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Scary unemployment rate for African Americans

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:47 AM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by Gazrok

Thank you for your insight. Very well presented. Also did you know, historically the days of the slaves, many africans in the US don't want to acknowledge that it was their very own people, ( blacks ) who sold them out...and sold them off. The finger is constantly pointed at the evil ' white man"....not fully understanding that their own man sold them out.....sad really~

WOW. that is sad.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Gazrok

The LIE is that whites DID NOT bring civilization to the world FIRST! Black people (HUE MAN'S to be specific) were the people that first conquered this planet, long before the first white person ever existed! Science and TPTB are terribly afraid of this information being widely distrubited. They always have been! They have gone to GREAT lengths to keep this information lost.

Firstly, I'd like to tell many black people, that we weren't all brought over here on white slave ships. WE WERE ALL READY living here!!! We already had settlements here along with our descendents the Native American's. Many people do not realize how much stuff was burned down or destroyed or sent to the Vatican's vault when America was settled by white Europeans.

There are so many historical inaccuracies in that rant, that it's hard to even know where to begin.

First off, the Native Americans are in no way descended from Africans. It is largely accepted (and can easily be seen in the form of facial structure, hair type, etc.) that the native inhabitants of North and South America are more descended from Pacific Islanders / Asians than anybody else.

A twenty-year study has some additional findings: the DNA of migrant Natives are more like each other than they are like Asian populations. What this points to is an initial migration out of Asia, then a semi-permanent settlement, then other waves of migration. The semi-permanent settlement lasted thousands of years.
The study was published in the May 2009 issue of Molecular Biology and Evolution, which means it’s all about DNA, mitochondria, and alleles (genetic variants).
So…Native Americans definitely originated from Asia. Then walked across the bridge and hung out for a few thousand years. Then they started walking again.

As for building civilization, this was more by those in the Middle East (which are pretty distinctly different in heritage) than Africans. Granted, Egypt is technically IN Africa, but the people there who built the pyramids, etc. were more identifiable with modern day Arabs than modern Africans. True, the Egyptians had advanced math and sciences while the Europeans were still warring with each other and being superstitious, but this state of affairs didn't last forever.

The European empires (specifically the British, the Spanish, and the French (and to a lesser extent, the Dutch) spread out and colonized the world. There is no evidence that Africans existed as a cultural presence in the Americas prior to being brought there during the slave trade. As for plundering the Americas, the Native Americans had little to plunder, existing in an almost caveman-like society. The South Americans, on the other hand, were advanced, and yes, the Spaniards mostly did loot them pretty well, mostly gold. However, even a quick look at a Mayan or Toltec's features etc. will show straight black hair, shorter height, and the facial features of a Pacific Islander...not an African.

In the end though, the whole argument of who built what, who was first in anything, etc., is all moot, as what matters is the current state of affairs.

Of course, eventually none of it will matter, because it will be hard to blame "the man" for anything when whites are a minority. Something I'll likely be seeing in my lifetime. Then who will the fingers be pointed at?

edit on 4-4-2011 by Gazrok because: added links

Firstly, where do you think the Asian race came from? That they just materialized out of goo? Afrikans migrated out of Afrika, where I hope we can agree all people came from, and colonized Asia. That's using that point, using a different one, observe the molars of Native Americans side by side with blacks. You'll see that we have the same ridges. I'll have to find my papers for that study.

The other lie that has been extended, the Egyptians are more Middle East than Afrikan. Well, I guess you can say so NOW, but the traditional Egyptians were black Afrikans. Thousands of years before this mixed breed of Egyptian existed. This mixed breed of blacks who are more responsible for selling blacks into slavery than even pure whites. Where do you think Middle Easterners and the other molatto looking races come from? They come from when black afrikans had shipped the white people to those mountains in Europe, but the white people returned THOUSANDS of years later and the black afrikans were enthralled with white women.

There's plenty of evidence being surpressed or destroyed which show Afrika had long ago conquered this planet. If I were on my home computer I would be glad to provide links. I may take the time now and do a quick search.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by DZAG Wright

Originally posted by ButterCookie

Originally posted by DZAG Wright
reply to post by ButterCookie

I wouldn't call it 'dancing'....but you have to admit that we could do much better as a race.

For example, people got mad over what Bill Cosby stated as if he was wrong.

take me for example: I am a Beautiful Black woman who no longer wears her hair 'permed' (as I consider that 'looking European'). I wear a natural Beautiful afro and have worn it to job interviews.

I don't believe that we have to tone down our native culture or be someone that we're not, but some of us have developed a 'ghetto ' culture that we indeed should be ashamed of.

I'll admit we can get outrageous with the names...

I'm glad to hear you wear a natural beauty fro...i'm always drawn to women with natural hair.

I agree that the ghetto culture needs to be extinguished. What happened is that black people were so tired of being played as second class in society, that they then embraced the ghetto lifestyle. It's akin to a technique I use in life, I often tell people they can't embarrass me because I have no shame. I invented this technique while in school to deal with bullies and comics. People don't waste time trying to front me or harrass doesn't move a thing for me.

Well black people got tired of being shame that they live in ghetto's and projects, so they flipped the script and made living in ghetto's and projects COOL! For a while, you had EVERYONE wanting to say they grew up in the ghetto, black, brown and white.

See this is talent that black people have. We can take nothing and turn it into something. However once this happens, white people swoop down, and place their stamp upon it. Reference any cool thing in America.

Getting back to the ghetto attitude...what happened is that we took it too far. Now it is once again embarrassing and needs to be reigned in.

edit on 4-4-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:53 AM
It's a never ending cycle. Being productive in some Black communities is considered to be soft. Mix that with a atmosphere that requires them to never show emotion, or risk being killed. You have one big revolving door.

If the government had stopped pushing coc aine, who knows where they would be today. It's sad to see human beings intentionally eradicate others, because of the fear that karma will rip them a new one if they are allowed to rise up.

Oh, and yes, they are both relevant to each other.
edit on 4-4-2011 by baked because: typo

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

I agree!!!!

You hear the songs "I'm so Hood' and "Welcome to my Hood" by T-Pain? Countless of others like it but....

Yep..we tend to embrace this 'ghetto' culture and don't see what's wrong with 'Representin' my hood". I have grown up in hoods in my time, but I don't have an urge to represent it....I wanted to escape it.

Please, no one take this next comment the wrong way, as the 'N' word is not a racial slur any longer, its a classist slur - Ya know, Chris Rock was Sooooooooooo correct when he stated, "There are Black People, and there are Ni_ _ ers, and black people hate ni_ _ ers".

I LOOOOVE Black people, but I do hate ni_ _ ers
(was that PC?)
edit on 4-4-2011 by ButterCookie because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:55 AM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
reply to post by Gazrok

Thank you for your insight. Very well presented. Also did you know, historically the days of the slaves, many africans in the US don't want to acknowledge that it was their very own people, ( blacks ) who sold them out...and sold them off. The finger is constantly pointed at the evil ' white man"....not fully understanding that their own man sold them out.....sad really~

That's another distorted lie.

Firstly it were Arab's who excelled at this treachery. Arab's who are the mixed breed of Afrikans with white, but who ALWAYS sided with their white genealogy.

The AFrikan tribes who participated didn't know about chattel slavery, which is what Europeans took it too. So yes Afrika practised slavery, but it was a different type. A slave in their town, would be freed after a time and become a equal citizen.

Europeans started chattel slavery which makes a slave sub-human and never able to be freed.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:56 AM
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

As a non black who grew up in a majority black suburb, I say go for it! At this point in America, anyone who perseveres with a good work ethic, common sense and dedication to excellence has a shot at success. White or black or any other race, if you are going to go through life with a sense that the world owes you or has to bend to your wishes because you are so freaking fabulous for just being you, you will stay in whatever ghetto you find yourself in or made for yourself.

I have a now grown up young black man I used to babysit I like to present as an example. He is my childhood best friend's nephew who was living with her family. He was practically my nephew as well. We all grew up together in this rathole suburb outside of DC. Drug gangs came in and took over and did what it always seems to try to do to young black men, suck them in with the lure of fast money and instant gratification. My "nephew" got sucked into that briefly but all the women in the family fought for all they were worth to get him out of that. And he cleaned up nice, so to speak. He finished his education and dedicated himself to getting every kind of job training being offered in his field of interest, which started with the security field. He works in law enforcement now, not as one of those thug cops we all bash on this site, but as a guy trying to meet and straighten out younger versions of himself.
He doesn't act like anybody owes him anything. He thinks long term and he asks what does he owe everybody else for putting him on the straight and narrow. He gives, not takes, and yet always ends up with more at the end of the day. He also had no problem finding jobs, ever.

Contrast that with some of my white relatives. (Most of mine got a good talking to early on and are fine but we have one branch of the family that sunk to that stereotypical redneck in it's most negative connotation way of life) Some of them got it in their heads that school was for suckers. They got the idea that they can do whatever horror to their hair and get pierced anywhere and get tattooed to within an inch of their lives and get busted for drugs and vandalism and theft and DUI, and still an employer is supposed to overlook all that because they are just the greatest coolest things to grace this planet. They have kids out of wedlock with partners they can no longer trust or stand to talk to, yet come to the rest of us in the family for money constantly to cough up support or court costs so they can see their kids, which they then complain act up and are out of control. (Thus trapping yet another generation in a white ghetto life). As soon as they do get money, they spend it on crap to impress their equally loser friends. Save for hard times or for an education? Hah, that is for nerds and losers to them.

It's not a race problem anymore. Go to any dysfunctional family or community, be it white or Hispanic or black or even Asian and study the people. The ones with their hands out are the ones with the most bling. They are short sighted, narcissistic and entitled.
edit on 4-4-2011 by SheeplFlavoredAgain because: Typo

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:01 AM
I had a indepth discussion with USDA inspector. who just so happend to be Black and he stated that
everyone in his family is on government assistance except for his brother and him.
And he was really worried that his family is additicted to government hand out and one day those checks
will stop and then not only do they not have work, they want have food. and most of his family as he stated
couldn't cloth themselves well enough to get a good paying job. He stressed and sigh-ed about the delima of
him and his brother both loosing their jobs due to cut backs. He felt helpless, as I am sure there are 1000's
of simular stories of this catch 22 trap - not enough to live on - but no other choice but wait for the day of reckoning.
*I was telling him how long America has been getting all that stuff that makes America; - basically for free...
I described how these other countries would sell their gross product for US Dollar - but when those products ended up in America - we basically got it for free... instead of trading labor for labor we traded dollars for their labor - and those dollars we just printed, now the rest of the world is catching on to this scheme to defraud them. and they are saying NO Thanks to Dollars... and the Muslims have a banking system too. and I think we are doing a Hostile Take Over of there banking institutions of the Middle East and converting them to European Style banking like we have - THE DEBT TRAP SYSTEM of negative zero currency - (if you stop borrowing - cash stops being created) so, its a very fragile if not designed to fail, so stop looking at the stuff on TV and start reading the tea leaves - it would appear they are more accurate.

edit on 4-4-2011 by ISRAELdid911 because: fix my grammer and its still bad..

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by 88solarman88

They don't. Any black people I have ever known always hated the term. I've even heard, "I ain't from no Africa. I'm black" Thats our bs media trying to push politically correctness.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by baked
reply to post by 88solarman88

They don't. Any black people I have ever known always hated the term. I've even heard, "I ain't from no Africa. I'm black" Thats our bs media trying to push politically correctness.

And that's us being ashamed of our nativity

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by SheeplFlavoredAgain
reply to post by DZAG Wright

As a non black who grew up in a majority black suburb, I say go for it! At this point in America, anyone who perseveres with a good work ethic, common sense and dedication to excellence has a shot at success. White or black or any other race,

You mean to tell me that black people living in poverty are not predisposed to conditions requiring them to put in at least 5 times more effort than the average white man? Show me the statistics.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

And what would I possibly do in Africa? I'm American! And I should note that im mixed black and white whichhhhhh makes me To funny.But again, what would I do in Africa? I hear its an awsome place to visit as is every country in the world ( when not at war!) But live there, work there. I'll pass. I love America.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by ButterCookie

No, it's not. You don't see me calling myself Irish American. I was born here. I am an American, and so are you. Nothing more, as far as citizenship titles are concerned.

Nothing wrong with having pride in your community, but it shouldn't define you.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by DZAG Wright

You do know that everyone is tax payor, even the people receiving welfare? They don't buy their items tax free you know?

That is an oxymoron comment. Pull your head out for just a moment....Most welfare recipients do not pay taxes on the welfare they receive. According to the IRS tax bracket, they would only be at 15% annually, and with the food stamp right off, they end up not paying that 15%, thus suggesting a non-payment.

At no time, did I suggest they bought items of necessity tax free. That further solidifies that your argument doesn't have merit. Keep spinning them wheels, and you can put your head back in the sand...apparently thats where your getting your information.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

But they wouldn't dare do that...there world of entitlements doesn't exist in Africa! BWAHAHAHA!!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:15 AM
Here, all those poor minorities that don't have a job, and are accepting the USG ya go!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

But they wouldn't dare do that...there world of entitlements doesn't exist in Africa! BWAHAHAHA!!

LOL..Thats so racist....geez.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:19 AM

Originally posted by baked
reply to post by 88solarman88

They don't. Any black people I have ever known always hated the term. I've even heard, "I ain't from no Africa. I'm black" Thats our bs media trying to push politically correctness.

Being a black person, I dislike the African-American label.I changed quick when I realized most Africans look down upon Black Americans. That's it, I am American native and they are African natives. Majority of traditional African families will look down upon marriage with a American Black Man. So there goes that African- American crap, there is none, keep that crap some where else. I want Black on my forms!

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by 88solarman88
I blame African Americans and the government.

If African Americans hate living in USA then they should see whats jobs are available in Africa, I mean if they still class themselves as "African" that shouldnt be a problem right?

Problem is, we had settled America before europeans, so the go back to Afrika retort isn't valid. Should they yell for Europeans to go back to Europe? Heck, the Native American's may join them in that...

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