into unlocking the spirit inside of ourselves, one way, which I'm enjoying is oobe's.

Not sure on the majority opinion but mine is that when we sleep, we are at our most spiritual, no modern tech, noise, limited pollution on all levels.

That inner part of ourselves is our past, present and future.

But hey, just my single opinion among the millions

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:16 PM
i have been where you are now. i read so many different theories on what is waiting for us on the other side and have come to the conclusion that god does exist. i i am not going to preach at you about having to convert for that is ultimately your choice. what i am going to try to do is point you in the right direction. i dont know if you have read any of the latest material from channelers but they are a wolf in sheeps clothing. they speak of peace and ascension while at the same time talk about rewriting our history and making us realize that we were created by aliens. this is a lie. some people may flame me for my post about god but that is irrelevant as it means nothing to me. read the messages on this website and discern for yourself what you think is right. there isnt much time left, look at the state of the world and tell me were not in the end times. i hope you find what your looking for and thanks for listening.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by FailedProphet

Everything you perceive is in your mind. You've never actually touched anything, yet when you hold your hand up to mine it is impossible at the atomic level to see where you end and I start. Go within and stop asking others for advice. You have everything you need.. You just need to realize it.


posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 08:22 PM
And life flows on within you and without you.
George the Muse.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:16 PM
As above, so below. Like a hologram or DNA within a cell all the information of the universe is contained within you.

Go inner so as to see what direction to take in the outer....

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by FailedProphet
In one corner...the inner road, which assumes that the spiritual lies within. This is the mystical path, usually associated with practices like meditation or discursive prayer, feelings that "all is one," an innefibility beyond words, ego-death, actualization of a "higher self," etc. Examples include: Gnosticism and Christian Mysticism such as quietism, Theresa of Avila, etc.; Islamic Sufism, Theravada, Zen and Vajrayana Buddhism, Classical Taoism, Vedic Hinduism, and so on.

And in the other corner, the all-time heavyweight champeen, what we can call "other-directed" spirituality...the bowing to a higher being...Examples include orthodox and Fundamentalist Chrisitanity, Islam and Judaism, Bahkti devotionalism in Hinduism, Amida worship in Buddhism, and so on.

The two don't seem compatible. Either there is a higher being, and spirituality is about getting in tune with it and devoting outselves to it, or "its all one, man," and spirituality is about experincing some kind of inner bliss or self-actualization.

I see compelling arguments on both sides, but I can't choose. Help's killing me, the choice is enormous...AARRRRGH!!!! Help me decide, ATS!
edit on 11/10/2011 by FailedProphet because: (no reason given)

You are very confused.
Enlightenment only happens to a few
rare individuals.
To have spiritual experiences most people
need a True Siddha Guru who can transmit
spiritual energy. There may be a handful of
these in the world,God only knows where.
In the meantime if you are a serious seeker
read The Book of Spiritual Answers

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 11:12 PM
You struggling between a path of exoterism and esoterism right now?

I doubt any one of us could truly answer you on that. As negative minded as we can be about things like organized religion, it can be a positive thing, dependant upon the individual.

I got to know a Catholic priest near me, who was probably the opposite of the stereotypes we have in mind about them. His perception of things was much deeper and wider than the usual. He percieved that church was for people who had not really realized what God is, and have the false idea that God is only in the church. But that it is a phase of stage of enlightment they need to do to start on their path. He felt I had made progress in my spiritual awareness so that it was no longer necessary for me to that- he refered me to a man who used to be a priest, and left the church, because he had "moved beyond it" in his relationship with God.

So he saw the active organized collective worship and practice as "elementary school", on the way to growing up spiritually and developing a personal relationship with God- moving towards esoterism and connecting with God inside.

That view puts exoterism as the first stage- in which one begins with the superficial concepts and focus upon learning to master ones own behavior and emotions and perceptions (with the various rules and exercises).

Then my question was- if you can see it like that, what are you doing here?? He was still acting on behalf of the church, performong ritual and ceremony, and running a voluntary aid program of the nearby mental hospital (the biggest in this country). Why wasn't he doing like the guy he refered me to?

He answered me- "why are YOU here?" I was doing this voluntary work, that is how I met him. I had spent my life until then exploring the spiritual, had had about ten years of being practically a hermit and delving into my soul with meditation and beign alone with nature, and just had an overwhelming need to help others, just be there with them, focus on them, whatever.... to serve, to a cup that is too full.

He said, same for me. I do that here, and at the church. Others do that in other places, other contexts, in every job that exists, you can be simultaneously serving man in more ways than the obvious, I just chose this one because I know it well, I can use this tool to help others. Like a professor might choose to go back and teach high school or college- it is done out of the love of sharing and teaching and watching the young people grow.
-Even if you are having to go back and teach them the basics, that you know get more complex and later.

But he made it clear to me that at some point in your enlightenment process, when you get that "full cup" state, any sort of activity can serve. I ended up opening a bakery, where the townspeople would come each day for their bread- and I would listen to them talk about their problems and their dreams. I would smile, or cry with them, or hug them. I felt really connected to people and able to serve.

I'm reflecting on that memory of that priest. Sorry this got long. Cool guy. My point is- the spiritual journey probably calls for periods of both paths, and the part where you begin work on self mastership and tuning in on the internal antenna takes a lot of discipline, time, and focus. If you are in a situation where you have all day to walk in nature, meditate or pray, and listen to the guidance that comes from within and tells you what kinds of exercises to do to develop different aptitudes, fine, you need no organized religion!

If your situation doesn't permit that "years in the desert"..... you have to work, you have others you are responsible for, etc. then an organized religion provides some help with the discipline and guidance and gives you a socially acceptable "get out of work free" card. You can take the time to meditate or pray, and have others respect that as part of your religion, you can go to your church or studies and tell people you can't join them tonight because of it. ("I have to go to Bible study tonight" works much better than "I have to meditate tonight alone at home.")

Organized religion is a tool, and what individuals DO with it is partly a matter of who they are, why they are there, and what teachers they come into contact with. If your real goal is spiritual awareness, then chances are you will find it a useful path. Many people re not in it for that reason, and understandably don't end up progressing much as a result. People use hammers to crack skulls too- but that doesn't mean the hammer isn't used for some good constructive stuff as well. The job of the priest, (as this one guys saw it) was to embrace the people who just come there to be part of the group or club, or to gain a sense fo superiority over others, or other superifical reasons, and try to stimulate them to look deeper and become interested in spiritual growth instead.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by FailedProphet

You are looking for the truth, the ultimate truth. So firstly you must find something that is true, really true. There is only one thing you can know for sure and that is that you are having an experience. You are and you know you are.

When we are born we grow up learning about the 'world of things'. We look 'out' and see the world and the world teaches us how to be. Mom, teachers, religions, wifes, husbands all tell us how we have to be.
What you are does not have to be told how to be. Now you have learned how to fit into this society you must find out what you are without the conditioning, without the training you recieved to make you a good slave and a good consummer. With the conditioning there is delusion and this delusion is known by the feelings of confusion, hopelessness, anxiety, guilt and dread.
First we look out at the world of 'things' and forget our home and then we look back to the 'one' that sees the world and that is the return home. We have forgotten ourselves, or consciousness forgets itself. This is why Jesus said you find god through me, he didn't mean that through jesus you find god, no he meant though looking back at oneself.
Do you not want to feel at home no matter where you are? Is that not what we all want?
The truth shall set you free. No more confusion, wholeness.

Ultimatley you are looking for a cure for the pain of life. Mind made suffering is optional, remove the mind made suffering and you will be surprised how light life becomes.
edit on 11-11-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:26 AM
Anything that influences you from outside is considered as material. But 'Atman'-the soul is immaterial. Beings like us and any higher beings of this universe are merely products of material illusion. So one should study the material aspects and grow from within. Outside world will kindle the curiosity but we should understand that everything that we see, feel and hear and basically material kind. Since Atman cannot be gratified by subjects of material importance, great saints had to stick to their inner voice. They were never bothered by happenings of the outer world.

The soul that powers us does not belong to this material world(Bhagavat Gita). But it takes a form or is subjected to a form to experience this physical world. Once we are not moved, worried or bothered by the physical world anymore, we then start the search from within.

So what we really are decides which path we should take. Those who think we are material will approach and study this world and still become self-aware. Those who realize that we are non-physical will take the spiritual route.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 06:46 AM
Start with the truth of your own being.
There is nothing here but your experience.
You can only ever experience yourself experiencing.
There is nothing else.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by FailedProphet
In one corner...the inner road, which assumes that the spiritual lies within. This is the mystical path, usually associated with practices like meditation or discursive prayer, feelings that "all is one," an innefibility beyond words, ego-death, actualization of a "higher self," etc. Examples include: Gnosticism and Christian Mysticism such as quietism, Theresa of Avila, etc.; Islamic Sufism, Theravada, Zen and Vajrayana Buddhism, Classical Taoism, Vedic Hinduism, and so on.

And in the other corner, the all-time heavyweight champeen, what we can call "other-directed" spirituality...the bowing to a higher being...Examples include orthodox and Fundamentalist Chrisitanity, Islam and Judaism, Bahkti devotionalism in Hinduism, Amida worship in Buddhism, and so on.

The two don't seem compatible. Either there is a higher being, and spirituality is about getting in tune with it and devoting outselves to it, or "its all one, man," and spirituality is about experincing some kind of inner bliss or self-actualization.

I see compelling arguments on both sides, but I can't choose. Help's killing me, the choice is enormous...AARRRRGH!!!! Help me decide, ATS!
edit on 11/10/2011 by FailedProphet because: (no reason given)

I say get out of the corner and find the truth on your own. The ways you speak of are the best way to buy someone else's truth, kNot the real truth.

Make your own path, it's worth it.


posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by FailedProphet

We are seeking to find something that will satisfy.
Only one thing will quench your thirst.
Listen to this man, he will tell you what it is and how to realize it:

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 07:58 AM
I suggest going inward first if you believe you have a choice. I don't believe in one omnipotent being, I believe there are many higher beings which all know even higher beings but which are too big for me to understand yet. Regardless any being should rule their own, if there is an inner kingdom that is where the real you is, what you make of it. The outer you is the manifestation of the inner you, the inner is leading the outer. The outer self should never be able to be changed by anyone but yourself, which all happens on the inside. If anything, go for the center of it all first, which is the individual. Work on yourself first and you won't feel as much like a monkey when being around higher beings.

posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:02 AM
reply to post by FailedProphet

FailedProphet, recognize within you that YES a SPIRIT/SOUL/ENERGY exist. And acknowledge its yours to mold (free will). At the same time keep in mind that there is a CREATOR that produced your original SPIRIT/SOUL/ENERGY and YES you are part of this CREATOR. So in many ways you are part of the 1 or the creator but you still can mold yourself into various parts of the 1. With positive or negative vibrations/energy/behavior.


posted on Nov, 11 2011 @ 08:17 AM
reply to post by FailedProphet

Choose happiness.

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