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If alien technology is so advanced, why do their ufos crash?

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by HedyLamarr
I have been asking that myself actually for a while: if their technology is so advanced that they can come and visit us from very far away, they also should be able to avoid crashes... Yet, it seem to happen quite often, although I assume that 99.9% of the reports are fakes. If I remember correctly, the propulsion system of ufos is somehow a nuclear reactor. IF one crashed, wouldn't there also be tons of atomic resedue to be measured?

edit on 20-5-2011 by HedyLamarr because: (no reason given)

If our technology is so stealthy and advanced...than why do we lose planes and helicopters?

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:46 PM

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 10:58 PM
The # you see on T.V is not really telling you the True story, these Aliens got massive advanced technology to have Transportation OR maybe techniques that they could transport themselfs Here to There...Remember, Aliens also beef it with themselfs, there is a Grip of ways to Analize why U.F.O's crashes.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 04:18 PM
This is kinda my thoughts regarding this stealth helicopter crash at osamas compound...

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:40 PM
As far as we know there has only been one actual UFO crash. The one near Roswell in 1947 when the U.S. government admitted it. Which was then immediately denied.

If you're going to start believing witness testimony on other crashes then you must be already accepting of the belief of extraterrestrial visitation. Otherwise you would ignore all such information as it is simply hearsay evidence.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by HedyLamarr

good point, if they are real i would assume their technology is not immune from failure. maybe if they are real they are only just starting out ie: have not been doing space travel long enough to produce something that is perfect.

if we judge what technology can do or how good it is based on crashing then we would have to assume our technology is abosulte rubbish. we live in this atmosphere yet we cannot seem to come up with none crashable transport. why would we assume if you can travel through space then your craft must be uncrashable anyway?

whos to say some did not crash on their way here or there have been previous failed missions?

all speculation anyway but the point is there are alot of assumptions made, yet we have a perfect example of what might occur if you look at us as a example of a species just starting to think about manned missions to other planets. do you think we will build uncrashable craft the first time? i bet there will always be dangers and possibility of failure/crashes with what we design, why would we assume it would be different for any other species. they might have better tech but that does not mean it must be like the titanic, unsinkable so to speak.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:09 PM
I've not heard of many cases of reportedly UFO's crashing, Roswell was supposedely to do with radar technology and the UFO apparently malfunctioned.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by alfa1
Or a bigger question is why in the past they helped us build huge structures like pyramids, gave us advanced technology, batteries and advanced mechanical machines, appeared clearly enough for ancient civilisations to know them as regular visiting friends,
but nowdays they just appear as dots in the sky indistinguishable from aircraft landing lights, bit of ice from the shuttle, or flocks of geese.

This is one of the best questions I've seen posted on this forum in quite a while. Kudos.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:30 PM

Since when does "advanced" mean "perfect" ?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 08:33 PM

Originally posted by SaosinEngaged

Originally posted by alfa1
Or a bigger question is why in the past they helped us build huge structures like pyramids, gave us advanced technology, batteries and advanced mechanical machines, appeared clearly enough for ancient civilisations to know them as regular visiting friends,
but nowdays they just appear as dots in the sky indistinguishable from aircraft landing lights, bit of ice from the shuttle, or flocks of geese.

This is one of the best questions I've seen posted on this forum in quite a while. Kudos.

Because nowadays we try to shoot them out of the sky, rather than "worshipping" and working with them.

and not all "UFO's" in the skies today are "little points of light"..
Just the majority of what YOU see are.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by HedyLamarr

I too have been asking myself that for quite a while.

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 09:47 PM
If you think that radar is a good candidate for making advanced craft (of any type or origin) crash, I'd encourage you to do some reading about how radar works, and about the electromagnetic spectrum more broadly; it will help you tune your BS meter.

As mentioned above, the universe is literally rife with radio waves, and the area around the Earth is even noisier than much of the rest. There's simply no way that a vessel could cross interstellar space if it had issues with radio waves.

Nevermind that pretty much ever piece of technology you have in your house is either a) unaffected by radio waves or b) actively uses radio waves to communicate with other devices (your cell phone, your computer, your wireless router, etc.).

Remember the end of Signs, where the aliens, the ones that totally breathe our air and want our planet, are "allergic" to water? Yeah, radar knocking out advance tech is about like that...

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 02:01 PM
Because the Phisical Universe was designed to be Unpredictable.
Perfection is not possible in this Universe.
The reason for this, is to keep us bussy with unexpected events.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by HedyLamarr

I would say UFOs are prone to crashing just like airplanes because they are machines. There's no such thing as a perfect machine and no technology is foolproof.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 03:45 PM
The answer is quite simple, it is no different then you walking up stairs and mistepping or tripping as you jog. The ships are controlled with there minds. call it "alien Error" instead of "human error". I know that them being so far advanced it does not make to much sence that they would make a mental mistake but just as a comparison, compare annual car accidents to alien crashs. That statistic is far less.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:52 PM
as in my small mind.. i have some things to say....

If any aliens or UFOs were nearby... let say in Sun's solar system... and now when we have discovered a 10th planet and some other planets which revolve around sun... why we are unable to detect alien existence? are they invisible?? if so, why? and why their UFOs are visible as suspected... UFO means Unidentified Flying Object. So anything flying which remains unidentified is called UFO regardless of aliens. At this point we are forgetting about govt. conspiracies as in WW2 Germany was trying to build a UFO to rekie (i dont know how do u spell this word, means to spy) other contries but was unable to build one. Govt.s control media and as you with naked eye cant define a UFO which could be some spy tool, they are always regraded as UFOs of Aliens.

If someone say they travel interstellar, what is the medium of travel from a distance as long as your eyes see stars which are inaccessible through travel duration of years... we talk about light years... and obviously one can imagine the distance light can travel in a year... thats very very long...

if so called UFOs come here and obviously they must contact their base.. whats the medium? and transmission could take centuries to interact with each other..

as science says that the light we see from stars doesn't define their current state but define their state when that light particles originated from their surface, thus we see them as they were ages back... they may not exist now... similarly that UFO communication will not define their current state on earth so there is no point telling them (when they recieve this communication) that what is happening (they will be listening what had happened ages back)

If we say that they may travel through black holes or those interstellar.... how? science is unable to explain this...

As for a believer, there is no existence of any living being outside earth in this whole universe. Bible never stated anyone's existence... Quran never stated anyone's existence... So I believe that we are the only life in this whole universe.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:55 PM
human intervention making them crash
or its humans flying them as 'tests'

really think about it an advanced race that can fly through space, i just dont think they would over look or make a mistake that could cause a crash... then again you cant rule out the earths 'field' maybe some spots just kill the components or something in the saucers.

well never really know till the people find one themselves

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 08:57 PM
The book, Day After Roswell, Corso said he thought the craft(s) might have been hit my lighting due to the heavy lightening storms that night..

posted on May, 25 2011 @ 03:57 PM
My computer is so "advanced" but it still crashes. No matter how advanced the technology it can still develop a glitch from time to time. In deed the more complicated a system is then the more that can go wrong with it. Thus the more advanced our technology the more vulnerable we are to it breaking down leaving us all in the lurch. Surely the aliens are nothing but flesh and blood, skin and bones, hairs and teeth just as we are. They have their problems just as we do. They are not perfect. Half of them would gladly want to establish a world under their alien control much like "Nazism" but worse. The other half no doubt struggle just as we do to stop such a nightmare of hell. Being in possession of such advanced technology does not make such problems less and probably makes such problems worse.

מייַן קאָמפּיוטער איז אַזוי "אַוואַנסירטע" אָבער עס נאָך קראַשיז. ניט קיין ענין ווי אַוואַנסירטע די טעכנאָלאָגיע עס קענען נאָך אַנטוויקלען אַ גליטש פון צייַט צו צייַט. אין אַקט די מער קאָמפּליצירט אַ סיסטעם איז דעריבער די מער וואָס קענען גיין פאַלש מיט אים. אזוי די מער אַוואַנסירטע אונדזער טעכנאָלאָגיע די מער שפּירעוודיק מיר זענען צו אים ברייקינג אַראָפּ ליווינג אונדז אַלע אין דער לערטש. שורלי די אַליענס זענען גאָרנישט אָבער פלייש און בלוט, הויט און ביינער, כערז און ציין פּונקט ווי מיר זענען. זיי האָבן זייער פראבלעמען פּונקט ווי מיר טאָן. זיי זענען נישט גאנץ. העלפט פון זיי וואָלט גערן ווילן צו גרינדן אַ וועלט אונטער זייער פרעמד קאָנטראָל פיל ווי "נאַזיסם" אָבער ערגער. די אנדערע האַלב קיין צווייפל קאמף פּונקט ווי מיר טאָן צו האַלטן אַזאַ אַ נייטמער פון גיהנום. זייַענדיק אין פאַרמעגן פון אַזאַ אַוואַנסירטע טעכנאָלאָגיע טוט ניט מאַכן אַזאַ פראבלעמען ווייניקער און מסתּמא מאכט אַזאַ פראבלעמען ערגער.


posted on May, 25 2011 @ 04:20 PM
It would be really cool if there was an alien craft crash site, but there are none. If you have identified a craft as alien, it is no longer a UFO. UFO means unidentified. That means it has not been identified. If you know it is alien, then it is an IFO.

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