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The Forgotten Victims to a Genuine Conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 10:49 PM
I just finished searching for the validity of a "Heart Attack Gun", and it is a bit murky. Nearly all articles are copy and paste of each other, on the different web sites where it is talked about.

But I found that the idea for the heart attack gun comes from a Warner Brothers, in fact done by Turner Home Entertainment, in 1998, documentary called Secrets of the CIA. I wonder what the WB had against the CIA, then?... The hearing is from 1975, I think...

Here is a link to the minute where the "heart attack gun" is discussed about.

But it is inconclusive as to say that it was a "Heart Attack Gun". The blond woman that you will see in the clip says she was asked to find an untraceable poison, preferably one that could induce a heart attack, and there are excerpts from a congressional hearing, but all that is heard is that yes, the gun's special ammunition has the potentiality to enter the target without perception, and towards the end of the clip, they say that the toxin would not be traceable in an autopsy...

At no moment do we hear it being said ( heart attack gun ) during the congressional hearing. ( At least, not in the part we are shown. ) It is hinted by the editing done by THE, so it has to be considered inconclusive, but highly probable.

The woman is named Mary Embree and was supposedly a CIA agent who had as assignments; audio surveillance division, research (bombing, torture, poison), with the latest a confirmation of the possibility she found/developed a "Heart Attack Poison".

Here is a link to the whole documentary;

It is 45 minutes long.

So no real confirmation of the gun as a heart attack inducer. It could at the very least have been used to fire any kind of poison/toxin, given that the admission during the hearing was only about its potentiality, not confirmed functionality...

But, we know they could inject poisons/toxins untraceable, which could account for various "natural deaths", and Mary Embree "confirms" that there is a poison that can induce heart attack. The mode of transmission is "irrelevant" at this point since it shows the feasibility of the thing.

Phew! Back to reading the OP!

edit on 1-4-2011 by NowanKenubi because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-4-2011 by NowanKenubi because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Rising Against

Awesome work, star and flag. No doubt LBJ was responsible


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:11 AM
Amazing thread, long and WORTHY read!!!

If someone believes the magic bullet theory and the Warren commission report after this... either its insane or a fool.

Contrats, a star for you (second I give in 2 years).

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:19 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

No No No!

A "lone nut" got past the police,the FBI,the CIA and the secret service and got a job that just so happen to be at the exact same spot JFK was...duh!

Seriously though,how the hell could one guy do all that?How did he know the parade route was going to change?

And what about George Bush's role in all this?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:28 AM
Here we go again....

Did the assassins that assassinated the witnesses get killed too or do they escape death as a bonus?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:32 AM
What a RIVETING and incredible thread, RA- WOW! Yes, Please on the book. I haven't been to the links yet, but what you've put together here is amazing.

An impulse thought re the orthopedic surgeon who was murdered: For some reason- well because of the details of her murder, really, I believe it was personal toward her and possibly the research she was working on. The murdered had been maimed or was dying. Or maybe someone close to them. Maybe that will change after reading the links, but it was too brutal and appears frenzied; not a professional "hit".

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:22 AM
Epic Thread Indeed!

Something is telling me to add a few pieces of the Really big picture puzzle here now please.

For all of this to make sense, all one need to consider is the info presented in the following videos, please:

UNITED STATES is a Corporation - There are Two Constitutions - Sovereignty

30 Little Known Facts about America

The U.S. Constitution Does Not Apply to You

The concept probably has its own thread and if not it deserves one yet since even the most astute can be fooled into supporting the status quo, it would not suprise me if the subject matter has not already been THOROUGHLY DEBUNKED....... move along nothing to see here.....

It all makes perfect sense, to me anyways.

The US is a foreign owned Corporation and thus ALL of these alphabet agencies are wholly owned and controlled by the corporation, the citizens are enemies of the state, we are "owned" via birth STOCK certificates and ficticious strawmen, our strawmen pay taxes to Rome and Britian and to Foreign international banksters et al.

I am absolutely positive that there are a multitude of websites and other information growing exponentially that one can find via wiki, google, Mainstream media etc etc that "Debunks" everything mentioned in the above videos to a level that will satisfy those of average intelligence, so, if you are now having a Panic Attack and need an easy out then please by all means go now and reaffirm your disbelief by worshipping at the altar of warm and fuzzy information...

When one honestly considers the information presented in the above videos the many bits presented in this thread by the honorable OP fall into place like corner and edge pieces to a childs puzzle.

Lastly, I am new here yet with over 10000 posts on other forums. I have read my share of well constructed posts I must say again, Epic Epic MFing Epic Thread!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by Rising Against

You've done a fantastic job of collecting information on the suspiciously convenient deaths of people who became high-profile in connection with investigation into the assassination of John Kennedy, which was IMO a successfully orchestrated coup d' état, accomplished largely by a small group of highly-placed men both inside & outside of our own government at that time.
I've been interested in the conspiracy theory (theories, really) related to this tragedy, ever since strange information that contradicted the Warren Commission viewpoint finally began to reach the general public some time after the event.

I looked through your links to info on LBJ's possible connection with the assassination, & didn't notice any to the excellent, detailed look at Johnson on the Viewzone site. I'm including the link here because if you haven't seen it, I think you may find it fascinating. My apologies if you linked to it, & I missed it.

Also, in relation to the "fast cancer" deaths of several key figures just when the investigative spotlight was turned their way (Clay Shaw, Jack Ruby, etc): I remember watching the final 2 additions to The Men Who Killed Kennedy, & was struck by one part of the episode about Lee Harvey Oswald's alleged lover, Judyth Vary Baker, when she described lab work she did as part of a CIA-funded effort to develop a bio-weapon to use against Fidel Castro.

Here's a quote from a page on JFKmurdersolved.Com devoted to Ms Baker's assertions:

In 1963, Judyth was invited to New Orleans by famous surgeon Dr. Alton Ochnser to serve her country by taking part in another special cancer research project. Judyth soon learned that this was a top secret project to develop a bioweapon in order to terminate the Cuban leader Fidel Castro with a cancer-causing virus.

In the documentary episode I watched, she seemed to be saying that there were, at the very least, viable specimens developed at the time she was working in their lab. Given the fact that the public is aware of many technological breakthroughs only long after they occur, & the fact that this was a secret weapon project, I don't think it's too big a stretch of the imagination to think that at least some of the "fast cancers" could indeed have been induced as a means to silence the victims.

If you accept the assassination as conspiracy, it follows that some of these people may have played a part in bringing about the assassination; it's easy to decide that they played with fire, & got burned for their efforts, which is only what they had coming to them.
Many of these people, however, came forward with what information they had, either because they sincerely thought they could help justice be done, or because their consciences bothered them enough to make them not want to be part of a cover-up, even passively. Their decency was what caused them to be murdered, if that is indeed what happened.

I don't think anyone can fail to get a chill of dread from seriously considering that this could have actually happened to people who thought they were doing the right thing. I think that for me, these deaths, if they are truly the murders they appear to be, are as much of an outrage as the public execution of John Kennedy.
I believe JFK was killed in the way he was, not only to get him out of the way, but to set an example for those who would follow him into office, of what fate awaits those who would buck the system.The message? "You can be out there in front of the world, & we'll get you anyway; make enough trouble, and you can't escape what will happen to you". Looking at the way things have been since then gives one the feeling that the point was well taken, doesn't it?

edit on 4/2/11 by BuzzCory because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:38 AM
Wow, what a thread! THANKS!!!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:55 AM
Jesus Christ, I have to post in this thread just so I can keep track of it on MyATS.

S&F obviously. The amount of information in this thread is boggling. It must have taken you a good chunk of time, and I appreciate all your effort. I'll be reading through this more later, for now I have to hit the bed.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:22 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against

The Forgotten Victims to a Genuine Conspiracy...


Hi Rising Against, it’s very obvious to me that you did put really a lot of work in this marvelous thread my friend as I did see in part one; you clearly have studied this case very well and done some digging there.

To be honest with you, I do not really know what to do with all this in fact tragic information besides remember again that so shocking day in 1963.
I was 17 years old then and I still remember some of the horrible images shown on TV back then in Holland, it was really a big shock for us all here.

Later on, seeing the information that comes out due all kind of investigations done by people who did not buy the official story, I become convinced that President John F. Kennedy was not killed, could not have been killed by Lee Harvey Oswald, but by a very powerful group of people.

Originally posted by Rising Against
After all. IMO, they all seemingly have been forgotten or not really given much thought over the years and forgetting what they died for really isn't something that should be overlooked.

You are so right here, and it is really a tragedy to see that in cases like this there are always innocent people who become involved in crimes like this and getting killed for the only reason as that they were on the scene and saw too much or heard too much.
They all seemingly have indeed been forgotten by the mass, but as it shows not by you and I am shore not by their love ones, family and friends.

Originally posted by Rising Against
Whether each and every death discussed and added to the overall list of is a conspiracy though

That is the big problem as usual in cases like this, because it is impossible to ever find that out.
I to have no doubt that many were “simply” killed for what they knew or have seen during the killing, because that is quite obvious in certain cases, but how do you ever prove that when the people who have done it are Above the Law.

Originally posted by Rising Against
but I think It's at least important to highlight them all and remember who they were and to find out for ourselves what each and every single one of them really did die for.

That is very important, and you have my respect for doing that.

In one of his films said Steven Seagal the following, and how right he is.

Gentlemen, whenever you have a group of individuals... ... who are beyond any investigation... ... who can manipulate the press, judges, members of our Congress... ... you'll have within our government


edit on 2/4/11 by spacevisitor because: Made some corrections and did some adding

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:22 AM
reply to post by sith9157

Thanks for your kind words and agreed, hopefully, one day the truth about what happened here and whom really caused it really can come out.... Whether it will is another matter of course, but we can certainly hope.

Maybe they'll respond to the FOIA requests I sent off a last week, who knows.

edit on 2-4-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:30 AM

Originally posted by dalemcfad
Phew! Still reading but wanted to comment and say thank you and great thread! I actually read a book called "The Day Kennedy Was Shot" (cant remember author) when I was just 15 or 16 (many moons ago) and have been fascinated by the whole thing ever since. I must admit I am quite lazy when it comes to research and my interest in things seems to come and go. Your thread has renewed my interest in the Kennedy assassination so again, thank you.

Thanks for your comments and I could be wrong here, but I believe the author was Jim Bishop.

And that's great! I'm glad you have found interest in this case again, I hope you continue It as well as do some more research into the entire case as well. Particularly on the witnesses involved (as It's just fascinating).

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by Plugged
reply to post by Rising Against

This is incredible sir. Threads like this are what make ATS the most legitimate site for conspiracies. Keep up the GREAT work.

Thanks for the kind words.

It's a fascinating conspiracy though, one which is, IMO, much bigger than the conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy himself.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Illustronic
Is this a public dissertation you are trying to get input into?

Go getum tiger!

Just came across, then found a conspiracy quite interesting is all.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by lonegurkha
I am in absolute awe of you sir.This is the most detailed thread I have ever seen.I remember the Kennedy assination.I was in fourth grade.I haven't finished reading it but I wanted to congratulate you on a spectacular job.I wish I could give you multiple flags and stars.

Unfortunately I wasn't even around on the day of the assassination. If I was, I'm sure I'd be able to remember where I was also - It seems like most people do.

Out of curiosity though, what were your first thoughts when you heard about it? I assume a conspiracy at the time wasn't all too obvious.

Thanks for your post.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Rising Against

Originally posted by lonegurkha
I am in absolute awe of you sir.This is the most detailed thread I have ever seen.I remember the Kennedy assination.I was in fourth grade.I haven't finished reading it but I wanted to congratulate you on a spectacular job.I wish I could give you multiple flags and stars.

Unfortunately I wasn't even around on the day of the assassination. If I was, I'm sure I'd be able to remember where I was also - It seems like most people do.

Out of curiosity though, what were your first thoughts when you heard about it? I assume a conspiracy at the time wasn't all too obvious.

Thanks for your post.

The strange thing is that I really didn't understand what an assination was. All I knew at the time was some one had shot the president. At that time I didn't know what a conspiracy was.Wish I would have I would have paid more attention.

At that time there was a great deal of turmoil in my life and that was just one more thing adding to it. I remember all the adults freaking out. I couldn't quite figure out exactly why they were going wacko. Then my Grandfather explained it to me and I got it. I can remember oswald getting shot and seeing it on tv.Back then you didn't see stuff like that on the tube. Jeez back then you didn't see tampon commercials, that was verboten. Things were very different back then. I'd like to call it a more innocent time, But that's not quite it. Perhaps I could call it a more ignorant time. Back then a site like ATS would have bombed, people just didn't believe that their government would turn on them

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:51 AM
Don't forget Marilyn Monroe

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by amp1214
Don't forget Marilyn Monroe

I didn't, here's a quote from my OP on Marilyn Monroe:

Marilyn Monroe - Discussed in some detail in this thread here authored by ATS member, TheMythLives.

That thread was so in-depth, I felt it said everything I wanted to say but was much better than I could ever attempt.

edit on 2-4-2011 by Rising Against because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Jesus Christ, I have to post in this thread just so I can keep track of it on MyATS.

S&F obviously. The amount of information in this thread is boggling. It must have taken you a good chunk of time, and I appreciate all your effort. I'll be reading through this more later, for now I have to hit the bed.

I know RA very well, we chat quite often, sometimes we can spend hours on the phone, and I can say with all honesty, that RA is so committed and dedicated to uncovering the truth and exposing the lies.
He devotes hours, days and weeks to extensive research, and every thread that he presents is meticulous in both presentation and factual content.

He has patience and determination that I could only dream of having, and he is such a HUGE credit to this site, and for his age, he is light years ahead of his time !!!

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