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LHC and time travel is real?!

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:09 PM
First, I had no idea where to put this thread but here seems absolutely acceptable to me. Second, this topic has probably already been addressed but I could not find it. I would appreciate the link to it much, as I prefer to read threads rather than start one. Too many hateful people out here on the Internet who try to shovel opinions as fact which leads to arguing rather than achieving common understanding of each other's points.

I for one remember clearly on the news a 2-3 days ago about a LHC scientist claiming that time travel just might be possible from what has been discovered thus far. He says if it proves to be possible it will only be possible to send back messsages, not human beings like in stories and movies. It was either local news or something like nightline. I didn't even bother to try and remember as I wasn't the one watching, I was reading a magazine about the upcoming baseball season. I didn't bother to pay attention as I figured these boards to be lit up about it considering the whole Titor thing (which I read and enjoyed). I did however find one link to a real news site (no crazy conspirator site full to the brim of fake stories among a few real ones).

I also found this while searching ATS to see if this topic was already posted, this is what I found-

Is the seemingly destruction of the space program all related to a new discovery at the LHC that was probably discovered a long time ago, like when it first began? I kind of scared in an awe, not fear. Is this for real? Are these those times of great awe?

P.S.- No pun on the "...these those times..." play on words, it is just that this has seemingly been predicted. Am I so wrong to assume this? I'm not sure myself... that's why I need this discussed by the higher intelligent people on here or post to me a link to a thread of it already being discussed. Thanks!
edit on 3/30/2011 by pa.Frost because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Ive always been a believer of time travel...just not sure what means but i have a great feeling its possible. Just for research purposes you should look up Steven Gibbs the inventor of the HDR Time Travel Device. You can even call him and talk to him about the device and his experiences. Believe me its well worth it and very entertaining.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:24 PM
While it is an exciting possibility, what you propose is a very, very distant possibility. So far away that it might not even be rightly termed a "possibility."

This kind of speculation serves to undercut what is very genuinely an exciting discovery. We're all gonna be disappointed that there's no time travelling folk, when in fact we have now found the theoretical groundwork to send messages through time. And that's amazing.

Think of hte other applications! Perhaps we could use it to generate real-time conversation with people lightyears away -- that's one of the big obstacles to Star Trek Style space-faring, how do you send messages in a timely manner? Maybe by causing them to loop backwards in time as they travel forward?

If we can send messages back in time, we'll possibly be able to answer questions about the nature of time. It will break down all sorts of metaphysical barriers to our understanding of the future and the past. Is the past set in stone, or is it just as malleable in the present? Or, more frightening, is the present just as set in stone as the past?

Of course, meddling with those tests has the risk of being catastrophic -- but isn't it cool anyway?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:25 PM
From my understanding if a working time machine is ever made then people, things and messages will only be able to travel back to the time the machine was first turned on.

Here is an interesting video that explains this and shows how people are currently working on a time machine using lasers that can reach extremely hot temperatures that produces a cylinder of light with enough power to twist space.

info starts at about 2 min into the video.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by MonkeyWrench30

Yeah, I am in awe man. I hate to bring up Titor, but what has me always intrigued about whoever posted that stuff is that he always said things aren't exactly the same. That is either clever to say with such a subject to keep belief or it is just true. These fights (civil "wars"/unrest) in the Mid East has me concerned that he was right. Were we told what is next? Even if it isn't exact? Maybe the two "dimensions" were ultra close as he said but he used his words and predictions in a subtle way, i.e., not being blunt about this current state of the world while still leaving clues for those who know how to read between the lines?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Solasis

Yes. You are with me on that. It is scary but cool.
I just don't have beliefs about this, just as you don't seem to as well. I am just along for the ride for a little while. I always had one lingering question since I was a child- how did we go from gunpowder and ships that rode on sails to where we are now is less than 500 years? That was as a child, before the LHC and portable phones that rival supercomputer of old. Have you ever seen a picture of the LHC? How?!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 02:50 PM
reply to post by TV_Nation

Well if that's true the second our scientists either accidentally or purposefully "turn on" the first time machine wouldn't an army of robots from a million years in the future immediately portal in and take over the world?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:15 PM
reply to post by pa.Frost

How'd we do it?

Allow me to put my pointy red shades on...

Because we kicked logic to the curb and made the impossible possible! That's the Team Human way! We set ourselves to a task and completed it. We engaged our fighting spirit and accelerated without fear! JUST WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!

(I actually do truly believe that Gurren Lagann is on to something as regards the human spirit. I keep meaning to write a comprehensive mini-essay about it and post it here.)

But, yeah. We're awesome, really, is what I mean.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:45 PM
reply to post by Solasis

You seem like a nice person so I will reply. It is probably not counter-repliable (I made that word up, but you know what I mean) because both of our stances have been laid out, it is just that I want to add to my previous post with this one.

I do believe we are awesome and smart enough to be capable of the technology we have harnessed- just not in such a short time frame. When I said 500 years, that is probably rounded up a decent deal because I do not know when the first electric device or even fossil fueled engine was created. I would like one of the two considered a starting point, as long as it was a recognizable achievement. The average life of a human(western) back then was what? I don't know. Let's say it was 50. That would mean, according to my 500 year space between then and now, the great intelligences of the world had only 10 or less times of cooperation to go from wooden ship to LHC. Wow.

There are people in tribes barely touched (I suspect there are some still untouched) by the industrialized world still making spears.


Like I said, I don't have beliefs, I am along for the ride but I think I lean toward uncertainty that we did this that darn fast. Then again, I guess it is possible. I don't know what it is like to have a high I.Q. so I can't say for sure at all.
edit on 3/30/2011 by pa.Frost because: addition

edit on 3/30/2011 by pa.Frost because: (western)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:13 PM
I have always believed that the Everett-Wheeler-Graham theory is correct. I also believe that it is theoretically possible for us to travel to other world-lines: aka "timetravel".

All possible quantum states, events, possibilities and outcomes are real, eventual and occurring. The chances of everything happening someplace at sometime in the superverse is 100%.

Interesting subject, thanks OP.
edit on 30-3-2011 by METACOMET because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Solasis

I might I have to watch it. I didn't realize your link was a show, I thought it was a link to an author or something. I make another post because (please do not call me schizophrenic) I also believe I have seen the future unfold from something as corny as Star Trek. Cell phones? (Originial Star Trek), large flat screen TVs (Originial Star Trek), bluetooth (ST: TNG [communicator]), laptops (ST: TNG; several episodes), touchscreen tablets (ST: TNG; several episodes), video chat and portable video chat akin to cellphones (Original ST, ST: TNG, all movies), stories about WWIII that were nuclear and led to factions (Star Trek: First Contact), Q: the always superior being telling the characters how their species is evil for their past abominations of going to war for resources (ST: TNG; several episodes), plots to destroy Earth (Original ST, ST: TNG, and some movies from both), and time travel (Original ST, ST: TNG, and some movies from both).

Also, both series are military minded. Basically the all Star Trek is is the Navy in outer space. Keep in mind that it is a very intelligent show that has some episodes that are very watch worthy even for people with "nerd" phobia. I was one of them. I had to watch an episode back in the early 90's because it was raining outside and the people's whose house my Ma was visiting didn't have video games or anything fun to do. So I just sat there and watched it. It was my favorite thing to do until the program ended after several season, and I am one who rarely watch TV. When I do, up to this day, I check to see if ST (any except Original series[movies are sweet though]) is on first. Lots of prophetic stuff if you can watch for it, whether it is a coincidence or not, it is there. Wormholes and all that.

I am just in awe of coincidences, because sometimes they are so alike that it can distort the state of reality and everything that you knew if you are not in denial...
edit on 3/30/2011 by pa.Frost because: multiple

edit on 3/30/2011 by pa.Frost because: video chat

edit on 3/30/2011 by pa.Frost because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by METACOMET

Not a problem. I just wish this was more talked about.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:26 PM
I once sat in a small house in Devon and was etranced for an hour or so as the most unreal narrative was laid out for a whole host of 'out there' subjects.

One stuck in my mind, and this was that when CERN was turned on, science would discover a particle that would be beyond anything we ever dreamt of. Its eventual use would be time travel and inter galactic travel / communications.

The speaker called it 'The Dolphin particle' as it lept in and out of the waves as it travelled through both space and time. Reading this now has me absolutely stumped. Lucky guess or?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:29 PM
If this is true, is it possible "we" have already received messages from our future selves?

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:36 PM
reply to post by Astr0

I hope you were not referring to psycadelics. That talk is not tolerated here.
Even if you were, I must let you know that yes, time will stop on them. I have researched them as much as any other subject. Time is a perception and the element you injest, not matter what psy it was, resembles certain chemicals in you brain so you basically become the psy because it is structurally different than the one it replaced. Anyways, this is a topic about possible time travel.

I am glad you had "fun" buddy, but I think this is for real sometimes... and that is scary.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

Maybe the messages create the problem?
Worse, maybe creating the problem is the solution?!

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

The movie Déjà Vu comes to mind and so does another but I forget it's name. I think it was Paycheck.
Anywho, I am starting to think something is arising.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:48 PM
No Pa!

No drugs at all involved. Simply two guys came in, and for an hour and a bit gave the most out there presentation I ever heard. seriously I had to do a double take when I saw an hour had gone past; it seemed like mere minutes.

Time travel, black triangles, aliens, the moon being artificial - they laid it bare. My girlfriend at the time was into that type of stuff and as an ardent non-believer I went along because i didn't want her going alone.

The more time passes the more they seem to have been right; I just wish I could remember their names.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 04:53 PM
S&F for you

I have had the same idea for a long time now. The space program is no longer necessary precisely because they can travel in a different way ..I have also believed that LHC was built with one purpose only ..TIME TRAVEL I hope that I will be alive when this will be revealed.

Great Post

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by Astr0

I apologize, it is just that you used the word "entranced." Please accept my apology. No matter what, I believe somewhat that these times are times of amazement.

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