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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 08:03 AM

Originally posted by 20112012
life is imagination.

Short and sweet and dead right.

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 11:47 PM
brianegan,you are beginning to understand nature and are starting to speak her language through your words.

You cant help it because you have found the path to all truth and it is a path travelled by all.You must incorporate naturalist similies into your context and sentence structure.It is because nature is the only truth available to us outside of our cumulative reality WHICH WE CREATE.The only truth,and the path to all truth.

We are all gods.We were created as man by man.

We have the power to manifest our thoughts into reality within the cumulative reality we all share .When your mom said you could be anything you wanted she didnt know just how right she was.

We can be anything we choose if we can maintain a constant focused and maintained stream of free will hence intent ---directed in just that one direction within our cumulative reality---our stream of intended free will will be like a lightening rod and it will attract others free will and intent and grow into the reality we seeded.


Ecxept for one little problem,you see as we move forward in our individual experience within the realm of the cumulative reality we must exist within to realise our dreams----WE EXPERIENCE A PLETHORA OF EMOTIONS---emotions that act like static electricity pulling and tugging us in random directions,disrupting our stream of focused intended free will ,wiggiling our lightening rod if you will.The end result of this bombardment of emotional static is that WE CHANGE OUR MINDS OF OUR OWN FREE WILL AS OUR EXPERIENCE PROCEEDS---THE MORE EMOTIONAL INTERACTION THE MORE CHANGES OF MIND AND INTENT WE EXPERIENCE.

These changes lead us to become what we are today but do not mean that WE COULDNT HAVE BEEN ANYTHING BEFORE THE EMOTIONAL BOMBARDMENT OF EXPERIENCES BEGAN.


If you try to escape sharing this cumulative reality I refer to you can leave mankind behind and spend your life with nature,but you will still be a god,every time you interact with nature you cut a tree,you eat a creature,you start a fire,everytime you interact with nature WHICH IS THE ONLY TRUTH AVAILABLE TO US OUTSIDE OF OUR CUMULATIVE REALITY you manifest your thought through the focused intent of your free will.

Everything we do as a group within our shared cumulative reality must be manifested from the TRUTHS OF OUR PHYSICAL WORLD,if we veer from these truths we encounter trouble.

This is why we build things that imitate in every facet NATURE,because there is no other truth possible,we cannot imagine anything because we are restricted by the NATURAL TRUTH THAT EXISTS OUTSIDE OF OUR CUMULATIVE REALITY---the laws of nature.

We can only rearrange that which we already know,imagination isnt possible,we manifest because we are gods and we manifest from the materials available to us hence NOTHING IS IMAGINATION it is manifestation.

Imagination can happen within the cumulative reality we all choose share,this is how we can be anything we choose within the confines of this shared reality,imagination is like aiming our focused intended free will.

We dont create anything with imagination,we aim something with it.We dont create a new frankenplant with imagination as a hammer on a nail,we imagine one within our cumulative reality or dream and then as a group we manifest the frankenplant through the manipulation of the TRUTH or nature or our physical world.

Unless you are working within our cumulative reality you cant imagine a god and force feed this idea to others through manipulation within the shared cumulative reality---this is how we are sure there is no god except us and that religon as we are fed it is all lies.Imagination can only happen within our shared reality AND WE ALREADY KNOW THAT THE ONLY TRUTH POSSIBLE IS THE NATURAL TRUTH SO BECAUSE AN IMAGINARY IDEA COULDNT MANIFEST ITSELF AS PART OF OUR NATURAL WORLD AND WE KNOW THAT OUR CREATOR HAD TO BE FROM OUR NATURAL WORLD AS WE ARE -----SO THERE CAN BE NO GOD---WE WERE CREATED AS MAN BY MAN.

This is why we know we were created as man by man,nothing else is possible.


We create everything through group manifestation enabled through a cumulative paralell expression of focused directed intended free will supported by a constand diet of emotional discourse intended to push us along.And to do this we need each other,or we end up alone in the wilderness facing the only truth available to us AS WE STILL MANIFEST OUR NATURAL LIVES AWAY WITHOUT THE EMOTIONAL DISCOURSE WE REQUIRE TO BE PUSHED FORWARD.
edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:25 AM

Originally posted by one4all
brianegan,you are beginning to understand nature and are starting to speak her language through your words.

You cant help it because you have found the path to all truth and it is a path travelled by all.You must incorporate naturalist similies into your context and sentence structure.It is because nature is the only truth available to us outside of our cumulative reality WHICH WE CREATE.The only truth,and the path to all truth.

We are all gods.We were created as man by man.

We have the power to manifest our thoughts into reality within the cumulative reality we all share .When your mom said you could be anything you wanted she didnt know just how right she was.

We can be anything we choose if we can maintain a constant focused and maintained stream of free will hence intent ---directed in just that one direction within our cumulative reality---our stream of intended free will will be like a lightening rod and it will attract others free will and intent and grow into the reality we seeded.


Ecxept for one little problem,you see as we move forward in our individual experience within the realm of the cumulative reality we must exist within to realise our dreams----WE EXPERIENCE A PLETHORA OF EMOTIONS---emotions that act like static electricity pulling and tugging us in random directions,disrupting our stream of focused intended free will ,wiggiling our lightening rod if you will.The end result of this bombardment of emotional static is that WE CHANGE OUR MINDS OF OUR OWN FREE WILL AS OUR EXPERIENCE PROCEEDS---THE MORE EMOTIONAL INTERACTION THE MORE CHANGES OF MIND AND INTENT WE EXPERIENCE.

These changes lead us to become what we are today but do not mean that WE COULDNT HAVE BEEN ANYTHING BEFORE THE EMOTIONAL BOMBARDMENT OF EXPERIENCES BEGAN.


If you try to escape sharing this cumulative reality I refer to you can leave mankind behind and spend your life with nature,but you will still be a god,every time you interact with nature you cut a tree,you eat a creature,you start a fire,everytime you interact with nature WHICH IS THE ONLY TRUTH AVAILABLE TO US OUTSIDE OF OUR CUMULATIVE REALITY you manifest your thought through the focused intent of your free will.

Everything we do as a group within our shared cumulative reality must be manifested from the TRUTHS OF OUR PHYSICAL WORLD,if we veer from these truths we encounter trouble.

This is why we build things that imitate in every facet NATURE,because there is no other truth possible,we cannot imagine anything because we are restricted by the NATURAL TRUTH THAT EXISTS OUTSIDE OF OUR CUMULATIVE REALITY---the laws of nature.

We can only rearrange that which we already know,imagination isnt possible,we manifest because we are gods and we manifest from the materials available to us hence NOTHING IS IMAGINATION it is manifestation.

Imagination can happen within the cumulative reality we all choose share,this is how we can be anything we choose within the confines of this shared reality,imagination is like aiming our focused intended free will.

We dont create anything with imagination,we aim something with it.We dont create a new frankenplant with imagination as a hammer on a nail,we imagine one within our cumulative reality or dream and then as a group we manifest the frankenplant through the manipulation of the TRUTH or nature or our physical world.

Unless you are working within our cumulative reality you cant imagine a god and force feed this idea to others through manipulation within the shared cumulative reality---this is how we are sure there is no god except us and that religon as we are fed it is all lies.Imagination can only happen within our shared reality AND WE ALREADY KNOW THAT THE ONLY TRUTH POSSIBLE IS THE NATURAL TRUTH SO BECAUSE AN IMAGINARY IDEA COULDNT MANIFEST ITSELF AS PART OF OUR NATURAL WORLD AND WE KNOW THAT OUR CREATOR HAD TO BE FROM OUR NATURAL WORLD AS WE ARE -----SO THERE CAN BE NO GOD---WE WERE CREATED AS MAN BY MAN.

This is why we know we were created as man by man,nothing else is possible.


We create everything through group manifestation enabled through a cumulative paralell expression of focused directed intended free will supported by a constand diet of emotional discourse intended to push us along.And to do this we need each other,or we end up alone in the wilderness facing the only truth available to us AS WE STILL MANIFEST OUR NATURAL LIVES AWAY WITHOUT THE EMOTIONAL DISCOURSE WE REQUIRE TO BE PUSHED FORWARD.
edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

You are just seeing into a tiny fraction of what i see......Please try to understand that one thread doesnt incompass what dwells inside my mind. I applaud your effort but the intention is a little faulty.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by Brianegan

Euu, so wordy. I sense you have much to experience and to live, but the mind is just so busy eh? Take time to GO SLOW...

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by antar
reply to post by Brianegan

Euu, so wordy. I sense you have much to experience and to live, but the mind is just so busy eh? Take time to GO SLOW...

There is no time left to waste my friend.......Hurry up is my advice to you.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:39 PM
The word survivor is synonymous with MINORITY,you see the majority cannot be survivors.

A minority mindset will aleays find itself in a position to behave opportunisticly and chance will favor them when nature decides to change our world.

There is always reason to plan for the future,in any generation,the time is always short ,in any generation---because nature sometimes gives little to no warning we can understand.
e future without us.

If science and technology are being hoarded by the elite,WHICH THEY ARE---then our early warning system is broken and we need to prepare with a little more vigor.

no need to panic,no need to be anxious about predictions,these preparations are simply part of being a human and existing in our physical world,we should normally prepare for the future.

Problem is that somehow we have been screwed into believing in heaven and other crap like that and we ceased looking beyond our selfish short lives.

Are world changes coming?Yes,but they are always coming.

Are we being lied to by most major governments?Yes,we are,and they are preparing for the future without us.

Will something global happen during our lifetimes?We shouldnt care because we should always be prepared for an uncertain future.

Is something on the wa right now?You bet there is.I was an abductee,taken by humans ,a group of several races,many others have also been taken,we all share a reality you cannot comprehend without our help.Did anyone believe Noah??

The ark was an engineering marvel,it was purpose built to withstand a tsunami size wave of water,,it was specifically designed to withstand a specific natural occurance.Someone prepared for the future,and I dont mean just Noah,I mean the PEOPLE who warned him and helped him survive.

someone who was as far ahead of Noah as the people who took me are ahead of us today,WARNED NOAH AND NOAH WASNT THE ONLY HUMAN WARNED ---PEOPLE WERE WARNED ALL OVER THE WORLD AT THE SAME TIME BY THE SAME PEOPLE.

noah was a SURVIVOR,Noah was of a MINORITY MINDSET when he built the Ark.

Do you understand that no one cares how hard you prepare for the future,or even if you do at all,YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD,take care to manifest yourself in the future,or you may not find yourself there.

Seek high ground and learn how to be self sufficient in the country,nature is the only truth we can look to for survival.

Underground bunkers and the like will not all work,and the people that do survive will no longer have the capacity to reproduce the technology they have saved once it breaks,so the Amish and homesteaders will still have an evolutionary advantage because of their ability to live in harmony with nature long enough for humanity to regain the ability to manifest technology again,JUST A MATTER OF TIME ---WE REPEAT THIS CYCLE.

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 01:46 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

You are just seeing into a tiny fraction of what i see......Please try to understand that one thread doesnt incompass what dwells inside my mind. I applaud your effort but the intention is a little faulty.

Good grief..all I can see is your EGO

gabby says this prayer>> Dear God, if you are indeed loving, and concerned with our well being, please send reasonable people that seem to portray love ,as messengers of your will. We have enough ego in this world as it is , and it isn't helping your cause to allow the immature to speak on behalf of you.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by one4all
The word survivor is synonymous with MINORITY,you see the majority cannot be survivors.

A minority mindset will aleays find itself in a position to behave opportunisticly and chance will favor them when nature decides to change our world.

There is always reason to plan for the future,in any generation,the time is always short ,in any generation---because nature sometimes gives little to no warning we can understand.
e future without us.

If science and technology are being hoarded by the elite,WHICH THEY ARE---then our early warning system is broken and we need to prepare with a little more vigor.

no need to panic,no need to be anxious about predictions,these preparations are simply part of being a human and existing in our physical world,we should normally prepare for the future.

Problem is that somehow we have been screwed into believing in heaven and other crap like that and we ceased looking beyond our selfish short lives.

Are world changes coming?Yes,but they are always coming.

Are we being lied to by most major governments?Yes,we are,and they are preparing for the future without us.

Will something global happen during our lifetimes?We shouldnt care because we should always be prepared for an uncertain future.

Is something on the wa right now?You bet there is.I was an abductee,taken by humans ,a group of several races,many others have also been taken,we all share a reality you cannot comprehend without our help.Did anyone believe Noah??

The ark was an engineering marvel,it was purpose built to withstand a tsunami size wave of water,,it was specifically designed to withstand a specific natural occurance.Someone prepared for the future,and I dont mean just Noah,I mean the PEOPLE who warned him and helped him survive.

someone who was as far ahead of Noah as the people who took me are ahead of us today,WARNED NOAH AND NOAH WASNT THE ONLY HUMAN WARNED ---PEOPLE WERE WARNED ALL OVER THE WORLD AT THE SAME TIME BY THE SAME PEOPLE.

noah was a SURVIVOR,Noah was of a MINORITY MINDSET when he built the Ark.

Do you understand that no one cares how hard you prepare for the future,or even if you do at all,YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD,take care to manifest yourself in the future,or you may not find yourself there.

Seek high ground and learn how to be self sufficient in the country,nature is the only truth we can look to for survival.

Underground bunkers and the like will not all work,and the people that do survive will no longer have the capacity to reproduce the technology they have saved once it breaks,so the Amish and homesteaders will still have an evolutionary advantage because of their ability to live in harmony with nature long enough for humanity to regain the ability to manifest technology again,JUST A MATTER OF TIME ---WE REPEAT THIS CYCLE.

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 3-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

I do not see anything but survivors........We move from circle to triangle now.....Got bored of the same old thing....Got to obvious so now that we know who is who we will flush the toilet so to speak.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by Brianegan

You are just seeing into a tiny fraction of what i see......Please try to understand that one thread doesnt incompass what dwells inside my mind. I applaud your effort but the intention is a little faulty.

Good grief..all I can see is your EGO

gabby says this prayer>> Dear God, if you are indeed loving, and concerned with our well being, please send reasonable people that seem to portray love ,as messengers of your will. We have enough ego in this world as it is , and it isn't helping your cause to allow the immature to speak on behalf of you.

I hope its handsome and pretty when you see it because you see a mirror......If you dont like what you see you are just calling yourself names.....and picking out the flaws you hate most about yourself.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by Brianegan

Originally posted by gabby2011
reply to post by Brianegan

You are just seeing into a tiny fraction of what i see......Please try to understand that one thread doesnt incompass what dwells inside my mind. I applaud your effort but the intention is a little faulty.

Good grief..all I can see is your EGO

gabby says this prayer>> Dear God, if you are indeed loving, and concerned with our well being, please send reasonable people that seem to portray love ,as messengers of your will. We have enough ego in this world as it is , and it isn't helping your cause to allow the immature to speak on behalf of you.

I hope its handsome and pretty when you see it because you see a mirror......If you dont like what you see you are just calling yourself names.....and picking out the flaws you hate most about yourself.

More nonsensical fabrication,by someone who can't handle the truth.

posted on Jun, 3 2011 @ 10:13 PM
First off, everything that has been said thusfar contains at least a grain of truth to it. Regardless as to what is said, even something that most would consider a flat out lie, still contains at least that little grain of truth.

The truth is different for everyone. We tend to reflect upon our world through our experiences, which are all different.

That being said, it is easy to misunderstand each other through not seeing/knowing what brings the other to the conclusion they have reached. I believe that if everyone tried to truly understand, before letting their anger get the best of them, that the world would be a better place.

I also believe that when someone wrongs you, it is best to try to end the cycle of negativity. This is a challenge in that there has to be the right balance of not letting your negative emotions get the better of you nor letting everyone take advantage of you. There are ways to stand up for yourself without resorting to "fueling the fire."

In general, I believe that people are good deep down inside. However, I'm not so naive as I once was in thinking that people always act with goodwill and have respect for their fellow man. Unfortunately, all I can do is hope that by treating those who act in such a manner with kindness and forgiveness, that maybe these actions might nudge them into being kinder to others.

I apologize if this comes across as arrogant or lecturing. This is just my opinion of the world, and I still have much further to go in my journey.

Thank you.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 07:12 AM

Originally posted by Nightmoon
First off, everything that has been said thusfar contains at least a grain of truth to it. Regardless as to what is said, even something that most would consider a flat out lie, still contains at least that little grain of truth.

The truth is different for everyone. We tend to reflect upon our world through our experiences, which are all different.

That being said, it is easy to misunderstand each other through not seeing/knowing what brings the other to the conclusion they have reached. I believe that if everyone tried to truly understand, before letting their anger get the best of them, that the world would be a better place.

I also believe that when someone wrongs you, it is best to try to end the cycle of negativity. This is a challenge in that there has to be the right balance of not letting your negative emotions get the better of you nor letting everyone take advantage of you. There are ways to stand up for yourself without resorting to "fueling the fire."

In general, I believe that people are good deep down inside. However, I'm not so naive as I once was in thinking that people always act with goodwill and have respect for their fellow man. Unfortunately, all I can do is hope that by treating those who act in such a manner with kindness and forgiveness, that maybe these actions might nudge them into being kinder to others.

I apologize if this comes across as arrogant or lecturing. This is just my opinion of the world, and I still have much further to go in my journey.

Thank you.

You are doing perfectly fine..........Feel safe by those thoughts and actions because they are saving you....Please realize that by choosing that path you are actually giving your free will back to god saying that "Listen God, I dont really understand how some people can act that way so im just going to leave it in your hands because you know better what needs to be done"

The time is at hand......And the hand will move swift.......Feel no fear because people like you have balanced out this world so far that you alone within that group have saved so many from basic deletion by their own actions.

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 09:49 AM
You cannot give your free will to god because god is an illusion created through the excercise of the imagination of a single human existing within the cumulative reality we all share.

There is no god to give your free will to ,you might want to wake up and beware of people like this who claim you can give your free will to an illusion.

Your free will can be stolen by another human telling you lies EITHER ALONE OR MORE COMMONLY AS RELIGONS PRACTISE ---IN A LARGE GROUP.

The con job and the lies are the same wether it is one salesman or a million.Ever hear of Avon or Tupperware?

In the past humans were commonly manipulated by slightly smarter humans who simpy understod the fine art of communication in a timely OR SHOULD I SAY INTENTIONALLY UNTIMELY MANNER.

The withholding and misrepresenting through manipulation and misrepresentation of REAL TIME INFORMATION TO THE MASSES,was and has been the old standby for religons ,governments and corporations.

Unless the religous fanatics who are coincidentally ill,can manage to incite a global war that will eliminate the free and available and real time information being given to humanity through the internet RELIGONS WILL DISAPPEAR JUST AS THE CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS AROUND THE WORLD ARE SWIFTLY DISAPPEARING.

You might say the WORD is out,and I dont mean the good word you religous nuts,I mean the word is out the religons are open game just as lieing manipulating governments are open game,people will grivitate to the truth if given the opportunity or in humanities case the UNFETTERED ACESS TO FREE REAL TIME INFORMATION THAT IS NOT CENSORED.

The game is over,the religous game that is,and for anyone with comments for me you should know that a close relative of mine founded a religon that currently has millions of victems all over the world.

I said founded as in startd.

Communication ability and skill is no different than athleticism,you can be born with the potential as we all are ,but if your environment is just right you get better than usual at it,it is simply a skillset.

I come from an environment like this,what one man can do in our cumulative reality,another man can do in opposition or contrary action.

Someone from my own family has started an action and I am starting the contrary action as in nature.And as in nature once a contrary action begins there must be a resolution and because there is no such idea as equality in nature then we must eventually reach a state of harmony and to do that my religous friends your ideas and beliefs must be gone off the table into the past.

nature is progressive and as such so is humanity,we have been held back and been made to crawl when we were born to run,we were held back because the humans with the least future potential have held the most influence within our cumulative reality.You religous nuts are who I am referring to.

You people have the least potential to lead humanity into the future,newborn children have more potential than any religous believer,period.

You are all already ill,you have all been infected by the viral illusion you call religon.


You see your religous ideas are doomed and they were from the start,and most of the people who supported religous ideas are called baby boomers and they are all about to pass the torch soon.

No worries because there are literally billions of healthy humans available to lead humanity into the future.

No Brianegan,noone gives their free willl to god you scam artist,THEY GIVE IT TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING WHO THEN USES IT AS BAIT TO LURE OTHERS INTO THE WEB OF IGNORANCE.

You are born with a vote in humanities future,and you cannot relinquish it to anyone else witout committing a crime against humanity.

Get it folks ,giving yourself over to an illusionary idea to enable dishonest leaders to insulate your group from the rest of humanity is selfish and it is and always has been a crime against humanity.

In the past opposition to religon has been killed,burnt,tortured,intentionally dumbed down by the destruction of knowledge and education and otherwise eliminated from humanities cumulative reality.

Well welcome to the new world,it aint happening anymore because we now CAN SEE THE LIGHT,and it is beyond religon ,the light is behind you as you face me,behind you as YOU FACE HUMANITY.

If you wish to be saved then you need to ask humanity for forgiveness for youe sins against us all ,and the only way to do that is to spread the right word AS YOU HAVE SPREAD THE WRONG WORDS.

Or just sit and wait for us to come and ask for an explanation,a little advice though might be to try to pass on with the boomers because if you happen to be a part of the MINORITY number of members these groups will consist of when the boomers die,THEN MY FRIENDS YOU HAD REALLY BETTER HOPE GOD SHOWS UP TO HELP YOU BECAUSE IF YOU BOTHER TO DO THE MATH YOUR NUMBERS ARE SOON TO BE AT AN ALL TIME LOW.

And good luck trying to claim that the people that co-exist with us are GODS,when they show themselves to the masses,you see there are milkions like me who know the truth,THAT THERE ARE HUMANS THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE,and that we were created by them,not by your insane and illusionary god.

Ask this in your churches,what happened to the first human that was CLONED??

Did the body animate and come to life as a sentient being,alive and aware??

Or did it become alive but have no sentience or selfawareness as a monster?
Or did it not come alive at all?

As In said i was raised in the correct environment to actually understand free will because it was shown to me as a child before any religous brain damage could happen.

What is the answer to my question?

Did we cause the clone to come alive or did god,or did it just not come alive at all.?

You already know the answer,as do I.The clone animated and came alive just like Dolly the sheep.

You just choose of your own free will to remain ignorant of the fact and to continue to willingly lend your support to a non-humanitarian future.

You want to wait until someone tells us all what happened dont you?This is how its always been done right?Lend your vote to the leaders and then let them do the dirty work eh?

We now KNOW what you were doing by lending your vote,sitting back and letting the leaders of your cults use their money and influence to MANIPULATE THE MEDIA INTO TELLING LIES TO THE REST OF THE HEALTHY HUMANS THAT COULD BE REACHED WITH THE MEDIA.

You misused the media and realtime communication for your own ends ,AND NOW YOUR TRUE END WILL COME AT THE HANDS OF YOUR CO-CONSPIRATOR-----THE INTERNET WILL MAKE YOU EXTINCT---because fools the internet is made up of all of our votes and without a way to CONTROL us we will grivitate towards each other in a natural manner and when we start to gel into groups that get bigger and bigger your reality will cease to exist.

The sweetest thing is that it is happening at one thousand times the speed it took to make milkions of us sick,the cure is virtually instant.

free exchange or honest real time information between all humans ===== FREE WILL.

edit on 4-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 4 2011 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by one4all
You cannot give your free will to god because god is an illusion created through the excercise of the imagination of a single human existing within the cumulative reality we all share.

There is no god to give your free will to ,you might want to wake up and beware of people like this who claim you can give your free will to an illusion.

Your free will can be stolen by another human telling you lies EITHER ALONE OR MORE COMMONLY AS RELIGONS PRACTISE ---IN A LARGE GROUP.

The con job and the lies are the same wether it is one salesman or a million.Ever hear of Avon or Tupperware?

In the past humans were commonly manipulated by slightly smarter humans who simpy understod the fine art of communication in a timely OR SHOULD I SAY INTENTIONALLY UNTIMELY MANNER.

The withholding and misrepresenting through manipulation and misrepresentation of REAL TIME INFORMATION TO THE MASSES,was and has been the old standby for religons ,governments and corporations.

Unless the religous fanatics who are coincidentally ill,can manage to incite a global war that will eliminate the free and available and real time information being given to humanity through the internet RELIGONS WILL DISAPPEAR JUST AS THE CORRUPT GOVERNMENTS AROUND THE WORLD ARE SWIFTLY DISAPPEARING.

You might say the WORD is out,and I dont mean the good word you religous nuts,I mean the word is out the religons are open game just as lieing manipulating governments are open game,people will grivitate to the truth if given the opportunity or in humanities case the UNFETTERED ACESS TO FREE REAL TIME INFORMATION THAT IS NOT CENSORED.

The game is over,the religous game that is,and for anyone with comments for me you should know that a close relative of mine founded a religon that currently has millions of victems all over the world.

I said founded as in startd.

Communication ability and skill is no different than athleticism,you can be born with the potential as we all are ,but if your environment is just right you get better than usual at it,it is simply a skillset.

I come from an environment like this,what one man can do in our cumulative reality,another man can do in opposition or contrary action.

Someone from my own family has started an action and I am starting the contrary action as in nature.And as in nature once a contrary action begins there must be a resolution and because there is no such idea as equality in nature then we must eventually reach a state of harmony and to do that my religous friends your ideas and beliefs must be gone off the table into the past.

nature is progressive and as such so is humanity,we have been held back and been made to crawl when we were born to run,we were held back because the humans with the least future potential have held the most influence within our cumulative reality.You religous nuts are who I am referring to.

You people have the least potential to lead humanity into the future,newborn children have more potential than any religous believer,period.

You are all already ill,you have all been infected by the viral illusion you call religon.


You see your religous ideas are doomed and they were from the start,and most of the people who supported religous ideas are called baby boomers and they are all about to pass the torch soon.

No worries because there are literally billions of healthy humans available to lead humanity into the future.

No Brianegan,noone gives their free willl to god you scam artist,THEY GIVE IT TO ANOTHER HUMAN BEING WHO THEN USES IT AS BAIT TO LURE OTHERS INTO THE WEB OF IGNORANCE.

You are born with a vote in humanities future,and you cannot relinquish it to anyone else witout committing a crime against humanity.

Get it folks ,giving yourself over to an illusionary idea to enable dishonest leaders to insulate your group from the rest of humanity is selfish and it is and always has been a crime against humanity.

In the past opposition to religon has been killed,burnt,tortured,intentionally dumbed down by the destruction of knowledge and education and otherwise eliminated from humanities cumulative reality.

Well welcome to the new world,it aint happening anymore because we now CAN SEE THE LIGHT,and it is beyond religon ,the light is behind you as you face me,behind you as YOU FACE HUMANITY.

If you wish to be saved then you need to ask humanity for forgiveness for youe sins against us all ,and the only way to do that is to spread the right word AS YOU HAVE SPREAD THE WRONG WORDS.

Or just sit and wait for us to come and ask for an explanation,a little advice though might be to try to pass on with the boomers because if you happen to be a part of the MINORITY number of members these groups will consist of when the boomers die,THEN MY FRIENDS YOU HAD REALLY BETTER HOPE GOD SHOWS UP TO HELP YOU BECAUSE IF YOU BOTHER TO DO THE MATH YOUR NUMBERS ARE SOON TO BE AT AN ALL TIME LOW.

And good luck trying to claim that the people that co-exist with us are GODS,when they show themselves to the masses,you see there are milkions like me who know the truth,THAT THERE ARE HUMANS THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE,and that we were created by them,not by your insane and illkusionary god.

edit on 4-6-2011 by one4all because: (no reason given)
,pwwwaaaa... wrong , return to start and try again, time is ticking...

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:15 AM
I understand exactly what you mean, the universe is far more complex than our eyes allow us to see.
edit on 5-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by one4all

I guess you got me all figured out huh........? Good job. Did it take you more than 5-10 minutes of thinking before you judged me? Or maybe you pondered for a few days until you decided that my words were arguable at best?

Im rubber your glue and your mind state smells like poo............Mirror

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 08:46 AM

Originally posted by SystemResistor
I understand exactly what you mean, the universe is far more complex than our eyes allow us to see.
edit on 5-6-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

Both comments were equally as impressive......It might seem out of no where but you must be a wiz in math. The funny tihng about complexity is that its only complex because it's made up of so many perfectly connected extremely simple things. When one steps back it is amazing to notice how easy it can become to understand what went into the complexity though simplicity.......

Always a joy conversing with you S.R.

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