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Let's Get Biblical! Why doesn't Judaism accept the Christian Messiah?

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posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by venusstarlite

Interesting article.
So I have personal question then, for our adherent to Judaism, are you currently shunning any Jewish people you know?
Or are they all just perfect and never sin?
edit on 22-4-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by FeraVerto

I,forgot something else.I,believe god went by the Hebrew time,not the Georgian calender.That's why we got days all mixed up.

,that's why people say Easter and Christmas,this is not in the bible,man kind made this....The passover is from the EXODUS,OF THE JEWS. Also,not everyone in Israel are Jews,just cause they are called Israelites.Its still,Jews and gentiles,this is how God see's man now.In the beginning we were one,ADAM AND EVE,then sin happen and changed everything. But because of what Jesus did,we are able to go back as one.I,try to go by facts and truths of things.This is my understanding of things with ISRAEL.
,man has forgotten what the true PASSOVER IS,IT IS THE EXODUS,THEN THE MEMORIAL OF Jesus Christ.The feats stood for things.The feasts,
,I,believe in these and doing them,because Gods laws never changed.Now,you will say what about Paul saying for the gentiles.I,still believe you can't change Gods law. As for Easter,it was from a pagan holiday,the bunnies, fertility,not about Jesus death,he died on PASSOVER.

1. Passover Fulfilled! (By Jesus/Yeshua at His crucifixion on Nisan 14 in the spring of 32 A.D.) 2. Feast of Unleavened Bread Fulfilled! (By Jesus/Yeshua at His burial in the tomb on Nisan 15 in the spring of 32 A.D.) 3. Feast of Firstfruits Fulfilled! (By Jesus/Yeshua at His Resurrection on Nisan 17 in the spring of 32 A.D.) 4. Feast of Pentecost Fulfilled! (By the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost on Sivan 7 in the summer of 32 A.D.) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Some prof on Jesus.

This is yet to be profilled................
- - - - - - - - - - - - WE ARE HERE - - - - - - - - - - - - - Now here come the Fall Feasts. They are probably just up ahead. . 5. The Feast of Trumpets Unfulfilled ....(as of yet). An epic event will unfold on the new moon of Tishrei on a future Jewish New Year. 6. The Day of Atonement Unfulfilled ....(as of yet). Tishrei 10 seven years beyond that epic future Feast of Trumpets. This will be the final Day of Reckoning, for that year, for the Jubilee, and for the age. The Jewish nation and "all Israel" will be saved! - Zech.12:8-13:1, Rom. 11 And then comes the Day of the Lord. It is Doomsday for the wicked. (Mat.13:30) The sign of the Son of Man will be seen in the heavens. (Mat.24:29-31) He will deliver His people at Jerusalem by His action at Armageddon. (Joel 2:28-32) And He will deliver His people in exile in the magnificent Bozrah Deliverance. He will glorify all His Elect at the Resurrection-Rapture . (1Thes.4:15-17) They will be drawn out from Israel, from the Church, and from the gentile nations. 7. The Feast of Tabernacles Unfulfilled ....(as of yet). Tishrei 15 will come five days after that final epic Day of Atonement. This will mark the coming of Messiah to tabernacle with His covenant people. Thus begins the long awaited 1000 year Millennium of Messiah. ......................................................... ......................................................... All these above are the Seven Feasts of Israel. As we can see, the next three events on God's agenda will bring in the fulfilment of each of the three Fall Feasts of Israel.
,I,like this...

Hebrews 12 1 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
I,believe this,that Jesus is the messiah.
,I,think CONSTANTINE,HE CHANGED EVERYTHING,THAT'S WHY MAN KIND IS ALL MESSED up on the truths of the bible ,times,dates,calender,faith,and about the Jewish history.We,need to go back to the Torah,and to the beginning of time,to get the truth. Also remember God stopped time,for prof to the guy,so that changed our time and dates to. Here is some facts,I,like this article to..

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Oh,my dear friend,its right in the bible.They aren't perfect,just like we aren't.But,they are God's chosen people,and ISRAEL.God had their temple destroyed in 70 ad,the land became bare.Our one poet mark twain,said the land was bare,no trees,no one there except a few Jews.The Jews were taken to Babylon,because of their sins.They got punished a lot from God,just like us.We all have sinned and came short of glory from God. then in 1948,they really started coming back,once a nation in a day.Jesus told them,at the temple,it would be destroyed,and he wouldn't come to them until they cried out ,that he came from the lord.....Now God is and will forgive all,that will repent to him.Jesus said what the JEWS MUST DO AND US.Now,I,do believe it is their land,and have the right to have their land,and live there in peace.I,feel,they don't want to hurt or kill anyone.They are just defending them self,from all the h... around them and at them.Just like we do here in USA. We have all nationalities here and we live in peace,we follow the law of the land.That's all Israel wants.They don't care who lives there,they just want to live in peace,and all follow the law of their land,like us.I,don't see anything wrong with this.The Jews made it a nation in one day,with the help from the united nations.Now when it came to labor,there wasn't enough Jews there yet,so they hired Arabs,and got a long very nicely.Then when it got grown,then everyone starting fighting them,wanting the country to.For awhile,it was fine,then those wars happen..6 day war,yon kirpor.Its a shame,they all could of just got along,they did at first.Then a guy called yas afat,came a long.then you know the rest.As I,see it,done in the world are perfect.Someone always starting something,always one bad apple in the bunch.I,pray for peace,in the middle east and Israel,But as it is,I,don't see it On till,God,tells Jesus to come back here to rule.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by venusstarlite
,here is more on their punishments yet to today....
>Do not fear, O Jacob my servant, for I am with you," declares the LORD. "Though I completely destroy all the nations among which I scatter you, I will not completely destroy you. I will discipline you but only with justice; I will not let you go entirely unpunished."Jeremiah 4:27 This is what the LORD says: "The whole land will be ruined, though I will not destroy it completely.Fear thou not, O Jacob, my servant, saith the Lord, for I am with thee,.... Though afar off, in foreign lands, and in captivity: this exhortation is repeated, to strengthen their consolation, and them, against their fears of being cast off by the Lord:

for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee; the Babylonians and Chaldeans are no more:

but I will not make a full end of thee; the Jews to this day remain a people, and distinct from others, though scattered about in the world:

but correct thee in measure; with judgment, and in mercy:

yet will I not leave thee wholly unpunished; Jeremiah 30:11.,so you see here in the bible,they are quilty,of not following Gods law,but he will come back to them. The book of Jeremiah explains it all. I,do have Jews as friends,I,don't argue with them,we just discuss our ways,and learn from each other.They still,don't quit believe in our messiah tho.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by FeraVerto

lol,I,love kosher food...Guess what all,most of you don't know,you are eating kosher.You see on box of foods,there a (circle with a k) in it,or just a (k),or a circle with a( u )in,fruits and vegetables are kosher.Also all fish with fins and scales.You can have chicken,lamb,veal,beef,deer,just no ham ,pork products,or crabs,shrimp,things that eat garbage from the waters.
,I,can and could eat kosher ,its very healthy,thats why people live longer on kosher food.Its like almost a vegetarian.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:20 AM
reply to post by venusstarlite

Are you talking about the crucifixion of Jesus? In Jewish law Jesus couldn't be sacrifice and we do not relate Passover to Jesus or animal sacrifice. But there is an interesting Jewish perspective on the Jewish view of Passover and Jesus. I understand Christians see Jesus in this light just like Muslims will try to paint Muhammad in this light. I think this is the difficulty having similar faiths and text.
Did the Passover lamb forshadow Jesus?

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by venusstarlite

Yes, I saw this on a video before with a Jewish comedian.
I always try to diet with kosher food. It works.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 09:29 PM
Dude Jesus is the Messiah. Psalm 22 and Isiah 53

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 12:53 AM
Some Jews do accept Jesus as the Messiah, the 12 Apostles are all Jewish. Actually only Jewish people were allowed to become Christians until 36 CE, isn't that interesting?
Even today at least some Jews have discovered that the many prophesies in the Torah could only apply to a Messiah that came before the temple was decimated by the Roman legions under General Titus in 70 AD.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by FeraVerto

If,I,remember right,back then a young woman or a virgin,were unmarried,women.If not they were stoned,if they weren't virgins,when they got married. So,I,think it meant both,(young woman,a virgin).I,think they got engaged early ages,but were virgins,then got married,before 12 or 14.They married young back then.I,think if they were 16,they thought there was something wrong with the girls.If ,I,remember right. That's how almost Mary got stoned from Joseph,but he didn't because of the dream,and he was going to marry in silence ,then divorce her,so she wouldn't be shunned or stoned. They ways back then,on young women,virgins. Parents had to prove about their child's, virginity.If a man didn't think she was one.

edit on 23-4-2011 by venusstarlite because: I,spelled silence wrong the first time.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by FeraVerto

True,passover for Jews,was for exodus, Christians,we saw it as passover,for his death. Actually,we see his death as his memorial,he told us to remember his memorial.I,also know,Jews didn't kill Jews,except stoning on your laws then,I,know no crucifixion,that's why he was taken to the ROMANS.The killing of the animals,were atonement of your sins.And for saving the Jews from death,in EGYPT,during the exodus.The night the death angel killed all first born,if they didn't have the blood over the door.We see Jesus's blood as for cleaning us,white as snow(pure from sin) and saving us from sins,he was our sacrifice,when we repented our sins.Jesus died for us all.Passover was the day he was crucified,it started at sundown,that's why he had to be taken off the cross,so early.because at 3pm,if i,remember right was the sacrifice time of the animals,in the temple. That's why we Christians say Jesus is our sacrifice,for our sins.We believe that's why we don't have to do the animals any more.This is a really deep subject,we need another thread on the reasons for our different views,on this.Also,this is a very touchy subject for all.I,am not here to hurt,or say ,I,right.I,do know how Jews believe.We,all have the right to believe what we think is right in our hearts.I,believe in GOD ALMIGHTY! THEN i,BELIEVE HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON,FOR US(JESUS CHRIST)So we can reunite back with GOD ALMIGHTY,THROUGH JESUS HIS SON.Because of what happen back in Eden.I,personally believe ,if we believe and have faith and do Gods laws and commandments.Also pray and repent for our sins,and fast,and do our tithes,we will be okay with God.Jesus said he was the only way to our father in heaven,GOD ALMIGHTY.This is what I,believe.Now I.personally believe JESUS IS THE MESSIAH,and died for our sins,he did this because he loved us that much.Also that Jesus sits on the right hand of GOD ALMIGHTY,AND WILL RETURN FOR THAT ARE SAVED.This is my belief.I,also,believe we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.But because of GOD ALMIGHTY,HE GAVE US A SECOND,HE LOVES US THAT MUCH.That's why he gave us his son,and Jesus accepted this death for our sins,so we could come back to our father.Even tho we,don't deserve it,or could ever pay him back.Except to honour,obey,pray,thank him,fast,do his commandments,love him and believe in him and have faith,in his words.Jesus,promised he would come back for us,to be with him and our father GOD ALMIGHTY. This is what ,I,look for! In Jesus name amen.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:20 PM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I would have to disagree since the Messiah will build a third temple in Israel. The third temple will stand forever as well.
I believe we have hit the stalemate. It was fun talking with you. Hopefully we learned from one another in this thread.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by venusstarlite

Jews and Christians have different views on sin atonement. I do not view human sacrifice as atonement for sin or that atonement and forgiveness of sin can only come from blood sacrifice.
Can Jesus death atone for any sin? Jewish view
Did the Passover lamb forshadow Jesus?
Blood Sacrafice
Atonement: Jews for Judaism articles

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by FeraVerto
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

I would have to disagree since the Messiah will build a third temple in Israel. The third temple will stand forever as well.
I believe we have hit the stalemate. It was fun talking with you. Hopefully we learned from one another in this thread.

The third temple is the Body of Man and it will stand forever and ever my friend. You are right on in rejecting the concept of human sacrifice. That is not what Jesus taught when he walked the earth. He never said he came as a sacrifice. This is a concept Catholics came up with to keep people from actually doing what Christ asked. Rather than do what he taught, "don't worry about it, he came as a sacrifice!"

I am going through his teachings bit by bit to remind folks what he actually taught. You already saw the sermon on the mount. Here is another for the Easter holiday...

Eating the flesh and drinking the blood of the Son of Man

Just sharing my view of course.

With Love,

Your Brother

P.S. I haven't forgotten your other thread. Just waiting on some sound advice to hit me before I comment.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:37 PM
reply to post by IAMIAM

I understand. It is fun seeing what others users believe.
Maybe we can cross the line but we have stay in our homes and respect the homes of others.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by FeraVerto
reply to post by IAMIAM

I understand. It is fun seeing what others users believe.
Maybe we can cross the line but we have stay in our homes and respect the homes of others.


Love your neighbors, not become your neighbors.

With Love,

Your Brother

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by FeraVerto

I would have to disagree since the Messiah will build a third temple in Israel. The third temple will stand forever as well.

Physical buildings never last forever, however a new spiritual temple made in heaven, that can and will last forever.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:40 AM
reply to post by FeraVerto
True,It says a 3rd temple will be built,but the Antichrist is suppose to come and go in and claim he is God.I,personally,believe from the scriptures that I,have read,the final temple will be the NEW JERUSALEM,THAT COMES DOWN FROM THE HEAVENS,THE ONE JESUS CHRIST BUILT.Then Jesus,will rule and be crowned ,For all man kind,king of kings,Lord of Lords.Then we will live forever with JESUS and God almighty.GOD ALMIGHTY,AND JESUS ON THE RIGHT HAND OF THE THRONE,LIKE HE IS DOING NOW IN HEAVEN.Oh,my friend,there will be so much singing and praising when God and Jesus comes to be with us forever,here on earth,like the beginning of time.I,believe that 3rd temple will be destroyed ,then Jesus comes to reign for a thousand years,then the NEW JERUSALEM,ITS MEASUREMENTS ARE DIFFERENT FROM THE ORIGINAL ONES.By what the book of revelations says.I,don't know how,but that 3rd temple will be built,for that Antichrist to come into,then all the other things happen,that ANGEL tells JOHN,in the book of revelations.I,personal believe the book of revelations,it also tells it in many books in the old testament too.

all nations will go against Israel,then God sends Jesus to stop it,before the world gets destroyed. reign 1,000 years,then for a short time,let the devil try to get as many on his side,then Jesus stops it all. I,also believe in the rapture.The Way”, “The Truth” and “The Life” (John 14;6). Jesus is not one of many truths but “The Truth”.
Key of David… Christ holds the Title to the throne of David. The Messiah, the son of David, was
to rule over the Earth in the kingdom age. Christ assures the Church he is in charge. Christ will rule
on David’s throne over the nations. (See Isaiah 9:7, 11:1-7, 22: 22, Jeremiah 23;5)
He who opens… Christ is the one who opens the door. All authority under the Heavens and
Earth belong to Christ. We as a church operate under his authority.
18 And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, "All authority has been given to Me in heaven and
on earth. 19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
20 "teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age." Amen.
Matthew 28:18-20

,I,like this this shows from the book of revelation,about the final temple,for us all that will be with God ALMIGHTY AND JESUS,HIS SON.

For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. But be ye glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create: for, behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy. (Isa. 65:17, 18) For as the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, shall remain before me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain. And it shall come to pass, that from one new moon to another, and from one sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship before me, saith the LORD. (Isa. 66:22, 23)
THIS IS WHAT HAPPEN WHEN THE 3RD TEMPLE GETS BUILT,by the books in our bible,the old and new,,,,then the NEW JERUSALEM
COMES,THAT JESUS PROMISED TO BUILT FOR US.He said he was going home to prepare a mansion for us,to be with him forever. I,hope this helps all,I,believe this all to be true.
edit on 24-4-2011 by venusstarlite because: I,forgot to add this,

edit on 24-4-2011 by venusstarlite because: want to know all about this 3rd temple

edit on 24-4-2011 by venusstarlite because: laws here are very interesting.why aren't they being kept,why don't others in ISRAEL FOLLOW THESE RULES

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by Blue_Jay33

Oh,yea,I forgot something,Jesus Christ fulfilled at least 500 of the 1,000 things,for being the messiah.I,see you don't believe that,that's okay,my friend.I,won't debate you in this.But I,know a lot of jews don't trust Christians,because of the past.But,my friend please trust us,we stand with you.Also GOD said he would curse those that curse ISRAEL,reward those that help and stand with ISRAEL.I,would stand with Israel anyhow,because of what my bible says and because,I,believe in God almighty.I,also believe in the book of revelation,GOD will punish all that don't come to him.All will bow down,AMEN. jEWS,HAVE HAD A BAD RAP FROM THE BEGINNING OF TIME.But a lot of the punishments to the jews,that came from God,was because of them leaving Gods ways and commandments,doing their own thing.Now for the world,they shouldn't of done the things ,they did the Jews,or ISRAEL.Israel is our ally,we should stand with Israel,the rest of the world,hates USA AND ISRAEL.Which,they shouldn't.Both of our countries,help all,no matter what.I,watch the media and the news from Israel,Israel,helped,HAITI AND JAPAN AND OTHERS.I,also believe their is so many lies told,to the world,that's why people do and believe what they do.2 wrongs don't make a right.I,am 54,When I,was brought up,I,was taught to treat others as I,want to be treated,and we are all equal in Gods eyes,we are all his children.Now,I,believe god is the root,the Jews are on the root and gentiles were added to the root.But God can cut any of us off.I,believe Jesus died and arose,when he comes back,he will rule in the new Jerusalem.Jesus will be our king.I,also believes right now,he sits on the right hand of God Almighty.Also God only knows the day ,hour and time,when Jesus will come back to be our king,and take evil from the earth.A lot of the Pharisees,like Josephus and the other one,was followers of Jesus,in secret.The two,that went and buried Jesus.You should already know I get head strong! haha. I see G-d traditionally like the earliest Jews did in the past and continue to today,you said this,its okay my friend.I,thank God,that you are believer in him.We,will all see,When Jesus comes back,to rule.Stand tall,You are Gods chosen people.I,have many JEWISH FRIENDS! I,love you all,and the world.God forgive us all,so i forgave all.If we can't get along now,here on earth,how does man kind expect to get a long in the new JERUSALEM? That's why God and Jesus will seperate the sheep from the goats.God said,he will show the world,that he is with ISRAEL,AT THE END TIMES.I,believe very much in the book of revelation.Now,i follow, psalms,mica, Daniel, Isaiah,1st and 2nd thess. and other scriptures about Jesus,birth and his ruling and second coming.The book of revelations,tell it all.Actually,the new testament has a lot of quotes from the old testaments.Jesus,spoke of them a lot.
Comment from: venusstarlite on: 22-4-2011 @ 08:24
Yes,I,believe in judism,but I,believe JESUS CHRIST IS THE MESSIAH.I,believe in the torah(the old books of the testaments)I,believe what the new says two,but,not jews believe it,but a lot are starting to believe.I,stand with ISRAEL,I,am a Christian,but,I,don't like using the word,religion.I,have faith,in my bible and God.I,don't worship my bible OR CROSS,I,worship GOD ALMIGHTY AND JESUS. CHRIST.Now,Ibelieve in what the cross stands for,Jesus died on it for our sins,he loved us that much.Also,I,believe his blood he shed for us,washed our sins,clean.All we have to do,is repent our sins,get baptist,read our bible,get into a good bible teaching church.The biggest thing,for me is to pray,fast,and to have communication,a relationship with my Lord.I,pray all the time,not just when things are bad.I,also when I,pray,I,always thank him,for everything,and praise him.When,things are bad,I,try to find good in everything.God is never late,now when I,ask for help,he answers me,may not be the way ,i expected.But his ways always are better then mine.I,gave him my whole life in his hands.God has taken very good care of me and my family.Now,I,get tested on faith all the time,especially in here.But my faith is strong,it gets stronger everyday.I,learn things new, every time,I,study and read my bible.My bible,is my law,history,life and other things.Now,I,believe if it wasn't for the jews,I,wouldn't of had the bible,JESUS AND GOD.The prophets and disciples,thank goodness,of what they did for us,to show us,Gods mercy and grace and love.Now,I,believe the bible,is in signs and wonder(our bible is in parables,so we can understand it better).I,believe in creation and a creator.Judism,now,I,believe what Jesus said,to remember his memorial,passover and feasts.Now,his word never changes,or his commandments,for us to follow and believe in.In the beginning,man was one,then it went to jews and gentiles,then to different faiths(religions),man kind made it hard,put yokes on humans.Jesus said he would take the yoke,and make it easy.Either you believe or don't.There is a narrow road ,or a wide road.He will separate,the sheep and goats.Sheep know their master,goats come in sheep skins,say one thing and do another.We are like those churches,hot,lukewarm,or cold.Now,I,don't believe in the SHARIA LAWS,OR THE KORAN. Also,the ways things were done in the old testament on stoning,things like that.When Jesus died on the cross,that stopped.Now,we do have punishments.Like I,said,there is a time for judging,and certain ways of doing it.I,wrote a article on judging.I,believe that God gave the land to the Jews,but,The Jews want to share their land,we all can live there,by their laws.Just like here in USA,we have law of the land,all people must obey here all laws,no matter what your beliefs or nationality is.The same in Israel. Hope this helps.
Comment from: FeraVerto on: 21-4-2011 @ 17:02
Hello, What do you think of Judaism?
Comment from: venusstarlite on: 21-4-2011 @ 02:20
Thank you Buford2,you all can add me as friends.I,want to add a lot of you .How do I, do this?,I,am in goose creek.I,only seek and know the truth,no matter what it is.I,also stand on and with truth.Now when I,find truth or know truth,I,try to tell it honestly,with out judging anyone.I,present it and let you all decide if you want to accept it.I,am not here to hurt anyone,or put anyone down,for the way they believe.So,in turn I,hope,I,get this same respect.I,learned the hard way,I,will be 54 next Thursday,and I,have learned a lot,through the tears and years.I,was saved and then turned away from GOD,then my life became a disaster.When I,came back to God and truth,my life changed.I,can sleep peacefully,knowing that I,have tried to live a life following my LORD.I,care and love everyone.I,go by a person's heart,not by anything else.You can see what a person is all about,when you see how they treat others and live.Also what comes from their mouth.You see,the tongue,can be the dirtiest,or the cleanest part,of your life.People do watch how you act,talk and how you represent yourself.As you see in my threads,I,stand for honest rights of things and people.I,am a true friend to the end.I,can keep secrets,and be honest to people,and speak with them,with my heart,not my mind.When you speak and do honest things,people see this and respect you.I,accept pagans and believers,we are all Gods children.I,may not believe or accept what you say,I,still am your friend and respect you.I,treat all,the way I,want to be treated and respected.My policy is if I,have 2 of something,you can have the other.Or,If I,see you need more then me,I,am known to give it to.My daughter-in-law and I,have a non-profit org.called ANGELS INDIGUISE.....we help anyone,for no cost.We get all new and very good things from,craigs list and freecycle,and give it freely to the needy.I,am on ssi,so I,go to the dollar tree and dollar stores and buy up all kinds of things.With my money and give them out freely to the needy.ALSO SOMETIMES FOOD.Now,we also help the lowcountry orphanage,in everything,freely/Just,like clothes,school supplies, necessities things.When they had the big sell at walmart, I go crazy,lol,buying for the kids.I,go by a scripture in the bible,we don't tell our real names,or let people,know where we are located.We just show up.This all started 1 year ago,we were secret Santa's to a family of 4.We,sneaked to their homes,delivered gifts and food,at 4 am,and left.We heard later,the family was so surprised ,the mother was out of work.This is what my life is all about surprising people,loving them,but be in secret,we want NO REWARD. for REWARDS ARE IN HEAVEN.I,know what it is to do without and to have.Now,I,am disabled,but very happy,WITH A HEART TO SHARE AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER.When I,was healthy,I,vol. for AMERICAN RED CROSS,HERE IN CHARLESTON AND THE WHOLE USA.I,was a specialist,in family service and shelter manager for all 3 counties here.I,was in charge of all shelters,in the low country.I,miss it,I,loved helping people,it was my life and still is.When I,worked I,was a nurse,in senior homes.God gave me a heart to care and love people,that is my gift from God.So,my dear friends here,you have a friend here,for life.May GOD BLESS YOU AND STAY SAFE IN JESUS ARMS.AMEN...
Comment from: Buford2 on: 19-4-2011 @ 18:58
Venus. Very glad to have met you in the thread about the Muslim Brotherhood and what it means to you and I. I can see the Elite trying to bring about WW3 by invoking the Middle East. The Elite are thumbing their finger in Gods eye. After I could tell you were honest, I noticed your from SC. I am also.

Good to know I live in the same state as other truth seekers.
Comment from: venusstarlite on: 19-4-2011 @ 16:20
Thank you my dear friend,mamabeth...I,don't know how to add friends yet.Or i'd add you. A lot of people want me to add them,I,just don't know how.I,love ISRAEL AND WILL STAND WITH THEM FOREVER.No one can change my mind.You all can believe the way you like,But ,please,the only thing I,ask all,please don't curse at me,or behind me,or in my threads,or emails.I,don't curse you.Even when I,don't agree with you all.I,will always respect you all,Please respect me.I,care for you all,and pray for you all.I,won't and never will judge you all.You are free to your beliefs,freedom of speech and thought.Just please don't curse me,Or my GOD.I,don't curse your beliefs,or thinking.I,am very nice on your threads,I just state my facts and my truths.Its what I,believe to be right,just like you believe what you write.We all can be friends and respect each other here.Its was God and Man kind that made ISRAEL A STATE IN ONE DAY. thank you all and have a nice day and a very happy EASTER,IT IS OUR SAVIOURS MEMORIAL DAY.He died for our sins that day,that's what Easter is all about,not candy and rabbits.he said to remember 3 times,to honour him.Are you doing them?His memorial(passover) and the feasts.

I,answered this question from my profile,where you left it,I,am putting it here too,since,you put it here to.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by venusstarlite

Do you think Gods incoming theocracy will have it's seat of ultimate power on earth or in heaven ?

Read Revelation Chapter 21, this is not an actual physical earthly city, but symbolizes God's power ruling from heaven, his symbolic capital for his new kingdom.
20 foot pearls physically don't exist, think about it.

edit on 24-4-2011 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

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