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The Real power of the Vatican!

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posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by UrAllaBunchofIdiots
this pretty much debunks everything:

Wow! There is a serious comprehension problem goin on in my brain. I can absolutely not understand ANY legal documents. Ive been issued a bench warrant cuz i threw away some papers i had no clue what they meant. Is this just me or is there some sort of an educational gap between lawyers and citizens? I cant be the only one who has a hard time with this. I am considered intelligent in every other way and am an excellent reader.
Now, all that being said, i can only pick a side here based on "gut feeling"(a big no no here). My "gut" feels that everything we hold dear is a lie and we are being used everyday. So in conclusion, i agree with the op even though you rebuttel link looked well researched as well. I wish they would stop poisoning us here in the states for a while! We have many great minds, but we cant see the forest through the trees.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by theinfernal

Wouldn't the fact that we are slaves for corporate gain be proof enough? No money=no house, no money= no food,

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by Ariele

i did a brief examination and some quick searching of those "facts" and from what i found off the bat, im thinking alot, if not all of those, facts are totally taken out of context of just flat out not true. im not saying some of it isnt true, im just finding some of it difficult to swallow after my hour or so of research on this.

i have an issue with like #38, the world war 2 one. those people gave their lives for their countries, and their countries did exist, it is where they were born and raised, where their families and friends where. weather or not the name GERMANY or UNITED STATES is some corporate nonsense or an actual country is irrelevant, because the population of those lands believe it is, and they are what decides if a place is a country or a state or a county, and who is in power of those places. people want to be led, and people will always fight side by side when their neighborhoods are being bombed. war is profitable, war will always be here, until we can all change together.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

You may find some answers here Source

The Apocalypse is the Vatican II Council that changed the Catholic Faith into paganism (1959-1969)

There has been a coordinated campaign to destroy the Catholic faith from within by forces of Anti-Christ since God embarrassed the Jews and thier control of the world with the Resurrection. This Judeo-Masonic force has sought revenge for the embarrassment some two thousand years ago by quietly infiltrating the seminaries, editing the books, destroying the Mass, changing the Sacraments, and changing the prayers- all in an effort to get the world to deny that Jesus Christ is God. This 2000 year process is called Apocalypse, and it is just about complete.



It is not my intention to doubt that the doctrine of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am.” – George washington

When one realizes that Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin were Freemasons (sons of the Devil- Pope Leo XIII, 1884), and that Hitler was of the same ends, it is not difficult to understand what the objective of that war was. When one studies the Second Secret of Fatima, that another worse war will break out as a punishment for the sins of men (letting her Catholic Church fall), and that the war technically started on January 25, 1938, the same day as the promised sign from Heaven, the Aurora Borealis, the world starts to make more sense and the punishments become more understandable. It's almost as if the Devil was given the go ahead to start the war since nobody cared to listen to Our Lady's message.

I just found this site last week and it's full of video's and incredible info...I never new.

edit on 22-8-2011 by relocator because: damn I'm tired...I can't spell

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

Yeah your right, but where does it end, and where does true freedom lay? If we had no government or corporations there would be no progress and we would be millions of hungry animals killing to survive. We would go back to hunting and farming and have no tech. I guess once the majority of us were killed off it would return to a peaceful state. The more i think about it, the more i realize that IS indeed exactly what needs to happen. I dont wish harm to anyone, but we can suffer slowly with progress or quickly with revolution!

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:02 PM
History is always best comprehended from present to past with every event having a reason leading up to it
Hindsight is 20/20

History is the most important subject in any society it establishes authority by shaping the way children both interpret and understand theirs place in the world for the rest of their lives. Eventually leading the majority of a society’s youth to adopt without question the story that is told. And when I say story I mean it because stories start from the beginning, when you first enter school, the story begins and young and impressionable minds are told about ideas and theories of what happened long ago as known facts despite being highly speculative and far removed from the world of today. The facts become more in-depth and elaborate with each school year due to the availability of more credible facts that must be incorporated because of children greater ability to comprehend and question, which is made far more effective by slowly working history from start to finish like any story laying the foundations of reality
The truth is unfortunately lost in time and putting labels on the forces at work in the past and present to remain hidden by plans laid out to ensure that no matter what happened over time the results would always be within a range of acceptable outcomes.
Knowing this information it is not as important to know at what time and by who started the present situation came to be (it would be nice but can often distract focus)

In school you are trained to write about you're point by finding all the facts that support it and ignoring those that don't. This effectively limits how most choose to perceive reality.
Great quote "No plan survives first contact with the enemy” the smartest people never allow anything to limit their way of thinking or ability to adapt to new information. Always keeping option open by and putting their adversaries to a decision thus never letting anything go unplanned or unaccounted for, giving them the advantage

I may loath the Global Elite, Illuminate or whatever you want to call the wealthy powerful group of people, who for generations now have manipulated events, by giving other predefine choices that no matter what way anyone person, group or nation decides do there it must either choose between the lesser of two evils or take a opposing positions that work against a solution by polarizing the other side. Essentially using soft power to play the rest of world’s population for fools without most being aware of it,

That being said I respect them for being incredibly smart and intelligent. Through using the established divisions and subdivisions so prevalent throughout history in all human cultures like race, religion, class in addition to any other idea or belief they can influence or corrupt (i.e. , nationalism to divide up and maintain power over the world, without being known or held accountable, similar to corporate structure where CEOs can be vilified and replaced so to can a nation states leaders or government take the fall to appease discontent. To achieve this is amazing because if you understanding that those with wealth are the most invested in society and its continuation because wealth seeks power in order to protect itself, you know anyone would choose to protect what they have, But to do it in a way that where the majority of people never know you have it is a stroke genius, No matter how misguided it is.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by relocator

Your source is very thick, a bit cluttered too. I find it difficult to read as well. Too much is going on. It is interesting, what is your thoughts of the Rothschild vs vatican. who wins the battle for earth?
edit on 22-8-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-8-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by theinfernal
reply to post by Jordan River

Yeah your right, but where does it end, and where does true freedom lay? If we had no government or corporations there would be no progress and we would be millions of hungry animals killing to survive. We would go back to hunting and farming and have no tech. I guess once the majority of us were killed off it would return to a peaceful state. The more i think about it, the more i realize that IS indeed exactly what needs to happen. I dont wish harm to anyone, but we can suffer slowly with progress or quickly with revolution!

You don't need technology! you don't need the internet! You don't need electronic music. You need food, water and shelter.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:19 PM
reply to post by Ariele

I'm not sure about all that, but I realized there was a problem when Henry Kissenger was appointed as the Pope's personal political advisor.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:24 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

Absolutely true! I agree, its just that there are so many whom would die without our technology. Air conditioners, dialysis machines, pacemakers, ventilators, medications....etc. Once we lose our tech, many, many people will die. But we have become weak because of it too. We are allowing the weak to breed and produce more weak. Once we start weeding out the runts, we will become a stronger humanity. I know i sound like Hitler here, but it is true. By the way, i would probably be one of the dead, but in the long run something has got to stop the madness!

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:25 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

We're on are way to hell if people don't wake up.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:25 PM
Just as Jesus Christ has his bride (the Chrisitans in the church) so does Satan have his own bride (the catholic church).

Read more about the catholic church as she is described word for word in Revelations chapter 17 and 18 KJV of course or "they" have changed the text)

Great job OP, 100% correct!

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:29 PM

Originally posted by theinfernal
reply to post by Jordan River

Absolutely true! I agree, its just that there are so many whom would die without our technology. Air conditioners, dialysis machines, pacemakers, ventilators, medications....etc. Once we lose our tech, many, many people will die. But we have become weak because of it too. We are allowing the weak to breed and produce more weak. Once we start weeding out the runts, we will become a stronger humanity. I know i sound like Hitler here, but it is true. By the way, i would probably be one of the dead, but in the long run something has got to stop the madness!

I find it frustrating all the while that African's are starving, and Americans are becoming much poorer (still rich) all the while vatican hangs out tattered with gold and eating gourmet italian cuisine. The average get-up of a pope is probably worth over 5,000$. Not to mention all the gold. You walk around with shiny rings blessing starving children seems hypocritical
Although, there are many aids and money being spent at the same time, which is fine. But those who live in Vatican seem to be to blame living in extravagance

We can lose our tech and a few will die. Elderly more than anything.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Ariele

Looks like you better get saved then, because when you die your corpse is going to end up in an unmarked grave. I'm being silly ofcourse, i had heard rumors about the Catholic Church owning everything. I don't doubt it either. Better imigrate to north america, the U.S. is turning into the land of milk and honey for pagans, atheists,satanists oh and don't forget the mexican drug cartel

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by Jordan River

I hear ya! Hypocrites that put on a show to appease the huddled masses. Well ive got some slave labor in the morning so my kids can eat some poisoned food and live in our trailer home and recieve a sub standard brainwashing in school. So i must hit the hay! Night ATS!

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:47 PM
I feel that like others have said this entire post by the OP needs to be put in quotes as they are not his/hers OWN words.

At first this looked like something decent....... please don't use others words as your own

This is a quote not a post.


Unless your Nezza on GLP (which is possible) then you gots some splainin to do
edit on 22-8-2011 by GhettoRice because: SP

edit on 22-8-2011 by GhettoRice because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:49 PM

Christianity around the world

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by theinfernal

According to your views in a way you're already dead.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 10:03 PM

Originally posted by yaluk
It's a perfect form of control. You can technically live without "currency" but life would cease to exist as it is today. As the lifestyle we have has been built around currency. The system is set up so you cannot even try . The simple fact that we cannot own land makes us trying to get out of the system impossible. And why can we not own land?? well if we could all own land we could do whatever we wanted which would take the power away from our oppressors.

We live in a form of slavery that allows us to live in a nice prison cell which we pick out for ourselves, along with a certain amount of freedom. You can do anything as long as you work for your task masters to make them wealthier.

It is not that bad of a system BUT once we are dependent and enslaved by it we are the mercy at those in charge.. which means if i don't think as they think they can put the hurt on me economically. They have absolute power.

The only free people are those living out in the jungles in south america or something. Now would you want to live that way?? is there an in between? i think not...

Thank you for stateing it much better then I ever could. We could take this a step further
by the fact there is no free energy yet. Even though we all know its possable. Or why
the us gov. loves to by up patents on new invention's by highschool and college students.
[I can't tell you how I know this but it has been going on since the 70's]

We could even go into the fact that we know ethenol gas is much cheaper then crude.
But the gov pays farmers not to plant. These are all ploys to keep us dependent on what they
feel we should depend on. [This one I know from liveing in Iowa and haveing family farmer's there]

The only way to be free of the system is to be independent of it. And that means completely.
Like you said a jungle somewhere. And btw yes I would love to live off grid. I have thought
about it since 9/11 durning those huge scares of bio war fare.[live near camp david, dc, nsa]
But the sad reality is, You need money just to start up for everything you will need.

So yea, everything we hate about this system we give power to by our choice to support it.
Either ignore or confront, those are the only two choice's. I can atleast take peace in the knowledge
that I know what is going on. There are many who don't even see it.

LOTZA LUV & Thanks for the great conversation

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by Ariele

I hope you are aware that some of these laws are outdated. There are also many other laws that we have yet to dwell upon. Not to mention, people find loopholes in laws.

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