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Seeing Bigfoot was a Life Changing Experience

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posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:24 AM
When you see something that doesnt exist. A myth a fairytale..... then it becomes reality... A few things change in life. It has opened my eyes and made me truly learn that just because YOU cant see something... doesnt neccissarily mean that it doesnt exist. I'm glad that my eyes have been opened and I see first hand that there's more to life than what it seems.

Already went out this season back to the fields at night to see if they are still there. We found them, at least 3 about 20ft from us too. I'm confident that no matter what night we go out, we can find them... It's really not that hard, you just need the guts to go out into the woods late at night.
Finally got an investigator from the to come out and visit us. He stayed for a few hours, we had a good time. He said that there are alot of posts that dont even get put up... usually the sound only encounters get left behind. I asked if he's ever seen one and why he became a BFRO investigator, and he said that this one time, a few years back in the woods he saw something... he said it could have been a bear.... but there was just something very odd about it that he couldnt understand. So he still looks for it today... just to prove to himself what it was. He wants to see one for himself.

Which is where I kind of am right now. These things are amazingly illusive. I've caught glimpses but have never gotten a good look. The reason I keep looking and studying is because I too, want to see one to prove it to myself... just for that closure. I've been close to them, but at night... not willing to flash the spotlight on them because that would only scare them away.... Maybe if we interact with them enough, they will get used to us... and soon... We will need no light.

Until then..... I'll keep dreaming

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:35 AM
Have you ever considered using a Thermal camera? If you spend a good amount of time looking for them it could help a great deal. They are expensive but I think bigfoot would give off huge thermal signature and the night or bushes and leaves would be no cover for it. I have never seen anyone really use one when hunting bigfoot. I think they could be the best tool for finding a bigfoot.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Have you ever considered using a Thermal camera?

Yes, actually I have... but I really dont have the money to spend... I've talked tot he bfro about them actually... they said that if we have enough evidence we can get them to fund for utilites and equipment... believe me, that will be on the top of the list!

I've talked to the local fire department because they have similar thermal devices to find where potential fires before they start, they said that it really doesnt have definition to where you would be able to see shapes... but I would still like to use it and check it out. But I believe the one we would need would be quite pricey... But i'll check it out. thanks!

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 10:56 AM
Heres a site that specialize in affordable next generation infra-red cameras

sierra pacific

Most of these products protected by United States Federal Regulations & are NOT available for exportation!. You know there good if they say that

I would suggest a model that produces a image like that the military uses these types seem to be great for picking out shapes. But these things are indeed expensive If you could get funding I think that this would be a good us of money. I hope you get funded and good luck hunting

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 11:51 AM
I read your post and find it lacking in detail. Your topic leads one to believe that you have actually seen a BF. Then when you read your post, you claim to only be in close proximity to several BFs. You go even further with your limited information to have a BFRO investigator come to sighting location.
Don't misunderstand my questions, I to believe in BF. Would it be possible for your to provide a more comprehensive description was what is actually occuring.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 11:57 AM
What location have you experienced this BF run-in? NJ?

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:03 PM
I just checked out the originator of this post topic and something does not check out. On 27-12-2003 he posted a post entitled "Almost Attacked by Bigfoot". The event took place somewhere in New Jersey and he claims he and his friend where attacked by a female BF. This confrontation was caused by his lack of knowledge of primate and human behavior.
I challenge this poster to come forward and explain himself.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 12:20 PM
Original report on BFRO

Attacked Thread

I think what bothers me is that in every post I have read, there is "noise", "screaming", etc...but never a sighting. Is it possible that it is coyotes, wolves, anything else? Why would Bigfoot hang out in a NJ neighborhood and then be there night after night after night?

Now don't get me as a skeptic. I don't have proof, no photos, footprints, recordings, nothing...yet I have seen one 22 years ago in Manning Park, British Columbia. Later I did some research and found it is the highest sighting place of Bigfoot in the world.

But, in this have never seen it and claim to have "proof" of print photos, etc. I have yet to see those photos and would like to.

posted on Jul, 23 2004 @ 05:46 PM
To answer everyones questions, which are basically the same... I have photos, I know they are not coyotes because when we went back the day after to fint prints, we found actual big footprints. I've been following them for a while... just so I dont have to explain myself all over again in this post, please look up all my other posts on bigfoot... and my encounters, I'm pretty sure that in my almost attacked by bigfoot thread I provide a link for some pictures of the footprints that we've found.... along with my password and username so you can view them.

As for seeing them, all of our encounters have been at night. We have set up an infa red motion 35mm camera on several separate occasions but all we got were deer. Its not the fact that they are just running around in a nj neighborhood, the fact is that its a heavily wooded area surrounded by two really big resivours. Hunterdon county to be exact. Anyone that is familiar with this area will know what i'm talking about. If you have a good amount of woods in your area along with a good deer population, then I can almost guarantee you have bigfoot. end of story.

I know enough now about them on when and where to find them and how to diferentiate wether its bigfoot or another animal. they make distinct calls that no other animal around makes. I have audio of calls that WE recorded and some great footprint pictures but I dont have the space to host them.

and the two reasons why I havent just shined the light on them to see them once and for all are A. i dont want to scare them away, and B. I dont want to scare the # out of myself. period.

go to now if this thing is 15ft away from you.... would you want to see it or risk it charging you?

also Zedd... there has been sightings... just not by me, my friend was right infront of me and he saw the silouette, my brother and other friend have also seen it jump an 6ft fence like it was nothing I was with them just not looking in the direction they were either. I can assure you they are real.

posted on Jul, 29 2004 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander

Now don't get me as a skeptic. I don't have proof, no photos, footprints, recordings, nothing...yet I have seen one 22 years ago in Manning Park, British Columbia. Later I did some research and found it is the highest sighting place of Bigfoot in the world.

But, in this have never seen it and claim to have "proof" of print photos, etc. I have yet to see those photos and would like to.Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander

I would be glad to show you the photos if you come back...

here's my account so everyone can view
name: nick0000

[edit on 29-7-2004 by porschedrifter]

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 01:47 PM
Interesting. On the first couple of photos one at least looks like a possible bear print. Any bears in that neck of the woods?

The other doesn't look a bear print at all. How big is the track?

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
Why would Bigfoot hang out in a NJ neighborhood and then be there night after night after night?

Because I throw some killer parties!

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 02:20 PM
I have to put my two cents in on this one

Being from the Northern NJ area my entire life and growing up on 10 acres of land that backs to watershed property and Norvin Green State Forest. I can honestly say my teen years where spent at "Woods Parties". Now lets call Bigfoot by his real name "Sasquatch"forgive my spelling. Anyways I have hiked the woods from Norvin Green State Forest to the Wanaque Resivoir and have ridden all the trails from Echo Lake Rd to the so called mysterious "Clinton RD" in West Milford and beyond as far up as Vernon where I reside now. Here is the deal, Sasquatch" IN NJ anyway" is nothing more than a abused brown bear that was released into the wild along with Arangatanges, monkies and a few Baboons that The Warner Brothers company "AKA the old Jungle Habitat in West Milford NJ" released into the wild when the safari park closed back in the 70's. Most of thier animals where destroyed and some where just let loose into the woods. After all these years no one has ever found these animals carcuses and it is to be believed that these scared beaten animals have been living in the dark amongst all the other animals for several years now. If you were beaten, starved by man would you show yourself during the day or would you only appear at night when most threat of man is not visible. What would happen as well if an Arangatang and a bear co existed and mated hmmmm

New Jersey's Bigfoot ...... not likely but possible

Good luck hunting the woods of NJ Oh yeah watch out for black bears they like to climb trees to eat

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Because I throw some killer parties!

I bet!

As for the photos, I logged in but sadly...
"Total ImageStation Space Used: 0kb (0 images)"

posted on Jul, 30 2004 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by ZeddicusZulZorander
...yet I have seen one 22 years ago in Manning Park, British Columbia. Later I did some research and found it is the highest sighting place of Bigfoot in the world.

Hello Zed

Can you please send me (u2u) some information about this siteing. Anything will do a link or just your story so I dont ruin this thread.

Iam really interseted about this because I camp around Lightning Lakes (Manning Park) every year. I have also hiked those trails extensively (along with my friends trapping trials). A friend of mine has a fishing/trapping cabin about 5km from the Manning Park sign going towards Princeton in the woods. He has told me storys of loud noises and such that he could not identify the animal... Id just like to hear your story for camp fire chat. Honestly, this fellow might even have herd of your story since hes was a high ranking forestry empoyee till a couple years ago(retired).

Thank you.

[edit on 7/30/04 by HumptyDumpty]

posted on Jul, 31 2004 @ 09:27 AM
My father along with a bfro investigator, who is also a cop in sussix and three other guys are camping out in the fields for a few nights... I'll post back what they find. I'm at work now so I couldnt go but tonight i think i'm going to join them.
I can assure you that the "nj bigfoot" is not a bear or a mixed gurilla/bear. I too went to old clinton road, that was fun we went at night.... my cousin lives right down the road from it and I've been to jungle habitat when I was real young, I barely even remember it. But neverthless, I've heard that there are some odd animals in those woods, most of the animals were left to die sick in there cages..... has some good fables about that road and jungle habitat alike...

Those prints in the mud, the one that looks like a bear print, i'm pretty sure they were toes, it sunk low into the mud with force so it smeared the toes making them look elongated... if that makes sense at all. the other prints were no bigger than a size 8-9 shoe, I'm sure thats the baby... about 1/2 mile from that mud we found 17 inch, yes 17 inch long foot prints... a trail that leaded on for a little while and then dissapeared.
and I'm not exaggerating. Sadly the images were on a drive that crashed about a year ago and we lost everything, but the bfro head honcho, a guy that goes by the name matt moneymaker has them.... he better give them back! lol

posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 07:21 AM
If in the last photo of the footprints, the Bigfoot footprint is beside a "normal" footprint, the I think this is not a Bigfoot but a Mediumfoot

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 12:41 AM

Originally posted by porschedrifter
I've been close to them, but at night... not willing to flash the spotlight on them because that would only scare them away.... Maybe if we interact with them enough, they will get used to us... and soon... We will need no light.

I have one solution to this problem...Shoot them! All you need is one and only one of them. That way we can analyze its DNA, and study it. If we have one, that would be enough to confirm the existence and get a massive highly funded search team out there. Then they definitely would be "not hard to find."

In fact, my friend is related to this one guy whos a millionaire basically. He use to start out as a country boy, and so he knows a little about hunting and so forth. Hes no one famous, but he was getting ready to dedicate himself to finding this creature.

He wanted to put 3 million in the project where he would assemble a pact of 30 to 40 hunters and pay them for guns supplies and food to hunt this thing down. Best part is that he would also pay them a salary. So any region of the forest where hunting is not prohibited, big foot would have a death threat or even better, it could be captured.

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:25 AM
to anyone who says shoot them. you need to be shot and are unitelligent

posted on Aug, 3 2004 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by panchovilla
to anyone who says shoot them. you need to be shot and are unitelligent

I think if you shoot one it could help save the rest. If one was shot it would prove they are real it would become a endangered species, thus it would be protected by US law they would have to set land aside for them.

People are not going to believe in them unless someone produces a body. No matter how many pictures are taken or people claim to have seen it. It would be nice to find a one that is already dead but I doubt that would happen.

I think if shooting one is the price you must pay to protect the rest it is justified.

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