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Call for any and all info on Australian sites

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posted on Aug, 7 2004 @ 05:38 AM
Hi all,

I thought I'd launch an appeal for any and all information you may have come across relating to Australia and alien visitation/lost civilizations.
I already have a vague notion that certain Aborignal groups have traditions relating to visitors from space, and have seen pictures of the 'Wandjina' (sp?) rock drawings, but please do not hesitate to post all that you know on these and more.

Thank you!


PS Please add to that anything on Indonesia: I won't have the extensive time I will have in Australia, but the little time I do have could allow for a few day excursions to sites of interest for some on site research

[edit on 7-8-2004 by upuaut]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:42 PM
I haven't heard of any Aboriginal legends regarding alien visitations, but I haven't looked for these either. I do know there are many fine examples of rock paintings, & I heard that some recently-discovered ones were found in the Hunter Valley [near Sydney]. I could probably send you some links, though you might do better at

UFO sightings abound in Australia. I've had my own major experience on the Hay Plains, near Narrandera [NSW], & a couple of minor sightings in Sydney.

This is a very US-centred site. I would recommend that you subscribe to a magazine that's published every 2 months, it's international but based in Oz. Check it out at - & check out some of the articles while you're there.

Sorry I can't be of more help, Be sure & check out La Perouse when you're in Sydney, also the various Aboriginal centres in Redfern too.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 09:12 PM

Originally posted by Bastet
I haven't heard of any Aboriginal legends regarding alien visitations, but I haven't looked for these either. I do know there are many fine examples of rock paintings, & I heard that some recently-discovered ones were found in the Hunter Valley [near Sydney]. I could probably send you some links, though you might do better at

Yes, I have heard that some rock paintings in the North are very reminiscent of the popularly held description of so-called greys. I will start compiling a database of their locations.
The little travelling I have already done in Oz includes the Hunter Valley, and I visited a very strange and haunting rock painting there. When I get home, I'll try to post a picture of it. Its main figure is a humanoid with VERY long, thin arms outspread.
I also had a very strange experience in the Hunter Valley, the first night I slept in the van in that region.

UFO sightings abound in Australia. I've had my own major experience on the Hay Plains, near Narrandera [NSW], & a couple of minor sightings in Sydney.

I would love to read about your sighting: have you posted it to ATS before?

This is a very US-centred site. I would recommend that you subscribe to a magazine that's published every 2 months, it's international but based in Oz. Check it out at - & check out some of the articles while you're there.

Sorry I can't be of more help, Be sure & check out La Perouse when you're in Sydney, also the various Aboriginal centres in Redfern too.

What are you talking about: that's very helpful indeed! I'll check out the site next time I get a breather.
I've been to La Perouse and Redfern before. I did not really interact extensively with Aboriginals there (in fact in two years of living in Sydney, I didn't really interact with Aboriginals at all - it took leaving the city for that to happen). La Perouse was kind of industrial, with stretches of wilderness and empty beach. That's where I learned to dive (just off Bear - or Bare - Island). I did not notice any Aboriginal community there: what did you want me to check out there?

Thanks for the info. I'll post any findings of interest to this thread as I come upon stuff.


[edit on 9-8-2004 by upuaut]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 10:22 PM
La Perouse, though mainly at weekends, has the boomerang-man & the snakeman with his snakes, I THINK they're still there, & sometimes with a few rellos. I think they are direct descendants of the first tribe that interacted with the first settlers here. I heard some interesting stories from a couple of them [that weren't BS], their stories are orally handed down as you know, but of course tourists with money were constant interruptions, & when I went back after lunch, well I'd had too many wines to take much in.

Redfern is changing, lotta suspicion of the "hierarchy", the Aboriginal centres there do fine work & many of them could point you in the right direction. You really have to get to know the koories to earn their trust, I was accepted by them, especially in the "black" hotel at Walgett [near Lightning Ridge] as a Youth Officer, not as an authority figure [!!] but because I'm left-wing & more or less an anarchist. You, as an African American, should do OK, & I mean no disrespect to you with that.

Oz has a shameful history with regard to the koories, as you probably know, & reconciliation comes slowly. Some of their legends, skills & culture are being re-introduced by elders & many fine women, & I do hope you can travel further afield & see what their culture & The Dreaming's all about.

Rum Jungle & other such places were regarded as "unlucky" & "forbidden" by the local tribes - y'know, where uranium was later mined. I thought I should mention that.

No, I've never posted my sightings on ATS! The minor ones, well they were fairly typical UFO's, but the major one, it was TOO strange & would take too long in the telling. But the Hay Plains has been the place of many sightings.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 10:53 PM
I forgot to mention - once you get a copy of Nexus Magazine, look in the back pages for a list of back issues. Each of these contains a synopsis of pretty well everything that was in that issue, & can be ordered for approx $AU5 each. There has been stuff you'd be interested in - sadly, I had to ditch my back copies [& heaps of other stuff] when I moved.

Error in last post - should have said The Dreamtime, sorry.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:26 AM
Hello! I have been a lurker for a while but it was this thread that had prompted me to join.

I live in Melbourne, I am a Koori and I used to live in Sydney. My father is from Deniliquin, which is pretty close to Narrandera (just down the road!). Bastet is right in stating that the Hay Plains are a UFO hot spot. Many members of my (extended) Aboriginal family can testify to wierd things they've seen. My father saw a disc flying between clouds one day, my uncle and his wife were camping on the Aboriginal mission (called Moonacullah) one night when a bright light approached their camp through the forest. They were down in a gully next to the river and the light shone over the bank. When my uncle went up to investigate the light withdrew then disappeared.
Another time my sister and I were driving into Deniliquin from the mission. The sun had set, so it was around 9:00 pm (sun sets later in summer). As we were driving along the road I looked to my right and thought to myself 'Hey, there's a helicopter landing in the trees...' ... it took me twenty minutes to ask myself why that would actually be happening and to realise that nobody in that area owned a helicopter

If you go to Sydney head out west (Penrith) and watch the Blue Mountains for the Orange Balls that float across now and then. I've seen them twice in Sydney and once in Melbourne. My wife has seen them as well. The first time my wife saw them she was getting dressed to meet me at the movies (we weren;t married then). Her family lives on 5 acres in the Blue Mountains backing onto Nepean Gorge and she looked up and though to herself 'Oh, it's the sun' but then she went 'Wait a minute, it's already set!' then the light disappeared. The second time we were together at a petrol station in Penrith and I was just getting back into the car when a guy said to my wife 'Excuse me, but can you see those lights? I just want to make sure I'm not going crazy!'
Sure enough, there 6 of them flying over the Blue Mountains. This guy then said that one night he and a group of friends watched EIGHTEEN of them doing the shapes of the zodiac! (his words!)

The last time we saw them was a couple of years ago, here in Berwick, an outer suburb of Melbourne. We saw two ascending from south Berwick, chase each other through the clouds then drift away to the south.

I cannot explain any of this.

Good luck with your seacrh for knowledge!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:02 AM
You've seen the orange balls too? - then I'm not crazy after all.

I believe there's Aboriginal rock carvings in & around the Blue Mtns as well as the Hunter Valley & is it the Wollemi State Forest. And Koories are so wonderfully family-oriented, you're all cousins! When I walked into that hotel in Walgett [the guy I shared the driving with wouldn't get out the car], the place was jumping, but fell silent as I walked up to the barman, & when I said I'm looking for Danny Rose, he said - why - & as soon as I said, I have a message from his cousin, well it was drinks all round - while my gutless co-driver sweltered in the late afternoon sun!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:06 AM
I have found a link with a pic and some info. on the 'Wandjina', the God aboriginals claim made the Earth. During the opening ceremony of the Sydney Olympics, they actually hoisted up a huge banner of the 'Wandjina'.

Here is a link about some info. on the 'Min Min lights' which have been seen by people in Queensland.

[edit on 10-8-2004 by dolphinguy2004]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:36 AM
Great links, dolphinguy2884!

Everyone raved about the Sydney Olympics opening & closing ceremonies. But I was incensed by the whole idea of a little white girl [Vicki Webster] leading & being at the front of the Aboriginal performers, she made it stagey & it was so bloody patronising.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 02:59 AM
A couple of years ago I saw about ten or twelve orange points of light appear individually over the space of about an hour over Perth, Western Australia. I was standing in my garden just before midnight one night, and gradually became aware of a tiny orange point slowly moving from southeast to northwest across the sky like a satellite. Instead of continuing in a straight line though (as would a satellite), as each one arrived around the constellation of Orion, it would slow down, waver, then get fainter and disappear, as if it was moving up and away from me. Weird stuff. My wife witnessed this but was unphased as it wasn't very spectacular, if unexplained. I even grabbed my video camera and filmed it on night shot at 110x magnification, though all I got was one of those crappy blurred wavery "UFO" home movies. I never found out what they were, though I highly doubt alien spacecraft! Much more likely to be weather balloons, though why someone would release them one after the other at nearly midnight I have no idea.

Professor Bob

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 04:07 AM

I'm really glad we have a group of folks from downunder vibing now! This has made my day

Bastet, here is the photo of the Hunter Valley rock painting that I visited.

Now that you mention the snakeman, I have heard of him... But I never went to see him.

My time in Redfern was right at the beginning of my stay in Australia: I went straight to a hostel on Abercrombie Street in Newtown, just a short walk from Redfern. I srtolled through the really decrepit part of it one day, and I will always remember the surprise of the aboriginals that I was neither a cop, nor someone trying to score drugs. One fellow asked me: "So what are you looking for then? God?". We both chuckled at that

When I left Sydney to explore after 2 years of being stuck in the city, I started meeting Aboriginals everyday, which really brought home how much there truly is two Australias. I think they felt comfortable with my dark skin. I was travelling with a white friend, and they would very often approach me unbidden, and quite simply and unceremoniously start to tell me how much their people have suffered. Leaving Sydney was very much like leaving a reality bubble and slipping into another one in that respect. In Sydney, there is little or no trace of this history in day to day life, and it is VERY distant from the minds of city-goers...
Anyway: VAST topic and I'll get back to what we were discussing... I would love to discuss this further however...
I visited Myall Creek to learn about the massacre there and there is a strange story to that day as well involving a huge storm which, after walking through the memorial walk and experiencing a storm of emotions of anger and helplessness at the story of the massacre, came right at us. We watched it approach us from kilometers away, and when it hit, the winds tore branches the thickness of my upper arm from the trees around us and we had to dive into the van to get out of harm's way. I am convinced the storm felt a kin vibration in the turmoil of our emotions and homed in on it like a beacon.

Dolphinguy: thank you very much for the link! I'll check it out. Much appreciated.

EDIT: I just checked out one of the links and recognized the name Baiame: the information panel next to the rock painting in the Hunter Valley (see picture below) said that although little was known about the rock painting, it was assumed to be a depiction of Baiame.

Answerman: I am very glad I prompted you to join! I've only just joined myself

Thank you for telling of your experiences. The region you and Bastet have described is high on the list of places I will investigate, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to bring this to my attention. I make a pledge to keep you informed of what transpires. Unfortunately the journey is over a year away... I can't wait.

Talk to you!


Mmmm, the picture didn't show up... I'll keep trying...

[edit on 10-8-2004 by upuaut]

[edit on 10-8-2004 by upuaut]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 04:10 AM

Aha! This should work!


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 04:18 AM

Originally posted by robertcd
A couple of years ago I saw about ten or twelve orange points of light appear individually over the space of about an hour over Perth, Western Australia. I was standing in my garden just before midnight one night, and gradually became aware of a tiny orange point slowly moving from southeast to northwest across the sky like a satellite. Instead of continuing in a straight line though (as would a satellite), as each one arrived around the constellation of Orion, it would slow down, waver, then get fainter and disappear, as if it was moving up and away from me. Weird stuff. My wife witnessed this but was unphased as it wasn't very spectacular, if unexplained. I even grabbed my video camera and filmed it on night shot at 110x magnification, though all I got was one of those crappy blurred wavery "UFO" home movies. I never found out what they were, though I highly doubt alien spacecraft! Much more likely to be weather balloons, though why someone would release them one after the other at nearly midnight I have no idea.

Professor Bob

Yes: I know how you feel. The only sighting I have had was as unspectacular as yours, and the other people with me hardly remember it when I bring it up.

We were standing in Death Valley, California, at dusk. There is no sound in Death Valley: its too hot for anything to live there that might otherwise chirp or sing, and there is no wind because the Valley is such a deep depression. We had just got out of the car and were stunned by the beauty of the sky darkening into night, and appreciating the unique experience of hearing your own heart beat while outside in the wilderness.

I saw a very bright but distant white light rise slowly into view. It must have been miles away because it was close to the horizon and small, but very bright. It rose slowly, like a helicopter might, and then stopped. We were there for about fifteen minutes, and the light did not move during that whole time: it stayed at a height which I would guesstimate was between fifty and a hundred and fifty meters up.

There was nothing out in the direction of the light: no towns that were on the map. And for the life of me, to this day, I can't fathom why a helicopter might rise so steadily and then stay perfectly still for more than fifteen minutes...

Thanks for telling me your story. I will certainly pass through Perth during the journey. I have heard your city is very pleasant!


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 04:20 AM

I just wanted to tell you that I fell deeply in love with the Blue Mountains. The walk down the Golden Stairway and across to Mt Solitary is one of my favorite walks in the world.
I have a good friend who lives at Wentworth Falls!


posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 07:55 AM
Hi upuaut

These are cool, everyone interprets these works in a different way...

Bradshaw Paintings
Introduction by John Robinson

The Bradshaw Paintings are incredibly sophisticated, as you will see from the 32 pictures in the Paintings Section, yet they are not recent creations but originate from an unknown past period which some suggest could have been 50,000 years ago. This art form was first recorded by Joseph Bradshaw in 1891, when he was lost on an Kimberley expedition in the north-west of Australia. They predate the present Aborigines.
Please note the last sentence:They predate the present Aborigines.
Maybe a lost civilization?
Enjoy your stay in Oz


[edit on 10-8-2004 by sanctum]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 03:24 PM
Great pic, upuaut. And I'm stoked too that there have been so many replies to you, and thrilled that you're gonna take the time to find out abut Aboriginal culture. AFAIK, they're one of the oldest civilisations remaining on this planet - maybe even rhe oldest as of now, someone correct me if I'm wrong. We have done them much harm & irreperable wrongs with colonisation,and our national leader wouldn't even say "Sorry" on National Reconciliation Day. The "Stolen Generation" blot on Australia's conscience will never be wiped away.

Geographically, this is an extremely diverse [& unforgiving] continent, yet the various tribes lived well, & in total harmony with their often harsh environments, from temperate & tropical rainforests to arid deserts & also the ocean-swept areas like W.A. Broome is a fascinating area too, a LONG way away, & now being turned into a mega-tourist area, with the koories forced into the backblocks.

Check out the Yothu Yindi band - their songs, performances & response to the present blend of cultures, bring tears to the eyes, their performance art with Aboriginal dancers, is indescribable, & they turned their backs on international fame to play in the "backblocks" - but you'll probably have to travel a long way to see them - but hell, it's worth it.

I dunno how far you're prepared to travel. Arnhem Land is vast - & well worth considering.

Tribal taboos ensured no close "consanguination", thought I'd throw that in, also their incredible knowledge of how to safely prepare toxic plants, roots & berries for safe consumption. Some of our early white explorers died amidst plenty because they didn't have this knowledge. See & avvago with a didgeridoo, check out the body art used in [men-only] corroborees for natural & "alien-like" decorations.

I'll desist now, apologies for rant, I have a deep respect for our indigenous peoples.

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 12:53 AM
I should have posted this earlier. There's a bloke by the name of Rex Gilroy who has done a lot of research on mysterious things in Australia. Here's his website

Check him out. He believes he has evidence for very ancient civilizations in Australia.

I must confess to some amusement with your story Bastet. Yes! We're ALL cousins!

As a side issue, having lived in Penrith and heard other stories from friends with regards to what they've seen in the Blue Mountains, and having read articles in Nexus and other items from Rex Gilroy, I kind of suspect there's a secret base in the Blue Mountains, in the Wollamai forest area. It's very isolated, yet close to a major city. I'm sure the government in years past would have dug refuges into the sandstone (during WW2).... and if not them, then my suspicion is that someone else has managed to live there with very advanced technology for many centuries...... just a suspicion, mind you

(I have zero evidence, though, but if I were to build a secret base.... then I know where I'd put it)

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 01:18 AM
Aa-rr-gh! I can't get to "Ted Gilroy's page" from that link, answerman & I'm SO disappointed. Do I need a password or are those pages only accessible to users of that ISP? But I did find this - is it the right one [from google]? -

I'm gonna check it out anyway though.

Amusement? You shoulda seen the amusement [NOT!] on said gutless co-driver's face when I returned to the car with a bunch of cousins & told him we're giving these guys a lift!

posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 04:08 PM

Thought the following may be useful:

The first link is a classic.

I also know of "stuff" re the second link and Perth, so if you are coming to Perth I *may* be able to point you somewhere re ancient civilisations.



posted on Aug, 12 2004 @ 06:08 PM

Originally posted by jumpspace

Thought the following may be useful:

The first link is a classic.

I also know of "stuff" re the second link and Perth, so if you are coming to Perth I *may* be able to point you somewhere re ancient civilisations.



Thank you JS!

Perfect timing. I have the day off so I will be able to look into the links in detail! I will certainly pass through Perth at some point during the journey: no doubt about it. If we stay loosely in touch, I'll give you some details of how my travel plan is unravelling as they become clearer!

Thanks again!


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