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Which Stars are a friendly place for life to form.Lets see...

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posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:22 PM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

I saw a special on the Science channel one day. It described how scientists state that we'd have to lengthen our life spans (bio-engineering?) in order to leave our solar system.

Currently, it takes only 33 years to reach Neptune, the outer edge of our solar system


To the nearest star (Proxy Centauri), we'd have to travel 4.4 years at light speed (186,000 miles pers second).

We can't master that yet, so we'd have to travel at our current speed, it would take over 50,000 years.

We would have to engineer a new type of human that could make the voyage and be able to colonize once they were there.........

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by ButterCookie

Thats an interesting concept

Or we could try and figure out a way to bend space and time and travel through a slipstream like Quantum Physics shows might be possible

Also if were travelling close the speed of light i think the body experiences time slower like in Einsteins theory of relativity where the closer you go to the speed of light time slows down inside the spaceship and you won't age much at all if you're going like 99% of the speed of light.

We might just end up sending robots to these solar systems to explore who knows

edit on 13-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 08:48 PM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

Very true!

Our only hope of colonizing around another star is to travel by wormhole.

You are correct, that if travel at light speed, then we would not age aboard the ship.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:00 PM
This is an interesting thread and I can't wait until I have time to examine. (I browse while I work on projects but this thread has too much for me to browse and comment on tonight).

I will toss one thing in I'm not sure is covered in a class G star, is that its believed our sun is a 3rd generation star, which means it was formed from a gas nebula from a second generation star that exploded, formed from a first generation star that exploded, which gives the longer lives of the 3rd generation stars to fuse heavier elements, that are the bases of life as we know. (I can link references when I have time based on known detection of stelar elemental makeups).

Quickly let me explain, early stars, closer to the Big Bang (are believed–so lets just go with that for now regardless of other theories) were highly hydrogen masses, with shorter lives, that began the process of fusing heavier elements with their mass, like helium, lithium, to oxygen, carbon, and on up to iron and such, but couldn't form such heavy elements as first generation stars, they collapsed and exploded which did cause heavier fusion during those violent energies.

The gas nebulas of first generation stars more quickly formed 2nd generation stars from more elements, and so on until the 3rd generation star's accretion was working with heavier 'star dust' to not only stimulate more fusion, but to supply more fuel to sustain the life span of a star which planets need to evolve higher forms of life, and stabilize the nuclear fusion versus gravity in large stars of opposing energies. Life is everywhere, it all comes from star dust but not just hydrogen as in the early chaotic universe, our life requires over 4 billion years of evolution of heavier elements in the so called 'Goldilocks Zone' of a solar system of a stabler star than were present closer to the initial cooling of the Universe from a hot chaotic soup. The cooling facilitated atoms to form.

Does that make any sense so far, I have to get back to work and use the lavatory.

OK excuse me, but what I'm not so eloquently trying to say is that the 3rd generation star takes a long time of what we believe to be the existence of this universe to arrive that we/our life could be near the beginning of what life spans of stars allow for intelligent life to evolve, or at least close to the time necessary for the processes to evolve. Furthermore, it is not to say another 3rd generation star system isn't say a million years our senior, or more. Here on earth a billion years ago a simple earthworm was the top of the food chain, so in astronomical terms, the possibility of more evolved intelligent life follows some logic of scientific theory. Well that is my 'theory so far, until I learn more about things.

Hope this thread is alive and well over the weekend.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by ButterCookie
reply to post by XRaDiiX

Very true!

Our only hope of colonizing around another star is to travel by wormhole.

You are correct, that if travel at light speed, then we would not age aboard the ship.

Well sorta i think you can travel to a star the conventional way as well it would just take extremely long! Its an interesting concept we would probably want to get to another star as fast as possible we need to figure out if there are any ways possible to go FTL (Faster than light) Travel so then we can start our inter stellar domination of the Galaxy

I for one welcome our new Human Overlords - Quote from Random Alien on Gliese 581

Maybe we will become the Aliens to the Aliens interesting concept! Alien Monkeys from Space!

We could still colonize planets the slow way but i think the evolutionary difference between humans going different ways the time would make the different branches become all new species of humans.. Sorta like in the Killzone Game. It would be weird! If we had different type of Humans adapting to their environments onboard their spaceship or on whatever planet they were colonizing.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by Illustronic

Yes i think the Universe might have a purpose ( Not saying there is a god that created it). Idk why but i get the feeling that life was mean't to form in the Universe like it was the purpose of the Universe existence maybe this isn't true but its sorta weird how we came to be; like the interactions between particles and radiation or what not just sprung us out of a primordial soup or a random lighting plasma strike or maybe Panspermia from other planets and the theory that life has been existent we just were infected from other solar-systems or planets in our own solar-system. Like possibly other comets/asteroids came from other Solarsystems with microbial life. Or maybe we just formed here on Earth from natural processes.

Yes i think you are right we are the 3rd generation of stars and basically every atom made up in our bodies came from these 1st Generation, 2nd Generation Stars that were here before us and its very interesting to think about our atoms actually used to be part of those Chaotic Huge Stars flowing around randomly inside the Plasma every direction

When you think about it who would have thought 11-13 billion years later those little atoms being created in those massive 1st generation Hydrogen stars created a lot of the Elements necessary for life (As we know it)Many Various life forms exists throughout the Universe now (I'm pretty sure Look at Keplers amazing results) just imagine all the life forms that must be out there! Its really deep stuff when you try to wrap your head around it. Like why wasn't the Universe just existent without any life why did it have to have life forming in it?
The question we may never answer....

Thanks for your input i appreciate it. I would like more people to reply if they have anything to contribute thankyou all.

edit on 13-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:12 PM
Nice thread OP. I have no doubt about life throughout the universe. I like to think about how things would look for beings who live around stars that emit their peak energies in the UV spectrum or even infrared. Their eyes would be sensitive to those frequencies and life would most likely work in accordance to the energy feed by those stars. Why are most leaves on the trees and plants here on Earth green? Actually every color but green. Light / Life is very fascinating yet most peculiar.

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by starshift

Very Interesting Indeed like Aliens would adapt depending on their specific environment. You're absolutely spot on we see waves of light in this certain spectrum because of our type of star i'm not sure of the particulars about it. So i guess evolution is mostly about being the most efficient it can be.

Life with less light will form larger eyes right? Life in Deep Oceans will become Very Pressurized so their bodies can not exists out of their very deep ocean habitat if you think about it the fish in the deep oceans are almost like aliens they are so different from us. I hope Richard Bransons new submarine reveals alot to us about the deepest parts of the Ocean.


I'm not completely positive but i think the leaves are mostly green because they absorb more light from our sun when they are that colour so evolution works in very interesting ways.

Its interesting to think about what Aliens would look like on other different types of planets if they are habitable and especially if those different planets had different stars as well... It might make things very different. Like Aliens that are PINK?

To be honest we've never sent any probes to explore the Gas clouds of Giants on a close scale we never know they're could be life there just like Carl Sagan speculated... In his Cosmos Series
edit on 13-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 10:45 PM
I Dedicated this Thread to the great Carl Sagan and Bill Borucki( Principle Investigator on NASA Kepler Team).
I'm gonna post a picture of them just to show people who they are I wanted this thread to be an extension of some of their great contributions to science! Also to all the other hard working people in the fields of Science and Astronomy.. Ty all..

Thread is a tribute to
Bill Borucki

Carl Sagan

I recommend anyone to watch the Cosmos Series. Its really great. Also Carl Sagan has a lot of books i haven't read all of them I've read just one of them sadly. I need to read the others!

I forgot to add their Pictures in my first post so i thought i'd add them Couldn't do it after 4 hours!

edit on 13-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2011 @ 11:59 PM
an interesting thing I have been researching lately is Sounds of space
I put this thread together, and later realized why not use sound to search for a similar solar system and eventually an earth-like planet.

with the Tech we currently have that can harness solar winds. if we found a habitable planet Via space probes it is possible to send a group of many families to explore space if I cant get there before I die maybe my kids can make it... it may be far fetched but so was sailing to the edge of the world.

good thread always keep em thinking.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by -W1LL

Yes we can be like the great explorer of the world. Finding new exotic worlds far beyond our wildest dreams. We explore the last frontier!!.

It is very interesting just pondering about what are the possibilities of whats out there. Advanced alien bug races colonizing their own solar system maybe or Reptilian type sentient creatures who are just in their stone-age and we land on their planet and utter the words "Take me to your Leader"

Now we may become the ones who are the Aliens! In a sense we are the Aliens to other life forms or Sentient Species out there.

I wonder what it will be like 100's of years from now if we will have quantum multi dimensional space travel if that is even possible. I just hope it is because it seems like conventional methods to get to other solar systems take too long or aren't feasible!

Explore we will into the vast emptiness of space!

Maybe we will find another Planet much like Earth and it can be another place we go to colonize and have as our own planet... think about it its possible if we can figure out how to travel to these stars Faster! We just have to figure out how were going to do that either by bending space time. Travelling through multi-dimensions or some extreme methods through quantum theory etc...

Ty for contributing to the thread i appreciate it.

edit on 14-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:52 AM
why do you assume that for a planet to have life it has to be the same distance the earth is to the sun.

some suns might be bigger and hotter than the earths sun and at the same relative distance it would be burnt to a crisp.

for life as we know it to survive, there are about a million more variables than distance and heat.

even on earth not all animals live in the same environment. some live under water and some breathe oxygen from the air.

what you should be looking for is oxygen. not water, not distances and any other variable. oxygen is the most important requirement for life. every living animal, plant and cell on earth needs it in one form or another.

you can live 3 days without water, 3 weeks without food and about 3 seconds without oxygen in the vacuum of space. assuming God made the requirements of life universal, that's what scientists should be scanning the galaxy for.

if it's technologically possible. and my bet is thats what aliens look for when finding new planets. not stupid radio broadcasts like michio kaku claims.

and since reports of alien abductions indicate that they don't wear any breathing apparatus, you can assume they rely on a similar ratio of oxygen on their home world.

edit on 14-4-2011 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by randomname

Never said that read the entirety of the Thread.

If you read the thread properly you will see when i estimate 0.5% chance for Kepler to detect a planet in between Venus and Earth Orbit; Say if every single one of the 150,000 stars had a planet at the same distance between Venus and Earth Orbit Kepler would only detect 0.5% of the actual planets. Do you understand?

I said nothing about habitability in that part relating to distance.

edit on 14-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

edit on 14-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 01:24 PM
The Farther out the planet is from its Star the harder it is for Kepler to see its Transit so when you look at the one Graph in the End of the Thread you will see less planets in the graphs longer orbital periods this is predicted to happen because The chances go down the farther out from its primary (star) the planet is.

At 1.0 AU the chance of detecting Earth is only 0.465% so what i'm trying to say is that when you look at that Data release in reality for every 1 planet they find you can safely say there is 100-200 times more planets around these Stars. So the Data release take that number times it by 100-200. I'm only adding 200 times into the factor because it has an extremely minimal chance of detecting planets far out in orbit so i'm being very conservative with this in-fact because with the Data releases we might only detect around 25% of actual planets in Solar Systems that are aligned with Kepler.

123,500 -247,000 Conservative estimate for planets around these 150,000 stars when we get more Data releases we may be able to increase the numbers.
edit on 14-4-2011 by XRaDiiX because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:08 PM
reply to post by XRaDiiX

Really cool article but I have a question, how can you be atheist and agnostic? Im agnostic but not atheist.

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by xBWOMPx

Because i choose not to be atheist and say there is no god/higher being etc there is no way to know for sure so i am agnostic i just choose not to decide on the fence you could say.

So i am not atheist i am agnostic i just like to say atheist because some people don't know the meaning of agnostic i guess.

I'd like to say that there is a chance a higher being exists but not from any religion/cult from this Earth religion was made up by men on this Earth long ago i think it may just be a fabrication of human mind a fallacy per se. Peace

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 09:32 PM
I am not religious at all, don't believe in any 'supernatural type in the sky-granting-wishes' god, and don't fell that I need to bow down at the entity if one really did exist, so I'm atheist in that regard...


I do believe that a race of higher (aka 'advanced) beings did visit the Earth and create mankind (they called them angels and gods, today we call them Aliens)


I do the believe in biblical texts, as it correlates to the Ancient Alien theory (the most plausible theory of our history in my opinion)

so I'm not atheist in that regard.

I believe I'm an Ancient Alien Theorists

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by caf1550
reply to post by ButterCookie

i get what you are trying to say and i do agree that there will be life found in very hospitable envirorments

but saying this believe that mercury is to hot/close to the sun/baren to habor any life, and both neptune and jupiter have to much pressure in there atmosphere that i don't believe life could flourish

i could be proven wrong one day, lets hope i am because that would be awesome but i feel there are just some enviroments that life cannot flourish under

Even on Jupiter there are regions (in the clouds) that could possibly harbor life in temperatures and conditions that life has been found on earth. Think gas bags floating in the upper atmosphere....sort of like jelly fish.....

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:26 PM
reply to post by csgt428

My sentiments exactly!

There are some people tho, who think that life has to be 'like ours' to be life

posted on Apr, 14 2011 @ 10:39 PM

Originally posted by Illustronic
This is an interesting thread and I can't wait until I have time to examine. (I browse while I work on projects but this thread has too much for me to browse and comment on tonight).

I will toss one thing in I'm not sure is covered in a class G star, is that its believed our sun is a 3rd generation star, which means it was formed from a gas nebula from a second generation star that exploded, formed from a first generation star that exploded, which gives the longer lives of the 3rd generation stars to fuse heavier elements, that are the bases of life as we know. (I can link references when I have time based on known detection of stelar elemental makeups).

Quickly let me explain, early stars, closer to the Big Bang (are believed–so lets just go with that for now regardless of other theories) were highly hydrogen masses, with shorter lives, that began the process of fusing heavier elements with their mass, like helium, lithium, to oxygen, carbon, and on up to iron and such, but couldn't form such heavy elements as first generation stars, they collapsed and exploded which did cause heavier fusion during those violent energies.

The gas nebulas of first generation stars more quickly formed 2nd generation stars from more elements, and so on until the 3rd generation star's accretion was working with heavier 'star dust' to not only stimulate more fusion, but to supply more fuel to sustain the life span of a star which planets need to evolve higher forms of life, and stabilize the nuclear fusion versus gravity in large stars of opposing energies. Life is everywhere, it all comes from star dust but not just hydrogen as in the early chaotic universe, our life requires over 4 billion years of evolution of heavier elements in the so called 'Goldilocks Zone' of a solar system of a stabler star than were present closer to the initial cooling of the Universe from a hot chaotic soup. The cooling facilitated atoms to form.

Does that make any sense so far, I have to get back to work and use the lavatory.

OK excuse me, but what I'm not so eloquently trying to say is that the 3rd generation star takes a long time of what we believe to be the existence of this universe to arrive that we/our life could be near the beginning of what life spans of stars allow for intelligent life to evolve, or at least close to the time necessary for the processes to evolve. Furthermore, it is not to say another 3rd generation star system isn't say a million years our senior, or more. Here on earth a billion years ago a simple earthworm was the top of the food chain, so in astronomical terms, the possibility of more evolved intelligent life follows some logic of scientific theory. Well that is my 'theory so far, until I learn more about things.

Hope this thread is alive and well over the weekend.

Great post, I've been thinking about this as well but I have reached a different conclusion....The largest stars have a very short life span (less than a billion years) and when going Nova would inject the heavy ( neccesary to life as we know it) elements rather rapidly after the "birth" of this universe Into their surrounds....The second generation of large unstable stars would as well and would probably not take more than another billion years to do it ....A third generation stellar system such as our own with all the heavier elements neccesary for life as we know it could have come about rather early in the history of the Universe. I'm just guessing but possibly within 3-4 billion years.... Given the estimated age of the universe between 12 and 13 billion years and the possibility that more stable (not so many extinction events) planetary systems could have evolved.... leading to intelligent life in say another 3 billion .....I think there's more than likely lots of old folks out there!
edit on 14-4-2011 by csgt428 because: (no reason given)

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