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Christian website tells kids they are going to die??

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:43 PM
Well religion has unfortunately turn towards the younger generation so that they believe..And it seems that they use conflict to scare the children into worshiping a religion..I recently found out that one of my friends have fully converted himself to Christ. I'm a person of all believes and whatever he is believing I accept him for his personality not believes. Either way, I have seen slighter evil set of mind, well threatening me that if i do not convert to Christ I will die and burn in hell. Pretty scary, eh? Well especially when listening to 2 hours and having my point of view cut off. Either way it made me question. Does religion really rely on scaring the public to make people believe? A perfect example of the attitude to different religions is from an episode of American Dad. Season 3 Episode 3: Dope & Faith when Stan, the main character of this patriotic comedy cartoon. Meets a person that later on becomes his best friend, but because one thing that differs between them, religion Stan decides to convert him but because he does not want to, he decides to 'Put his life in misery, because people turn to god in times of need.' I believe that this quote describes what probably that website is trying to do.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by Jerisa

I think it is highly likely that you, and I are going to die.

There, a little reality doesn't hurt.

Did you know that insurance companies have mortality tables too!

Gosh! They must be evil (or you are deluding yourself and can't face something that is entirely natural).

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

it is sooo disgusting to teach the ten commandments at any age. society should let them make their own decisions once they are 18. why curb their interests, and creativity at a young age? shouldn't children be able to decide for themselves whats write and wrong on their own? i agree with you.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:24 PM
I think you are deluding yourself if you cant see a day of judgment coming.
The bible states that there will be a judgement for sin.
One has to wonder what right you have as a thread starter to DEMAND we have to accept your luke warm, at best, belief.
What right you have of hiding children away from the reality of death, what right you have of condemning others beliefs.
The saddest and most ignorant part of your statement is you negate the point of the whole warning to children.
Let me break it down for you......
This is the Gospel message
"Love Jesus and love fellow man, forgive each other, if you dont you will go to hell."
See that statement suggests four things. Love+Love +Forgive or perish. The three initial verbs are intrinsically good things, the world needs those good things right now. The last verb is irrelevant on Earth.
Ignore Jesus if you want, though that is the whole of the message, not to be discounted in anyway.
Whats bad about that??

What are you substituting that Gospel message with, what do you want.
Are you suggesting kids are taught..."Do whatever you like to who ever you like as you will never be held accountable?"
If the message is wrong, at the very worse what is the outcome. Well behaved kids??

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:25 PM
reply to post by Hopeforeveryone

thats right! let society teach your children morals!

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by TylerDurden2U

Well i don't like them getting too close to priests

Catholic, Protestant, Eastern orthodox, Anglican, Amish, Lutheran. Quakers, Presbyterian, Seven day adventist It's just so hard to choose, then there is of course buddism, Islam, Hinduism, paganism, Sikhism, Judaism, Baha'i. Well as you can see I'm confused as to who's right.

I don't think religions have the monopoly on morality, I think it's best if they just try to love others and themselves and stay away from dangerous things and instill a sense of self worth so they stay away from drugs and crime.
edit on 24-10-2011 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-10-2011 by Hopeforeveryone because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by BurningSpearess
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

I agree.

It's these type of "Christians" that give all Christianity a bad name.

Hellfire and Brimstone! It is fearful and disgusting, and especially when targeted towards those who are susceptible like children

Why not God is Love?

What happened to overcoming the Old Testament?

I don't normally discuss religion on here but that website is just creepy.

There are a whole bunch of other types as well.

But most all of whats presented as christianity is not christianity-

Not many christians could accept Jesus telling them to not put him on a pedestal and worship him as God.
That would cause a lot of problems---nevertheless..its true. Jesus would say...please dont put me on a pedestal and worship me.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:52 PM
I'm not religious, even tho I was baptized as a Catholic went to Catholic school growing up, I've basically turned my back on religion. I'm not sure if I believe in God anymore, having said all that yes you are going to die, I will die everyone reading this will one day die.

I think the website is just telling people they will one day die, I'm not sure how it's "made for kids", but it is just telling the truth we all die, and if you believe in God then you will face him when you die.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by chr0naut

First let me state that I am well aware of my This site bothered me for a few reasons, one being the ouji occult style, second, targeting children/young adults in a misleading manner, last but not least, the fact that the company/church behind this are people like Kirk Cameron. This is very disappointing.

As for insurance mortality tables...all life insurance is is betting against death every month. If I lose my 30.00 a month bet, my family gets the grand prize

For the record, I in no intent wanted this thread to turn into a bashing session for any religion, it was the promotion that irked me not the bottom line message.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:57 PM
I don't see anything wrong with this website.

The cards are a gag Christian tract for Halloween. Kids are drawn to this kind of thing this time of year. It's just a silly way this church chooses to introduce it's message of eternal life.

Parents tell their kids they will die as soon as the kid is old enough to understand the concept of life and death most of the time and have for untold thousands of years.

All kids on the internet are going to be of an age to know this already. No Big Deal.

If your kid is at least 8 years old and is able to get on the internet and does not already know they will die someday, there is something seriously wrong with this kids parents.

Jerisa, I looked at the site, input my info and let it do it's thing. It simply spit out a virtual card with info on it. There is no Ouija type mechanism there at all that I can see.
edit on 24-10-2011 by JohnPhoenix because: addition

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by Jerisa

What, an apocalyptic death cult that perpetuates only through the abuse of the vulnerable is telling children they're going to die and go to a realm of eternal torment if they don't adopt the dogma of the apocalyptic death cult?

I'm shocked!

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:52 PM
I clicked it & it said "No worries man, party hard! You are gonna live forever!!"


posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 04:06 AM

Originally posted by Jerisa
Ok, so i came across this website that basically uses the ouji theory for kids to play to find out how they are going to die. The interesting part of this is that when looked into further by the below link, it is actually coming from a very well known christian site. I find this completely distasteful, misleading and very disturbing that people are resorting to these tactics to get their agenda across.

see link provided, your thoughts appreciated. %3A+Sync-TheTechAndGadgetsBlog+%28sync%3A+the+tech+and+gadgets+blog%29

edit on 24-10-2011 by Jerisa because: spell check

hmmm you ever think its just some scum-bag posing as a Christian, I for one believe children are innocent until they reach a certain age, any parent knows that, especially 13 - 17 lol
So for me your "Christians" statement is flawed ... Namaste

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by Hopeforeveryone

i was being sarcastic. as far as morality, before the ten commandments, there was not a moral compass to follow.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by jeramie
True Christianity is lead by Jesus Christ, the most humble, loving, caring, King in the entire universe. Someone who has the love of God in their heart would never post anything like that as a way to get people to come to Jesus. Sadly, that's the way this world is today. The more these kinds of people profess with their mouths to be lovers of Christ, the chances are that they are actually in the grasp of another god.

You're quite right. Most of these being in the grasp of the insane OT pretender-god.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by TylerDurden2U

Ah sorry, it's quite hard to tell sometimes
I've really got to give up arguing with religous believers. It's a bit like trying to tell a Manchester united fan that Chelsea is better

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by TylerDurden2U
as far as morality, before the ten commandments, there was not a moral compass to follow.

I disagree. Morals don't come from the Ten Commandments. There's a very interesting article on The Ten Commandments and how most of them have nothing to do with morals.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Jerisa

First off, everyone dies. ("Yes, you are going to die. It's the ultimate statistic: 10 out of 10 die.")

Second, only a kid old enough to understand such a thing would be interested in, or able to use that website.

Third, Christianity's whole theme is either "get saved" or suffer eternal death. Even kids are taught that.

So really... where's the beef?

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:04 PM

Originally posted by TylerDurden2U
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

it is sooo disgusting to teach the ten commandments at any age. society should let them make their own decisions once they are 18. why curb their interests, and creativity at a young age? shouldn't children be able to decide for themselves whats write and wrong on their own? i agree with you.

See this is what I mean. What is disgusting, is thinking the ten commandments are disgusting. Kids need guidence. We have enough bullyism and perversion and scurge going on in america. It is the rot that is making us week with pedophiles.

How naive your ideas are." Oh just let the little children teach themselves". Very very pathetic.

Your post isn't really all that biased as I see it. It's more completely one sided.
There are so many studies that show a degenerative decline in america, since the times of prayer in school, that even you know about them. Would you like me to bomb this thread with the proof ?
I can and you know it. People like you, just want to ignore what the PTB are doing to our world, thru propaganda
in the media, entertainment, and education and it's even showing up and exposing the false religions, for what they truly are. If you have moral eye to see.

It's time for what's left of the core, of decent america, to beat back this kind of rotten ass thinking. Or we are absolutely doomed. From the inside, not from with out.

" Great civilazations are not destroyed from the outside in before they have first destroyed theemselves, from the
inside out "

Will Durrant

Now this is an absolute truth. That was first taught in the Bible, in the stiry of Tyre, that correlates amazingly with Homers description of Atlantis. But the Bible has nothing to offer accoprding to your crap? Get off me !!!
The Bible judges you and you can't tolerate that, so admit that first. Then you can rant your ravings, without reply by me .

edit on 25-10-2011 by randyvs because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by TylerDurden2U
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

it is sooo disgusting to teach the ten commandments at any age. society should let them make their own decisions once they are 18. why curb their interests, and creativity at a young age? shouldn't children be able to decide for themselves whats write and wrong on their own? i agree with you.

How is that working out in the basically parent-less urban gang culture?

Teenagers say that they need to make their own decisions, but adults know there is a reason that the relation of parent and child is as it is-- with the parent having the authority.

If the parent truly believes in a spiritual teaching-- why would that parent NOT teach that to their children?

Do we not expect that a parent will also teach their political ideology? Their economic philosophy? Manners?

In what form of reasoning do we start to imagine that what is important to the parent would not be shared with the child? In what warped reality is that abuse (as has been stated by some, here)?

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