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Impact Warning Theory

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posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 07:54 PM
That is the coolest and most elaborate thing I have ever read on ATS. WOW.
Thank you for your efforts, and now I'm freaked out a little as to what may happen in the next week.

I had a dream once that a meteor crashed into the ocean right in front of my son and I, and this thick white smoke came rushing into the car through the vents and we started chocking as he cried. I said we were going to be okay as I wrapped my arms around him and cried. Then I woke up freaked out.

I hope everyone is prepared for things like this as you never know.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:31 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by Logman

Also, you once told me that you too had this gut feeling, only you now ignore it. That is entirely your choice and, up until now, I wasn't going to bash your convictions, but now I will.

Why do you choose to ignore it? Is it because it has you so confused that you'd rather ignore it, or is it because you're too frustrated with all these non-events to keep generating the energy to investigate each inkling you get?
Or are you too worried there will come a day where you cannot differ between paranoid delusion and intuition? Or are you just happy to ignore your intuition because it is convenient?

I don't ignore my basic warning systems. It's saved me in fights, in everyday situations and in life in general. It helps me discern what my eyes have seen but do not reveal. It helps me decipher what my ears have heard yet my 'common-sense' tells me can't be possible, yet it ends up being. You know 9/11, Libya, JFK Assassination and all the other things that we know are really happening but common-sense tells us otherwise.

Not listening to my intuition is ignorance. Reading, absorbing and discerning a 'theory' is not.

I'm sorry you've chosen to ignore yours.

edit on 7-11-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

I'm a big student of intuition and how the mind can influence and distort intuition. My intuition still points me to an inevitible global event that will bring about great change but this is not exo-doom. The threat of a macro-economic event is large and such things produce large wars, history has shown us this. Due to this intuition it put me on a doom path and I gobbled up Elenin at first but now I realise that my mind was taking over my intuition.

The threat to our world is internal. Yes, I believe 9/11 was orchestrated internally to bring about more US hegemony. Yes, I can see that NATO is the military arm of global bankers and corporations that are looking to loot countries and expand their influence. Yes, I can see why Libya was invaded and it angers me to see what happened there. Yes, I believe JFK was last free president of the USA and was killed by the military-industrial complex because of his opposition to Vietnam. Yes, we did land on the moon. Yes, I can see the conspiracy at work when it pertains to GEOPOLITICS.

But this end of the world crap needs to be put in its place. If a comet or asteroid is going to hit the Earth we will know, this cannot be hidden as the object gets closer. If the sun unleashes a CME that will wipe out the grid we will all survive and we will have 48 hours notice. If the global economy collapses it will be disruptive for 3-6 months while something new is made. If war comes, we will all know and try and make preparations.

I've said that Elenin liberated me and it's true. When Elenin passed it brought me back to reality. I was able to see how my mind had been able to distort my intuition and play on my original fears. I could see that path it took very clearly. I saw how the whole conspiracy evolved from a simple "Elenin causes earthquakes" theory to something convoluted with numerology, symbology, prophecy, Christianity, Judasim etc. Exactly like Satori's theory. Except in his theory he has has done all the evolving rather than let it play out over 6 months.

So yes, my intuition is telling me that limited doom is coming. It's also telling me I have full control over it. I have stockpiled some silver and gold in case I get wiped out financially in an economic reset. I have stockpiled 4 months worth of food and supplies. I pay attention to current affairs and if I see something is about to happen I'll be emptying those shop shelves before the masses realise. I only need a few hours notice and that's teh best anyone can hope for. As I've said many times, no-one will act on any gut instinct until they see it on CNN. Once you see it on CNN I just hope we realise it is what we are seeing and can act on it. That's where all the research and staying on top of current events will pay off. But asteroid doom? If it really is hidden from us no-one will do anything until splash down and then it's too late for last minute preparations. The key is to prepare for the preparable.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:32 PM

Originally posted by samlf3rd
That is the coolest and most elaborate thing I have ever read on ATS. WOW.
Thank you for your efforts, and now I'm freaked out a little as to what may happen in the next week.

I had a dream once that a meteor crashed into the ocean right in front of my son and I, and this thick white smoke came rushing into the car through the vents and we started chocking as he cried. I said we were going to be okay as I wrapped my arms around him and cried. Then I woke up freaked out.

I hope everyone is prepared for things like this as you never know.

They're not prepared. I'm not and you're not. Nothing like this is going to happen this week.

This thread is a waste of our time. Goodbye.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:42 PM
Hello to ATS users...

Just "born" as a fresh member in this very interesting site I used to read for several months now , I'm going to post my first comment after reading all this thread (quite a long task^^) :

From my little "french" point of view and after assimilation of all OP's supposed strange calculations between dates and names , I think he should have take his thread's title from that old film (1992) : "The Sum of All Fears"...

Much more "eye-catching" and explicist for a lot of credulous people cruising around there^^

Good night to all !

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by DogsNGods

Greetings to you, DogsnGods…

I understand the macrocosm = microcosm/vice versa concept. This has, in fact, been extensively researched in terms of fractals, and the science has borne fruitful boughs.

My difficulty is in how this natural observation practically applies to ancient and modern magic. For example, if one did not truly believe that the stars and other universal bodies have influence over our (macrocosm) Earth, then why bother with studying the events/rhythms in space at all? In other words, if one cannot directly influence the events occurring in the universe and, similarly, if the universe cannot directly influence what is happening on Earth, why would one bother to create elaborate rituals meant to bend the fractal relationship?

Surely the craft is meant to change the direction of, well, everything that exists. According to this perspective, if you change one portion, even on the subatomic level, you, by default, change the universe.

This does not appear to be the passive perspective that you portray in your definition.

I am intrigued. Tell me more, please. Why is this not your flavor of system?

On a side note, are you aware of the details of the ritual which is about to begin? I have two sources which put the start at Fort Hood at 4:40pm on 11/9/11; a single report with eventual staggering casualties across the globe. The underlings will be "officially" voting by 5pm tomorrow (11/8/11) on their action.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by Logman

And I've agreed with everything you've said up until you decided to belittle my intuition.

I still agree with everything you have said, but I am happy to read and listen to Satori's theory because from the get go he was not convinced at all about Elenin, but instead always thought the threat was YU55.

I have read his thread, I can see the connections he has made and it is very interesting.

Given NASA needs to use radio-telescopes to image the Asteroid it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that this Asteroid is/was unobservable, and even at it's closest approach it will still only have a magnitude of 11.75. If you look on the JPL it doesn't even tell you what it's current magnitude is. It says n.a. I've never seen that before.

I'm, personally, not worried. I live in Australia and I know this thing, if it hits, won't affect me immediately. My intuition tells me the problem is related to the physical planet and not geopolitical. The geopolitical stuff I've discovered after the fact.

Try to respect my feelings, as I do yours, because I have never had a gut feeling like this and I know something physical is going to happen to this planet. I just don't know what. Hence the search continues.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:11 PM
Has anyone heard from Statori recently? I'm starting to get concerned....
Seriously. Line two.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by DJW001

He was going to post this and then leave. I think I remember him mentioning this.

If he truly believes this then, depending on his location, he may have gone to a safer location.
edit on 7-11-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Yes you are right.. Satori was so accurate you could almost suspect it was one of the paid debunkers in disguise.. taunting us... but as there is not a great deal we can do about doom now... I wouldn't be surprised if just like the US political system they control both sides of the debate and we will see more of this tomorrow..

Strange timing.
edit on 7-11-2011 by mockrock because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:26 PM
reply to post by mockrock

No dude, I've been in contact with Satori from the beginning when he personally told me that Elenin was a dud and he was more concerned with YU55.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by mockrock

No dude, I've been in contact with Satori from the beginning when he personally told me that Elenin was a dud and he was more concerned with YU55.

The Satori post does seem to have tied up loose ends.. roll on tomorrow! Sorry to question Satori... hard to know what is real on here.

Had so many strange arguments on where you can tell the same person is posting under different guises.. you can spot the use patterns in language.. !

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by ProudBird

A girl can dream.....unfortunately all of their parts will be there.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:11 PM

Originally posted by LightAssassin
reply to post by Logman

And I've agreed with everything you've said up until you decided to belittle my intuition.

I still agree with everything you have said, but I am happy to read and listen to Satori's theory because from the get go he was not convinced at all about Elenin, but instead always thought the threat was YU55.

I have read his thread, I can see the connections he has made and it is very interesting.

Given NASA needs to use radio-telescopes to image the Asteroid it isn't beyond the realms of possibility that this Asteroid is/was unobservable, and even at it's closest approach it will still only have a magnitude of 11.75. If you look on the JPL it doesn't even tell you what it's current magnitude is. It says n.a. I've never seen that before.

I'm, personally, not worried. I live in Australia and I know this thing, if it hits, won't affect me immediately. My intuition tells me the problem is related to the physical planet and not geopolitical. The geopolitical stuff I've discovered after the fact.

Try to respect my feelings, as I do yours, because I have never had a gut feeling like this and I know something physical is going to happen to this planet. I just don't know what. Hence the search continues.

I do very much respect your belief in your intuition and I have not meant to belittle you. I'm just trying to explain my journey, how it's similar to yours and how I reached where I am now. I urge you to trace your steps back and find out when the intuition of whatever yopu're feeling now started and how it's progressed. I just can't understand how anyone can read Satori's theory and think it's even remotely credible. We always hear stuff like (numerology is so important to TPTB) to justify crazy number crunching but it's simply not true. What the cabal do enjoy is certain esoteric symbology that has its roots in alchemical philosophy but they don't play word games and number games. Certain numbers are important, as are dates, but you can't (and they don't) do crazy 1x1+7=876657.

The whole theory is so crazy it could have been constructed by some think tank as a test on conspiracy theorists as some kind of field study.

When the asteroid does nothing and the theory is exposed as utter nonsense you still will have believed it was credible or possible. When it wasn't at all. There's no harm in searching for answers but when you've read something and come to a decision about it and then it was exposed as the work of a paranoid mind you MUST re-evaluate your method of critical thinking. This is what Elenin should have done, and hopefully has done, to many people.

To believe in the credence of a theory, then see it exposed and then just continue as if it wasn't important is not okay. You analysed something and it was wrong. This has to trigger a change in the way we think or we just continue to stumble through life, not learning, not evolving.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by SatoriTheory

could it be a rule that whenever one of these DOOM theories are put up that the Person posting it must chop off one of their fingers if they are wrong. At least that way they will think twice before posting and once they are wrong ten times we won't have to worry of new ones popping up..

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:48 PM
Did anyone else notice chemtrails being dispersed in the midwestern states? Or others for that matter...? I find it odd in relation to the asteroid that visibility (even though we "won't be able to see it with the naked eye") is going to be null for us for the next couple of days during it's "passing".

Also if anyone can correlate between earthquakes in "odd" places and this asteroid coming into orbit?

I'm not trying to be off-topic...and I'm thinking it really isn't, but curious to hear responses?

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:49 PM

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 10:49 PM
Well there were a few people waiting a while for you to detail your theory.

I have to hand it to you, there was a lot of effort put into this thread. I also have to point out that maybe you are in the habit of overthinking everything. I know, it's easy to do. But not everything has a symbolic meaning. You are a very good story teller, but that's about where it ends.

YU55 will not hit us. There has not been some secret code going on pointing those who 'know' in the right direction.

You should write books though.

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 11:41 PM
S & F for you dude, nice presentation. I may not think earth will get hit but i cannot ignore such a well written case. Good job!

edit on 7-11-2011 by LiveEquation because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:00 AM
reply to post by Logman

I agree, once again.

I only give this an ounce of credibility because he has worked on this and told me from the beginning that Elenin was nothing. He even questioned whether Elenin was even real.

He was always concerned with it.

What I find interesting and strange, and the connections I can see are these:

Obama reading Psalms 46, and what those verses say
OBL being killed and buried at sea, on May Day.
The stars of Orion matching up with 9/11 points of interest.
The symbology of the Time magazine, and the way time magazine has it written as 9/II (roman number 2, not 11), plus the lights making another 11.
The Church of St. John the Divine and the symbology of the tidal wave engulfing NYC on the pillars.
The numerous movies depicting NYC being drowned. (I know it is a popular city and it is likely to be depicted for shock value)
The differing JPL trajectories Satori has offered up.

There is more than enough there to satisfy the possibility/plausibility.

Even if this was fictional, it is still interesting nonetheless. I also believe the reasons he has given as why we wouldn't be told are also plausible.

Again, this is from a guy who never believed in Elenin, or its doom possibilities/EQ correlation. When Elenin came and died, I had to consider YU55. Once tomorrow passes, hopefully without danger, then I'll address my gut feeling again.

Plus, I've been in contact with Satori for a while and have gotten to know him a bit better than the average joe on here. In fact, both Satori and yourself are probably the few I really get in depth with, conversation-wise.

And the fact Phage has not debunked the differing trajectories (that I know of), that in itself raises a question or two. Or DJW001 for that matter.
edit on 8-11-2011 by LightAssassin because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Tonights episode of "Terra Nova" had a couple of meteors hitting earth.

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