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OWS: A rally against common sense from the “Mommy told me I’m special generation”

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posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:01 AM


posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:06 AM


posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:07 AM

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
My mom died when I was a kid, and my dad became cold and distant after that. I've lived in the sticks my whole life, so going weeks without power is a given in the winter at least once every 2-3 years. I'm living in the middle of nowhere Appalachia (the nearest grocery store is at least 10 miles away), not exactly the type of environment where one is coddled, and I like a lot of the things that I hear coming from this movement.

Sorry your sweeping generalization of my generation isn't exactly up to snuff for those of us who live in reality.

An equal and opposite viewpoint here.

I was raised in "the middle of nowhere Appalachia". Right in the heart of Coal Country. I went without power for a few weeks at a time EVERY winter. Our nearest grocery store was 12 miles away, and the nearest rinky dink corner store was 9 miles away. In the winter you couldn't get to them unless on foot - the roads in those mountains got impassable for vehicular traffic. I farmed with horses. We had NO indoor plumbing, of any sort. Not even water running into the kitchen sink.

Cry me a river about an environment that doesn't coddle one.

I like practically NOTHING that I hear coming from this "movement". We were taught that you work for what you get - you don't wait on the government man to come hand something to you. Matter of fact, no one I ever knew there placed any great trust in government, period. We skirted around it as best and as often as we could.

We were taught to watch your money, don't buy what you can't afford, and avoid credit like the plague it is - not to be beholden to ANY man.

"Those of us who live in reality"? Tell ME about reality. I've lived for weeks at a time on whatever I could kill out of the woods or drag out of the river. I've spent 6 to 8 weeks at a time snowed in, when it was impossible to get to a store. One winter, we had 400 chickens in the fall, and 20 when spring came. I can't stand to eat chicken to this day. I expect that several of our neighbors feel the same way, since we didn't eat all of those chickens by ourselves. But we ate, and so did they.

It breaks my heart to see a mountaineer thinking this "movement" has anything at all to offer to a free man, and even more so to see one think the government man has anything at all for him other than pain, misery, and slavery.

Jesus Christ, I'm glad I got out when I did. I couldn't have borne watching the decline.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

Dude.. what are you talking about?

The UK riots had nothing to do with OWS. Like absolutely nothing.
Also I don't see anyone getting off the hook at all? Derek Jeter? Tom Brady? Tim Robbins?
I wish there was a "missed the point" forum mods could move threads like this to.
edit on 25-10-2011 by GogoVicMorrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by beezzer
reply to post by TheWalkingFox
They either succeed or fail based on their own merits. If one does better in school than the other, should we manipulate the school system so it's "equal"?

I worked at a shelter for women and children for three years as a crisis counselor. It took some of the women a while to become self sufficient. Once they began to see their accomplishments, there was no holding them back from tackling the outside world.
What they had to overcome most of all was the fact that if they wanted to survive, it was up to them to make it happen.
The only thing given to them was food/foodstamps, temporary cash from the government, second hand clothes, counseling, limited rides to doctor and school appointments, and temporary housing (at the shelter for 6 to 8 weeks). They had to find their own transportation when searching for employment and when employed.

It was difficult for them and there were many tears of frustration but the majority of the women did what had to be done for the sake of their children.
Those precious women and children didn't have time to point fingers at the government, the well-to-do, or even their estranged spouses. Many were too busy focusing on their next step forward and could care less what their neighbor had.
What you say is true.

They either succeed or fail based on their own merits.

I swell with pride when I think of how far many of women went with practically nothing in the beginning.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

Supposedly the protests are against a small elite that are making too much money. Except of course the exceptions (Al Gore, George Soros, John Kerry, and Tim Robbins). They are not a problem. I guess Derek Jeter and Tom Brady are off the hook also

did your anus tell you that? Because it sure smells and sounds like it. any moron with 2 seconds can easily find out what OWS is ACTUALLY about without even leaving this forum, so why are you guys intent on spreading this none sense?

IWs doesn't want your money. They don't want a free ride. they don't have a problem with the "rich"

the have a problem with the fact that the entire economic system is skewed in their favor allowing them tax breaks and loop holes to the point and multibillion dollar corporations get tax REFUNDS from the government. The rest of us have to pay our share, but those making the most, with the least "need" pay next to nothing, and at times, end up putting your tax dollars in their pockets.

OWS is about the fact that the 99% of the population ISN'T being served by their government.

How many people do you know that were FOR the bank bailouts, the bailouts that while taking YOUR hard earned cash to save the "banks" from the repercussions of years of fraud, didn't fix the economy at all, in fact it made it worse.

But yeah, it's all a bunch of spoiled kids that want to take without giving, yup, way to generalize. i saw that same stupid hippy kid on youtube. He isn't speaking for anyone but himself.

no, we can't use fringe radical elements of the tea party as an example, no, we can't use fringe radical elements of the religious right as an example, no, that's generalization and unfair.

but we sure can use some half literate idiot (a product of YOUR governments FAILURE to provide adequate education to EVERYONE EQUALLY) to smear millions if not more people

what about the marines and us army members taking part? Oh, I forgot, they are selfish lazy bums.
What about the workers unions? Unions are TEH SATANZ
What about the doctors and nurses? Ah yes, lazy entitlement complexes.

Yes, there are morons out there for something to do, this happens with any event of this type.

So how is this against common sense?

How is this scenario common sense:

The poorest people pay the most taxes and have the most IRS audits
The richest people and corporations pay next to nothing or in fact get returns of millions of dollars or more (during the Bush darkages they actually had to create a new tax return form for a return of a million or more dollars)
the poorest people have a higher chance of going to jail for a crime that a rich person would walk free from
the poorest people have the least accessible medical care out of anyone in America

How about that story about the CEO who stole millions through fraud and got off and the man who stole 100$ and returned it and got LIFE in prison.

how is THAT common sense?

and no, i don't care how far your head is wedged up your own behind, you can not claim all of these people are welfare queens and lazy jobless students (thanks to your government looking out for the banks instead of the people, there are no jobs)

Now, a good source of information told me once how to deal with people like you.

don't you want to make more money? don't you want the government to keep their dirty hands out of your wallet?

Than make the 1% and the corporations pay their fair share, no more, no less, and the problem is solved.

Is this what ATS is reduced to? A place where people with no guts complain about those who've gotten out to take a stand?

Yes, it clearly is. When fat lazy people can deride the military who is fighting to protect THEIR rights as lazy morons because they want the government to work for and by the people, well, it just shows you how far gone we are.

And the best part is, 99% of these guys aren't in the "1%" they have been convinced, brainwashed if you will, into thinking someday they MIGHT be and they don't want to do anything to risk their invite to the party. And if the changes the majority of these OWS'ers want are implemented it would benefit the people here calling them morons too.

Now who exactly is the moron?
edit on 25-10-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by hudsonhawk69

Originally posted by AnIntellectualRedneck
My mom died when I was a kid, and my dad became cold and distant after that. I've lived in the sticks my whole life, so going weeks without power is a given in the winter at least once every 2-3 years. I'm living in the middle of nowhere Appalachia (the nearest grocery store is at least 10 miles away), not exactly the type of environment where one is coddled, and I like a lot of the things that I hear coming from this movement.

Sorry your sweeping generalization of my generation isn't exactly up to snuff for those of us who live in reality.

Thank you for sharing that. You are exactly the type of person that I believe the OWS movement is trying to create opportunities for.

He can have my share too. I want nothing to do with the sort of "opportunities" they're intent on creating.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

the Economic Sovereignty of the Planet Earth,

What does this phrase even mean?

To be Economically and Financially Sovereign, means that you don't RENT your currency *AT INTEREST* from a bank... but instead print your currency without debt.

So, when I say that they are attacking the economic Sovereignty of the planet earth, what I MEAN, is that they want us to pay a tax on the privilege of having currency.

Every single Dollar Bill in circulation is an OPEN LOAN from the Banks, that we not only have to pay back, but with interest.

And I think you would be aware that if we paid back the principle, there would be no money left to service the debt.

You see what I mean now?
edit on 25-10-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:28 AM
Your title caught my eye when you said "Mommy told me I’m special generation"

It seems like we have a whole generation of people that were brought up in the Political Correctness mindset.

In sports they all get a trophy, in school they all get awards. Let's not hurt anyone's feelings. Hardwork was never taught. They were brought up with the mindset that everyone deserves the same amount of credit. As compared to former generations that were taught hardwork and perseverance.

Our country is so divided now with two different mindsets, There are those who work hard and want the government to stay out of their lives and then there are those who want the government to give them free handouts and control everything about their lives. They don't understand it is the people that are working hard whose money is paying for the people that want everything for free.

We must remember we are one country and unless we can come together we will fall. It is scary to see the changes that are going on and I just hope we can come together as a country.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:28 AM
I guess some people respond better to rhetoric than thinking for themselves. While Main Stream Media is converting the truth into a popularity contest for the indoctrinated. There are those conditioned so strongly that they feel compelled to 'help'. They believe in the system like they believe in their God $$$. But faith won't save the silly fools, the cycle of greed is already out of control. Our leaders lie and fudge the books and those that are dragging us down control the media, the situation is much more dire than they would have us believe but those in control continue to profit so they will continue to be in control right up to the end.
It seems pathetic that there are still those that would defend the status quo, like those folks in the 70's calling the anti vietnam war protestors dirty hippies then sending their kids off to die in a war that never made any sense except to the brainwashed.
Just another sign of the approaching appocalypse.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by backinblack

IMO they are NOT trying to fix anything..
All they are doing is pumping as much money into the hands of the rich as possible before the final crash..

The rich are using that money to buy up assets which will be the only thing of value when the system crashes..

All just opinion of course.

Hey mate! Long time no talk to!

Out of curiosity, what is it you think their money is buying that would be considered an "asset" if the system truly did crash? I'm of the notion that a lot of things people THINK will be "assets" will be more along the lines of completely useless, or worse yet, turn out to actually be liabilities.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia

You see what I mean now?


I'm just not getting the whole "Economic Sovereignty of Planet Earth" thing.

It's probably just me. I'd prefer ME to be sovereign, and YOU to be sovereign, and don't quite grasp the abstract notion of a ball of rock being sovereign.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by Ultraman2011
We also have to stop giving fake Solar, wind and electric car companies’ money. If you can’t make it without massive subsidies from government, you have a problem.

One problem is that people still believe in limited and dangerous energy like oil and nuclear, and will ask for it by name. Free energy is easy and doable. Yes, the solution is not government funding. Neither businessmen nor the government should be trusted with our future. It's sad that we can't trust the government. The government is supposed to be us. It's actually the corporations. If the government were us, it would be easy to provide for all. Since it's been sold, we need to drop out and form self sufficient communes. You may prefer the term "self governed community" if it sounds more American to you

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011

OP, I am not sure if I should look at this as sarcasm or what. I am not for the OWS because it does not educate about the real truth. HJR-192 of June 5, 1933. The "U.S." government was bankrupt then, or so it was claimed to get the ball rolling. HOW.. how can ANY government ban the possession of property such as a tangible bartering tool like gold?

Someone please explain that to me. Man created government, we did not do so to infringe on our posterity or sovereignty.......or did we................. unknowingly?

Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine, read them and learn a lot.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:17 AM
Should be called the rally against Elitists/GlobalControl/Occultists

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:27 AM

Originally posted by ErtaiNaGia
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

That was just... brutal.

Thank You.

Teach me, oh sifu.

I have always preferred the Senpai/Kohai relationship, to be honest...

And here is the First Lesson:

"The Truth is not the Opposite of the Lie; Comprehension is the Opposite of the Lie."

Meditate upon this wisdom.

edit on 24-10-2011 by ErtaiNaGia because: (no reason given)

That's sort of a nice idea. I don't especially care for dichotomies of opposites. But you inspired me to think of it this way: Comprehension is the cure for the lie and a necessary condition for grasping the truth. Truth is more than a pithy statement,

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by ErtaiNaGia

Well done ! Although I'm still new to this site, I've seen so many people put the cart before the horse, expressing their personal opinion and then finding snippets of news here and there to "prove " their point. Your post was well received on this end.

Thanks for standing up to ....what I consider.... the number 1 problem here: Too many people are more concerned with promoting their own opinions than actually discovering the truth. To those people, I say, We're all ignorant about one thing or another. Consider growing your opinion. It's shouldn't be cast in concrete. It's a part of you, and therefore a living, growing thing.

It's not a sign of weakness to change your view on things. Change in the world is what powers those opinions to continue to evolve and, subsequently, to change the world. Perception...our conscious view of a dynamic, ever-changing phenomenon. It's not a's a garden.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:30 AM
I honestly believe that (in the history books) this movement will be cited as the start of a mainstream American socialist labor party.

But I wonder when the last time any of these righteous 'protesters' put in a job application.
I do enjoy watching them go on about 'corporate greed' as they text on their 300 dollar phones and send facebook messages on their 2000 dollar computers.

Ah, life must be hard for the proletariat!

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:30 AM
OP you extremly ignorant , you have no idea that fossil fuels are more subsidized tha alternatives.

Basicly you know # so is your entire post worth.
edit on 25-10-2011 by shogu666 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:39 AM
reply to post by Ultraman2011


As far as your fossil fuel Idea, its total bull. The elite have been hiding alternative energy sources from us for years, those need to be explored and encouraged if we are ever going to make it as a people. Drilling in Alaska is not the answer.
edit on 25-10-2011 by princeguy because: (no reason given)

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