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This Just In, Concerning The Higgs Boson Particle...

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posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:05 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

I like to speak about the domain of the holy of holies, as the mysterious realm of all possibility, which also is symbolized as that which is "beyond the veil". I am also interested in leading people beyond the veil by distinguishing or differentiating their own veil of ignorance, which is always based on what people think or presume to already know, whether about reality, or themselves. Thus, I had the sense that your comments were a type of "side-arow" directed at me and my work here. Also, I think the "truth" isn't something that can be conceptualized but only experienced, first hand, as the mystery both of God and our own innermost self as we are as a "chip off the old block". The notion that you've got reality figured out, or that the models you use, no matter how sophistacated, are something "real" is something that I can't go along with also, and so my initial reaction is that there's an arrogance or an avoidance or compensation of some kind going on. That's what my comment was about. Sorry if I got carried away.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:17 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by NorEaster

The image of God is what appears to be happening.
The image is seen. There is seeing and knowing of.
Then 'logic' tries to understand, the understanding is seeking.
The truth does not need to be understood, it just is.
When the seeking ends, the truth is all that is left.

Y'see, this is just the kind of non-proof that you seem enamored with. You even present it in stanzas. How the hell can anyone take what you assert seriously? Faith is great and all, but faith is what enables both suicide bombers and saints to do what it is that they do. Faith is worthless when it comes to determining the truth about anything. After all, faith demands that you believe and firmly embrace the unbelievable. For a researcher, that's exactly what's not supposed to guide his/her steps.

I wouldn't be able to embrace an ism that demands that I reject any understanding of what it is that I've been instructed to embrace. The concept just seems inherently dangerous.

nothing Ex nihilo nihil fit-- Latin-- nothing comes from nothing
A rose by any other name...Would never ever smell the same,
And clever is the nose that knows, An onion that's been called a rose.

Understand the knowledge of wisdom and the the wisdom of knowledge; know wisdom is the mother, knowledge is the father, understanding is the son and wise is the one who knows that it knows nothing
the day I dont learn something is the day I die, Life shows one the truth through living

But living is dieing just as dieing is living the first and only fatal sin in life; is living and its a crime punishable by death, but a crime is only a crime once you get caught but you do something long enough you will get caught
And if you seek truth
Only those not seeking answers, will learn the knowledge of truth leading one to the veil (death) where they must choose to be shown the truth but one must pay a price for this admission giving up all through death or a part of themselves and remain in this world after being shown the truth forcing them to understanding but leaving them to comprehend how all is one; one is all. & the 7 Laws aws-in-hermetic.html
starts as 0ne then this one is divided into 2 ( . ) points : = [ : ] each point is ±1 to the other point [:] nothing lies between the points and so does everything
then multiply by two so ( . ) = 1.0 the other ( ; ) = 0;1 but its incomplete
because while 1.0 it understands 0;1 = -1
both see 1 above the other 1
but the [(1 ± 1)] are equal only the points [ : ] / = [ . ( . ) + ( ; ) ; ] the two ( : ) determines 1 from -1
and one ( . ) point tells 1.0 from 0.1
Since (1.0) views (0.1) as a tenth of itself meaning equal ( 0 ; 1 ) views ( 1 ; 0) also as a tenth of 0 is nothing more then a point . it can add or subtract value and make ( 0.1 ) or ( 1 ; 0) one and 1.0 and ( 0 ;1 ) tenth of one

making (1.1) = - ( 1.1) or ( 1;1 ) truly both are ones now in (11:11) and its is balanced and equal to [(1.1) : (1;1)] its opposite since in reality [nothing is everything & everything is not nothing]
this would make the ratio look like these two ( 9.1 : 1;6) the whole verse (1.9) : (6.1) two points . ; two ways
0 never can equal to 1 but two zeros ( 0 0 ) are just points two :
unless it is the point . then its what defines one or tenth (0.0) is 2 points of nothing within two points ( . )

[ 1 ≥ (>' . < ' >) ≥ -1 ]

What I believe is that time which from the relativity of our perspective is moving forward But which is in fact moving backwards by gravitating every point ( . ) into to the empty point ( 0 )
meaning that backwards time travel is not possible because you are already moving backwards in time

of my favorite bible quote is [He who has knowledge of the truth is a free man, but the free man does not sin, for "He who sins is the slave of sin" [John 8:34] "God made man in its image" which is not the body that imprisons us but the mind for the mind is all 7th Law

Knowledge of forward from backwards can never be known until one understands their left from right but that can only be know when one knows up from down and all of this is based on your truth for what lies within and what is without. which leads you to the other worlds outside you every person is their own world and truth that rules it
never limit or lie within
never be without

Those who Master the knowledge of Truth use this for the good of all jedi or for themselves for theirs sith
All things have something to teach us good or bad, but it how we use this against others that is for good or evil because everything you know can be used against u
edit on 4-11-2011 by IblisLucifer because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-11-2011 by IblisLucifer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

The article lists the author's email. Go bitch at him. Besides, each physicist team is searching for very different things, so I would imagine that the quoted individual was referring to what's been found within the specific realm of study that they've been engaged in.

But go ahead and post whatever you like. The Internets are free.

I went and looked up the article yesterday, to see when it was published, and it was just posted yesterday and as you say, there are diffferent teams so the reporter is to blame for kNot noting that in the article.
The Press has a responsibility of reporting the truth but they commonly report what they want the truth to be or don't care to make sure they've covered the bases, then they are quoted, which compounds the problem.

One a side note, I love your Bushism-turned-catchphrase usage.
Talk about dumb!


posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by IblisLucifer

Dude, not one bit of that made any sense at all.

It was like you tossed a scrabble game down the stairs, over and over, and built the post off the wreckage.

I'm sorry, but nothing that exists as dependable and consistent relates at all to what (I think) you said. Then again, I don't really know what you said. What I do know is this....

People have been building castles for thousands of years, and some of them are pretty impressive. Some, not so much. If a castle isn't constructed of the same general stuff as the terrain around it, then hopefully it's better stuff, and stuff that's stronger. If the structure of the castle makes absolutely no sense with the elemental structure of the world that contains it, or with its clear role - as a fortress - within that world, then the problems are serious and - to the outside viewer - end up being really obvious.

Your castle, here - with its bizarre number combinations that reveal nothing and prove even less - makes no sense with what surrounds you, contains you, embraces you, and physically defines you. Your mind seeks a level of authority based on convoluted semantics and word play, and while there's nothing inherently wrong in having that as your goal, in the end, what have you actually done to serve yourself or anyone else? I don't know. Toad does that stuff too, and so do a few others that knock around here. It's become their knee-jerk response to all topics and comments.

Riddles and word gymnastics don't explain anything. All they do is create an artificial divide between the riddler and everyone else. Maybe that's the point, but if it is, then no one's learning anything of value.

posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
reply to post by IblisLucifer

Dude, not one bit of that made any sense at all.

It was like you tossed a scrabble game down the stairs, over and over, and built the post off the wreckage.

I'm sorry, but nothing that exists as dependable and consistent relates at all to what (I think) you said. Then again, I don't really know what you said. What I do know is this....

People have been building castles for thousands of years, and some of them are pretty impressive. Some, not so much. If a castle isn't constructed of the same general stuff as the terrain around it, then hopefully it's better stuff, and stuff that's stronger. If the structure of the castle makes absolutely no sense with the elemental structure of the world that contains it, or with its clear role - as a fortress - within that world, then the problems are serious and - to the outside viewer - end up being really obvious.

Your castle, here - with its bizarre number combinations that reveal nothing and prove even less - makes no sense with what surrounds you, contains you, embraces you, and physically defines you. Your mind seeks a level of authority based on convoluted semantics and word play, and while there's nothing inherently wrong in having that as your goal, in the end, what have you actually done to serve yourself or anyone else? I don't know. Toad does that stuff too, and so do a few others that knock around here. It's become their knee-jerk response to all topics and comments.

Riddles and word gymnastics don't explain anything. All they do is create an artificial divide between the riddler and everyone else. Maybe that's the point, but if it is, then no one's learning anything of value.

He only had a few typos that were easily understood as such. He originally said:

[ 1 ≥ (>' . < ' >) ≥ -1 ]

He should have said:

[ 1 ≥ ( > ' < . > : < ' < . >) > [ ; ( > ( [ : ] = ∞ = [ : ] ) < ) ; ] < ( > . < ' < : > . < ' >) ≥ -1 ]

Does that clear things up for you?


posted on Nov, 4 2011 @ 08:22 PM
FYI - at the Fermilab collider, they're dew'n other experiments:

“Many of us felt goose bumps when we saw the result,” said Stefan Soldner-Rembold, co-spokesperson of DZero. “We knew we were seeing something beyond what we have seen before and beyond what current theories can explain.”

I also found it interesting they said this:

When matter and anti-matter particles collide in high-energy collisions, they turn into energy and produce new particles and antiparticles. At the Fermilab proton-antiproton collider, scientists observe hundreds of millions every day. Similar processes occurring at the beginning of the universe should have left us with a universe with equal amounts of matter and anti-matter. But the world around is made of matter only and antiparticles can only be produced at colliders, in nuclear reactions or cosmic rays. “What happened to the antimatter?” is one of the central questions of 21st–century particle physics.

So, I'm wondering, how does your theory explain where all the anti-matter went?

In my theory I've already explained, kNot where it went, but where it always is, so since your theory has no fundamental physical science to it, how can anyone believe it? I realize religion expects peeps to have blind faith so is that your philosophy as well, when it comes to your theory?


posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:30 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

Well for starters you assume quite a bit as to my state of castle but at least you recognized that, I don't really know what you said. What I do know is this....

Riddles and word gymnastics don't explain much of anything. All they do is create an artificial divide between the riddler and someone else. Maybe that's the test, but if it is, then no one's learning anything they did not already know so what is the value to you to me to others and/or of us in defining each ones value.

while there's nothing inherently wrong in having that as your goal, in the end, its what one gains that matters
what have you actually done to serve yourself? Answer ( I gained insight from about you through riddled non-sentence and anyone else I don't know so i dont serve them. Toad does that stuff too, and so do a few others that knock folks on the head around here. It's become their method for testing the people behind the response to all topics and comments. If the structure of the castle makes absolutely no sense with the elemental structure of the world that contains it, then its is not clear and its role as a fortress - within that world is more like a Dungeon
where those held in prison and put repetitively through a trial where the problems are revealed and - to the outside viewer - end up being really obvious who has limits and those without limitation.

The Law of Gender
states that the masculine and feminine principles are manifested in everything. Every being in this world contains a male and female aspect even if the physical body only shows one or the other. However, the principle is not only related to sex.
Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

Law of Cause and Effect
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”

Law of Rhythm
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

Law of Polarity
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

The Law of Vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe “vibrates” and, therefore, moves. Without vibration, there is no movement; without movement, there is no life and no Universe. The differences in the manifestations of matter, energy, mind, and spirit are largely the result of the varying rates of vibration.

Law of Correspondence
“As above, so below; as below, so above.”OLBERS’ PARADOX
And I heard the learned astronomer
whose name was Heinrich Olbers
speaking to us across the centuries
about how he observed with naked eye
how in the sky there were
some few stars close up
and the further away he looked
the more of them there were
with infinite numbers of clusters of stars
in myriad Milky Ways & myriad nebulae
So that from this we can deduce
that in the infinite distances
there must be a place
there must be a place
where all is light
and that the light from that high place
Where all is light
simply hasn’t got here yet

The last law and the first and most important thing the Law of Mentalism
“THE ALL is MIND; The Universe is Mental.”

This law states that everything in the visible Universe is part of “The All.” What “The All” is, nobody can really tell because language is not good enough to describe it, but it is considered universal, infinite, and living. Just think of it as one infinitesimally huge blob of mind. Hey, I like the sound of that… BLOB. Let’s change the spelling to heighten the effect. BLOOOOOOOOOOOBBB!!! There, that’s better. Anyway, if you are to compare your mind to “The All,” you’ll realize that you are no more than just a tiny speck of whatever (like an ant’s booger or something to that effect).

Now, The All created the entire universe, so everything in it is subject to its laws. Everything has function, everything has purpose, and everything has reason in the mind of The All, but it may seem just too complex for any individual to grasp. However, if you can tune in to the mind of “The All,” you will be able to understand the secret nature of energy, power, and matter which is truly maaaaaaag…nificent!

And go to this web site just for fun and click the scroll down and just watch the five 7s of heaven hit the bottem then go scroll back up and watch that return

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by Ferris.Bueller.II
Anybody else find it strange that supposed true 'scientists' are believing in more and more 'theoretical' matter and objects as time goes by? And yet those who are supposed true 'scientists' mock those who believe in God or one of his other names? Belief that the Higgs Boson particle, or dark matter, or dark energy exist; or belief in God or Allah or whatever exists? What's the difference?
edit on 11/3/11 by Ferris.Bueller.II because: (no reason given)

the fact that scientists are humble enough to admit they are wrong and then go about finding a new way to get to the correct answers whereas the ones who believe in god are for some reason infallible and stand by there story no matter what.

scientists say, the most likely thing we can think of is the higgs boson. if they are wrong then its a bit of a disappointment for some but then we know and we can move on.

believers say, its god. based on blind faith with nothing to test and no way to prove or disprove it.

its kind of a cop-out if you ask me.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

So, I'm wondering, how does your theory explain where all the anti-matter went?

In my theory I've already explained, kNot where it went, but where it always is, so since your theory has no fundamental physical science to it, how can anyone believe it? I realize religion expects peeps to have blind faith so is that your philosophy as well, when it comes to your theory?


You could simply read it all for yourself. I'm not preventing you from doing so. My theory is very detailed, and my thoughts about faith-based assertions like "antimatter" as well as similar inventions like angels and demons, are fairly well laid out. You don't have to read it, but if you don't, then don't bother pestering me with demands to spoon feed you. I don't even know you, so why would I care if you knew anything at all about what I've discovered? I'm not your personal Jesus, and therefore I have no "mission" to educate you.

I've been very candid about what I believe material existence to actually be. Figure it out for yourself, and if you can't, then so what. Maybe you and your bag of riffs will do just fine in the "hereafter"? Maybe you can make the whole damn realm sit up and bark for you? Maybe they have a better sense of humor over there than I have over here right now?

Y'know, I wish that you "reality is a human construct" types could be right about what you claim. I have a pinched nerve that's been making my neck and upper back area scream since Thursday evening. I'm on all kinds of pain medication, and not a bit of it is touching the pain at all. I'd love it if I really did have the power to shut it down as an illusion, but the reality of this thing is that it hurts like hell, and the dope isn't helping at all.

It's stuff like this pain that really lets a person know that the physical realm is real and that philosophy is often just playing around with ideas that are presented in an inventive manner that is too vague and subjective for anyone to properly debunk. Doesn't make any of that stuff true, or even plausible, but the convoluted nature of it can sometimes allow it to persist. This pain, on the other hand, has been detected and documented on an MRI machine, so I know it exists. It also has a source that has been determined by way of decades of research into what causes blinding pain in the documented areas of the neck and upper back. My own lack of response to the medication has also been noted in other patients, and is not a mystery. In fact, nothing within this sphere of examination is clashing with what's already been established and replicated time and time again.

I don't deal in magical thinking, and I don't embrace others' attempts to establish such magical thinking as concrete reality. No one has ever isolated antimatter. All they'd done is noticed an impact on what's known by something that is unknown. From there, they refused to reexamine their initial conclusions, instead they invented a totally new form of physical existence to keep from having to reexamine that initial conclusion. Now they have an entire army of dark forces, dark matters, dark energies, and not a shred of real evidence, other than the need for these things to exist if their original conclusions are to survive.

To me, that sounds suspiciously like faith-based thinking, and I absolutely reject faith-based thinking.

posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by IblisLucifer
reply to post by NorEaster

The Law of Gender
states that the masculine and feminine principles are manifested in everything. Every being in this world contains a male and female aspect even if the physical body only shows one or the other. However, the principle is not only related to sex.
Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes.”

Law of Cause and Effect
“Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation, but nothing escapes the Law.”

Law of Rhythm
“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.”

Law of Polarity
“Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

The Law of Vibration
“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”The Law of Vibration states that everything in the Universe “vibrates” and, therefore, moves. Without vibration, there is no movement; without movement, there is no life and no Universe. The differences in the manifestations of matter, energy, mind, and spirit are largely the result of the varying rates of vibration.

Except for the Law of Vibration, the rest are defined by One Law, Newton's 3rd Law of Motion.
And the Law of Polarity is missing the Thrid Pole, Neutrality.


posted on Nov, 6 2011 @ 08:24 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

So, I'm wondering, how does your theory explain where all the anti-matter went?

In my theory I've already explained, kNot where it went, but where it always is, so since your theory has no fundamental physical science to it, how can anyone believe it? I realize religion expects peeps to have blind faith so is that your philosophy as well, when it comes to your theory?


You could simply read it all for yourself. I'm not preventing you from doing so. My theory is very detailed, and my thoughts about faith-based assertions like "antimatter" as well as similar inventions like angels and demons, are fairly well laid out. You don't have to read it, but if you don't, then don't bother pestering me with demands to spoon feed you. I don't even know you, so why would I care if you knew anything at all about what I've discovered? I'm not your personal Jesus, and therefore I have no "mission" to educate you.

I've been very candid about what I believe material existence to actually be. Figure it out for yourself, and if you can't, then so what. Maybe you and your bag of riffs will do just fine in the "hereafter"? Maybe you can make the whole damn realm sit up and bark for you? Maybe they have a better sense of humor over there than I have over here right now?

Y'know, I wish that you "reality is a human construct" types could be right about what you claim. I have a pinched nerve that's been making my neck and upper back area scream since Thursday evening. I'm on all kinds of pain medication, and not a bit of it is touching the pain at all. I'd love it if I really did have the power to shut it down as an illusion, but the reality of this thing is that it hurts like hell, and the dope isn't helping at all.

It's stuff like this pain that really lets a person know that the physical realm is real and that philosophy is often just playing around with ideas that are presented in an inventive manner that is too vague and subjective for anyone to properly debunk. Doesn't make any of that stuff true, or even plausible, but the convoluted nature of it can sometimes allow it to persist. This pain, on the other hand, has been detected and documented on an MRI machine, so I know it exists. It also has a source that has been determined by way of decades of research into what causes blinding pain in the documented areas of the neck and upper back. My own lack of response to the medication has also been noted in other patients, and is not a mystery. In fact, nothing within this sphere of examination is clashing with what's already been established and replicated time and time again.

I don't deal in magical thinking, and I don't embrace others' attempts to establish such magical thinking as concrete reality. No one has ever isolated antimatter. All they'd done is noticed an impact on what's known by something that is unknown. From there, they refused to reexamine their initial conclusions, instead they invented a totally new form of physical existence to keep from having to reexamine that initial conclusion. Now they have an entire army of dark forces, dark matters, dark energies, and not a shred of real evidence, other than the need for these things to exist if their original conclusions are to survive.

To me, that sounds suspiciously like faith-based thinking, and I absolutely reject faith-based thinking.

I have repeatedly stated that out of the three dimensions of Reality, Conceptual, Perceptual, and Physical, the Physical is the only one that is REAL. It's the other two that are an illusion but as to your pain, it's all in your head for the brain interprets the signals from your nerves to then tell you, via physical reactions, that you are in pain. I wish I could help you to shut out the pain, but I dont kNow how but I dew kNow it's possible.

I hope you get better.


posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

I have repeatedly stated that out of the three dimensions of Reality, Conceptual, Perceptual, and Physical, the Physical is the only one that is REAL. It's the other two that are an illusion but as to your pain, it's all in your head for the brain interprets the signals from your nerves to then tell you, via physical reactions, that you are in pain. I wish I could help you to shut out the pain, but I dont kNow how but I dew kNow it's possible.

I hope you get better.


Quick answer again...

There is a well established symbiotic relationship between what traditional science has decided to be material and environmental residual information. The net impact of that relationship is what we refer to as natural law. The thing is that this net impact is more pervasive than traditional wisdom seems willing to be aware of, and all these "anti" and "dark" materials are much more likely to be akin to these natural laws (in the true nature of what causes them to exist) than traditional science has been willing to even consider.

This impact (the physical influence that information has on "material") is primordial - much more foundational than anything else that exists. We just haven't gotten around to realizing the breadth of ways that this influence can be noticed by an observer.

Oh...and I'm checking myself into the VA hospital this morning. Their meds haven't touched this thing, and now it's getting extremely sharp. I'm not so sure that I know why, and I don't want to take stupid chances right now.

Have a good week.
edit on 11/7/2011 by NorEaster because: I'm effed up on pain meds - well except for the part where the pain is relieved

posted on Nov, 7 2011 @ 06:10 AM

Originally posted by NorEaster

Originally posted by ButtUglyToad

I have repeatedly stated that out of the three dimensions of Reality, Conceptual, Perceptual, and Physical, the Physical is the only one that is REAL. It's the other two that are an illusion but as to your pain, it's all in your head for the brain interprets the signals from your nerves to then tell you, via physical reactions, that you are in pain. I wish I could help you to shut out the pain, but I dont kNow how but I dew kNow it's possible.

I hope you get better.


Quick answer again...

There is a well established symbiotic relationship between what traditional science has decided to be material and environmental residual information. The net impact of that relationship is what we refer to as natural law. The thing is that this net impact is more pervasive than traditional wisdom seems willing to be aware of, and all these "anti" and "dark" materials are much more likely to be akin to these natural laws (in the true nature of what causes them to exist) than traditional science has been willing to even consider.

This impact (the physical influence that information has on "material") is primordial - much more foundational than anything else that exists. We just haven't gotten around to realizing the breadth of ways that this influence can be noticed by an observer.

Oh...and I'm checking myself into the VA hospital this morning. Their meds haven't touched this thing, and now it's getting extremely sharp. I'm not so sure that I know why, and I don't want to take stupid chances right now.

Have a good week.
edit on 11/7/2011 by NorEaster because: I'm effed up on pain meds - well except for the part where the pain is relieved

Break a leg!


Ps: I figure if it werks for broadway, it would werk for anything.

posted on Nov, 10 2011 @ 07:16 PM
Update to all: My good friend Nor' had emergency surgery for a very invasive spinal bacterial infection on Monday. He was hours from paralysis, as the infection had begun to encase his spinal cord, affecting his motor skill capacity as well as causing him the intense pain he mentioned in this thread. He is currently hospitalized and recovering, and will be back on this board as soon as he's able. I can attest to the fact that he dodged a real bullet, not any kind of perceptual one.

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