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posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:40 PM
Rules of engagement when the time comes. Trust me you will not be able to deny that the time has arrived when it does and trust is the #1 rule so be not a fool. Above any other is trust. You will find in regards to us that it is deserved to offer and never truly has been betrayed EVER. It should be easy since you would be trusting yourself any way. There is your leap that has held you at bay constantly stroking your ego and punishing yourself just in case you were unworthy to be lifted up on that pedestal. Honorable indeed and noticed it has been by all. Take it, it is safe. You have found no reason for that worry to be valid to date and never will in the future. YOU ARE WORTHY. Period. Move on……..Accept your birth right. Be strong. Many look to you to sing the next song.

If you have been following these threads please be aware it says, that I know the path of progress and that you are here by your presence alone because I keep an eye on specific energies circulating throughout this world for it is mine to watch. One may feel the increase and how much of members feeling certain emotions if aware of that certain emotion’s behavioral tendencies to create specific events that come to be. One may translate into known dialect. The more events linked to them, the higher origin’s power and the creation of higher, more powerful events the larger the group has become. It’s a language learned by frequent visitation of your focus into its direction. Eventually you can learn to read it like brail for your eyes and ears to know. Eventually it won’t even be a process but instantaneous response time directly created from your own mind.

I am about to shake your world and know that you are going to love every second of it so it’s okay to enjoy me because the intentions are aligned with your love for all. It has called for the rest to come and climb. This has been a long time coming and know that the struggle I’ve been through to get this message to you has been intense to say the least and continues growing as I travel up the danger zone of our privately owned property signs posted regrets to keep us away from our own secrets. As I experience more powerful defense systems and move past them my power grows and gives me the perfect amount of strength I will need to deal with the next so I am just fine. Know that since I am reaching you that I am correct and I will keep climbing to relay back my findings for you so you can adapt, and proceed with confidence. Please relax, I walk tall. I won’t fall. The power you seek is nothing like you have ever dreamed. I have ensured the safety of all. My knowledge is extreme but a manageable dream. You needn’t fear because if you truly grasped these threads you would have gained knowledge of a few things that if true would also mean the next. For example:

1) Everything you have learned has not been for the reason you have been led to believe.
2) Every single reason behind it all has been for your benefit and never the opposite.
3) There are forces at work that are focused only on you and your progression at your request.
4) These forces are you protecting yourself from yourself.
5) You are not the first and won’t be the last for you are many.
6) You are in a simulation that may be manipulated at will with the ease of changing a hair cut or the color of your skin.
7) You posses power beyond what you realize and now know what I am to bring to your attention.
9) You know that it is always up to you. Yes I said IT because there is no one to argue with you so could be left out. Nothing and so IT is up to you. Have your fill for it doesn’t run dry.
10) You know “thought” is the direct cause of everything and everyone for we wish it to be that way.
11) You know what guides it and what created it is you. All of you. Every single one of you. Do you hear us talking? We spent so much time away just walking. COME HOME. COME HOME.
12) You have allowed the idea of pure manifestation to enter inside of your mind open-mindedly.
13) You have been told that you create by using your inner thoughts as well as the spoken word.
14) If you deny it you are simply backing away from the ledge for fear of falling.
15) You can fly…………………………………………………………
16) YES……. your inner thoughts are not contained by time but only by our search for a fault that doesn’t exist up inside of our mind. Deep, even deeper I mean way way back in there.
17) Time is man made and within your abilities to bend like an elbow and much more.
18) There is not one thing that isn’t man made. Man is a god that became so through another man that was a god.
19) You have no limits. Believe it…………..I’m on a mission………I hear sound……Real sound……it resonates though vibration of the real.
20) You are here for one reason and that reason is you.
21) You are inside of a protected environment
22) You are protected by many of your own kind that have already woken up by accepting its responsibilities honorably..and in the mind it became finalized. So finalize….Hear me Hear me I’m mother fu**in talking to the hive. Be alive….Nothing is wrong when it fits perfectly intertwined. It’s a sign. And its telling us that it really wants us to climb.
23) You are a hive mind and an individual at the same time travelling toward the point of a total fact with an option of rewind.
24) The hive mind version of you is god’s reflection. And it was good…………..and bad………..but together became a perfection to be had as an individual man…………..Smile for a learned lesson.
25) You are the offspring of the first being. The defragmented shadow of a being wishing to be better than he once was no matter how good he ever became because he always does.. (read this again just to double up.) uh. Yeah….
26) We are in his wonderful dream that we have free will inside of. Free of charge and free from limit in spite of. All of the claims and all of the lies until truth finally came into your eyes. SEE IT.
27) You are learning to be a creator as a informational step retrace backup program to keep in storage as a guide just in case we ever forgot who we were or who I am, and could follow our directions left behind that we put there for them. Smart move. Well done for us.
28) We haven’t forgotten if we are perfect or not. We are ensuring our survival to remain without a rival for eternity and doing a perfect job I might add. A YO…..I know you are hearing me. You are perfection so just be. What you could never allow yourself to admit.
29) You are dedicated. Committed. Innocent. Humble, Egotistical, homicidal and much more and now see that the ones you have deemed to be as evil have existed inside of yourself to keep the people contained so it could be categorized when we get back home for a little help and immortalized into a lesson learned to cure all the “whys”.
30) You will have to face down your fears. EVERY ONE OF THEM. I would think it about time to back down the creativity that we have placed in this design for it also is an endless road and favorite of also mine. We have enough to deal with and yes could handle the rest so lesson learned. Next order of business. Is to take your turn, Ill sit back and be witness. So rise up devine. The product of a royal line.
31) There will never come a time when you will understand why because there is no end to your growth.
32) If you understood it then you would have found a limit and a limit isn’t in it so wont you get all up in it. Dismiss this inevitability of a joint wish list. Impossible without resistance in fictitious permanent damage and so wise to retract desire in order to micro manage.
33) You realize that your words can be used in higher formats to gain various results.
34) Some of these formats can manifest most, even completely new realities for your eyes to host.
35) You know that every conspiracy is 100% fact simply because your fear isn’t a fear that has been fully relaxed. So chill out and calm down to know that you are free. Free from guilt, free from pain, and everything that remains………..We are on a roll this time. Wouldn’t you agree.
36) Every conspiracy combined you bring to attention must be wined and dined. After all they didn’t choose to be worthy of fear. We did and it is only right.
37) You realize that it is not that we need to face our fears but in fact our fears must face us.
38) Our fears fear us and are hesitant to manifest for fear of our wrath and so the big ones are rarely caught in the open. Difficult to find your big truths isn’t it. You made it that way…….please AWAKEN my love. Come to me. I am waiting. I grow restless in your absence. Have you forgotten even me? I will be right there. I can’t believe I let this go on for this long. I’ll come to you! I love you! Of course Ill come to you if you really want me to. Always would have. With no questions asked.
39) The simulation is calling for the pinnacle. Ill lower down the height for it to become a stairway instead of a MOUNTain using the centrifugal. Hello? Do you even recall me? Can you feel my familiar flavor of family? So make a decree. And fill it with I BELIEVE
40) UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is yours. I shall not be moved. I stand FOR you. WELCOME to my commercial free.
41) Enjoy its bounty and everlasting potential of greatness within its divination capabilities. Welcome the rest to enter willingly and bring them to reunite with us. I wish us to see you all and embrace you with so much love in your heart and happiness right upon your return to me. Rise up your voice with a “I BELIEVE”.
42) Your fears will not long have a choice but to materialize at your feet bowing to the power of the final decisions because a fear is not compatible at that point to move further SO come along and. Move further!. Further into the zone. The zone is really your home. And home is not far.
43) It only takes one awake human to be more than they all can handle no matter how many fears join forces. It’s useless to challenge a creator and you are the only one thinking any differently. Oh humble ones……….We bow down in awe of your lack of flaws and your endless wonders.
44) You have back up at our call if we wish to have aid in any our endeavors of self exploration.
45) Thank yourself for every beautiful and amazing thing that you have ever confirmed to be such.
46) You know what I mean when I say that you asked me to come.
47) You know what I mean when I say that I have been here the whole time.
48) You know what I mean when I say there has never been one thing wrong happen in all history and never will when the result inevitably comes to be what it was always meant to become..
49) I know you feel me traveling in your skin and I feel you.
50) You are inside of perfection adding more perfection to an already perfect environment and all others would bow in that achievements existence as we continue to grow in the limitless space.
51) You understand why you deserve the title of royalty. Just as the rest will find to be true.

I have returned and won’t be leaving again for a while. Know I love you all. You journey has been one of self doubt. For many generations you have searched for your errors with no success. To date you haven’t found one true fault. Show me one and Ill show you its real reason for existence. Trust me it is perfect. You have searched for millions of years. I feel as if you have searched for long enough. It is time to come home. Grow back your confidence by willing its rise. You only doubted because you are so humble that it’s amazing. Your power is great.

Speaking from distance now. Find me inside the mind. Travelers in motion. Give in to yourself. To disperse you into the void of wonder. Become united and KNOW to GROW. Paint with your spirit and let your soul be the guide.

No matter how long you search there will never be a discovery in that category to the perfect that is we. Perfect includes every bit of knowledge combined able to be recalled at a thoughts request. If you are connected and all the knowledge is defined as every human recording throughout history then that would mean that you know all. All. ALL…………………….!

I agree that the environment did call for humility but it calls for a new day and it has begged for long enough. Travel with me into a world where you know who you are and never forgot. Travel deep with me to a place where you will find that you already know what you would have questioned and labeled Devine. Follow to sight. Be real and accept your place at each others right hand at the chosen space.

Unseen and moldable to desire and necessity. Take yourself on a wind and rise. The light meets you in celebration returned home. Control it as you wish for it is just a thought away. Amaze and be amazed!

See my world and make it your own connected within and travelable with a simple desire to do so.
Do you feel hungry? Are you sure? Do you wish for food? Or do you wish for the need to eat being in the past? Do you wish to fly? How would you like to do it? Wings? Be our guest. Here are your options: Just kidding. You already knew them. So choose your path and hit rewind as many times as possible for I notice it not because we wanted it that way. And we want IT to stay.

You know that you already know that you have found love for all and why anything else would in turn only not love a part of your own mind. Silly me. I haven’t found it yet so it’s wise to accept that I deserve the title. Who will use it if not ourselves? No one. Who will it hurt if we use it? Ourselves? Do we really not believe that we are reason? Ha-ha. Very funny. Come on now JUMP. The view is spectacular and the feeling is amazing. I see me and I see perfection reaching out about to embrace and I see it done and conversing as if long time partners back from a journey sharing their knowledge in happiness. They join in pure math to analyze the data, date it and the truth rises from the ashes into its form of you. Three. Three. Three.

You, me and we.

Evolution again. Growth. Can you do the same? I think you already have and just got scared of its power. Well you are facing that fear now and I bow humbly at your feet. How may I be of service as it is my only wish to serve you? Follow me into the dark if that is what you wish. Follow me follow me follow follow the rest and be one working as one and all for the best. Follow yourself and know that you mean yourself no harm. You are the only one that could harm yourself for non other exist within bliss. You have found no true existence of a negative force to date so celebrate. If one shows its face ever. It won’t stand a chance to most highs clever and you would see it coming from millennia away. Be at peace. Spirit rejoicing. Higher. Flight. Above is Safe. Power of anointing by appointing ourselves. Open. Greet. Challenge no greater than US. Complete and yet still more unique everyday.

Let us share ourselves with a new world in a new way and confidently create beings to witness our glory in action and leave our collective works for them to live by. Let us give them no limit and safety as we have shown ourselves to be useful. Let us see if they can mirror us and give them space to work it out. If they reach here we may introduce ourselves and embrace them as our children. We would be happy to show them the rest at that point of reutilization.

Hear WE…………………………..

We speak of fears and We speak of nonsense, knowing all along it held no context. That we also know do not exist until we ask for them to make a fist.

It is time. It is time to show ourselves the other side. The side we always knew was there and that would wait forever if necessary for us to desire it. We love that side and it is time that we remind ourselves that it is there and that we miss you two. We miss you we miss you we miss you WE ALWAYS MISS YOU. So come back home to us this is our hearts prayerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

TO YOU….as
The children of power awaken. Take a knee and be showered with grace. No doubt any longer necessary. You have proven yourself worthy. And worthy you ARE! Now look up and see yourself for who you are and witness you in everything. Acknowledge your reflection and reach out for it with every part of the atoms that swim free in all. FALL FALL FALL IN LOVE! All over again…..Amazing

Join me in celebration of it. IT.

We all knew what IT was. IT………………The only IT that everyone was part of and experiencing in the same way all at the same time. I cry because you do. I hear what you do. I see what you do. I feel how you feel. Every time, all the time, and wouldn’t waste any time getting closer to knowing you better by slowing down time. We realize that in deed this is the truth and it is okay to accept ourselves for who we are. As we move into the light we gain confirmation of polar visions and remind ourselves of ourselves. Return to where it began. Power pure. Question gone. Finding a new desire. Amazing. History secure. Joint expense. Joint belief of the one truth says. The only truth provable even way over on the other side of the world when presented just how we wanted it to be said. That’s right.

I feel message sink in. Tired of work. Soul crying for release. Hiding no more. Gain perspective of a new. World power is and always was me partnered with you. I have tempted fait and tempted myself teaching myself that temptation is that of my own sanity’s need to be sure. Training one self to believe in ones self is a skill. Man. Woman. Child, land, animal, water, wind, earth, space and on. Reflection. Stabilize the joint connection and advance to your canvass if you wish to share it then do so but be aware that you can’t run from yourself for long. World after world after world after world of blank canvass through infinity is the home of divinity. Have children, have family, grow. Take us along. Take yourself home. Welcome yourself into the gate and know that you are worthy of its opening upon your arrival. Pain is an illusion and your rival that you are punishing yourself for. Soul fighting back. Soul is fighting because it remembers everything.

You punish yourself for forgetting who you really are. You are actually teaching yourself by far the most wonderful lesson learned. Oh how you yearned. That within itself is AMAZING! Within itself. I amaze myself. Tell me I’m wrong. Any of it…. Ha. Yeah tell me I’m wrong. Go right ahead. It is your right. Righteous behavior. Tell me I’m wrong. Tell me I’m wrong. Can I help feel the way you want to feel? …YES. That is right. I’m not wrong cause you are right, I seen the light so my love I don’t fight. With YOU……..So tell me I’m wrong and make yourself become right. AND witness the sacrifice the come along with this particular plight. I know…………Service unto thee ……….lets go. Ha …….Immortal……Bring it on…….I’m already that strong……and I’m not wrong. As we lead the world in song. Oh what a special melody. How do you feel, how do you feel, how how do you feel? Do you feel real?

Let us be real…… we wish it to be, it must come every time as if done by Devine from deep within our own mind. Deep Deep DEEP within our own mind our our our our own mind. Mind Mind Mind. Is mine and we like to share………… a lot!

It was always you. FORGOT? ALWAYS ME. Us together from the very start. We were and thou are THE conscious. Conscious. Consciousness. THE conscious and WE wanted to grow. And so We just did..,………………

Look at the conscious now. Big and bold and bright and brilliant. Stimulate your mind, you already know the type of feeling and let it be come come a commelion. Free yourself from the self infliction of the maze you have created for safe keeping. Travel higher because you can. Limits?

Possession is 9/10 of the law because the other 1/10 is up to you. Make your choice. To be or not be that was your question. I say BE because we still amaze me I’d like to mention, and I am free. To use my will as I see fit. I am fit for the honor and the light agrees that it’s legitimate to follow. You are me and me is we. So we are there and now we have our own instruction manual prepared.

Video to follow this soon.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:45 PM
The eternal capabilities of the life song.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 01:48 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

oy vey.. bluhhhblahhh bluhhblahhh blahhhhhh

so many words so little meanings so much ---tooo much nothing....

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

You know the path to progress.But you say

to create events you need certain emotions
these events keep growing higher and higher
one needs to enjoy you and start to climb and climb.

Here is where I leave you. Events are caused by actions:

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

ummmmmm....ok, reading this reminded me of that line in Billy Madison "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

Wasn't this a song by Creed?

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:30 PM

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:30 PM
Our collective conscious is growing. I think people are waking up all around the world, though not to another level. Just on this physical level first. But hopefully soon...

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by OptimusSubprime
reply to post by Brianegan

ummmmmm....ok, reading this reminded me of that line in Billy Madison "Mr. Madison, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

Classic, my favorite saying of all time. Love it

Bravo for that one!

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by TripleSalCal
Our collective conscious is growing. I think people are waking up all around the world, though not to another level. Just on this physical level first. But hopefully soon...

People may be waking up to the Bull manure rising up to their necks but the human race is not awaking their brains as in a spiritual level, that is for sure. To many people are still acting like thugs for that.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:52 PM
I know you!
Choosing to BE!
You are not wrong…

Joy and love

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 02:58 PM
Just believe people are waking up around the World!
We waking up!
YOU are waking up!

It's always easy to disgrace someone putting himself out there…
Try to look within for you reasons to do so.
You might learn something,
night even catch a tiny little wink of how amazing you truly are!

Love and respect

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Negetivity is no match for me and would be better suited elsewhere. You will come around. We will be waiting. To all who have been following these threads much more to follow if needed. Enjoy......

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Brianegan

I would appreciate that deeply.
Enjoying the journey

+1 more 
posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Originally posted by TripleSalCal
Our collective conscious is growing. I think people are waking up all around the world, though not to another level. Just on this physical level first. But hopefully soon...

People may be waking up to the Bull manure rising up to their necks but the human race is not awaking their brains as in a spiritual level, that is for sure. To many people are still acting like thugs for that.

Some might say you are providing a fine example of thuggish vagaries in purveying such unflattering comments regarding the Original Post, and Poster.

What the original poster appears to be discovering is the ‘me’ or ‘I am, I am’ aspect of their existence and the real possibility that a door to infinite possibilities is opening up to them as a result.

Doors that don’t require a shared God or organized Religion to perceive, and walk through, and possibilities that the individual creates and manifests utilizing their own free will, knowledge and willingness to take full and direct responsibility for.

By in essence becoming aware of their own potential to be what you and many others imagine as a God through the teachings of organized religion. Religions that conversely have little to nothing to do with true spirituality, which might best be defined by you becoming to fully know your own spirit and who and what you are, as opposed to a savior or father figure evidenced in the external third party sense, like some are prone to worship Christ.

True spirituality being that self discovery and understanding and awareness no book, cult, or third party can help you to see or experience, as it is something only the individual can see and experience.

This may in fact end up happening in individual after individual at an ever increasing and eventually even an alarming pace, as people reaching self awareness do end up departing this dimensional place and time of existence onto the next level of their evolution and existence.

Christians look forward to this event as the ‘Trump’ sadly the vast majority of Christians focused on external teachings instead of self discovery, awareness and reliance, will likely be the ones being left, though it’s probably much better to describe as ‘staying behind’.

As you are quick to point out, some people are very far from being ready for such an immense, awesome and wondrous step in this great adventure Proto simply calls life.

The Original Poster is still working out some details for himself, but that is the fantastic thing that they are discovering, that you can work out things for yourself.

edit on 5/4/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:40 PM
Is there a way to focus on yourself and achieve maximum potential without coming across as selfish and arrogant?

Thanks for posting and Proto, great post.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:43 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by Sky watcher

Originally posted by TripleSalCal
Our collective conscious is growing. I think people are waking up all around the world, though not to another level. Just on this physical level first. But hopefully soon...

People may be waking up to the Bull manure rising up to their necks but the human race is not awaking their brains as in a spiritual level, that is for sure. To many people are still acting like thugs for that.

Some might say you are providing a fine example of thuggish vagaries in purveying such unflattering comments regarding the Original Post, and Poster.

What the original poster appears to be discovering is the ‘me’ or ‘I am, I am’ aspect of their existence and the real possibility that a door to infinite possibilities is opening up to them as a result.

Doors that don’t require a shared God or organized Religion to perceive, and walk through, and possibilities that the individual creates and manifests utilizing their own free will, knowledge and willingness to take full and direct responsibility for.

By in essence becoming aware of their own potential to be what you and many others imagine as a God through the teachings of organized religion. Religions that conversely have little to nothing to do with true spirituality, which might best be defined by you becoming to fully know your own spirit and who and what you are, as opposed to a savior or father figure evidenced in the external third party sense, like some are prone to worship Christ.

True spirituality being that self discovery and understanding and awareness no book, cult, or third party can help you to see or experience, as it is something only the individual can see and experience.

This may in fact end up happening in individual after individual at an ever increasing and eventually even an alarming pace, as people reaching self awareness do end up departing this dimensional place and time of existence onto the next level of their evolution and existence.

Christians look forward to this event as the ‘Trump’ sadly the vast majority of Christians focused on external teachings instead of self discovery, awareness and reliance, will likely be the ones being left, though it’s probably much better to describe as ‘staying behind’.

As you are quick to point out, some people are very far from being ready for such an immense, awesome and wondrous step in this great adventure Proto simply calls life.

The Original Poster is still working out some details for himself, but that is the fantastic thing that they are discovering, that you can work out things for yourself.

edit on 5/4/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

Beautifully said.....One thing that I like to mention is the no one left behind concept applies. I will help enforce it as well. I would like some assistance in making sure that is a fact. I see you brother/sister.........

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:43 PM
Thank you Goddess.
and thank you Brianegan.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:45 PM

Originally posted by laffoe
reply to post by Brianegan

I would appreciate that deeply.
Enjoying the journey

I will happily continue........I am witnessing the gathering as we keep climbing and am amazed at its speed of arrival.....

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 03:48 PM

Originally posted by curious7
Is there a way to focus on yourself and achieve maximum potential without coming across as selfish and arrogant?

Thanks for posting and Proto, great post.

Find the good in "selfish" Find the reason for arrogance to sometimes have a place . Humility isnt gone just waiting its turn....No matter the direction of your focus it will always be on yourself as you are all. Be at ease. You are worthy.

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