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Opinions needed about demonic forces regarding my son who is only 7.

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posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:44 PM
MODS please feel free to move this where appropriate. I'm not sure if this falls under "paranormal" or "spiritual or religious"

Ok guys... for starters, I'm not a religious nut. I'm Catholic and so are my 2 boys. But I'm not over the top and keep my religion primarily to myself unless asked.
However, I feel my son is under constant spiritual attacks. Me being religious, I feel it is nothing other than Satan or a demon. I really believe in evil entities, shadow people, or other entities in general. Good or bad. Just demons. Those are my beliefs. I don't discount others beliefs about the paranormal though. I enjoy hearing about what others believe.
I'm sure you all may think I'm completely nuts, but oh well!

My sons father has struggled with hearing voices since he was young. He has expressed always feeling that someone or something is around him constantly. So he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. His mother is very into the occult and their practices. Always trying to speak to the deceased, etc.
He decided to become a born again Christian and after that, whatever presence was around him just went crazy. It was almost as if he had a complete personality change. Even his appearance changed... mostly his eyes and face. I could always tell when he was under one of his "attacks". So he went on to become a criminal. Oddly, he doesn't remember much during this time which lasted about 4 years. I think he got off so easily in the courtroom because he really WASN'T lying! He truthfully didn't remember committing the crimes. That's just my opinion though. So fast forward 5 years. He is COMPLETELY fine now. I believe he rid what ever was following him around or influencing him. It's like night and day. But... I feel in my gut (as crazy as it may sound) that whatever was around him, is now around my son. (our son).
I'm not one of those who believes that every physical ailment is a result of Satan. But for the past 2 years, my son has been suffering from migraines. Each time he gets one, it's worse. Throbbing headache on one side of the head. Sometimes the pain moves. Severe vomiting and diarrhea. Then the past 2 or 3 times he's had one, he gets the aura. But the aura's last even after the headache is gone. Sometimes for days. He sees lights, shapes, and dots. The last one (on friday the day he was suppose to be baptized) he woke up with a migraine and then had a seizure. He lost control of all his motor functions and couldn't speak very well. But! They ran every test under the sun and then some and couldn't find a single thing wrong. Not even a little off. So the hospital was really baffled. They sent us to Childrens Hospital for more testing and still no signs of ANYTHING. We have an appointment with a pediatric neurologist in a few weeks. But every once in a while, I will catch my son almost reacting to someone or something that isn't there. He will laugh. One day he told someone to stop knocking. He had the weird look in his eye like his father use to get. This all happens around his headache issue, so I've been discounting it to that. Or I'm in denial. I think he is scared to tell me or the doctors what is going on. He is such a happy kid. Even at the hospital, he had a smile on his face and would say everything is fine.
EDIT: We have done allergy testing. Nothing but pollens and ragweed. I have him on a strict diet. No artificial anything. No msg, limited preservatives (as they are in everything) no nitrates. Basically meats (organic) fruits, veggies, and carbs. No caffeine or any other migraine trigger foods.
I sent a message to my priest about this, but he probably thinks I'm insane as I have not heard back from him. Has anyone had any experience specifically with Satanic attacks?
My aunt who is a southern baptist told me to cover everything related to my son with ammonia. Ammonia?! What would that do besides stink up the whole house?
I also don't feel that I am strong enough to ward off these things. I have read that if you don't fully cast these things away, they usually come back 3 fold. So I've been weary to do much more than pray. Opinions and shared experiences would be appreciated!

edit on 27-4-2011 by ampar84 because: Edit

edit on 27-4-2011 by ampar84 because: Edit!

EDIT AGAIN because it seems nobody is READING the post... we have seen NUMEROUS doctors and specialists. We have had multiple MRI's performed. A CT scan and an EEG. All normal. He's not diabetic, or anything else. Perfectly normal, happy go lucky kid. I am mostly just curious about demonic forces with these types of scenarios. In NO WAY am I trying to blame satan for all the bad things in my life. Or this specific health issue. But when I take a step back, there just seems to be a lot of correlations between his father and what he went through and what my son is now going through. I will stick to what the doctors are telling us and I have not brought up anything spiritual to the doctors. I am not on here seeking medical advice! Just looking for opinions about supernatural influences. Also, my sons father and I were never married. We do not live together.
edit on 27-4-2011 by ampar84 because: Edit again

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by ampar84

sounds a bit like the boy out of the butterfly effect to me; could it be something as simple as an allergy that is causing him harm?

+17 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:51 PM
reply to post by ampar84

No offense but my guess is that mental illness is at work here at least in part, it does tend to run in families and chemical imbalances can effect brain function and behavior. So before leaping to the supernatural conclusion or putting your kid through a potentially traumatizing religious ritual (exorcism) I'd look for a natural explanation and medical solution first for both any mental and physical symptoms. It can be tempting to reach for those supernatural explanations, since I imagine the distress of not know what's wrong with him is serious but my guess is that there is a natural explanation and you just need to keep seeking help and seeing what you can do with modern medicine.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by BigBruddah

I'll edit my post more. Thank you for bringing that up! But no... no allergies but like ragweed and pollens. I also have him on a very strict diet.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:54 PM
Demons are real and your priest will not think you are crazy. It is common for demons to haunt people do to their being occult activities in their family or due to the sins of their ancestors.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:55 PM
Being in Colorado, you should have a vibrant native american community around right?

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:56 PM
You need to fast and pray for him. Are there any known sins in your life, like adultery, etc? because that would impede your prayers. Don't eat any foods, just drink water and pray for a day, up to three days and ask God to show you what is wrong and pray for his/your families' protection. Also, if there are any witchcraft paraphernalia in the house, ouija boards, satanic movies, get them out. Fast and pray and watch God work it out.
edit on 27-4-2011 by Clearskies because: spelling

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by illuminatitanimulli

That is very true. I live about 10 mins south of DIA (the airport) as well which is said to be built on burial grounds. These problems never really started until we moved here. As much as I try to ignore the correlations, it does seem to be more than a coincidence.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by ampar84

I would continue searching for a medical issue. I've seen enough "Mystery Diagnosis" in my day!

Of course ...

Since you are Catholic though, it probably wouldn't hurt to pray about it. Cleanse your house and son of whatever it is in the name of Christ. Get your Bible and turn to God in you and your son's time of in.

Most of all though; have faith and stay positive

Find solace in God and keep a positive attitude!

edit on 27-4-2011 by Nurv47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 09:58 PM
yes, demons are pieces of sh-t of the highest order. you have to fight, and never give up. realize that it's them and not you so you don't go crazy.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:00 PM
There are times I have suicidal thoughts. I have never acted on them, and what is weird is they are sort of random, and not set off by any stress trigger like losing a job or getting bad health news or being arrested or anything like that.

most of the time its just simply, " I want to kill myself", in a calm voice.

sometimes it's almost random, like I'm driving and I see a big lightpost and I think to myself, " I want to kill myself with a lightpost"

I have to say there are times I wonder if that is a demon whispering in my ear

I told my wife, and she has the genuine faith of a child. she tells me when that happens to tell the demon, " I have god in me and you can't have me"

you know what ? it works

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

I'm going to reflect on that. My first reaction is to say no. I've really worked on myself over the past 2 years because I did have major sin issues in my life. But there's got to be something I'm not thinking about that is there. So thank you.
But as far as paraphernalia, I don't think so. I hate horror films and related things! No games or anything like that either.

+26 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

Just the sort of attitude that get's people killed. Instead of seeking real help they risk their own lives and the lives of their child by forgoing real medical treatment in favor of superstitious nonsense. It's one thing to use BOTH modern medicine and faith healing, its another thing entirely to risk your life and the life of your child by not eating for three days and praying instead of seeing a doctor.

Worst. Advice. Ever.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:02 PM
Please i urge you to probe more medically into this and bring up the things you are experiencing with someone easy like a family physician. Let him know the symptoms and what routes you can travel. Do not take theories off websites like this. I would think scans would be ordered as the norm to check anomalies in his brain, and then they would have to go from there. Psychological routes could be the last resort after diagnostic medicine fails. But remember be patient with diagnostic medicine....and trust me with personal experience, i have a huge resentment of doctors, which im willing to forgo cause i do understand the nature of diagnostic medicine to be trial and error, but in the end its the patient and the family that deals with the result of that. Get some tests done and find a doctor you trust will listen. Just try not to bring up any personal religious stances just state the symptoms and tell him/her the truth, which is essentially you are scared and need to figure out what is going on.

+8 more 
posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by ampar84

The lights and auras you describe are common with migraines and often migraines involve no pain at all. I get painless migraines myself and worried myself sick about them until I went to a competent person who found the problem. Your child would describe light area's interfering with his vision and what looks like a pattern of sort's interfering with his vision. I thought I had a brain tumor or something and was glad to find out it was just migraines.

The cause of the migraines are often never found and I still don't know what causes mine.

Hearing voices is a sign of Schizophrenia.

ATS is the exact wrong place to bring a medical issue as the advice you will get here will likely do more harm than good. Take that kid to a qualified person to ask these questions.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:04 PM
ugh double post i have no idea how sorry.
edit on 27-4-2011 by topherman420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:04 PM
reply to post by Titen-Sxull

She's already SEEN the doctor.
This is what you do when you don't know what else to do.

Fasting is very healthy, if you do it moderately! My limit so far was 4 days with only water, I'm part Cherokee BTW.
edit on 27-4-2011 by Clearskies because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by ampar84

Hi ampar84,

I believe, it is test on your faith, it's being played on you via your loved ones.

The prayer I recite if such entities trouble me, is the Arch Angels prayer. It works for me.

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the malice and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen.


It will work for you, if you believe and faith that it will.


posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by ampar84

My heart goes out to your child.
I did not ask that question to lead you to that conclusion. Speak to your local natives about this issue because they may be able to help your boy. Natives are extremely sincere and compassionate in these matters.

posted on Apr, 27 2011 @ 10:07 PM
reply to post by Clearskies

Seeing one doctor apparently wasn't enough, it often isn't when it comes to these bizarre types of cases, many times it takes quite a few doctor and specialist visits to really pinpoint the cause and solution in cases like these. Weakening her physical and mental capability by not eating does no one any good, neither does relying solely on superstition for three days.

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