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When Occupy Wall Streen Accomplishes Nothing - You heard it here first

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posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by TheOneElectric
Do you enjoy the idea of being that useless lump that sits back, criticizes everyone, and does nothing to contribute to anything significant ever? Of course you do, that's exactly why you're complaining about the people standing up for something against the corporate heads. Sure, you may not like what they represent ideology wise, but you should respect what they are trying to accomplish. Oh wait, you're probably a literary dullard so explaining the burning passion of the spirit of man in words probably won't do much for you. Sit down, be seen and not heard. Let the people who actually want to change something speak.

Yes, I love it... MWHAHAHAHAHAHA...

Get real. I have no issue with kids getting energized. I have a real problem with jobless people getting the way of people who have jobs because they get more attention there than actually protesting in front of the source of their problems.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:07 AM

Originally posted by RandomThought

Originally posted by gncnew
This is nothing more than a politically motivated action instigated by the recent attempts at Obama to divert attention away from his administration via Class Warfare.

1. You are protesting Greed and the Rich? Greed and Rich are relative. Americans - across the board - all of us - are Greedy and Rich... sorry to break it to you.

2. You are protesting Bail Outs? Again, you're protesting at the fat kids over child obesity. Go protest the source, not the symptom.

3. You're protesting Economic Inequality? Obama has fed you lies. The income divide is precisely where it is because of a liberal agenda that has destroyed the middle class. Simplistic terms: YOU CAN"T DESTROY THE ABILITY OF COMPANIES TO EMPLOY PEOPLE AND THEN COMPLAIN THEY DONT HIRE ANYONE.

I'm rich and greedy? I wish I knew I was rich 5 years ago when "I LOST MY JOB"

You are very rich and greedy. You want more money than you have now - GREEDY says the Ethiopian child

You are able to get on the internet to post in whimsical forms and websites? - RICH says the Polish kid living on the farm with only one goat.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Cosmic4life
reply to post by Domo1

Well this "one member" has written several threads, all denouncing the OWS demonstration.

In fact he has been most verbose and patronizing, so verbose he should write a novel.

This is ATS, you will be called out to explain your position and your motivation.

Don't like the heat, get out of the kitchen.


You think I'm verbose? Really?

Hmm, Thanks!

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by radosta
While I largely agree on several points, I wouldn't be so quick to poopoo the whole thing.

Most of the vocal OWS protesters are absurd and ridicuolous, but that is often the case with the most vocal of any given group.

Really, they are showing anger at a lot of the same things as the Tea Party, they are just coming from a different angle (the Tea party's vocal ones are equally absurd).

The real story is that a lot of folks from different political spectrums all across the nation are really agitated at the current state of the world and at the reasons for it.

1 group advocates bigger taxes and government programs and huge government in order to work against the people that completely own said government (facepalm material).

The other wants to continue with aggressive foreign wars and middle class entitlements that neccessitate the huge government they say they want out of their lives (many tea party types I 've heard anyway -2nd facepalm).

The underlying theme from both sides, however, is anger and resentment at a political system that is bought and paid for by elites and an establishment at all levels that is rigged for those elites. The international banking and finance scam artists are villains in both quarters. Concern for the "regular joe" is also important in both quarters.

If these groups form a temporary coalition of sorts, sparks may result. If the more intelligent and practical from both sides realize that working together against a common foe may be advantageous to their cause, perhaps these protests and the tea party gatherings from last year could be the stuff of history.

I wouldn't poopoo it at all - I'd move it to DC where they would have an impact.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:10 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
reply to post by gncnew

When Occupy Wall Streen Accomplishes Nothing - You heard it here first,

Apparently OWS has accomplished something. It has prompted you to make a bunch of threads denouncing it.

If OWS is inconsequential....why are you even bothering to care? See the disconnect?

Any time a group of people get together to protest and the MSM runs a story on it; it accomplishes something.

It gets the message out that people are POed and want things to change. That's an accomplishment!!!

It's had unintended consequences... unless you're saying their whole point is to piss people off at them, not at their protest target.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by lastmanstanding
I agree with the posts above. Why the need for some many mad bro?
2nd line

I am actually. I'm mad that this much energy and time is being dumped into this political smoke screen.

If 10% of these people spent 10% of this time and 10% of this energy into the streets of our urban centers and started feeding the hungry and serving the homeless... our country would instantly be 90% better off.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by bdimi
reply to post by gncnew

Your narrow and pessimistic attitude is the reason that America is where it is today sir. Don't you realize that it's people like you who think all efforts are worthless that put us in this situation to begin with?

I feel like your one of those people that was perfectly content with life as it was 10 years ago, just like your perfectly content right now. Either that or your too lazy or stupid to be out there trying to make a difference, even if these guys fail, they are still trying to make a point, and you can't win or lose without trying.

Your simply the true definition of an asshole; you want other people to get their hands dirty for you, and you hope for change, and you wouldn't mind if it came, your simply too lazy, or ignorant to realize that it takes an attempt to make a change, not sitting there putting people down who are sitting in the rain, most likely hungry trying to make a difference for people LIKE YOU.

In other words, get the hell over yourself.

Because I think THIS effort is worthless does not mean I think ALL efforts are worthless. Very black and white of you there... find the grey - reality lives there.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:21 AM
I didn't even want to look at this thread initially because it was abundantly clear to me that the OP was either completely out-of-touch or had an agenda. Why waste my time? But outrage got the better of me...

OP, I'm calling you out as a blind fool. You lost already. Why? Because OWS has ALREADY accomplished a great deal. There once was a time called 'The Sixties'. We had very similar protests to end waht we saw as an illegal, immoral and pointless war. Same kinds of protests; not particulalry well-focused, a sprinkling of looney-tunes; and all but ignored by the mainstream as 'kids misbehaving'. But thpose protests grew, became focused and served to wake-up the until then asleep mainstream.

The same thing has already happened here. Momentum is growing, the movement is spreading and people are waking-up to a major, ominous problem in this country and the world. Keep in mind, the VAST majority of folks in this country are not in-tune with the subject matter discussed here on ATS. Most people live in a bubble and becasue of the normalcy bias cannot see the larger issues. OWS is waking these people up in large numbers and once they have that knowledge We The People become more empowered. Will they bring down Wall Street, corrupt bankers, The Fed, etc.? Probably not. But they have ALREADY awakened a broad swath of the people and THAT my friend is a huge accomplishment. Just ask The Sixties.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:26 AM

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by gncnew

The fact that Sorros is backing them, every Communist/Socialist/Marxist group getting involved, the list of demands reading as if pulled from any manifesto written by the just mentioned, Cloward/Piven praising, Unions sending members and now groups like being involved. It just stinks.

What a farce.

Well, like I stated before. Either these people are unemployed, and this should create an opportunity for some to fill the employment gaps that are left. Or, they will soon be unemployed, as being away from their job for this extended amount of time will lead to their firing, thus creating openings for those that want to work.

It is sad to think though, that if they are unemployed, that they are in a sense getting paid, by the Govt forced unemployment insurance to go protest business.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by quedup
Now there is support for you - how encouraging! So what do YOU propose people do? I take it from your stance on this that you are employed at the moment and don't have any immediate worries or concerns.

Hope it doesn't change for you because you just might have to pluck up some courage and go join the protesters but hey you will be more understanding by then!

If you are already unemployed then you really are Alice in Wonderland and need to accept that though it's a bit late - something has to be done and as nobody else is doing anything then feet on the street just might.

I say good luck to them - the American people are going to find out what it's like to go really hungry. Obesity will be a thing of the past - you watch. Perhaps when your belly is empty you will think of the way forward.

Again, this isn't courage. It's lack of more important things like a job and a family that allow people to go play.

Courage is to drop your cell phone plan, get rid of the Apple products, start growing your own food... but this... not courage at all.

Now, yes I'm employed - but I'm hardly worry free. I've got a 14 year old who's 4 years from college. I've got no college fund stored up for him, so I'm worried about how I'm going to send him to school.

I've got a 10 year old who will follow him up as soon as the oldest graduates. So I'm looking at pretty much 12 more years of serious financial obligations that worry me a great deal.

But I also realize that I'm the master of my fate (well, actually God is, but...) and if I need a job because I'm laid off - I'll work 3 minimum wage jobs before I sit on my ass and hope the Government fixes my problems.

I'll also work those 3 jobs before I start wanting to tear down the rich because I've got it bad.

I'm blessed to live in a nation where working 3 jobs is an OPTION. Many other countries don't have that option at all - because they've got NO RICH PEOPLE to create jobs.

Supply and Demand creates jobs, not the kindheartedness of rich people.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
The OP of this thread is not loyal to his country and countrymen, but he is clearly loyal to greed and corruption.

When the other shoe drops, I hope the OP will stand to defend his masters like he is now. There will be plenty of lamp posts for you to swing from by your neck if you want to stand against the general populace of the United States.

We are all not greedy, nor are we all rich. You're an embarrassment of a human being.

More and more, i am seeing this movement for what it is. An ideologically marxist attempt to influence the public's resentment at elites toward its own ends.
To create a collective mindset that is destructive of all freedom and to the individual.

As stated above and in many other posts, if you disagree with the movement you are a traitor or a corporate shill. If you disagree you will be attacked personally and hopefully be "swinging from a lamp post" as stated above.
Is this what you want, America? Radicals wantonly killing those who disagree with them on rational grounds?

I counter that the advocates of OWS are shills or sheep, controlled by ideologues with intent to destroy everything that made America great. Either that, or they are just bored dilettantes looking for a cause.

Once Americans see that, any support for the movement will disappear much more quickly than the more organic and natural protests of the 60s.

I was initially skeptical of the OP's intent myself. However, his responses are far more rational, realistic, and more importantly, true to the character of American freedom than the collectivist, fantasy nonsense being spewed by the increasingly thuggish OWS types on here. Their way has been attempted many times with one result - destruction of freedom and subjugation of the individual. No thanks.

"Swinging from lampposts" -seriously!?!

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:03 AM
reply to post by radosta

Or maybe, like in so many other countries across the globe, these are regular people who have seen their livelihoods, savings, jobs, homes, home equity and income taken from them. The upper income decile of this country has concentrated wealth at an alarming and unprecendented rate. They have used their wealth and the influence that it buys to leverage the system to their benefit further enabling their rapacious activities. This is the same paradigm playing-out all over the world.

No one has a problem with some people being well-off. But it is well established that when the tipping point of wealth disparity reaches an extreme, the stability of a society goes downhill fast. When the wealthy accumulate the wealth at the expense of the majority of the society there are certain risks. You can paint this any way you want but there is a fundamental flaw when less than 10% of a society owns and controls almost 90% of the wealth.

When the Starbucks CEO has to come up with a small business financing scheme because the banks won't make those loans we're in trouble. We keep hearing that we need to create jobs and stimulate spending while we're continually expected to pay more and more fees and businesses can't borrow to expand their businesses. Oh, but those bonuses keep flying high and corporate profits are rockin'.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:11 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
I didn't even want to look at this thread initially because it was abundantly clear to me that the OP was either completely out-of-touch or had an agenda. Why waste my time? But outrage got the better of me...

OP, I'm calling you out as a blind fool. You lost already. Why? Because OWS has ALREADY accomplished a great deal. There once was a time called 'The Sixties'. We had very similar protests to end waht we saw as an illegal, immoral and pointless war. Same kinds of protests; not particulalry well-focused, a sprinkling of looney-tunes; and all but ignored by the mainstream as 'kids misbehaving'. But thpose protests grew, became focused and served to wake-up the until then asleep mainstream.

The same thing has already happened here. Momentum is growing, the movement is spreading and people are waking-up to a major, ominous problem in this country and the world. Keep in mind, the VAST majority of folks in this country are not in-tune with the subject matter discussed here on ATS. Most people live in a bubble and becasue of the normalcy bias cannot see the larger issues. OWS is waking these people up in large numbers and once they have that knowledge We The People become more empowered. Will they bring down Wall Street, corrupt bankers, The Fed, etc.? Probably not. But they have ALREADY awakened a broad swath of the people and THAT my friend is a huge accomplishment. Just ask The Sixties.

Ask the 60's? You really think the protests ended that war? You really think those protests changed anything? No, the Civil Rights movement accomplished a great deal, but those protests against the war didn't do anything but give rise to a cultural movement and societal upheval that I think we can all agree has done nothing but destroy what we once counted as pillars of strength in this country.

The hippie generation was TPTB's counter to the Civil Rights Movement. We got all "uppity" and demanded equal rights - so they destroyed our sense of family and society.


posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by illuminatislave
The OP of this thread is not loyal to his country and countrymen, but he is clearly loyal to greed and corruption.

When the other shoe drops, I hope the OP will stand to defend his masters like he is now. There will be plenty of lamp posts for you to swing from by your neck if you want to stand against the general populace of the United States.

We are all not greedy, nor are we all rich. You're an embarrassment of a human being.

Look little girl, I served 8 years in the Marines and almost a full year over in Operation Iraqi Freedom. I've been poor (I was on WIC for my first 2 years of marriage) and I'm by no means rich.

But unlike you I've got a functioning knowledge of how the world ACTUALLY works, and I've been to places where there are ACTUALLY poor people - not the American version sitting on their arse collecting government funds while they eat a twinkie and watch another episode of Judge Judy.

You know not of what you speak... so please STFU.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:13 AM

Originally posted by mnmcandiez
It's sad when a ATS poster is discouraging and hating on people that are actually TRYING to do something while they stay keyboard warriors.

Keyboard Warrior
1. A Person who, being unable to express his anger through physical violence (owning to their physical weakness, lack of bravery and/or conviction in real life), instead manifests said emotions through the text-based medium of the internet, usually in the form of aggressive writing that the Keyboard Warrior would not (for reasons previously mentioned) be able to give form to in real life.

I agree with you there

edit on 5-10-2011 by nekomata111 because: typo

edit on 5-10-2011 by nekomata111 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by CaptainQuanta

Originally posted by gncnew

Originally posted by quedup
Now there is support for you - how encouraging! So what do YOU propose people do? I take it from your stance on this that you are employed at the moment and don't have any immediate worries or concerns.

Hope it doesn't change for you because you just might have to pluck up some courage and go join the protesters but hey you will be more understanding by then!

If you are already unemployed then you really are Alice in Wonderland and need to accept that though it's a bit late - something has to be done and as nobody else is doing anything then feet on the street just might.

I say good luck to them - the American people are going to find out what it's like to go really hungry. Obesity will be a thing of the past - you watch. Perhaps when your belly is empty you will think of the way forward.

Again, this isn't courage. It's lack of more important things like a job and a family that allow people to go play.

Courage is to drop your cell phone plan, get rid of the Apple products, start growing your own food... but this... not courage at all.

Now, yes I'm employed - but I'm hardly worry free. I've got a 14 year old who's 4 years from college. I've got no college fund stored up for him, so I'm worried about how I'm going to send him to school.

I've got a 10 year old who will follow him up as soon as the oldest graduates. So I'm looking at pretty much 12 more years of serious financial obligations that worry me a great deal.

But I also realize that I'm the master of my fate (well, actually God is, but...) and if I need a job because I'm laid off - I'll work 3 minimum wage jobs before I sit on my ass and hope the Government fixes my problems.

I'll also work those 3 jobs before I start wanting to tear down the rich because I've got it bad.

I'm blessed to live in a nation where working 3 jobs is an OPTION. Many other countries don't have that option at all - because they've got NO RICH PEOPLE to create jobs.

Supply and Demand creates jobs, not the kindheartedness of rich people.

Rich people have the money to create products and hire the people to meet the supply dummy... can't put the cart before the horse.

Without the "rich" there is no supply to meet the demand... unless we all "borrow" it and then we're just giving into the banks.

So which way do you you want it?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by jtma508
reply to post by radosta

Or maybe, like in so many other countries across the globe, these are regular people who have seen their livelihoods, savings, jobs, homes, home equity and income taken from them. The upper income decile of this country has concentrated wealth at an alarming and unprecendented rate. They have used their wealth and the influence that it buys to leverage the system to their benefit further enabling their rapacious activities. This is the same paradigm playing-out all over the world.

No one has a problem with some people being well-off. But it is well established that when the tipping point of wealth disparity reaches an extreme, the stability of a society goes downhill fast. When the wealthy accumulate the wealth at the expense of the majority of the society there are certain risks. You can paint this any way you want but there is a fundamental flaw when less than 10% of a society owns and controls almost 90% of the wealth.

When the Starbucks CEO has to come up with a small business financing scheme because the banks won't make those loans we're in trouble. We keep hearing that we need to create jobs and stimulate spending while we're continually expected to pay more and more fees and businesses can't borrow to expand their businesses. Oh, but those bonuses keep flying high and corporate profits are rockin'.

You do realize banks are businesses too - that employ people...

It's also a fundamental flaw when 10% of the country funds 90% of the taxes to the government... but you're not out protesting that now are you?

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:23 AM
reply to post by gncnew

You better correct your statement, it is the 90% who finance the nation as none of them pay a cent in taxes, most bigger companies and individual pays little taxes.

You are a member of The 99% so start acting like it.
edit on 5-10-2011 by TheImmaculateD1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by gncnew

Find me one of these so called "jobs" you say they are creating! You can't because anything you do find is either in fast food or retail.

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