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Are you a "targeted individual" or a paranoid schizophrenic?

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posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 11:02 PM

originally posted by: Spruce
Slurp made sense until God showed up.


What we're dealing with here is the fundamental force in charge of the whole shebang.

I will explain tomorrow. I'm too damn tired right now.

Ok get some sleep friend, thanks for reply

Also I glanced through the first few lines of the patriot act and saw this

Sec. 201. Authority to intercept wire, oral, and electronic communications relating to terrorism.

You know how the government uses words differently in law terms well could they not perceive the brain as an electronic device? I say this for a reason, I do not think my thoughts are private, hopefully this does not make you lose faith in my sanity but it is what it is.


originally posted by: TruthDamnTruth
reply to post by Skyfloating

The problem with targeting individuals it's a boring job, I don't see how anybody can waste there time watching someone pick there nose and sit down eating popcorn while watching tv, I mean come on? If they do target individuals it's a waste of time and money. I am not disproving the theory, I am just saying the truth.

Funny you mention this, I cannot completely recally what was said, or what I was doing but I was having a hard time living and decided to turn to some knowledgeable youtube videos to either bore them from watching and to help myself relax and funny enough, as I was listening and hearing people speak thinking it was about me I heard them mention how boring it was, they never specifically speak to you but to themselves as a group knowing you can hear once I heard that I smiled, yea Ive gone over the idea of being crazy or antisocial leading to me needing to feel attention but I also know that worse # has happened and so here we are.
edit on 17-9-2014 by bdizzi90 because: quote

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 11:09 PM
a reply to: bdizzi90

You make sense to me. I'm a fellow traveler.

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 11:52 PM

originally posted by: Spruce
a reply to: bdizzi90

You make sense to me. I'm a fellow traveler.

Honestly I hardly travel but I had to get out of the area I was in at the time and dont see myself going back

posted on Sep, 17 2014 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: bdizzi90

originally posted by: Spruce
a reply to: bdizzi90

You make sense to me. I'm a fellow traveler.

Honestly I hardly travel but I had to get out of the area I was in at the time and dont see myself going back

What I mean by that is that I understand what you're saying and I can relate to it. I don't think you're nuts.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 12:05 AM
a reply to: Skyfloating

Great topic!

I think all possibilities mentioned are possible.

I do think that the amount of people being spied on or messed with by the government is small.

I also think many people are overreacting from too much reading on such subject. I know I've made myself slightly paranoid at times after reading about government mind control and stalking. I now know it's all in my head. I know if I read a lot on any one topic it gets in my head and will make me slightly more paranoid than usual.

Do I think the government has agencies and secret groups that make lab rats out of unsuspecting humans for their own reasons? Why yes I do but like I said I think it's a small amount.

I also think some are definitely paranoid schizophrenic and are in need of some serious mental help.

As for people seeing or hearing demonic entities and being possessed yes I think that is possible too. A while back I became obsessed with reading about demonic possession and it was so interesting. I mean the stories I read if true were so creepy and there was just no way that some could not be demonic in nature. Now whether it's demons or some other negative entity I don't know but I do strongly believe such beings exist and feed off of certain people.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 12:54 AM
Ive said to myself many times, I hope and wish im crazy because that would be better than the other.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 01:01 AM
There was a thread which has now vanished about a member here who was gong to post a video about what her friend saw at Shanksville on 9-11 .

She was a regular here and never came back , maybe it is good to be paranoid ?

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 04:33 PM

What we're dealing with here is the fundamental force in charge of the whole shebang.

My theory, after six years of the most profound illness, begins with Tesla. We all know he used the aether to transmit power and I believe it is through this same aether that we are controlled. It is an electromagnetic medium that we have yet to take advantage of in the civilian world, but has likely been used by the military for some time.

It was the government, after all, that scooped up all Tesla's papers and research after he died, and they descended upon his little hotel room in record time when they did.

Now, based on my experience, there is no free will. We are puppets in a theatre manipulated by unseen hands. We are occupied by this unseen force and the action is normally invisible to us, but sometimes the curtain is pulled back and the "master" reveals itself.

I say "itself" because I don't believe this entity is sexed. It just IS. I have not yet determined if there is more than one such entity. Currently, I suspect it is one entity playing multiple roles in this "production".

I do not class it as a God or gods because I do not believe it merits such a positive title. It is, in fact, far from benevolent, as evidenced by its failure to 1) make an appearance in defense of itself, and 2) intervene in the affairs of men to make right what is wrong.

That aside, it is a master engineer who, having constructed its universe, observes its creation from a distance while occasionally tweaking the scenario via the aether, which we still do not remotely understand.

Now, the brain is an electromagnetic device. We don't really understand it despite the fact that we've been playing with it for years. We don't even understand how "the wet stuff" can possibly translate into all the things that are a thinking human being.

May I suggest that it is a biological interface accessed via the electromagnetic aether in the same fashion that Tesla produced energy using the very same medium? May I suggest that this is why Ed Leedskalnin said that if we knew the secret to endless power that we'd destroy civilization?

Tesla nearly brought down a building in, I believe, New York with a small handheld device that operated using only the aether and whatever was in the box. He tapped into the universal computer in the early 20th century with his experiments and was poo-pooed for it.

Where is this all leading? Right back to the thing that controls us, the thing that we perceive as targeting individuals or gangstalking. Only this entity and its use of the aether all around us can explain how so many men and women are victimized at the same time. Government doesn't have that kind of manpower and neither do groups that are smaller than government.

That leaves an all-encompassing, sentient creature, not a God/gods as we know them, but a director who pulls all the strings in a vast production of its own design. It is a director that can, through the controlling interface of your brain and its aether, whisper in your ear, touch your shoulder, make you smell the burn of hell, and compel you to do its bidding.

I suggest that the actions of you and me and everyone around us are choreographed by it to its own purposes and not our own. It speaks to us through each of us, although we are not always tuned to its frequency, so we do not perceive its direction, but rather act on it as if it is our own free will.

We are in THE play of the cosmos - one director, one set, many actors, puppets of the director like arms of an endless octopus.

I have interacted with this director. It told me to keep a journal when I was sick. This directive was delivered through the person of my mother, a hostile who would never say such a thing to me of her own accord. The entity in occupation of her was so apparent I was stunned to silence.

It sometimes dons us as a meat suit to manipulate others as it manipulated me, then peels itself away like a ghost.

It is always present in synchronicity. I believe synchronicity is proof that the script is rolling out as written, a type of error correction built into the system to alert those who are "in the know" that a desired benchmark has been reached.

For me, synchronicity happens several times per day, like clockwork, as they say. To me, it is confirmation that I am precisely where I need to be, confirmation that the director is here manipulating the scene.

Shakespeare was one person "in the know". It could not have been otherwise.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players.
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts . . . "

Who else but the director could encourage so many to its own purposes?

Are there Targeted Individuals? Yes. I am one and I have seen behind the curtain, and still do. The network is vast and well-coordinated, the script written at light speed. The director? Malevolent.

I'm tired. More to follow as I'm up to it.


posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 05:18 PM
I think it's #5: other causes. Most important that the knee-jerk social accusation is one of the most stigmatized kind of mental illnesses to call someone, but it takes a licensed professional to diagnose someone.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, or PTSD, would be a better pop psych-out label for the lack of social responsibility for action. Psychological accusations are a part of the gaslighting given to whistleblowers for crime and point out criminals or criminal activity in town. PTSD and paranoia are two different things. Even if the person happens to like talking about alien stories on a woo-woo forum, and has a coincidental gangstalking problems, it's not a schizophrenic diagnosis. Even if it were a psychiatric illness that doesn't disqualify someone from having the experience of being harassed or stalked by a gang.

Another thing of the emotions behind being a targeted individual is cognitive dissonance. Why, if things are so good and normal, why are they not good or normal?

On the other hand, because of the gangstalking buzzwords for the theme, there are criminals who call their accusers gangstalkers. But no matter who is giving or taking the blame, gangstalking is a layman's term for surveillance, espionage, countersurvellance, private detective investigations from legit and illegitimate groups, real agency investigations from this country, states, counties, cities, and other countries, companies and attorneys from large companies, and harassment stalking for whatever reasons without explanation to the person who is unaware of their own personal rights and rights to privacy and property. It's a side effect of the slack of civil privacies in national security, plus a combination of actual military (Navy) or government experiments in high tech research on disabled or psychiatric patients that actually manipulates human behavior.

Take for example, when I was being gangstalked in Arizona, I was naive about what to report and I did not know the official words for how to describe the crime. It was traumatic, and still is. They were drug traffickers, human traffickers, a few were terrorists, and they were cybercriminals too, with hacking and spying, piracy and industrial theft -- organized crime in other words -- and many of them were major fugitives from justice from other areas, and the police were sympathetic on military and political affiliations. Corruption. Some of the gang stalkers were active on conspiracy websites like ATS. It appears they got military or security contract funding for the "war on conspiracy theorists" that targeted political dissidents online, even when the political dissidents just didn't like the corruption. When I complained about their harassment in public, I was chased by a stalking team around many cities and states, by known wanted fugitives from justice.

Gangstalking is a generic non-legal term. That's all.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Spruce

when did you find out?

I found out by accident

apparently I was to become their front man. they would shape my life in such a way that when I would be contacted, I would not hesitate to blindly follow their orders. if i stepped out of line they would correct it through any means possible. I was to be like Bush or any of their other puppets and nobody would ever be able to find out because they juiced up my brain to be smarter than i was supposed to be, made my bones 8x stronger, and a whole host of other things to make me the perfect candidate. They gave me training in unarmed combat, long range marksmanship, explosives handling, and anything else they thought was good enough. They did things to my brain to make me forget.
"You're just crazy and delusional, there's no way that could ever happen. You just have a mental affliction in which you unconsciously seek attention" you might say.
Then how do you explain people saying "Welcome back Mr So and So" in places where I could not have been before and my family and friends noticing immediately and saying so. As in "I think you're mistaken sir/madam, there's no way he ever came here"
I remembered being there though. It's like there are a bunch of false memories floating around inside my head. But I can sort fact from fiction, just barely though. It's destroying my mental psyche, but I'm resisting.

I know things that I shouldn't. I found out where they buried a certain agent from the OSS and how it would destroy the foundations of our society if the location was leaked. I found out a lot of things that still protect my ass today.
There won't be any overt attempts to silence me because that would only open up a whole can of worms.
They'll just put me through a rigorous TI routine until I break down and go to a crazy ward.

At a court hearing once, the judge said that he had spoken with a combat instructor with the Green Berets and that my hands were to be registered as deadly weapons. He had never seen that kind of damage inflicted with bare hands before. And he said there was no record of me ever receiving that kind of training and wanted to hold me in jail until he found out how I got that kind of information. But some behind the scenes benefactor arranged it so that I got off on a technicality.
I shouldn't have been set free. I wanted to get caught and go to jail. My mental barriers had been broken and i remembered all of the horrible things I had done.

But the powers that be, like me just the way I am. They don't know it yet but soon the ultimate weapon will be turned on its creator
Because I found God.

I had taken a buck knife to my lower abdomen and passed out from blood loss under the tree that I first met my soulmate. When I came to, I was in a field. It was a bright sunny day and the wind was perfect. And my angel that had been taken from me was there as well. A voice spoke up and it said to me "Son, I know that you're tired and that you've suffered. But your time is not yet up. You have many great deeds to perform still in this life." "But what about all of the sins I have committed?" "You were given a special purpose in life, my son. You are to be my personal hitman. There are a great many evil doers that must be eliminated. I cannot harm them for that would be unjust against the laws of the Universe. But you can. You will not go to Heaven or Hell because of this. You will instead come here in your afterlife. Just be patient"
And then my sweet beautiful angel spoke up and she said "I forgive you. Come and be with me when you're done on Earth. And kill those bitch ass punks that got me" (She was from the ghetto)
When I woke up, I wrote down the plan that had suddenly appeared in my head. And I memorized until it had imprinted on my subconscious.

That's why I know that anything they try will ultimately fail.
I'm not normal. Not in any sense that i could explain to you. Let's just say that I've lived every life that I could have ever lived. 10,000 to be precise.
And I kept the memories from each of the previous lives into the next one. I gave that up this time in order to fufill my plan. I don't know what will happen next but I know what won't.
But that gift is also a curse because I remember the bad things with the good things. I remember being an evil being. I remember seeing everyone that I loved die or get hurt.
I set up a plan to rid this world of the biggest #heads around. 196 steps in this plan. Every step so far has gone exactly as I planned it with only a few bumps in the road.
So far I'm on step 49. Laying low and under the radar, hardcore. Not doing anything illegal or trying to gain fame.
Step 50 will be to enlist in the US Marines, in order to validate where I might have received unarmed combat techniques and small arms familiarization.
Step 51 will be to stay in the Marines until step 52 takes effect.
Step 52, will be to set off the spark needed for the greatest revolution that humans have seen in over 100 years.
Step 53, grow enough pot to be able to smoke for like 3 months straight and hide in a fortified cabin with a lot of ammo food, and weapons for the inevitable # storm that will descend on my ass.
I don't tell anyone about the rest of the steps.

I know that my life will go down the drain as soon as I post this. But that's okay.
I exist to destroy evil. That's why I get up every morning and let them # on me.
What goes around, comes around in the end.

posted on Sep, 18 2014 @ 07:20 PM
a reply to: thatguyy27


I had a crash course. I was more or less possessed by this thing.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 08:40 AM
a reply to: Spruce

This is one of the best explanations I have ever read.
You are definitely "in the know".
ps: malevolent indeed, but "it" brings the best of us.
edit on 19-9-2014 by missgaia because: forgot to mention

edit on 19-9-2014 by missgaia because: misspell

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: missgaia
a reply to: Spruce

This is one of the best explanations I have ever read.
You are definitely "in the know".
ps: malevolent indeed, but "it" brings the best of us.

Everybody thinks I'm nuts. I can tell by the silence, but thank you for your comment.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Spruce

originally posted by: missgaia
a reply to: Spruce

This is one of the best explanations I have ever read.
You are definitely "in the know".
ps: malevolent indeed, but "it" brings the best of us.

Everybody thinks I'm nuts. I can tell by the silence, but thank you for your comment.

I have to re read alot of these posts, hard to go from 1 side to the other when there are so many helpful insightful posts here.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 04:28 PM
Consider this. It describes that which controls us and is an example of the confidence It has that It alone rules:

I Am All That Has Been, That Is, and That Will Be. No mortal has yet been able to life the veil that covers Me.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 07:00 PM
Hypothetically, if there are different dimensions as this cosmic game is played, how about any other being? Have they been able to?

By the way, you are probably the most sane of us all...

a reply to: Spruce

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: missgaia
Hypothetically, if there are different dimensions as this cosmic game is played, how about any other being? Have they been able to?

By the way, you are probably the most sane of us all...

a reply to: Spruce

I haven't yet figured out if there's more than one. It seems like one entity playing a multitude of parts.

posted on Sep, 19 2014 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Spruce

Faulkner made a similar point in his '29 novel Sound and the Fury.
A church seen where Dilsey stated "I've seed de first en de last, never you mind me"
Its open to interpretation apparently from Revelations.

And as for Ben's aversion to furniture, its probably not the furniture so much as the drunk women with the candles--

edit on 19-9-2014 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 06:23 AM
To be or not to be? Good or bad? Positive or negative?
After a night of sleep (and some reflection), I have to express myself, even though English is not my first language, so I hope to be clear enough.

I believe "it", as Spruce brilliantly puts, is the fairest force of all.
It does not know adjectives or substantives. It only knows verbs - action!
It works in subtle ways and corrects & neutralizes what has been done "wrong".
It is above and beyond any manipulation we - human - think we can do. Like magic. And in this case: "the messers become the messies!" Or, in Portuguese: "o feitico se vira contra o feiticeiro". One day or another; one life or in another. Therefore, "don't mess with the messer"...

If there is no free-will, there is still personal responsibility, once we become aware that this force really exists and It can manipulate us and others. So, we are able to choose how to live -- even when the world (or other people) says no no, you say yes yes, patiently and humbly -- and "It" will recognize our stubbornness as a sign of Its own strength - of course, if one is doing the "right" move. Yes, we know right from wrong, but we never know "Its" perspective. What it might be good for me, it might be bad for you, and vice vers, which always provokes our half truths... The ego is a great teacher for that.

Bottom line, in my opinion (not that it matters for anyone), is that if we are evolving our own "spirit" (which means, in Latin, breath), for example, being true to ourselves, having integrity and acknowledging the greater cosmos (and our sizes in comparison) the further we go from how we normally breathe, metaphorically speaking, as it can change our core beliefs (energizing our inner organs) and all our surroundings tend to adapt to this change of paradigm, creating a spiral of energy, or a "movement" (which means, in Latin, life) in every cell of our body, that will evolve and inspire "It" to live. Through us.
So, in this way, we bring "It" to the light, we birth "It", which in my language, "It" can be called the Spirit of the Universe.

I try to see this as a practical theory, but sometimes I forget it and have to start studying all over again.
So this is my own reminder.

Again, Spruce, thank you for your words.
They inspired me...

edit on 20-9-2014 by missgaia because: grammar

edit on 20-9-2014 by missgaia because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2014 @ 08:31 AM
I have found myself being watched recently. not sure how long. I am putting all the evidence together and believe this could have been going on for years simply because of my different lifestyle. Recently however I have been able to confirm I was being watched and apparently have upset some of the watchers because I threw a wrench in their entrapment game.(A friends was being set up by an undercover DEA agent, he was using her because she has contacts that they want and could not believe that someone she was having an affair was just using her as part of the DEA's game). Not cool!

It sucks, and ATS is one of the few places I can express my discontent for the actions of big brother. The amount of information I have uncovered the past week or so is alarming. I may have even uncovered a 'safe condo' for deep undercover DEA agents.

Their tactics are disgusting and so far I've made a few insurance files in case things get ugly.

If the average citizen knew their tactics, I think there would be a huge call for that agency to be dismantled.

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