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Mass brawl at theme park after Muslim women are banned from going on rides unless they remove their

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posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by Muckster
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

Well I’ve been away a day and this thread is still spiralling down the path of ignorance into the bigoted abyss...

Okay, here I am again saying that muslims belong in muslim countries.

How dare you, a muslim, emigrate to a foreign country kind enough to give you a home, and flout their laws?

I have so had it with muslims moving into foreign countries and causing trouble.

Muslims, stay in your own muslim countries.

And guess what, non-muslims will also stay in their own countries.


So by this logic what would you consider America? Obviously not Muslim; maybe you consider it a Christian country. So... Maybe you should send all the Atheists to China, and the Hindus to India, Jews to Israel, Buddhists to Tibet etc... Only question is... What do you do with all the Agnostics

ya what part of that didn't you understand?

friggin england, got a problem wit dat?

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by tjack

Originally posted by Rhebefree

Did ANYONE read this post by sherlock holmes? I thought I would emphasize it since for two pages after it, all I see is asinine posts that do not address the real issues.

1. They were not aware of the scarf rule
3. The police were a###h#### first, if the poor women shoved to the ground had been white or even african american there'd be a ton of posts rising to her defense!!


1. So they say.

2. Of course! Otherwise what's to stop someone in any type of headgear from playing all day in the park, going to the "forbidden" ride at the end of the day, causing a scene, and getting a refund because "they were not aware of the scarf rule", which is probably clearly posted in more than one place.

3. Police can be power tripping dicks, I thought we all knew that. They tend to meet any force or aggression with the same, PLUS some. They are not trained very well in the de-escalate department these days, or so it seems to me. We can probably thank the DHS for that.

I have to wonder about the other 99.5% of Muslims that were in attendance that day (remember, there's 3000 of them in a tour group at the park) did they have fun? Cause a ruckus?

It's not a "Muslim" thing, everybody, it's a "jerk" thing, and it looks like there were no shortages of them on either side that day.

The harshness of many of the posts in this thread (again, both sides) troubles me a bit.

ya i always cause a ruckus and beat the security people when i go anywhere.

oh wait! i guess i give these assholes a pass since they are what? muslim?

don't think so.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:37 AM
reply to post by fooks

ya what part of that didn't you understand?

friggin england, got a problem wit dat?

Sorry? Er... i really don’t know what to say... is English your first language?

I don’t mean to be rude (I really don’t) but sometimes I struggle to understand your point... Forgive my ignorance... and if you could be so kind, try and explain it to me in clear English what you are trying to say. Thanks.


ETA - Oh ok... Do you mean that you would send all the Agnostics to England?

edit on 2-9-2011 by Muckster because: Edit to add final comment

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:43 AM

Originally posted by fooks

Originally posted by tjack

Originally posted by Rhebefree

Did ANYONE read this post by sherlock holmes? I thought I would emphasize it since for two pages after it, all I see is asinine posts that do not address the real issues.

1. They were not aware of the scarf rule
3. The police were a###h#### first, if the poor women shoved to the ground had been white or even african american there'd be a ton of posts rising to her defense!!


1. So they say.

2. Of course! Otherwise what's to stop someone in any type of headgear from playing all day in the park, going to the "forbidden" ride at the end of the day, causing a scene, and getting a refund because "they were not aware of the scarf rule", which is probably clearly posted in more than one place.

3. Police can be power tripping dicks, I thought we all knew that. They tend to meet any force or aggression with the same, PLUS some. They are not trained very well in the de-escalate department these days, or so it seems to me. We can probably thank the DHS for that.

I have to wonder about the other 99.5% of Muslims that were in attendance that day (remember, there's 3000 of them in a tour group at the park) did they have fun? Cause a ruckus?

It's not a "Muslim" thing, everybody, it's a "jerk" thing, and it looks like there were no shortages of them on either side that day.

The harshness of many of the posts in this thread (again, both sides) troubles me a bit.

ya i always cause a ruckus

Yeah, we can see that.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by Common Scarecrow

I would care if the scarf flew into my face, or wrapped around my neck, OR, flew into the working mechanisms of the ride,

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by Muckster


why not? where you from, send them there.

you can have them, don't try to deflect.

i am chinese, btw.

and i will really dump on you if you get all bigoted at all!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:52 AM

Originally posted by smarterthanyou
It's one thing if you have a hat on with a plastic brim, that could potentially be whipped off by the wind and seriously hurt somebody. But a scarf? Give me a break. Where else but New York State amirite.

Really!? The odds of a hat flying off and hurting someone? Pretty low. The chance that a scarf could get blown off and get stuck somewhere on the track that causes problems (like gets stuck under a wheel effecting the stopping ability?), also pretty low but why take a chance? If this were to happen and cause injury, do you think there would be a law suit? In New York? Absolutely! And they would have a pretty good case. The Operator is legally bound to take ALL reasonable precautions to safe guard the riders, including having people remove all scarves and any loose clothing. It's a choice. If you don't want to comply, DON'T RIDE..

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Sadly another over blown media topic, yes some Muslims (women) were excluded from rides under safety reasons, no there wasn't a massive riot and some accepted the reasons.

That saying, those that didn't and rowed about it should be ashamed of themselves for playing the race / religion card. The late Isadora Duncan taught us the reasons not to wear long loose scarves etc around machinery, in her the case the wheels of her cars as she drove it.

These self important tantrum makers should be banned from the park forever for the actions, mind you where I live we have the full veil wearers who simply ignore non Muslim people ie refuse to talk to them.

As if we need more arrogance and ignorance in this country...

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by tjack

Originally posted by Rhebefree

Did ANYONE read this post by sherlock holmes? I thought I would emphasize it since for two pages after it, all I see is asinine posts that do not address the real issues.

1. They were not aware of the scarf rule
3. The police were a###h#### first, if the poor women shoved to the ground had been white or even african american there'd be a ton of posts rising to her defense!!


1. So they say.

2. Of course! Otherwise what's to stop someone in any type of headgear from playing all day in the park, going to the "forbidden" ride at the end of the day, causing a scene, and getting a refund because "they were not aware of the scarf rule", which is probably clearly posted in more than one place.

3. Police can be power tripping dicks, I thought we all knew that. They tend to meet any force or aggression with the same, PLUS some. They are not trained very well in the de-escalate department these days, or so it seems to me. We can probably thank the DHS for that.

I have to wonder about the other 99.5% of Muslims that were in attendance that day (remember, there's 3000 of them in a tour group at the park) did they have fun? Cause a ruckus?

It's not a "Muslim" thing, everybody, it's a "jerk" thing, and it looks like there were no shortages of them on either side that day.

The harshness of many of the posts in this thread (again, both sides) troubles me a bit.

From the article it seems that the police and the muslims do have two different stories, and not having been there myself of course I cant say with certaintity whose version of the truth is in fact truth, however a few things stand out to me.
First of all the articles author spun it in a way to white wash the polices involvement and throw doubt on the legitimacy of the muslim groups side of the story, that in itself is sus, and you have to ask yourself if the official story is correct then why did they call the park gaurds over a family having an arguement? Note that the actual fighting didnt start until the gaurds "stepped in". Why would they argue amongst themselves over whether to take the refund? If it was such a big issue for them why hadnt they made a scene at the gate when they were being issued their passes? Unless, as they claim it really hadnt been explained to them properly that the scarf/hat rule included religous head coverings, if infact their issue was the head coverings then surely when the tour company had explained it to them they wouldve made a fuss then? Their version of events makes much more sense to me.
It seems that they went with a tour company for their holiday, this tour company took them to a fun park where they either hadnt had the rules explained to them properly or they hadnt understood what it meant and so were caught unawares when trying to get on rides, the women argued with the attendents and asked for their money back, were refused a refund, they were angry start arguing the park panics gets cops in, cops sees an angry muslim crowd, panics, roughly shoves a woman to the ground, cousin goes to her aid gets beaten for the effort, riot ensues.
In fact sounds to me like it was the tour company and the police who were at fault here, in cahoots perhaps? Now theres a conspiracy for ya!
Anyway, no matter who was at fault there, right here, right now, all I see is a whole lotta hate. Whatever went down over there does not excuse racist slurs and asinine verbal vomit, there are two sides to every story and why some people forget that when a muslim (or a Christian, or a Jew, or a welfare mother) is involved just boggles my mind.
This site isnt ignorence free, this thread is a prime example of that.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 06:54 AM
reply to post by SamuraiCentury

No, removing the scarf would have resolved the issue. It is a RULE of SAFETY. You know Muslim women don't get patted down beyond their head and neck at airports; hence', escaping another RULE of SAFETY. Any other woman does, regardless of her "religion". Something very wrong here.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:03 AM
Outrageous? Yes
Unacceptable? Of course

You then go on ATS to find comments like...

"Those whites should be deported"
"I didn’t think whites were allowed on roller coasters"
"What’s the problem with these dumb white war mongers"

You don’t think that would be ignorant stereotyping???

No. There ARE stupid white people always looking for trouble, shouldn't be allowed into theme parks, and they ARE war mongers (whites run the Industrial Military Complex by the way...).
These people (Muslims) sound like they were behaving badly and they too should be banned, just like the unruly whites.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:16 AM

Originally posted by petrus4
I consider it wrong of non-Islamic individuals to attempt to insist that Muslim women not wear the hijab, if it is said womens' own desire to do so, personally. I would consider it equally wrong if Islamic men attempted to force a non-Islamic woman to wear it.

The hijab/burqa can be a legitimate element of Islamic culture. I don't believe women should be forced to wear it against their will; but if a Muslim woman wants to wear it, and is not coerced by her husband to do so, then we have no right to say otherwise.

No one here will disagree with you here... The point is that the business owner DOES HAVE THE RIGHT (and obligation) to restrict who gets on the ride, not by religious beliefs, color of skin, but CAN restrict on things like height, weight, physical condition like disabilities, AND CLOTHING. That's the way it works here! Don't get on the damn ride!

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
Oh comon'.... scarfs a healthy threat? Really?

Nothing but a racist park owner who plays "empire" in his little park by showing that he can do whatever he wants there...

Of course they can be. More of a legal threat than anything else but non the less, a threat. And yes, the owner does have an EMPIRE and CAN do just about anything he/she wants...

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by thedeadlyrhythm
to all those talking sense in this thread, take a breath. you can explain things to anyone, but some will never, ever get it logically and impartially.
i'd imagine it's doubly hard if you are raised under the notion that your religion is the only thing that is pure and everyone else in the world who lives by any other creed is scum. and that goes for muslims, christians, and anyone else who thinks that way. and there are TONS of people who do.

I feel bad for the poor security folks being paid 9.00 an hour (or less) getting caught in the middle of some miss guided political agenda. The Muslim faith teaches intolerance. Anyone not seeing this must have some sort of cloth material wrapped around there brains that is effecting their thought processes...

"Remove the cloth, Let the brains Free!"
edit on 2-9-2011 by wrkn4livn because: Misspelling

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 07:47 AM
I really think that the whole thing had more to do with a potential lawsuit than anyone's religion.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:04 AM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Yeah I know I'd feel a lot safer if I could see the face of someone riding in the cart in front of me on the Flume.

I'd also feel safer with some kind of implant in my arm, perhaps with a GPS locator and all my records and bank account information, just in case I'm in an emergency.

you're an idiot, i f you would read the article the woman were asked to remove their headscarfs from certain rides for their own safety.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by Rhebefree

The conspiracy angle is interesting. Allow me to repost a link showing that event organizers were informed of the regulations and, for whatever reasons, did not relay that information. The attendees certainly may have been duped by an "oversight", but it doesn't appear to be the fault of the park or their employees.
edit on 2-9-2011 by 23refugee because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 09:20 AM
This reminded me instantly of this: France bans burqas

You do anything you like under the name of your religon, but when the religon conflicts with the laws of a land there must be some leeway.

Im pretty sure if i went to a country with a heavily muslim population, and brought my religon with me that says i must ware a motorcycle helmet 24 hours a day, do you think they would let me in the bank? Or the airport?

Its just getting silly, you cant live in a country and expect all sorts of laws and rules to protect everyone to be lowered.

I looked up the go kart accident from one of the first replys, thats exactly what we are talking about, but instead no one died in this situation, they just had a huge brawl and its madness.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by Muckster

Your post makes no sense. You link a bunch of random articles. Oh well it doesn't talk about these people's religion, well no # Sherlock! This has everything to do with the fact they were Muslim.

Noone (well some) in here is being racist, they are stating the obvious. It wouldn't make sense if it just said, People get into fight at funpark because some girl refused to take off headgear, because that isn't what happened. Girl threw a #fit because she didn't get her way, and tried to play the religion card.

Also, you don't know what happened, you were not there, obviously there are two stories. Obviously it says on the parks webpage that there is a rule, even if they didn't know about the rule, doesn't mean its not there. If i go 70 down a 25 mph road, i can't just tell the cop, Oh i didn't know.

posted on Sep, 2 2011 @ 10:08 AM
As I said in my posts, I live in Kuwait and I am Muslim. I just logged to say that this woman was wrong in everyway I can think of. If someone comes to a Muslim/Arab country doing things that they hate, they would throw him out of said place. She went to a park in the US and wanted them to go with Islam rules? The US which a lot of Christian people live in?

Note: To people saying " just take it off!!1!11 " she can not. At least, not infront of men that are not from her family.

Best thing to do: Skip this ride or just do not go to theme park in non-muslim countries.

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