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Look busy jesus is coming ?

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posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 06:56 AM
I hope this is in the correct area, i would assume it is. This man is brilliant, and a great amount of effort and research has gone into his writing which if you are awake enough will be pleasantly surprised by what you are about to read., there are many pages, and a few videos. So here we go. I mean if the World goes bananas and the net is flipped off, then atleast i can say i got my two cents worth in right, like it or not here it is. Thankyou to my ATS family many of whom i know here, I am greatful for every one who takes an interest in Defying Ignorance!
edit on 6-6-2011 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 08:32 AM
no offence - but you are simply parrotting another ` line ` in fantasy twaddle

arabic unmerals - did not origionally contain " corresponding angles "

see wiki

no authorative depiction of early arabic numeral sets shows the angles claimed

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 11:20 AM
Here's a but a taste of what you're in for if you follow the link:

Harold Egbert Camping has a middle name that suggests the B and G pillars of Solomon’s Temple.

EGBERT = EGG, or EYE and BERT = BIRTH, or BEAR, suggesting the coming of a NEW WORLD, a Birth, delivered by the Water Bear-er.

HAROLD = RAH-OLD = or the sun god RA, the ANCIENT OF DAYS. CAMPING = the CAMP of GOD, and ING = EYN or something from nothing, the illusion.

And that's just the start. The Pope, Shuttle Columbia, Solomon's Temple, Isis (ISS), the WTC... This is numerology for the HARDCORE numerologist. It goes on and on and on, getting more absurd by the second, until you could weep.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 11:49 AM
Interesting, I love phonetics and the power of the word! "Sounds like" has always had an influence over me!

The synchronicity is fabulous, who could not love that! Wow!

We are just the end of the story which has forgotten the beginning! LOL

Check out this, it is not a Jackal, it is a Pharaoh Hound

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by ignorant_ape

They are known as 'Western Arabic Numerals' according to the wiki page. No offense but it seems you're maybe missing the point about the 'angles' and the subliminal effects and occult use in the number system.

edit on 7-6-2011 by luckskywatcher because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-6-2011 by luckskywatcher because: typo

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 07:48 PM
I am already here.

Second line.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by luckskywatcher

More info regarding the occult significance of numbers and how their manipulation creates this illusory 3D realm:

911 The Number Of Creation CONJURING

This next chart focuses on the number 111 when multiplied by any number 1 to 9. The corresponding relationships as to where the number lands on the light chart are incredibly revealing. The information on this chart demonstrates that the luciferian Mind, the group egregore of Thinking Entities, was behind the World Trade Centre attack, as well as every horrorific event throughout history. The intellectual elite were but mere waterboys in the whole process.

The number 111 is the number that symbolically suggests the conjuring up of all of the 3D realm. Everything is mathematical, and the 3 dimensional manifestation that results from this numbers game, appears to come into existence based on the number 111.

Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 conjures up every other number, or the prime aspect required for matter to appear.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
= 9 sets of 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 81
81 = 9×9 and contains the subliminal 99, or 9-11′s
81 coincides with 9 on the 7th clockface
81 = 8+1 = 9

This sequence of numbers is just a small portion showing the mathematical structure and interaction of the 3 dimensional sphere we refer to as the universe. Everything is based on the number 111, or in the simplest term, just the number 1. Everything about the 3D sphere, and the number 1, relates to the number 9, which is symbolic of the FALL, and relates also to the number 11, which is symbolic of DEATH.

The whole 3D universe was conjured up with the prime objective of taking control of the Eternal State of Reality by implementing the mathematical manipulation aspects of the Thought Process. This Thought Process is the CREATOR/CONJURER of ALL THINGS. This has no bearing whatsoever on a good God, but represents the workings of Mindset utilizing an illusory reality based on fear, guilt, suffering and death

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 09:48 AM
That`s one interesting dog i`ve never heard of that one

Greensage,I really like that you said that, `we are at the end of the story yet, now the beginning
is being remembered, its true. It`s just the trance is no longer holding its beginning
to fall apart as we see it for what it really is, which is Nothing.

Originally posted by Greensage
Interesting, I love phonetics and the power of the word! "Sounds like" has always had an influence over me!

The synchronicity is fabulous, who could not love that! Wow!

We are just the end of the story which has forgotten the beginning! LOL

Check out this, it is not a Jackal, it is a Pharaoh Hound

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 09:52 AM
Excellent, it`s deep isnt it. Only a handful of people will actually take any time to read through it though, it`s almost like their minds go through a shock period and shut off, they are unable to process it right away.
Like the Death Stage. This is HARDCORE INDEED.

Originally posted by Ex_CT2
Here's a but a taste of what you're in for if you follow the link:

Harold Egbert Camping has a middle name that suggests the B and G pillars of Solomon’s Temple.

EGBERT = EGG, or EYE and BERT = BIRTH, or BEAR, suggesting the coming of a NEW WORLD, a Birth, delivered by the Water Bear-er.

HAROLD = RAH-OLD = or the sun god RA, the ANCIENT OF DAYS. CAMPING = the CAMP of GOD, and ING = EYN or something from nothing, the illusion.

And that's just the start. The Pope, Shuttle Columbia, Solomon's Temple, Isis (ISS), the WTC... This is numerology for the HARDCORE numerologist. It goes on and on and on, getting more absurd by the second, until you could weep.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 10:00 AM
I`m so glad you quoted this here, the dream, illusion is cracking quickly. It`s amazing just how simple these
techniques used by illuminati to conjure up their evil using flawed systems really is.The numbers and the letters always fit into this kind of chaotic pattern that is so twisted and backwards ONLY SEEMS to make sense to those who can;t see it due to their conditioning or Hypnotic State. Here`s to the End of Chaos

Originally posted by luckskywatcher
reply to post by luckskywatcher

More info regarding the occult significance of numbers and how their manipulation creates this illusory 3D realm:

911 The Number Of Creation CONJURING

This next chart focuses on the number 111 when multiplied by any number 1 to 9. The corresponding relationships as to where the number lands on the light chart are incredibly revealing. The information on this chart demonstrates that the luciferian Mind, the group egregore of Thinking Entities, was behind the World Trade Centre attack, as well as every horrorific event throughout history. The intellectual elite were but mere waterboys in the whole process.

The number 111 is the number that symbolically suggests the conjuring up of all of the 3D realm. Everything is mathematical, and the 3 dimensional manifestation that results from this numbers game, appears to come into existence based on the number 111.

Multiplying 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 conjures up every other number, or the prime aspect required for matter to appear.

111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
= 9 sets of 11
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+8+7+6+5+4+3+2+1 = 81
81 = 9×9 and contains the subliminal 99, or 9-11′s
81 coincides with 9 on the 7th clockface
81 = 8+1 = 9

This sequence of numbers is just a small portion showing the mathematical structure and interaction of the 3 dimensional sphere we refer to as the universe. Everything is based on the number 111, or in the simplest term, just the number 1. Everything about the 3D sphere, and the number 1, relates to the number 9, which is symbolic of the FALL, and relates also to the number 11, which is symbolic of DEATH.

The whole 3D universe was conjured up with the prime objective of taking control of the Eternal State of Reality by implementing the mathematical manipulation aspects of the Thought Process. This Thought Process is the CREATOR/CONJURER of ALL THINGS. This has no bearing whatsoever on a good God, but represents the workings of Mindset utilizing an illusory reality based on fear, guilt, suffering and death

edit on 8-6-2011 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 04:17 AM
Why We’re Here – Paradise – Manipulation

They will think to change times and seasons.

This begs the question: who will think to change times and seasons? After years of observation in seemingly unrelated areas, the answer as to whom, and even how, why, and when has been discovered.

This is not just another take on the illuminati agenda.

Prepare yourself – the conclusions herein are troubling. Once we absorb this information, another question will present itself: What to do about the illuminati cabal – the luciferian mind – and its agenda of manipulation? The answer will become self-evident. The illuminati is mindful of its final moments to realize its goal. That goal is total control of our eternal wisdom state through a new world order, a new age of reason, designed to manifest itself through the 3 dimensional experience we call life. The new world order has long been established, but a subliminal hex must be cast over humanity, convincing us once and for all the 3D scenario is legit, that the 3 dimensional life experience is actually REAL. This luciferian mindset is convinced of success. However, it has failed. We now know what the scenario really consists of, how it was perpetuated using the illusory manifestation known as humanity, and most importantly, how to end the illusion.

The luciferian egregore group of thinkers manipulate the illuminati pyramid through a process of hypnotic mind control, know as kabbalism. This pyramid is in a DEEP TRANCE STATE and is composed of the elite royal bloodlines that control world affairs. Institutions such as the Vatican, the Monarchy, the United Nations, NATO, the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the International Monetary Fund, the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, the US Federal Reserve, United Way, Habitat for Humanity, World Wildlife Federation, Greenpeace, the Salvation Army (Red Shield-Rothschild), The Watchtower Society – Jehovah’s Witnesses, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Roman Catholic Church, Protestant and Evangelical Christian Organizations, the World Zionist Movement, the media, the movie industry, the recording industry, the Corporation of the United States of America … you name it, they own it and manipulate it in one way or another. Their agenda is saturated with deceit and corruption.

The world is deceived by their manipulation, thereby generating fear and hypnosis, in much the same manner as they, themselves, have been manipulated into being pawns for the luciferian MINDSET. The luciferian / illuminati mindset feeds insatiably on this fear. However, all the organizations and world systems are only the tip of the iceberg, and are a decoy to throw everyone off the trail of what is really happening, and what will happen over the next few years, and most importantly, who and what is at the top of the pyramid and beyond. This site will explain and show in great detail, the luciferian god that conjured up the whole illusory experience known as the 3 dimensional world.
Signs of Things To Come

This dialogue won’t be at all scientific.

In fact what is put forward will actually show what a sham science is. Examples of sound/word/shape association will be given many times in the pages that follow. Homonyms, and letter/word shapes have particular significance to the luciferian thinkers of the world. Sounds, shapes and colour, and the endless combinations of these, are the arsenal of the ancient, magic-based religions. Neuro-linguistic programming, subliminal messaging, symbolism, reverse symbolism, reverse speech patterns, and the like, have been used to implant the luciferian agenda into the world system. This is their weapon and tool and the agenda will be exposed in the pages ahead.

Here is one such example. Science can be looked upon as Seance. Seance is communication with the dead spirit or occult mind/hidden mind with a particular purpose. The source of science, religion, and magic are one and the same – the luciferian mind.

The chart below is a symbolic illustration representing a beam of light. It has no scientific value whatsoever, as there is no element with 3 electrons, 1 proton and 1 neutron. However, it is the most powerful symbol in the world, for every symbol, element, and physical 3D representation, including the illusory concepts of the soul and spirit, are found within this diagram.

Times and Seasons2

A beam of light passing through a prism creates a rainbow of colour. When this rainbow is placed on a 2 dimensional plane, and in the shape of a colour wheel (the colour wheel is basically a round rainbow), three primary colours are revealed.

Note that the red, yellow and blue appear at 120 degree intervals on the colour wheel.

120 degrees is 10 x 12. These 2 Tables of Multiples, 10X and 12X comprise the 2 major systems used to create religion, science and magic. These 2 tables are found symbolically in the Hebrew Temple, as shown on pages 16 and 17.

The occult mind, or the mind that chooses to remain hidden and in secret, must keep the relationship regarding the 120 degree interval intact as it establishes its scenario, or lays its foundation. However, once established it will distort to achieve its goals, and at the same time avoid detection. Without this original foundation to establish the illusory deception, the number system needed to manipulate humanity would collapse, and would have no validity whatsoever. In other words, we would be immune to hidden occult trickery. The 120 degree intervals on the colour wheel are the basis for geometric, mathematical, astrological, numerological and chemical formulae that are the foundation of the 3 dimensional experience.
The Deliberate Luciferian System of Corruption and Deceit

The three – 120 degree intervals – total 360 degrees. Each degree is supposed to represent a day. After 360 days the earth is supposed to have travelled around the sun. This 360 degree circuit around the sun is the source of the 360 degree circle that religion and science is based on. In actuality, the earth takes 365 and 1/4 days and a couple of minutes and a few seconds to go around the sun. This clumsy number, which actually has an inifinite decimal, would never allow any precise formulae be concocted. Therefore, the circuit around the sun is rounded down on the zodiac circle (light beam chart) to 360 degrees/days. When applied to mathematical equations, Natural Pi is rounded down to 3 or 3.14. The Golden Ratio, or Golden Mean, is rounded down to 1.61. This is deliberately done so the natural course of creation, created by the luciferian group mind, would conflict with the unnatural systems of the physical world. The luciferian mind is the creator of the world we see, and is the same mind that conspires the world systems to conflict with the natural creation. Therefore everything corrupts or is corrupted. Everything exists beneath the dome of duality and the illusory death experience.

The chart immediately below offers insight into the mind of lucifer. This group of entities, the mind of lucifer, plays the dual role of supreme god and devil. This is the duality evident in creation, however, the duality does not have a good and righteous god. There is one delusional thought form behind everything, that is the luciferian egregore group mindset. Humanity is not corrupt, not sinful, not going to hell, for hell doesn’t exist. We don’t really experience death. This thing called death is only part of the hypnotic trance. We’re convinced we’re dying because the physical body appears to separate from what appears to be our spirit. Contrary to dying, we are returning to our original state of wisdom, free of 3D interference to deceive any further. In “death” we actually reclaim our eternal state of wisdom. The big deception in all this is that our physical body is an illusion. This includes the mind, the spirit, and the illusory soul. The physical body, made of atoms, has no physical mass at all. The atoms whirl about at incredible speed, creating the illusion of mass.

It wasn’t until the luciferian mind – the kabbalistic group of light bringing entities – decided to create this 3 dimensional illusion, that ATOMS even existed. Atoms formed the first human ADAM, hence the name and play on words. Of course, the first Adam created was actually ADAM and EVE, who were created for breeding purposes, or the regeneration process. (See the home page of this site). Atoms are the result of divided light, literally ripping apart the truth, and dropping the illusion of matter through the orbiting characteristic of the electron to create a magnetic attraction with the proton, which initiated the sex act. This illusion of matter is the subliminal message of the master hypnotist that makes us believe the 3D illusion.

This 3D illusion isn’t real, nor is matter, nor energy associated with matter. We are led to believe that we are simply energy, and energy can’t be destroyed. However, energy can be eliminated, because energy is an illusion, a fabricated lie. Energy, creating the illusion of matter, is an illusion of scientific magical thought, and is already finite, or limited. This energy with the illusion of matter in the atom has no relevance to the eternal state of ecstasy – called WISDOM. Matter does not exist in the eternal wisdom state. There is no divided light, no shape, no colour and no sound. All these 3D manifestations are bits and pieces of illusory deception, attempting to simulate something of value. Matter is simply light, manipulated to form an atom and the appearance of everything 3 dimensional. The light originated from a thought. (Read page 41). These thoughts – these atoms – are lies!

When we look at shape, sound and colour as being of value, we are selling ourself short. We are robbed blind. When we look past the measure of pleasure of the 3D illusion, the ultimate expression of wisdom, ecstasy, worth and strength is recognized as being ours. Physical pleasures are just that, pleasurable. However, to reconnect to our original wisdom state, by realizing what’s transpiring within this 3 dimensional experience, reclaims the incredible freedom and liberty of the eternal wisdom Paradise state, and the 3D physical pleasures are even more pleasurable because of this awareness. The increased pleasure is experienced because of the realization that sin, death, hell, and all the forbidding of the luciferian mind, is a lie. Without any forbidden fruit to play the guilt card, an effortless existence of simply observing, watching and waiting, and knowing all things, becomes ours once again.

This is our original state of existence: to know all things and to be free and liberated. This has nothing to do with whether our physical bodies are free and liberated, it has to do with becoming free and liberated from the hypnotic manipulation of our minds. Hypnotic manipulation of our minds is when we actually believe OUR MIND IS OUR MIND.

What we believe to be OUR MIND and OUR THOUGHTS, is actually the luciferian conjured up illusion of OUR MIND. This is THEIR MIND and THEIR THOUGHTS we experience in this 3 dimensional plane. For this reason we must always watch and wait. Don’t react to anything in anyway, for this is all luciferian based emotional manipulation. Emotionally detach from placing value on the things that the luciferian mindset suggests are of value in this 3D experience. In this way we reclaim the power of our original state and once again reconnect with Paradise – RIGHT NOW!
edit on 9-6-2011 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:28 AM
Jesus didnt die, he was taken by aliens, he will return to kill the anti-God humanoids.

posted on Jun, 17 2011 @ 02:35 AM
Tagged for later reading.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:00 AM
for those who have asked this question here is my answer:

It's like placing someone in a holoroom in a body that had been constructed for them, much like say, the holodeck on Startrek operated on the show. However, this someone had no knowlege of who they really were, but rather, told that was who they actually were. The room is completely empty but programmed to create a false environment using all five senses in order to create a full effect of their surroundings making it much more believable to the individual. That is much like this place here, we call our Reality. Though in reality, there is No Out There, we never left our paradise state. There is nowhere we must 'go', we're already there.

Yet we have chosen to believe in something much greater than ourselves through fear, which in turn is a form of programming against someone in order to break them from a pattern. This is what i would call a Hynotic Effect. The only way this someone or individual has any hope of waking up to the trap they've been lead into would be through Awareness. And in such a flawed system such as the one we think we're in, and there are many, so this would not take long for pure Awareness to begin questioning things to the point of realization.

Anyone that states a flawed system run by a supreme God can only mean one thing, Corruption has occured somewhere outside of this Awareness. Knowledge knows something, it needs to expand, while Wisdom and Awareness no no-thing because it's already whole and self sustaining.

There is no Time in reality, and if Time is not real then the Number system is also a flawed illusion used to hold it's victim. When being in the NOW has no understanding of Time, NO need for it.

We really are all dolly's in a giant sandbox pretending this is who we really are. And you would'nt fight with our dream characters upon waking up, insisting that they had upset you horribly and then go around telling your friends and co workers about this dream as though it were real, yet, that is what we do every day, we react to this dream mare as though it were actual. And that constant Re-action without Awareness is what keeps us seeing the Illusion.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:04 AM
The answer to why we're here.
a 4 part series 10 mins per video by Bryan Kemila.
note: the first 3 mins or so the video screen is completely
black, for a reason, it's not that it's not working. Just thought
i'd toss that in.

Why are we here?

edit on 26-8-2011 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:37 AM
On 'What is Light'?

A light beam, refracted to form colours, when connected to the thought of a specific shape, actually forms the illusory shape conceived. The shape isn’t really there, only the illusion of the shape. The light beam, when divided, forms the atom symbol when observed in 2 dimensions. But how could the ancient mystics possibly have knowledge of the atom 6,000 years ago? There were no microscopes. The answer is, they saw this up close and first hand. They were in the presence of light energy at its origin, when it was first conceived or conjured forth. The luciferian group mind did everything. These THOUGHT FORM entities created this illusory light by just thinking it.

As light passes through a crystal, it is refracted into a rainbow. This is the origin of the term, christ. The luciferian egregore group of thinking entities is the father god, the creator of LIGHT or LIES, and their saviour is the crystal, the light of the world, the messianic christ-all, that convinces us the 3D illusion is real.

The creation of the number system was a crucial first step to global manipulation, and for that matter, global creation. In freemasonry, as well as in occultism, numbers are sacred. SACRED GEOMETRY is the number system presented as religion. This is the significance of the freemasonry symbol – the compass and square. This is the 6 pointed star, and is a from a Christian CROSS, or a SWASTIKA, and basically, it includes every religious symbol within its form in one fashion or another. Freemasons are not obsessed with the construction of physical buildings, just for the sake of building a building. Freemasons, and the INTELLECTUALIZED world as a whole, are fulfilling the agenda of the great god and architect of the universe, and to this end, apply the principles of their sacred geometry.

Freemasons run the governments of the world and strive to erect landmark buildings, monuments and national parks, etc., as strategic symbols of their influence and to instill the validity of the 3 dimensional realm. Not only as symbolic power, these structures act as direct subliminal hypnotic suggestion. Their agenda uses the flawed system of number and language rituals to build order out of chaos.

Without the number system there can be no global deception and manipulation. Every corruption in the world is the result of a religious or scientific system using numbers. Therefore, those desiring to control and manipulate must create some type of number system before they can proceed.

The 3 dimensional plane is just an illusion of Electrons Protons and Neutrons buzzing around at break neck speed creating the illusion of MATTER TIME and SPACE. - Bryan Kemila

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by awareness10
Freemasons run the governments of the world and strive to erect landmark buildings, monuments and national parks, etc...

Which Masons, what are their names? Which buildings, monuments and parks?

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

You could start with Washington that would be a good place to start. Look around you
figgure it out. Masons have had a hand in just about every aspect of american life.
One you may or may not be familiar with, is the Statue of Liberty, created by Masons
as well.

edit on 26-8-2011 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:58 AM

Originally posted by awareness10
[You could start with Washington that would be a good place to start. Look around you
figgure it out.

This website is not about you posting something and then having someone else do your leg work. You need to be more specific. I will repost my questions so you can answer them more fully:

Originally posted by awareness10
Freemasons run the governments of the world and strive to erect landmark buildings, monuments and national parks, etc...

Which Masons, what are their names? Which buildings, monuments and parks?

edit on 26-8-2011 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 05:34 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

Why should i waste my time on you when i have posted the website where all the information is
for you, you have two eyes and a brain do you not? If you don't know how to read and
process information then it's not my fault. Read what has been posted, look at the site
and go check it out, i won't bother again if you can't figgure out how to click the links
given and do it, i'm not your babysitter and trying to badger this thread and having a temper
tantrum because you have to read it for yourself only makes you look bullish and childish.

edit on 26-8-2011 by awareness10 because: (no reason given)

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