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Homeopathic remedies for acne anyone?!

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:02 PM
Have you tried honey? Honey is a natural anti-bacterial, and has been shown to help people with acne in the past.

I've never tried it, but I've heard stories that it works.

Just put it on your face at night and leave it on for an hour maybe every day for a week and see what happens. And make sure you use real local honey. I wouldn't trust that stuff you get at a Pick and Save supermarket.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:04 PM
I'm 38 and have suffered with acne much of my life. Like you I've tried a lot of different treatments and the only thing that has helped is cutting out caffeine. As long as I stay caffeine free my skin stays clear.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by lilowl53

Try washing your face with pure raw honey twice a day. It has antimicrobial properties, and it moisturizes your skin without making it oily. It's probably the best facial cleanser/moisturizer that I've ever used. If you try that and it doesn't work (you have to give it a few weeks), go here. It's a blog with recipes for natural acne remedies among other things. I read about the honey face wash there. Good luck, and I hope this helps.

posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by Xaberz

Ah, you beat me to it

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 12:36 AM
quick fix is
Omega three, I'm talking 9 a day
Flax seed oil, 2 good spoons a day not the cap form has to be liquid and always cold stored
Twelve serves of veg a day Very easy to do with a juicer

Follow this one/two weeks and your skin will be so good people will comment on it..

Or if you don't like supplements and can afford good food

Wild Salmon From Alaska (omega 3)
Walnuts and Almonds (omega 6)
Carrot, Broccoli and Sweet potatoes (vitamin A)
Guava, Oranges and Strawberry's (vitamin C)

Also an avocado a day will keep the doctor away

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by lilowl53

I don't know if you have tried yet or not but I know a couple of people who had a lot of success with proactiv.

It seems to be the best treatment out there.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by lilowl53
So, here I am a 26 year old adult, and I still have skin issues. I have had severe acne since I was 12 years old. I have taken or put on every prescription and over the counter drug there is. My hormones are not out of whack (had that tested). I have altered my diet, drank water until I could literally float, and nothing has calmed the acne down.

When I say I took everything there is to take, I mean it. Accutane included ( a double dose even). Over the years it had gotten better, then worse, then better again. Something will work for a while then stop working altogether. I swear acne becomes immune. I am in one of my bad phases again, and I am looking to try an all natural method or even something weird if I have to.

So... I want to see if anyone can give me any ideas of something new to try. What has worked for you? I will try anything at this point!

I am 49...and when i was 23-26 had lovely skin but aged 14-23 and 26 until I have tried literally everything...and you are not going to like this...the most effective and brutal treatment is Roaccutane taken in oral form or tretinoin (topical ) I can't take oral Roaccutane because I have other health issues...But topical is working apart from chin of which I am certain for some reason needs laser treatment...This strong drug works from inside out- it has 99% success rate and some people after two months never need recurring treatment...I think your issue here is that you need longer treatment not on/off/on/off- some people have to stick with it...and you sound like skin is lovely but my chin is bad...I am not sure at the moment whether the Tretinoin is bringing out all the bad from my chin or whether its so bad it needs laser treatment...but it's a constant mess...I am into 4 th week so it could be after 6 week period back to dr with photos to show him my chin at it's worse...and the tretinion struggles in chin area........I eat healthly, rarely drink. don't smoke, keep my face clean...maybe it's genetics...but my Mom at 82 has lovely skin and moisturises (I could never do that) I produce so much sebum it;s had greasy skin but it wasn't as bad as mine...Maybe it's hormonal...but I've had so many years of it and hormones change so I beg to differ...I have no idea why some of us suffer like this and I have cried myself many a time to sleep because your face is the first thing someone notices...and my chin gets so painful and full of pus filled spots...if you find any info let me

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 02:28 AM
ps thanks guys will try the honey!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by Freedom_is_Slavery

Just to add,
don't take this much omega three if you have low blood pressure, bleeding/clotting issues or if your allergic

And don't take it all at once,

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by lilowl53

hi,i hope this helps you or anyone who reads and needs a remedy.2 years ago (im 30) i had a problem with a very persistent type of acnee,you can forget about the products the big companies sell,the only thing that saved me and it took about a month to get rid of the marks too was tea tree oil!.try it !..(oh and try too keep control of your alimentation,less sweets and fat ofcourse)
all the best!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 04:06 AM
Clean dry towel ( or just clean pillow case ) daily, and then you win. Gives you a little more laundry but niiice skin.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 04:08 AM
Try applying toothpaste on your acne. It calms it down like nothing else!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 04:47 AM

I have a great deal of experience with homeopathic medications and I highly recommend:


by the French company BOIRON for ANY SKIN ERUPTIONS OF ANY KIND.

Please excuse the caps, but homeopathics work like that... it's not the typical western indications for acne or warts, it's any skin eruption.

Homeopathics work differently for different people, but in my experience, they are unbeatable in the long run. They actually seem to train your body to recognize and eliminate that 'dis-ease' you no longer want. I am speaking not only from my own experience, but also those of close family members. Be prepared to take them three times a day for three months, then stop. No side-effects. I think you will see results relatively quickly.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:25 AM
Where is your acne? If you’re an adult female and you notice your acne is around your jaw line and cheeks but everywhere else seems to be clear it's likely hormonal. Even if you had your hormones tested everyone has different levels of testosterone that can make them sensitive. For you even small amounts could cause an acne reaction. There are birth control pills like Diane 35 that can lower your male sex hormones and increase your female sex hormones. With the pill obviously comes side effects and if you want to avoid it you can try other things to increase your estragon and lower your testosterone like drinking a lot of soy milk etc.

For your skin care regime I would recommend The Soap Works Tea Tree Oil Soap It's less than 2 dollars and it works really well but you have to scrub for at least 2 minutes and it can dry out your lips so get some lip chap. Then use a light astringent, for me I don't work well with benzoyl peroxide so I use salicylic acid. Clean and clear makes a really good astringent made with salicylic acid for sensitive skin that I use. After my face dries I put clean and clear salicylic acid spot treatment all over my skin. I don't just put it on the spots; I put it everywhere and rub it in. I'm 24 and was getting a lot of acne around my jaw line and cheeks and this helped a lot!

edit on 28-9-2011 by lisaloeb1214 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by Jools

Originally posted by lilowl53
So, here I am a 26 year old adult, and I still have skin issues. I have had severe acne since I was 12 years old. I have taken or put on every prescription and over the counter drug there is. My hormones are not out of whack (had that tested). I have altered my diet, drank water until I could literally float, and nothing has calmed the acne down.

When I say I took everything there is to take, I mean it. Accutane included ( a double dose even). Over the years it had gotten better, then worse, then better again. Something will work for a while then stop working altogether. I swear acne becomes immune. I am in one of my bad phases again, and I am looking to try an all natural method or even something weird if I have to.

So... I want to see if anyone can give me any ideas of something new to try. What has worked for you? I will try anything at this point!

I am 49...and when i was 23-26 had lovely skin but aged 14-23 and 26 until I have tried literally everything...and you are not going to like this...the most effective and brutal treatment is Roaccutane taken in oral form or tretinoin (topical ) I can't take oral Roaccutane because I have other health issues...But topical is working apart from chin of which I am certain for some reason needs laser treatment...This strong drug works from inside out- it has 99% success rate and some people after two months never need recurring treatment...I think your issue here is that you need longer treatment not on/off/on/off- some people have to stick with it...and you sound like skin is lovely but my chin is bad...I am not sure at the moment whether the Tretinoin is bringing out all the bad from my chin or whether its so bad it needs laser treatment...but it's a constant mess...I am into 4 th week so it could be after 6 week period back to dr with photos to show him my chin at it's worse...and the tretinion struggles in chin area........I eat healthly, rarely drink. don't smoke, keep my face clean...maybe it's genetics...but my Mom at 82 has lovely skin and moisturises (I could never do that) I produce so much sebum it;s had greasy skin but it wasn't as bad as mine...Maybe it's hormonal...but I've had so many years of it and hormones change so I beg to differ...I have no idea why some of us suffer like this and I have cried myself many a time to sleep because your face is the first thing someone notices...and my chin gets so painful and full of pus filled spots...if you find any info let me

When it's only your chin or jawline area (and you're female) it's hormonal, you have to address you're hormones.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:52 AM
OK...Home remedy time. Cheap and this works 100% of the time.

Make some plain oatmeal, make it so it can be spreadable, not runny but not on the dry side either.

Add tea tree oil and olive oil. Tea spoon of each.

Apply to your face or any acne affected area while the mix is still nice and a little on the warmer side.

Leave on for 10 minutes.

Wash your face with a none perfumed soap, or even a mild skin cleanser.

Now get yourself some Vitamin D ( Some even used a sunblock ) cream and moisturize.

At first you might want to do this twice a day for about 7 days. You will see a major difference.

Worked for me !

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 07:57 AM
reply to post by lisaloeb1214

Well here is the best cure I've found for acne so far, it is two fold, and bare with me because you are probably gonna be shocked as to what it is, lol.

First, buy some unscented natural kitty litter made from clay (easy to find in any grocery store or pet supply store) and also pick up a bottle of bayer's aspirin, uncoated.

Dissolve 1 bayer's uncoated aspirin in a 1/2 teaspoon of warm water, add to 3 tablespoons of (clean, unused) kitty litter mix with another 2 teaspoons of warm water, add more for desired consistency...once it's in a paste and spreadable, apply to face and let sit for 20 mins before washing off.

The volcanic clay in the kitty litter will extract impurities and oil from your skin, the salicylic acid in the aspirin will treat the pores, apply this mask 2 to 3 times per week and within a month your skin should be completely clear. Worked for me and a number of friends, hope it helps you!

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by lisaloeb1214
Where is your acne? If you’re an adult female and you notice your acne is around your jaw line and cheeks but everywhere else seems to be clear it's likely hormonal. Even if you had your hormones tested everyone has different levels of testosterone that can make them sensitive. For you even small amounts could cause an acne reaction. There are birth control pills like Diane 35 that can lower your male sex hormones and increase your female sex hormones. With the pill obviously comes side effects and if you want to avoid it you can try other things to increase your estragon and lower your testosterone like drinking a lot of soy milk etc.

For your skin care regime I would recommend The Soap Works Tea Tree Oil Soap It's less than 2 dollars and it works really well but you have to scrub for at least 2 minutes and it can dry out your lips so get some lip chap. Then use a light astringent, for me I don't work well with benzoyl peroxide so I use salicylic acid. Clean and clear makes a really good astringent made with salicylic acid for sensitive skin that I use. After my face dries I put clean and clear salicylic acid spot treatment all over my skin. I don't just put it on the spots; I put it everywhere and rub it in. I'm 24 and was getting a lot of acne around my jaw line and cheeks and this helped a lot!

edit on 28-9-2011 by lisaloeb1214 because: (no reason given)

Yes, that is exactly where the worst of it is! I don't take BC anymore, maninly because I don't have to, but this has got me thinking. I had my tubes tied a few months ago, and this break out seems to have started shortly after that. I don't know if that would cut down on my estrogen, but I suppose it's possible.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by lilowl53

Originally posted by lisaloeb1214
Where is your acne? If you’re an adult female and you notice your acne is around your jaw line and cheeks but everywhere else seems to be clear it's likely hormonal. Even if you had your hormones tested everyone has different levels of testosterone that can make them sensitive. For you even small amounts could cause an acne reaction. There are birth control pills like Diane 35 that can lower your male sex hormones and increase your female sex hormones. With the pill obviously comes side effects and if you want to avoid it you can try other things to increase your estragon and lower your testosterone like drinking a lot of soy milk etc.

For your skin care regime I would recommend The Soap Works Tea Tree Oil Soap It's less than 2 dollars and it works really well but you have to scrub for at least 2 minutes and it can dry out your lips so get some lip chap. Then use a light astringent, for me I don't work well with benzoyl peroxide so I use salicylic acid. Clean and clear makes a really good astringent made with salicylic acid for sensitive skin that I use. After my face dries I put clean and clear salicylic acid spot treatment all over my skin. I don't just put it on the spots; I put it everywhere and rub it in. I'm 24 and was getting a lot of acne around my jaw line and cheeks and this helped a lot!

edit on 28-9-2011 by lisaloeb1214 because: (no reason given)

Yes, that is exactly where the worst of it is! I don't take BC anymore, maninly because I don't have to, but this has got me thinking. I had my tubes tied a few months ago, and this break out seems to have started shortly after that. I don't know if that would cut down on my estrogen, but I suppose it's possible.

It definitely sounds like it could be the culprit, my acne around my jaw started when I had my son. My MD tried me with 2 months of Diane 35 and my skin is almost clear now (i just have some scaring left (might try retinall A or laser for it)). I stopped taking the Diane recently and am now looking at natural ways to keep my estragon high and testosterone low like drinking soy milk; and so far I haven't had a break out.
If you see a dermatologist I would definitely bring up how you got your tubes tide and the location of your acne. If you don’t mind medication they might have something to give you but if that’s out of the question, they might know of natural ways to increase your estragon and decrease male sex hormones.

posted on Sep, 28 2011 @ 08:24 AM
reply to post by sweetstuff

Thanks, I will try this if I break out again since I work well with salicylic acid

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