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UPDATE: Credible Data Regarding the Relation of ELENIN and Recent Seismic Activity

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posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by Awen24

I didn't check the overall views of those that made the video. I just took it's evidence as sound. No need to "throw the baby out with the bath water."

And let's just be real, Nibiru will never go away. Like I said earlier, it's been debunked entirely already. Even the ultimate date of 2012 will not change this. The nuts will simply move the goalposts once more.

In the short term, once Elenin passes, we will see the believers transfer the fear mongering to some other celestial object or date. I just want everyone to recognize that the root of this fear is Nibiru and it is baseless. Hopefully, the original believers will continue to splinter off more and more as these events pass by, with some finally accepting the truth and others working themselves into such tight niches that they can't be sustained.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by Highlander64

Uh oh. Now you've done it.

What's your take on this whole Elenin topic sir?

Well, since you asked - its a comet that will pass by at 0.26 au or thereabouts, and it most likely wont make earthquakes, wont hit the earth, wont be involved in any of the numerous disaster scenarios playing out on youtube..

comet Hyutamkai or similar name, look it up at nasa jpl, came by the earth at 0.1 au in 1997 (which I think - emphasis on think - is the closest a comet has come to earth in recent history, and no one said it was causing earthquakes

I dont remember this comet getting much media notice, but then we didnt have youtube in 1997 and most of us used the internet for email, chat rooms, and surfing, very little forums like this happening, and then some of us used to use BBS before the internet and even then we didnt have scary comets causing earthqaukes from a gazillion miles away and people digging holes in the ground to escape from comet disaters

however I do put some credence in the info about our solar system moving into an EM area of space that would likely cause us to have to live without electricity for a few years - and actually I think it would be no bad thing to go back to the 19th century lifestyle - ATS would have to be printed like a newspaper and delivered by cobb&co (horse coach)


posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:46 PM


posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by SpringHeeledJack
reply to post by Awen24

And let's just be real, Nibiru will never go away. Like I said earlier, it's been debunked entirely already. Even the ultimate date of 2012 will not change this. The nuts will simply move the goalposts once more.

You forgot to mention that the Nibiru hype is on the net already since 1991. I am old enough, i was there at this time. (Usenet anyone, Nancy Lieder etc. ?

So, yes, this will NOT go away. Arguing with common sense, logic and "reason" is pointless, since those people do not FUNCTION like that. If they had common sense and basic knowledge they wouldn't believe that cr@p in the first place.

Notice how the OP uses "backwards logic" trying to prove something (reality creation) using what i call "backwards logic" HIS mind it becomes "reality" because he can simply "prove" something in a convenient way by leaving out the rest or simply ignoring what does not fit into his belief, then labeling it "credible data" etc..etc.. I mean, it's almost funny if it wouldn't be really dangerous.

Yes, there ARE cases where people in the past did horrible things based on their twisted (literally) reality, eg. putting pets to sleep because they were convinced the end was coming..and worse...

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by my3911

My family and I have decided that we would like to help usher in the Age of Aquarius. According to the Mayan calendar, the demarcation for the beginning of this age is December 21st, 2012. We've also decided that we will try our best to survive at any cost. I have already worked up a rough draft of our plan and started acquiring necessary supplies. I won't mention any of my plan, since it will be important to avoid any size population or expose your location.

Come December, please give your wife the divorce she is begging for and surrender your children to CPS. Out.


The previous comment by DJW001 was extremely RUDE and uncalled for. Please delete this person's post. He clearly can't see that I am only trying to help other people make their decision based on data I have collected. I AM NOT A FEAR MONGERER, TROLL OR ANY OF THE SORT. I will not respond to the animal that posted this rude comment since it would clearly be a waste of my time. And to all the others out there that LOVE to come to this site just to bash people they have never met when they are only posting threads out of concern for the human race..... well you know where you can go. This is why I don't respond to comments or questions anymore, because of people like DJW001 that frequent this site, which I thought was an alternative news site, or at least a site for people like me that search for the truth and do not believe our government. I guess I was wrong. I've been a member of ATS since 2006 and I really think this site has gone down the drain, because of people like DJW001. Good luck to all of you. And to those that act like immature children... have fun putting each-other down. Karma has a way have biting you back... REALLY hard. OUT

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:30 PM
Thank you ATS mod for doing your job. There may be hope for this site after all.

Now, please.... everyone play nice and discuss the topic like adults. I like to read your discussions so I can observe this "coincidence" from every angle. Until I see something that is UNDENIABLE proof... something that explains why the SPT was built, for instance. Something that explains why most of the recent and most intense earthquakes have occurred within one or two days of alignments with ELEnin. And the closer this "comet" gets, the more frequent and intense the earthquakes become. Give me current, AUTHENTIC photos of this "comet" in relation to other celestial bodies that are identifiable and then provide links to your sources. This is what I am searching for. I don't want this to happen anymore than anyone else who respects life.

Again, thank you ATS Mod!


posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:45 PM
Thank you my3911,

Thank you for putting your thoughts out there for those who "trust" in others of like mind and Spirit.

Fundamentally the World is going to fight at any cost to remain as "status quo" as if there can be no other explanation or no other way of living or experiencing. The paradigm they embrace is very much like a pyramid in that they stand upon the final stone, the capstone of their existence, leaving no room for another step or another level of thought. Let them stand on their highest achievement because the fall will be one of a great magnitude!

I recognize the Electric Universe Model and I recognize the fact that a comet with such an extended "away time" or distance of return carries a far greater degree of magnetics that can be calculated. I also recognize on a daily basis the fact that the Interstellar Fluff is upon us at this very moment creating the solar-wide Global Warming (yes it isn't just Earth people). Within anything electric/electronic one relay does not necessarily have to be adjacent to another for the effects to be be actuated or switched on; we can now see in a different spectrum the interconnectiveness of our Solar System to the farthest reaches of our Cosmos. Even thought is connected to this one!

So Thank you again, your words and thoughts were received well on my end! S&F

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:45 PM
double post...interesting!
edit on 8/3/2011 by Greensage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 11:48 PM
reply to post by Greensage


Interesting that the comet just passed within .04 AU of the STEREO B spacecraft and the "magnetics" had no effect on it.

edit on 8/3/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:17 AM
reply to post by Greensage


Thank you for your kind response.
It is nice to know there are others out there that are "waking up" to our true reality.

Everyone else,

I'm still looking forward to reading more responses that can truly debunk this whole ELEnin thing once and for all. I don't want just your words. I need real data and real photos or video (preferably from non-government funded, astronomers).

Regardless, if you agree with me or not, even if you're just trying to prove me wrong... fine. Please do the work I did and provide something that will make me and countless other people around the world finally be able to put this to rest. Thank you in advance for your input.

Kind Regards,

edit on 4-8-2011 by my3911 because: Grammar Correction

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:30 AM

Originally posted by Phage
reply to post by Greensage


Interesting that the comet just passed within .04 AU of the STEREO B spacecraft and the "magnetics" had no effect on it.

edit on 8/3/2011 by Phage because: (no reason given)

Stereo B is not a relay on the switchboard of Life, but a piece of debris suspended by electric means; given a good blast of a solar flare and I am certain it may feel it, but on the level of "interconnectiveness", that I am referring to, your reasoning is not connected at all. You missed my point based on the workings of Man versus the workings of the Universe! Why would a piece of man-made debris "connect" to Life that goes across the Cosmos? Never mind, no need to answer that it won't help you any more than it will help me! We are all hardwired, I just have a few more open leads to fill the void!

Creativity goes a long way at exploring the unknown!

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Science recognizes that photons come in different levels of energy output. It is the wavelength of a particular photon that dictates this, be it from a quasar or from a normal sun's output across the spectrum.

Obviously the effects contained between the alignment of ELE-nin, ourselves/Earth, and our Sun and other heavenly bodies is showing itself. The question being is what the originating source is, and where it is? Debunkers would have us believe ELE-nin is a non-event cycled comet of mediocre quality, yet the effects are clearly expressing themselves!

I wish I could help the OP with data but I can only agree to surmise my own fundamental thinking!

I tend to think ELE-nin is a messenger carrying us a mighty big message, a transistor amongst the many capacitors we call Stars. I also tend to think that change is good and that we have extended our paradigms far too long and they have become quite destructive to our minds and our World in general!

I will leave this thread alone now, but look forward to any data that does flow through! Thanks again!

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by Greensage


I really appreciate your insight and views into this subject. I look forward to hearing more on how we are all connected at a fundamental level. I've believed this for some time now and know without a doubt there is so much more out there than our eyes can see or our brains can currently process. You seem to have a better understanding of this connection we have than most people on this site. I also believe (like you) that these things will come into focus for many of us very soon. For the others; it would be a good idea to start opening your minds a little to what you think is absurd. You never know, it could be mainstream physics next year.


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 12:19 PM
This topic has some unusual elements and to better understand why I would think that such alignments are pure fabrication, I must at least explain why I think so and then leave it to you to decide for yourself what if anything might be going on.

I am going to offer a different possibility. While I can offer no credible evidence to what I am about to discuss, I would start by saying that just because there has been some type of credible scientific verification that certain alignments coincided with certain earthquakes, it does in no way exclude other possibilities that could create such similar scientific data to support such a finding.

By this, I am saying that I think seriously, that is possible to fake it and that is what this discussion is about.

First and foremost I accept the scientific data findings from such experts and can find nothing in their findings that I challenge. I only challenge if such scientist using highly specialized tools can be fooled into thinking their theory is correct, so as to report such findings as being contributory to the earthquakes and or volcanic activity that also appears on certain dates and alignments.

What started me thinking differently on this matter is the following critical elements of thought obtained by staying informed in the media and also in the alternative media about what people are disclosing or reporting regarding key events and earthquakes that seem to also occur on alignment of certain planets.

Japan is my first example I wish to examine in this regard and to do so I will list those areas that make me question these recent findings of alignments and earthquakes as being related.

Q1. If the Japan earthquake and subsequent tsunamis and nuclear explosions were supposedly caused by man made tectonic weapons along with underwater tsunami nuclear devices and mini nukes as many conspiracy professionals believe, then how could any alignment be the cause for the Japan earthquake and tsunami if such disasters were man made by secret weapons for secret reasons known only to those that used such weapons to do so? I mean, really, if it was caused by secret weapons then no alignment contributed to such disaster.

Q2. New Zealand and Christ Church is also another example where FEMA, federal officials, Mossad and many others were all conveniently in New Zealand along with teams and such just by coincidence on the very day of the major earthquake. Many contend that HAARP or some secret tectonic weapon was used to trigger the earthquake as evidenced by all the foreknowledge exhibited by the Americans, Mossad and others that were ready to respond to the earthquake. I consider these facts to also once again negate any outside influence from alignments and such.

Q3. There exists other areas that make me question whether any such alignment is causing these earthquakes and it was these two major disasters that clearly indicate they were man made, in secret of course, but by means of secret weapons being used in the global political realm of control over others economic and financial future. This is why I feel that no alignment caused these two earthquakes and others.

Now while I can understand why anyone, scientist included would conclude that planetary alignments and earthquakes equal some type of cause and effect relationship is too easy in my mind to fabricate. Advanced knowledge of the alignments combined with secret weapons use could allow someone to use those secret tectonic weapons so as to make one think that the alignments caused the earthquakes.

Another area of concern is the solar flares we have been experiencing. I mention this only because it serves to better explain why I am thinking this way.

Recent SOHO videos and You tube videos show large type unknown space craft in and around the sun on a very frequent basis. There have even been videos showing some of these crafts shooting what appears to be a beam or laser weapon into the sun which the perturbs the solar surface causing solar flare ups.

It was this observation that made me think that perhaps someone with advanced UFO type space crafts, weapons, are creating all the weather anomalies, heat waves, solar flares, earthquakes, volcanoes and all the associated other problem areas so as to place blame on some incoming object such as Comet Elenin, Nibiru, Planet X or whatever is coming our way. I of course realize that if it is Nibiru such findings would be logical, but I am not convinced it is Nibiru, at least not just yet.

You see, while the recent scientific findings support such an alignment and earthquake relationship, I contend that such deception is needed because perhaps Comet Elenin is not a comet and of course that would explain why as Elenin finally comes into view, NASA shuts off Stereo B and other cameras from showing the public what it looks like or where exactly it is and whether its actually a comet and or whether it is some invading armada hiding behind the comets tail so as to disguise some alien invasion.

I mean ask yourself, why would NASA shut down everything that would allow us to confirm many things unless they need deception right up to the very end of the deception. Then when its too late, it wont matter.

Russians saying Comet Elenin is under intelligent control and that its not all that big is something I accept, but it also contends that perhaps something else other than Elenin is out there and if it is Nibiru, then why the need to fake earthquakes on planetary alignments when everyone accepts the fact that Elenin does not have the mass to cause such earthquakes and solar flare ups and Nibiru does because all the JPL data showing orbital paths are for a Comet Elenin not Nibiru, but then who really knows.

This is why at present I am still open to material, but with all I have digested so far, this recent scientific study finding a link to earthquakes is to me proof that they seek to deceive us while something we don't know about gets closer and closer that they want us to think is Nibiru comes closer.

Anyway, think about it, certain facts don't add up, and if you think about it in certain areas of current news, I am certain you will at least become suspicious of what we are being told, besides, I just wanted to add some discussion to an area that I am certain many think could not be challenged since of course there are credible scientist showing cause and effect related data to support their claim and findings.

Think about Japan as a conspiracy and New Zealand and Haiti and ask yourself if man made weapons caused those disasters, then the only reason they were committed on special alignment dates was to adhere to some cover story and perhaps as part of some hidden internal secret ritual that is ongoing regarding Comet Elenin and what it actually represents to the elite NWO crowd.

Thanks for the thread. I hope I have offered some food for thought to this subject matter, so that you can at least accept the possible that it is possible to fool the scientist and their equipment if this theory is in any way even marginally correct about man made earthquakes and other related earth changes.


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 05:24 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack


I scanned over your post quickly, since I don't have that much time right now, but you've made good points and also uncovered other conceivable possibilities (the different angles I am looking for). I'll thoroughly read your post later tonight. I look forward to discussing your views and thank you so much. I can tell you put a lot of time and thought into this post.


posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Maxy that was a well thought out response mate, and you have presented a fairly rounded hypothesis - well done!

I tend to agree on the Japanese quake/tsunami - I know I have said this elsewhere but Jim Stone did a good article about the facts of the matter.

I think you have positioned the Elenin piece well in the bigger picture; and made some healthy links between some of the dots

like OP said, we still dont know why they rushed off and build the Antartic scope, why google blanked out parts of sky and also large chunks of Antartica, and no one is really comfortable with the level of open communication received from the 'space authorities'

one of the key points in the EM fluff piece, I think it was a boeing/nasa insider who said a few years ago, "watch the shuttle and ISS program, when they stop sending them up, we will be near the time as they know that the astronauts and their equipment would be fried"

well, the shuttle program was just stopped, and when you check the ISS mission on Nasa, 'next mission' normally has a specific date range ( i have been checking this on their site every other month, and the current 'next mission, just has "september" instead of say, "september to january", and has mostly the same folks listed as crew as on the current mission)

I think personally that whilst we don't know what is really going on 100%, a lot of folks are hyped, and looking, and watching these youtube vids, and reading all these Elenin threads, not because some expert has all the answers, but because there is a gnawing and growing feeling among people, maybe even a concious or subconscious vibe if you will, or some inbuilt radar/capacity we have within us to detect a major bad event; that something is not right here on earth, and that something out in space has or will be the cause of it.

speculation and then some, but that's what we all come here for lol

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by MaxBlack

I read your post very carefully. I have considered most of the possibilities you laid on the table.

Earthquakes, Alignments and E.L.E.N.I.N - (Hook, Line and Sinker)

I'm almost certain the PTB knows a lot more about our true ancient history than we and even mainstream historians do. Given this assumption, I think it is entirely plausible they would introduce the elements above and stage them to look like they are coinciding with increasing seismic activity. It's a little obvious we're following a trail of "elements" or setups. Why won't NASA just come out and give video or at least some clear photographs of this comet? It just entered Earths orbit. They should have no problems getting high-resolution video of this thing, when they can almost see to the edge of our Universe! So why aren't they releasing any recent footage of it? This makes me think, like you.... that it is something more. I would also like to know why our Government spent so much of our tax dollars to build the giant South Pole Telescope in the middle of the Antarctic, when we have space based telescopes with asynchronous orbits that don't have to deal with our atmosphere? This doesn't make any sense. Are they concerned we'll lose those space based telescopes from EMP or something else? If they wanted to track whatever this is till the bitter end, then it does make sense. It is approaching us south of the ecliptic, so.....

I think it is possible this is some kind of dark star or dark dwarf system (mostly visible in infrared), with a couple of habitable planets among other satellites orbiting it. I've read plenty about the Annunaki orbiting a dark star with flare like wings and their desire for gold. Creating us as a slave species via genetic manipulation from their own DNA mixed with early pre-Neanderthal DNA to mine their gold when they found the work to be difficult. I know this seems crazy, but if I was a species that needed gold for my planet's atmosphere or whatever they need it for. I wouldn't use my own propulsion and resources to travel from their star to our sun. We would collect as much gold as we need for 3600 or so years and just make a hop over to Earth whenever we swing back around. Whatever it is, it's moving fast.

I must note; for the record, I do believe in what our society calls God. The bible has been twisted and distorted to benefit the PTB. It's original intentions were good and it served our species in it's social development well for some time. So for all the religious people out there, please feel free to interject.

Everything is cyclical, we have read about great floods, ice ages and we of course all know about our moon. Could it have been one of the planets orbiting their star system? This all seems absurd, but there are so many possibilities. No matter how far stretched it seems, ANYTHING is possible in the Universe. I won't even talk about the Multiverse. I'll leave that for another thread.

MaxBlack, I think you could be right that ELENIN is a cover up for something bigger. This is what I am trying to figure out. The Annunaki "Ancient Astronaut" theory is plausible, but so many things are to include your theories.

I think if we open our minds and are in tune with the Earth as the natives are, we will know when the time is nigh. For now, I will pay close attention to all the data I can and hope someone can provide visual and factual proof that this is only a comet. Are there any amateur, non-government funded astronomers on this site? Does anyone know one? If so please make every effort to get some footage or photographs of this comet and post them on this thread. You would be a hero to many people all over the world. We would be able to put this to rest and get on with a normal life.

The clock is ticking.
edit on 4-8-2011 by my3911 because: Grammar Correction

edit on 4-8-2011 by my3911 because: Grammar Correction

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 05:07 AM
hi all! have a question and i don't recall if i've ever seen the answer on here. if "Leonid Elenin" (not real) discovered this "comet", how did he do it with the telescope he had when NASA couldn't provide pics of it until just recently?...there is no way an amateur astronomer would've been able to see it back in December 2010. did i miss something?

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 06:45 AM

Originally posted by MadMaxZombie
hi all! have a question and i don't recall if i've ever seen the answer on here. if "Leonid Elenin" (not real) discovered this "comet", how did he do it with the telescope he had when NASA couldn't provide pics of it until just recently?...there is no way an amateur astronomer would've been able to see it back in December 2010. did i miss something?

Good question! Although, I think we all know the answer to this one!
uh...... fabrication?

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by AstroBuzz

Apologies if this is already well known, but have you visited THE BIG WOBBLE lately ?? interesting swell of fresh info ref Elenin.

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