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The Dream: Are you having it?

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posted on May, 1 2011 @ 04:59 PM

Originally posted by Pastamancer
reply to post by Three

I feel.. a bit obligated to explain a few things. First, 2012 is a number of significance but is by far and wide.. no apocalypse. The Mayan Calander is circular, it has no end. It's implied to anyone that's familiar with the shape and methods used to derive the dates that the end of the Age of Man is relating to a large measure of time with it's name derived from the passage of the Earth along its axis through the constellations in the night sky. What people spout about 2012 is something .. alarmist and misinformed and honestly something that we've known in mainstream media since the 1960's.

Ever heard a song called The Age of Aquarius? Aquarius is the water bringer, a symbol typically rationalized as a man or woman carrying a vessel of water. Hence, the Age of Man. The procession of the constellations is circular and eternal and the ancient races knew this as they weren't stirred up by the internet and all this sudden influx of distractions. At night you had a couple things to do and one of their scholarly (and religious) pursuits was astronomy.

Now that I've sorted out the 2012 mumbo jumbo.. remember Y2K? I still laugh about that. I was sitting in my living room snickering watching the ball go down and waiting for the doomsaying fools to realise that nothing would happen. Life endures. We're not so easy to snuff out and we don't constantly have to live the fear of the pit and the pendulum. That kind of irrational fear and paranoia does the enlightened no credit and divides us rather than bring us together. If we die, we die. Someday we all die. Get used to the idea and make the most of the time you have instead of clock watching.

Now that that's out of the way, to the dream. I apologize if I was hamfisted previously but believing in that claptrap isn't good for your sense of reality. What you dreamt.. and I emphasize.. dreamt.. may have been something. Was it a sign or a portent? Those are rarely as exciting or fun as you describe. Those kind of things are more subtle.. frightening. One of the hallmarks of a vision like that is paralyzing fear in the face of something you are completely unable to change. Only to witness. Not all of the visions are like that. Not all of them are signs.

What I'm saying about the dream.. and I rarely talk about my dreams.. is sometimes if you have the will and your mind is strong enough, you can develop defense mechanisms to nightmares. Mine was gravity manipulation to a degree. Mostly uncontrolled, to the effect of being able to lower my specific gravity to leap high up onto something like a telephone pole and clutch onto it for dear life while whatever was trying to kill me stayed on the ground out of reach. For a while there, I used red glowing numbers, the kind you find on older alarm clocks.. as a portal out of the nightmare. When things would get too heated and my mind was at a snapping point, my subconscious pulled on its fight or flight response and I had prepared something if it chose flight.

I may have not gotten the best night's sleep when I chose flight but sometimes it beats the alternative. Your dream powers I can attribute to early lucid dreaming. While fun, realise that rarely do dreams have any significance to the reality you live in.. and if they do, understand that your conscious logical mind isn't the realm of dreams. Everything in your dreams is hypermagnified, stylized. You have to speak in the language of metaphor if you're to interpret them.

Moving on to your friends and yourself developing powers.. I'm skeptical on this one. It stinks of magical thinking and the wish to be special. Chosen. Nothing. Not power, not skill, not knowledge.. none of it comes free. None of it just "develops" like when puberty hits. You have to work at it. Study. Sharpen your mind, pay costs you may not have been willing to pay at the start of the journey, if only to see it through since you'd come that far.

I appreciate you coming here for this. I'm not closed minded. I just.. caution you against flights of fancy like this. Ground yourself, don't accept anything on faith, not even wooden nickles. Study. Observe. Think. A lot of us started where you are... some of us are a bit more snappish about trying to calm you down than others but they're all well meaning for the most part. It's dangerous to fly free into this climate without a string holding you down to earth.

Did you not read that I put I am a skeptic myself, and I don't believe this? I said I HOPE it happens because, without somethign like this in our lives, we see no reason to live. It's not about being 'chosen' or 'special', or I would have specified that. It's just that these desires of ours are life and death, therefore we naturally expect and hope for somethign to guide us to it. I don't expect you or anyone else who isn't like us to understand us. I post these things in pursuit of others like us. I want somethign good to happen in 2012. I hope it does. But, I'm not going around blabbering that it "will happen". The future is never absolute, fortunately for us as well.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by oldsoulnewmind
Your post inspired me to write one about my dream I had,


I have had dreams where I have been the obligated guide to a group of people leading them to safety in the midst of some war only I don't know where to go that is safe and I wind up failing in the end. Either the people I am leading are special in some way or are the last of some semblance and order, one in particular is old and uses a tree branch as a cane or walking staff. Either way I am chosen with out any consent of my own to find them a safe place I bring them to my grandmothers house, but the neighborhood is run by drug lords and gangs. Next I take them to the town where I grew up only to find that my childhood home is blown apart and my parents are no where to be found. There are images of Saints and great men in history projected in the sky, my group runs to them screaming they are saved help is here. Only I know its a trap and beg them no to go towards them. There is a bright flash and I wake up

Hm.. It doesn't sound very related to the dream I keep running into, but it is interesting. I personally wouldn't want to lead people unless they were all younger than I, but, like you said, you really didn't have much say in the manner.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by smallpeeps
Hey OP I don't know if there's any sync here but I rarely have dream recall these days, it takes a strong dream to make me remember it. Well this morning I had a dream that I was with some people(?) on an upper floor of a building on the Eastern coastal US. I just knew where I was, can't say how. Well anyway, in my dream, I was absently looking out the window at the water in the harbor, while one of the people was droning on about something, just as normally a person would experience. Then I noticed the water level in the harbor was rising drastically. In seconds there was a mountain of swelling water which was overwhelming the harbor below. I knew it was a tsunami.

It is weird how dreams are. No, I have not been watching Japan tsunami videos. I've seen a couple like two months ago, and they freaked me out but I don't seek that sort of imagery. Also I am on the Eastern seaboard so this dream would seem to be normal for anyone on any coast. Yet, I never had a dream like this.

So anyway, as is the case with dreams, when your are not lucid, you simply react to the dream as such. So when I realized I was in a tall building and tsunami was imminent and growing (the mountain of water was growing by the second) I did have a moment of that dream-anxiety. I thought to myself, "Damn how will I lead these people out?!" I knew we would die, and I felt a moment of disconnection, perhaps almost in anticipation of it? Very weird, it took only a second to regain my poise. So people were now seeing the water rising and when they looked back at me, there were about five people who lingered and looked at me for the next move. As I contemplated our last seconds, I said to them, "Come here, give me your hands" and we took hands right there, with a desk to our side and just stood there in a circle. I somehow knew to say "We all know that if we focus our minds, we can keep this tower standing." That's it. And as they looked at me, and as the rest of the people sorts went crazy, I could feel that they agreed with me, and that none of us who held hands had any fear. It was as if I shared with them the idea that we needn't run down or sideways or up or anywhere, simply to focus on our desire, that this building shall stand, and it will stand.

And as I felt them agree with me, the dream ended. When I woke up I thought to myself, "Oh Jesus please let this be just some stupid dream I had." and yet, here I have typed it for you perusal. Totally original content gifted to this domain, and probably of very little value because I really do not know how positive thinking could ever help in such a situation, and I am not sure how that reaction would every occur to me in real life, though it seemed to happen quite naturally and I was not lucid in this dream, I was reactive. Anyway, I am going to try and improve my swimming skills and maybe get a kayak or two. O_o

Ha ha, well it sounded quite symbolic to me. Maybe not likely, but, of course, possible yes. It also sounded like it was tryign to tell you or remind you of your desire to maybe help others? In these senses, it could relate to what I posted.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:11 PM
Hehe makes me think of jungian archetypes and the way we absorb cultural information and incorporate it into our dreams. The reason this makes me think this is i've had a similar dream where me and four others are in an underground bunker in the future. We make it to above ground but then run into trouble from another group from another bunker and we end up fighting. We all posssesed some kind of super power and to me it was just one of those enjoyable fantasy type of dreams - probably a blend of x-men/logan's run and battle royale.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 05:12 PM
reply to post by Three

Wow thats freaky because I have had a dream like this before. Only once but we were captured had powers and had to escape from the evil lady and the rest of the dream was of us trying to stop her evil plans. I woke up right after I got the last ingredient for a spell to stop her lol!!

If felt so real and was probably the scariest dream I have ever had. There is a lot more detail but I can't remember it now. I just remember being really freaked out when I woke up. I may have written it down I was keeping a dream diary for a while so I will have to look and will update to include the details if I have them.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:35 PM
reply to post by Three

No offense, but the "like us" part is the rub. That's generally the attitude you were projecting and people.. people have gotten wary of it in the circles I run in. It seems like every day there's a new prophecy or some person insisting they're the incarnation of a god or goddess or some great disturbance in the force. Things like 2012.. they tick off the cosmic calendar like any other red letter day. A rise in power, a crescendo, a time when that power may be put to use and then it's all over but the crying. Will something happen then? I can't say. I just don't think it's nearly as significant as people think. As far as something coming to lead us? Guide us to life or death?

Call me skeptical, but we're on our own out here. No dropship or evac is coming, Blackhawk is down and Private Ryan is the unluckiest man in the world. This ball of mud is left to fend for itself, at least a while longer. I just hope we aren't dumb enough to blow it to pieces before we figure out what to do with ourselves.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 06:47 PM
Yes, I have been having this dream pretty much to the T. Were all on a team of superhumans fighting an opposing force. I have had friends having the same dream and actually shared this dream w ppl. (they were in my dream, I was in theres, and we had the same dream that same night) its very interesting indeed. very lucid and reoccurring frequently

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 05:09 PM

Originally posted by Ankona
Yes, I have been having this dream pretty much to the T. Were all on a team of superhumans fighting an opposing force. I have had friends having the same dream and actually shared this dream w ppl. (they were in my dream, I was in theres, and we had the same dream that same night) its very interesting indeed. very lucid and reoccurring frequently

I sent you pm's on yours. I don't see why so many other people would be having it, but perhaps their just others like us outside of the group of 8 also just as well capable of developing abilities.

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by Hopeforeveryone
Hehe makes me think of jungian archetypes and the way we absorb cultural information and incorporate it into our dreams. The reason this makes me think this is i've had a similar dream where me and four others are in an underground bunker in the future. We make it to above ground but then run into trouble from another group from another bunker and we end up fighting. We all posssesed some kind of super power and to me it was just one of those enjoyable fantasy type of dreams - probably a blend of x-men/logan's run and battle royale.

That sounds possibly just like the visions, as well. Would you say there were 8 or so of you in the group. Do you remember others' abilities?
edit on 2-5-2011 by Three because: Wrong post. XD

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by ucantcme
reply to post by Three

Wow thats freaky because I have had a dream like this before. Only once but we were captured had powers and had to escape from the evil lady and the rest of the dream was of us trying to stop her evil plans. I woke up right after I got the last ingredient for a spell to stop her lol!!

If felt so real and was probably the scariest dream I have ever had. There is a lot more detail but I can't remember it now. I just remember being really freaked out when I woke up. I may have written it down I was keeping a dream diary for a while so I will have to look and will update to include the details if I have them.

Hm.. Did this evil lady have a foreign-sounding name? Was your spell perhaps one of alchemy in nature? It sounds like some familiar things, possibly.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:13 AM
reply to post by Three

My one friend having the same dream explains it as hes on a different level of the building (but the same one) waiting for the battle to get to him. And Im always on the floor where Sh*t is going down and im fighting. Some of us just have unlimited power (like dragonball z if anyone has ever seen it) others, like my friend, have to meditate and use telepathic energy. The instance where I and another person shared the dream simultaneously and found out the next day, we were saving a little girl from what seemed to be aliens or flying craft. Also, it seems that the opposing force seems to be a Mr Smith type from the matrix. we arent fighting humans, but beings..

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:27 AM
I was a quite retiscent to post this here but OP's dream is a lot simmilar to one i had some weeks ago
Ok, so I was on this dream, walking throug a very small auditorium, and there was like 8 people on there, plus this guy on the sidewall, looking at us. The guys at the auditorium looked like geeks. Still there was some people like me that didn't look that nerdy. The place had red carpet on the places where the chairs where (stair like), and the lower level had black and white tiles. Instead of a wall, in the front of the auditorium there were three arc-like portals, two had black decorated bars.and the left one was open. There was also red velvet curtains on the sides of those arcs and on the sidewall of the lower level, like hiding doors behind. The rest of the habitation walls and ceiling were creamy white.
I joined the place from the right "door", behind the curtain. First thing i did was looking around the place, the people and searching for a chair, those were common wood chairs, light brown. I was about to sit in one and the guy on the next chair said it was occupied, so i ended sitting on the stairs. Then i recognized the guy on the sidewall. He is a very well known comic writer and chaos magician who wrote a hypersigil disguised in a comicbook series. I standed up and walked to him, to argue why he dragged me into that dream (oh, i forgot, it was a lucid dream, and i was somewhere else when i found myself behind the curtain). He said "well, a small treat for those who understood the purpose of the comic... over the last months. You did it very well, so I applaud you!" weird thing is this guy haves a strong scottish accent, but he was talking to me in perfect spanish! So I asked him "why can I understand what are you saying? last time I saw a video of a conference you made i barely understood what the f*** you were talking about, dude!". He grinned and pointed to his head, saying "we're not talking, we're speaking through our minds. Your scottish is pretty neat, too!". I grinned and come back to take a seat. I was about to sit on the stairs when he said "ok, people, we're going to start. The main purpose of that hypersigil was to drag you attention, so i can give you all some precious information and see if you can pass the tests to conform an army. Not a fighting one, a defensive one."
"you'll see, 2012 it's at the next corner, and what does 2012 means for us? well, nothing else than the biggest inflexion point in the last century. What we're going to do? fight to keep the world alive, no more nor less. If we don't do anything, and looking as the world's going lately, we're doomed. I want to test you all, because you passed the first test already (he was refering to understand the whole comicbook), and now, we're going to start the hard training. This part is kinda softcore, but if you pass it, you'll be called for another tests later. First, make a row on the first stair"
We did it.
"so, now you'll see that the tiles of the floor are going to burn and dissapear. You must be fast and smart enough to make your way safely to the door that's open. Then, the ones who make it are going to recieve another task. he ones who fail... it was nice to talk to you all anyway"
He clapped his hands, and the tiles started to be red hot, and fall in a pit of flames. I don't know how, but i came second to the exit, while 3 of the ones who were with me didn't make it. Later, while we were on a street (by night) we heard so high "you must now fly to the next nebulae". I tried to heal one of the girls that barely made it, and we started to fly together. There was a lot of high tension cables in our way, and i made it.
The next scene was weird. I suppousedly reached that "nebulae", but i was in a place that seemed, smelled and looked like an olimpic pool. Some of my "classmates" were several injured, and i said "ok, i'm here after all, i don't think anyone will get mad at me for healing some of my mates!" and i started to project some strong white light from my hands to their bodies, getting them recovered in some seconds. They thanked me for that, and again, we heard the voice of this guy, i looked to the front and he was standing there, on the entrance, clapping his hands, while saying "very, very well, people. you passed the first row of tests. I'm gonna call you all, the survivors, for more later. Thanks for participate and not waking up yelling for your mommies. You're brave enough.... thank you", and he walked away. I was so clueless about what the heck happened, and we started to talk with the other guys. They seemed more confused than me, so i left them and take a swim on the big pool at the side, coming out of the pool absolutely dry (that's something i love to do on lucid dreams!)

I haven't had the "sequel" of the dream yet, but who knows? and... who cares!? maybe they're making an army at the astral for real and we're just recieving orders to conform it... and maybe is just our imagination playing tricks! hahahahaha i know how to fight at the astral, a friend taught me some tecniques after he dragged me into one of his dreams (when i saw him later, i yelled "you! stop messing with my head!" not saying anything about the dream... and he answered "i was just teaching you how to fight. Is that offensive? I suppose it's nothing but helpful to you!" then we started to talk about the dream and so)

that's what i wanted to share. maybe tl;dr but still, it was so freaking fun and i'll take those tests whatever they are anyday!

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 01:25 PM
Okay.... someone got on the wrong side of excited >,> Your excited about "WAR!?!?!?!?" Your excited about potentially being killed? >,> Do you even know what your getting yourself into? You sound like someone who is head diving into this likes its a game. Well hun, I'm sorry to say it doesn't seem like you have any clue as to what is really going on. Nor does it incline me to believe your friend may be seeing these visions. If he or she really was, they'd be scared # less. Not to mention I doubt they would be excited. Mhmmm.... but then again, when you speak of elements all my selfs past memories seem to represent them. Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. When all combine, you are whole, and you are "YOU!!!!" I doubt that what you speak of as in abilities is similiar to what I've learned. I will include what my other halfs have taught me. Earth: Life Lessons, Fire: Loss of life, Water: Happiness and, Air: the bringing of the lessons together to make you see who "YOU" are. Mhmm... I gotta go rest now. I have a headache.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:51 AM

Originally posted by Ankona
reply to post by Three

My one friend having the same dream explains it as hes on a different level of the building (but the same one) waiting for the battle to get to him. And Im always on the floor where Sh*t is going down and im fighting. Some of us just have unlimited power (like dragonball z if anyone has ever seen it) others, like my friend, have to meditate and use telepathic energy. The instance where I and another person shared the dream simultaneously and found out the next day, we were saving a little girl from what seemed to be aliens or flying craft. Also, it seems that the opposing force seems to be a Mr Smith type from the matrix. we arent fighting humans, but beings..

Wow, I haven't been on in a while, so sorry about that.. However, I'm not sure this seems to play into what the visions would portray. Well maybe, maybe not. If the beings looked at least somewhat human, then we're getting somewhere. See, most, if not all the enemies were experiments made from people (likely some that was a race called "Huan" which would reflect the original form for humans or what they are made from.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by Caggy
I was a quite retiscent to post this here but OP's dream is a lot simmilar to one i had some weeks ago
Ok, so I was on this dream, walking throug a very small auditorium, and there was like 8 people on there, plus this guy on the sidewall, looking at us. The guys at the auditorium looked like geeks. Still there was some people like me that didn't look that nerdy. The place had red carpet on the places where the chairs where (stair like), and the lower level had black and white tiles. Instead of a wall, in the front of the auditorium there were three arc-like portals, two had black decorated bars.and the left one was open. There was also red velvet curtains on the sides of those arcs and on the sidewall of the lower level, like hiding doors behind. The rest of the habitation walls and ceiling were creamy white.
I joined the place from the right "door", behind the curtain. First thing i did was looking around the place, the people and searching for a chair, those were common wood chairs, light brown. I was about to sit in one and the guy on the next chair said it was occupied, so i ended sitting on the stairs. Then i recognized the guy on the sidewall. He is a very well known comic writer and chaos magician who wrote a hypersigil disguised in a comicbook series. I standed up and walked to him, to argue why he dragged me into that dream (oh, i forgot, it was a lucid dream, and i was somewhere else when i found myself behind the curtain). He said "well, a small treat for those who understood the purpose of the comic... over the last months. You did it very well, so I applaud you!" weird thing is this guy haves a strong scottish accent, but he was talking to me in perfect spanish! So I asked him "why can I understand what are you saying? last time I saw a video of a conference you made i barely understood what the f*** you were talking about, dude!". He grinned and pointed to his head, saying "we're not talking, we're speaking through our minds. Your scottish is pretty neat, too!". I grinned and come back to take a seat. I was about to sit on the stairs when he said "ok, people, we're going to start. The main purpose of that hypersigil was to drag you attention, so i can give you all some precious information and see if you can pass the tests to conform an army. Not a fighting one, a defensive one."
"you'll see, 2012 it's at the next corner, and what does 2012 means for us? well, nothing else than the biggest inflexion point in the last century. What we're going to do? fight to keep the world alive, no more nor less. If we don't do anything, and looking as the world's going lately, we're doomed. I want to test you all, because you passed the first test already (he was refering to understand the whole comicbook), and now, we're going to start the hard training. This part is kinda softcore, but if you pass it, you'll be called for another tests later. First, make a row on the first stair"
We did it.
"so, now you'll see that the tiles of the floor are going to burn and dissapear. You must be fast and smart enough to make your way safely to the door that's open. Then, the ones who make it are going to recieve another task. he ones who fail... it was nice to talk to you all anyway"
He clapped his hands, and the tiles started to be red hot, and fall in a pit of flames. I don't know how, but i came second to the exit, while 3 of the ones who were with me didn't make it. Later, while we were on a street (by night) we heard so high "you must now fly to the next nebulae". I tried to heal one of the girls that barely made it, and we started to fly together. There was a lot of high tension cables in our way, and i made it.
The next scene was weird. I suppousedly reached that "nebulae", but i was in a place that seemed, smelled and looked like an olimpic pool. Some of my "classmates" were several injured, and i said "ok, i'm here after all, i don't think anyone will get mad at me for healing some of my mates!" and i started to project some strong white light from my hands to their bodies, getting them recovered in some seconds. They thanked me for that, and again, we heard the voice of this guy, i looked to the front and he was standing there, on the entrance, clapping his hands, while saying "very, very well, people. you passed the first row of tests. I'm gonna call you all, the survivors, for more later. Thanks for participate and not waking up yelling for your mommies. You're brave enough.... thank you", and he walked away. I was so clueless about what the heck happened, and we started to talk with the other guys. They seemed more confused than me, so i left them and take a swim on the big pool at the side, coming out of the pool absolutely dry (that's something i love to do on lucid dreams!)

I haven't had the "sequel" of the dream yet, but who knows? and... who cares!? maybe they're making an army at the astral for real and we're just recieving orders to conform it... and maybe is just our imagination playing tricks! hahahahaha i know how to fight at the astral, a friend taught me some tecniques after he dragged me into one of his dreams (when i saw him later, i yelled "you! stop messing with my head!" not saying anything about the dream... and he answered "i was just teaching you how to fight. Is that offensive? I suppose it's nothing but helpful to you!" then we started to talk about the dream and so)

that's what i wanted to share. maybe tl;dr but still, it was so freaking fun and i'll take those tests whatever they are anyday!

Well, it may not be incredibly similar, but there are some consistencies including, possibly importantly, the fact that there were 8 people. And then you're bringing learning how to fight into the picture, so that says something similar as well. Perhaps it's more signs of things to come?

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Rishiana
Okay.... someone got on the wrong side of excited >,> Your excited about "WAR!?!?!?!?" Your excited about potentially being killed? >,> Do you even know what your getting yourself into? You sound like someone who is head diving into this likes its a game. Well hun, I'm sorry to say it doesn't seem like you have any clue as to what is really going on. Nor does it incline me to believe your friend may be seeing these visions. If he or she really was, they'd be scared # less. Not to mention I doubt they would be excited. Mhmmm.... but then again, when you speak of elements all my selfs past memories seem to represent them. Earth, Fire, Water, and Air. When all combine, you are whole, and you are "YOU!!!!" I doubt that what you speak of as in abilities is similiar to what I've learned. I will include what my other halfs have taught me. Earth: Life Lessons, Fire: Loss of life, Water: Happiness and, Air: the bringing of the lessons together to make you see who "YOU" are. Mhmm... I gotta go rest now. I have a headache.

You're saying these things like myself and those like me are 'normal'. I thought (or tried) to make it clear how strange we were. Really, it should come to no surprise that we may seem completely insane.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:11 AM
I dreamed I was on a small, almost clover shaped island, semi-tropical, in the South Pacific.
Aliens came to this island and the some of the US power structure knew it. I could see, not far was a more populated island, with buildings maybe 4 stories around a bay. However, this little one was fairly isolated. There was what looked like an underground silo on it.

Aliens dumped a small girl, all bloodied and bruised there. One person, a MIB, or FBI? I think he was human, a black suit type, looked like 1950s, took her in to an office to report it, and I saw her eyes, and they looked alive but vacant. Then the person that it was reported to, killed both the guy that had held her, and her, with a gun. Just acted interested then suddenly took out a handgun and shot them both. To cover it up, I think.

Then the aliens were really, really angry about that. I am not sure their purpose. Did they hurt her and wanted the world to know that they could hurt people, or was it something altruistic.

I don't know why I have dreams like that. I'm not into aliens and stuff. They bug me.

Other dreams I have had concern busting through different dimensions into different worlds. One had a girl with a lot of worms everywhere coming out, and I was with her, we were sitting beside each other and the worms were getting on me. She ran and I followed her. She went through a wall and came out a tree- I thought it was the tree of life, as in, it used to be the tree that grew to be the lumber that became the wall. We were in a new, sterile world, but she was dropping worms everywhere, and they were evolving so fast, into people...groups of militant looking, mind controlled people that cared for little other than 'order' like, social order. But it was really bad. It was corrupting everything.
And I thought that the serpent in the garden of eden, in the tree, was not a serpent, but a worm. I woke up really scared of THAT worm.

edit on 27-6-2011 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 03:50 AM
I had something similar myself, though different in many respects.

Firstly, like in yours, there was about 8 of us meeting in a building that was still under construction.
We were all there as some sort of official group, like FBI agents or something like that.
We had a briefing in a room with a desk and one if the walls not yet built. We were told we were there to find and capture a prisoner hiding out in that building.

We were spilt up into four pairs of two and went separate ways to begin our hunt.
Several floors up, me and my partner found the "prisoner" which turned out to be a girl of about 11 or 12 years old. This girl turned out to be a hybrid human/alien with long black hair in pigtails, a white summer dress and these large almond shape, all black eyes in typical alien fashion. Outside of her eyes she looked completely human otherwise.

We had cornered her in the stairwell leery of approaching her. I could plainly see she was afraid as my partner began telling her she needed to come back with us. Then she looks to me and begins to telepathically show me where they were keeping her and the things they were doing to her. They had told her they could do these things to her, which basically were tantamount to torture, because she wasn't a person, that she was just a "thing". Anything that wasn't fully human was just a "thing". Then I hear her clearly and loudly in my head pleading to help her.

I remember not believing what I had just seen but knowing it was true. After a few moments of uncertainty I finally put myself between her and my partner. Anger grew on guys face as he called me a traitor and pulled his gun on me. In an almost instinctual reaction I raised my hand towards and telekinetically threw him down the stairs and pinned him up against the wall knocking his gun out of his hand.

From there I grabbed her hand and made my way back down to the main floor, running into several of the others who tried to stop me. Some shot at us and others used "abilities" like shooting fire from their hands at us. I have a hard time remembering much of that as it was chaotic and fast, but barely managed to get passed them. When on the main floor, I ran back to the room where the briefing was and grabbed the files about the girl on the desk.

From there I dragged us through where the wall had yet to be built and outside into what as far as I can recall was on a flat plain in the middle of nowhere with nothing for miles but the building and a dirt road.

It just got weirder from there. Once we were about 30 to 40 feet from the building we looked back and saw the building, which was quite tall, almost a skyscraper, slowly begin to lower into the ground like it was on a lift. Once it was down in the ground completely huge doors made to look like grass on top closed over it. It was as if the half constructed was never even there.

Next she looks at me smiling, telepathically thanks me, then hugs. After she looks at me like she's concentrating then tells me, "You are the first child of the eleventh watch". What the hell does that even mean? I actually thought that in the dream, "What does that even mean?". That's pretty much when I awoke.

I didn't, and not sure I still don't, think that it was anything more than a fanciful and unusually vivid dream. I remember very few if my dreams but the ones I do are often very vivid, detailed ones that I seem to be able to recall as clearly as the day I had it. This one always stuck with me as I thought it wad an odd one. My dreams aren't usually such action movie fodder as this one was.

But there it is. Take it for whatever. I still think it's nothing more than a cool dream I had, but when I read your post, especially the part concerning a handful of people meeting in a building, it immediately brought this back to mind.
edit on 6/27/2011 by dethduck because: Really need to learn to proofread before posting.

edit on 6/27/2011 by dethduck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 02:25 PM
reply to post by Three

Well... if you want to feel unormal thats your choice. I just gave you my opinions.

posted on Apr, 2 2012 @ 11:31 PM
Ok this is really bizzare that I found this thread and had a dream a little bit similar to yours.

Usually I remember a lot of my dreams and they are just that, dreams. But sometimes you have those dreams where it totally changes the way you think or feel for a day or a few days. This was one of them.

I remember moving to an old neighborhood I used to live in as a kid. This time it was different as there was another road added on, and there was this old wooden house, that was pretty small, had a few small rooms in it. The paint was falling off of it. The color was white. I bought the house apparently, and was moving in.

While inside I started to clean the place up, it was a bit messy.... Don't remember what happened next but I believe I went outside and down the street, then came back, and in my house were about 8? (I don't remember the exact number but it was around there) .. what I would call "children".. Well they were not all children, the ages ranged from what seemed to be 7 years old up to 16 or so. I also could tell intuitively that these were not regular humans, but ones that had very special abilities. Most of them did not talk but we could all communicate through thoughts. I don't have the specifics of their abilities but they seemed VERY advanced for their age. Very adult like, except the really young ones, who I was worried for so I asked the older ones to kind of look after them.

Next I remember I had to go to a university to deliver a presentation. I got in my car and told them i would be back in a few hours as I had to go do some work... The Univ was a blur, but opon returning to the house, it was now night time outside, and the lights were on inside. The house seemed really comfortable and warm, and cleaned! There were decorations up everywhere, posters and figurines on top of the shelves and cabinets. I was just like "WOW. You guys did all this? THIS is amazing! thank you so much for the help!"

Then I figured oh no, they must be starving as I was gone all day. So I started to whip together some food on a frying pan. I was sort of worried and stressing out because I never had to cook for so many people before. Maybe a few, and I was not sure if I had enough food as I just moved in. Anyways I went to the living room to take care of something, I asked if someone could help me. When I returned to the kitchen they had already cooked more food and had them out in containers so the children were just going up to the counter with their plates and putting food on them. IT WAS A MIRACLE! lol. I was so thankful for all their help.

In a way I felt like I was there to protect them and nurture them, teach them the real ways of the world (not the junk they teach in schools/institutions) but they were also there to speed up my path of growing.

Then I woke up. It was just such a nice dream, usually I have a very hard time getting up, but this time I was in such a good mood, I sat up in bed and said, For the kids! then got up and got ready in the morning.

Now that I think back on this dream it could be a symbolism of spirit guides and angels being around me constantly helping me when I need them, so I shouldn't have to worry about anything in this life.

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