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Ron Paul: "Govt. Setting the Stage for Violence in Our Country"

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:23 PM
This is not an unexpected tactic to me. The current ruling powers see their bread n butter about to get thrown out with yesterdays garbage if Dr Paul becomes the president. All the free-loading fatcats getting rich off our sweat are scared right now. It tells me that things are going in the right direction. Perfect time for a crisis.
This blog contains all relevant links related to the headline.
edit on 18-8-2011 by Hillbilly123069 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:24 PM
Perhaps you could be kind enough to supply the links here. I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about. Maybe a small snippet from said blog might help?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:49 PM
Here's the video from the page to make things easier:

In fact, the page is mostly videos. But I agree with him. I think things are about to get REALLY nasty. Especially with this whole, "If you see something, say something!" motto. It's bs!

The government is trying to make everyone afraid of everything and turn on each other. I can't wait for their house of cards to come crashing down.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Obamma is obviously just jeleous that we got riots in the UK and America didnt!

nya nya na nya nyaaa!

Well.. IMHO.. its about time your public took hold of its country by itself instead of following a bought gov.

But hey.... it wont happen. America has been made weak through years of oppression.

I hate to say it.. but I think America has lost all hope to pull itself out of this mess.

A sad time indeed lies ahead =(

Stay safe my yankee doodle friends!

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:16 PM
All of this administration's rhetoric has been aimed at dividing Americans into warring factions
rich v poor
white v. black
Republican v. Democrat

Add a heaping helping of economic hardship and you have a recipe for disaster.


Enter...The Hegelian dialectic: Problem(Crisis) Reaction, Solution.
The NWO tool of choice.

The Problem Reaction Solution Paradigm (The Hegelian Dialectic)
1) The government creates or exploits a problem blaming it on others
2) The people react by asking the government for help willing to give up their rights
3) The government offers the solution that was planned long before the crisis
We are being set up to surrender what is left of our Constitutionally protected liberties.

edit on 18-8-2011 by robyn because: spelling

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:18 PM
"the holocaust happened to people like us"

edit on 18-8-2011 by 1825114 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:46 PM
I was just watching the military channel last night, and it was all about armored vehicles.

It was all pretty much about Presidential armored cars, until they revealed the latest of the bread.

Straight from the military a armored SUV equipped with mass pepper sprayers that engulf the outside of the vehicle in a mist. Also had electric door handles, as well as completely bullet proof. They called it the future!

Now why the hell would they need all this for the future? Well its gonna be a violent future I guess one with riots Id presume.

There is no videos or pictures of it online as far as I can tell.

edit on 18-8-2011 by Anoynymoose because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:55 PM
reply to post by Hillbilly123069

Wait wait wait. You think that the "fat cats" are going to be hurt by a guy whose position is "end all regulation and all corporate taxation, a reward the wealthy, punish the poor, let "the market" decide minimum wages, privatize money production"?

His economic platform is identical to his Republican "competition." The fat cats will hump the lg of whichever wins, because that's who's going to be giving them handouts. Don't for a moment think Paul is going to do anything different.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Hillbilly123069

Wait wait wait. You think that the "fat cats" are going to be hurt by a guy whose position is "end all regulation and all corporate taxation, a reward the wealthy, punish the poor, let "the market" decide minimum wages, privatize money production"?

His economic platform is identical to his Republican "competition." The fat cats will hump the lg of whichever wins, because that's who's going to be giving them handouts. Don't for a moment think Paul is going to do anything different.

I think that your post contains the greatest amount of nonsense that I have ever read on ATS. Congratulations.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by robyn

I very much doubt "thinking" figures into what you've got going on here, robyn.

Have you looked at Ron Paul's economic platform? Do you understand its ramifications? Do you know its origin? Do you comprehend the results when this plan has been applied in other nations? Have you looked at the economic policies of Paul's "competition" among the other Republicans?

I have. And I'm sorry if you get butthurt when someone points out that Ron Paul is not the #ing messiah. Don't worry, I got this sort of response from other Democrats when I pointed out the same fact about Obama back in 2008.

He's not actually everything you want him to be, no matter how hard you wish.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I have always said it, republicans and democrats are 2 sides of the same coin. They have managed to turn the election system into a vote for the least evil candidate. Ron Paul wants a return to before government got a taste of free money.
Abolish the IRS and return federal funding to that states rather than the citizen. To start that is. The ruling elite want him GONE. That's enough for me to want to get to know him.
The truly honest politician label is confusing for some. He wants to return this country to the will of the people over the current do-as-we-please-on-your-dime platform. His economic policy is simple to where the most pedestrian IQ's can comprehend. No hidden earmarks etc. I know some think an almighty government is the answer to all but history shows that is the fastest way to oppression or worse.
edit on 19-8-2011 by Hillbilly123069 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Do you not agree that all economic catastrophes are the result of government interference? That depressions are the direct result of government sponsored policies of credit expansion designed to lower the market rate of interest?

Economic planning only works if the system is rationally planned by the combined, self-interested efforts of all who participate in it (IE laissez-faire), and to designate that activity and reserve it for the feeble efforts of a handful of government officials is stupidity at this point.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Hillbilly123069
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

I have always said it, republicans and democrats are 2 sides of the same coin. They have managed to turn the election system into a vote for the least evil candidate. Ron Paul wants a return to before government got a taste of free money.
Abolish the IRS and return federal funding to that states rather than the citizen. To start that is. The ruling elite want him GONE. That's enough for me to want to get to know him.

it's always "the lesser of two evils." it's an integral part of the system. When you only have a handful of candidates each trying to become the leader of a nation of hundreds of millions of persons, the winner will always be the one that is least repugnant. You can't please everyone after all. Basically the voting system is a system of compromise where the choices are narrowed down and finally decided as a course of determining whichever candidate the most people feel they can settle for.

I know that kills the heroic romance of it, but, well, that's just how it works. While I'm spoiling dreams, the Spartans were goddamned terrible warriors, western civilization was saved by Genghis Khan, and The Eagles are a freaking terrible band.

Pause for a moment. Look at what you're saying. Examine the words you use. I don't know if you're even aware of it, but all you're saying is nothing but slogans. Lots of sizzle, no steak. I know that for many in this nation, the sound is more important than the meat, but, well, it's actually not. Look up his positions. Apply them. Figure the results. Every policy change has positives and negatives. The positives are generally negligible for analysis until after a reasoned and deep appraisal of the negatives.

Ask if the economic plan installed in Chile in 1973 is what we want for the United States in 2013.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 12:45 AM

Originally posted by METACOMET
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

Do you not agree that all economic catastrophes are the result of government interference?

No, I don't agree. The government can have an impact, but pretending that it's the sole cause is frankly idiotic. You might as well say that every hurricane is caused by a butterfly flapping its wings somewhere.

That depressions are the direct result of government sponsored policies of credit expansion designed to lower the market rate of interest?

Considering that the largest depression in US history happened at a nadir of government involvement in the economy?
Considering that the interest rates set by the Fed are set by the fed at the judgement of the Fed, and the government has little actual impact on the decisions of the Federal Reserve Board?
Considering that the crises caused by such endeavors are caused entirely by the rush of private speculation distorting the market, with full knowledge of the consequences?

Economic planning only works if the system is rationally planned by the combined, self-interested efforts of all who participate in it (IE laissez-faire),

And this whole idea falters and crumbles one we realize that "Homo economus," the 'rational, self-interested businesshuman' is as much a myth as his ancient predecessor, the stoop-backed, bent-kneed, club-dragging caveman.

The market is better-defined by irrationality. It's basically a herd of cattle stomping through a snake farm laced with landmines. At any moment, the herd's going to spook and stampede. Sadly, it's just the way the system works.

The point of a government hand in the economy then becomes much like the purpose of a herdsman, to try to control the stampeding idiotic bovines and minimize damage both to the terrain and the herd itself.

and to designate that activity and reserve it for the feeble efforts of a handful of government officials is stupidity at this point.

Such a notion is not even on the table. it exists solely in your imagination. The economy is a much bigger thing than you realize.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 02:00 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox


posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 04:58 AM
reply to post by METACOMET

Laissez-faire economics without tough regulation and punishment is the formula that brought us this new era of robber barons. You seriously expect that the greediest, most ruthless amongst us will play ethically in a dog-eat-dog system such as capitalism if left unchained? You think the small up and coming poodle will have a chance in the field vs rabidly hungry megacorps? Unregulated capitalism will inevitably come down with a case of monopoly and will develop into full blown fascism. That is where we are now. Are the modern day goebbels screaming too loud for you to hear your own voice of reason?

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 06:01 AM

Originally posted by EagleTalonZ
In fact, the page is mostly videos. But I agree with him. I think things are about to get REALLY nasty. Especially with this whole, "If you see something, say something!" motto. It's bs!

Hello, FBI, I saw a suspicious looking vehicle driven by a white male that had a Ron Paul 2012 sticker on the bumper. I've seen him stop and talk to small groups of people. He's not buying drugs, so why is he here? Janet's video said to call if we see white people, particularly white males, doing something suspicious and I don't think plotting the overthrow of Obama is right.

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 07:42 AM
The stage might already be set without the Government erecting a stage! Sign of the times, a virus is in our mist but maybe a long overdue one that may well benefit ordinary mankind! A playing field leveller!!!

We will see what happens!

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by TheWalkingFox

lol i recently pointed out that we are in the same exact conditions that led king oreo's election

pretty much everybody was angry with prince shrub.
none of the candidates looked any better.
a dark horse showed up promising change and rainbows
the mask came off once said dark horse was installed at the white house

history does not repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes.

at least the posters on that thread were nicer about it.

if it's any consolation if RP does win
and turns out to be more of the same,
you can join me in christening the newly butthurt

as the ron-tards.

oh and the economic conditions that led to the creation of the fed. reserve were created by the banksters.
despite clearer heads pointing out that the fed would have the power to scientifically create and manage the very same economic manipulations it was "supposed to prevent", it was allowed to come into existence.

edit on 19-8-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-8-2011 by DerepentLEstranger because: added edit & additional comment

posted on Aug, 19 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by robyn

Originally posted by TheWalkingFox
reply to post by Hillbilly123069

Wait wait wait. You think that the "fat cats" are going to be hurt by a guy whose position is "end all regulation and all corporate taxation, a reward the wealthy, punish the poor, let "the market" decide minimum wages, privatize money production"?

His economic platform is identical to his Republican "competition." The fat cats will hump the lg of whichever wins, because that's who's going to be giving them handouts. Don't for a moment think Paul is going to do anything different.

I think that your post contains the greatest amount of nonsense that I have ever read on ATS. Congratulations.

That says a lot considering all the reptilians and Lady Gaga illuminati!!!

Personally, Fox, I thought it was a well thought out reply that simply points out what Paul has indeed supported. And since his followers consider one of his greatest strengths to be his unwillingness to compromise, sometimes it makes their ears burn.

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