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Communication with a tree possible? Got a weird feeling when I touched a dying one in my yard.

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posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:10 PM
I didn't know whether to post here or in Fragile Earth. As some of you who also read Fragile Earth know, some odd rumbling sounds have been heard around the world and many people are trying to make sense of it. I live in one location where the odd rumble has manifested a few times, so yesterday when I finally managed to "escape" the house without the kid or dog clamoring to go with me, I stepped out to see if the rumble was around. No rumble, good.

Then I started looking around sadly at the trees in the small woods that "intrude" into my property line. For some reason since I moved here almost seven years ago, I've noticed these trees sickening and dying one by one. I assumed it was from old age, but I've seen rot and fungus on some. I don't know what species I'm looking at but they all look old and spindly. Every time there's a storm we lose part or all of a tree.

I leaned on the trunk of one tree that is in my property and man, did I get a shock. I was just trying to see if I could pick up any vibrations or rumbling sounds and what I got instead was, for lack of a better word, emotions. I felt fear, confusion, chaos. I honestly don't know if I imagined that or...what. Do trees even have feelings? Not like us, surely??

The poor tree is one of the sicker ones. It's got a forked trunk and one fork rotted off already. It droops a little. I've been after my husband to get it cut down because if it falls now, it might break our kitchen window or damage the entire wall. But after feeling what I felt, I can tell you the idea of sinking axes and saws into the poor thing gives me chills. I've cut down saplings before by myself and never felt anything. I used to climb trees all the time as a kid. I don't recall getting impressions off of them.

A storm was coming in so I didn't try touching more trees. It's still rainy and mushy out there so I'm not repeating the experience today. But I might try again. Before I do, I wanted to know if anybody else out there has any insight on communicating with trees. How do you make sense of them? How do you know you're not imagining things? If all this is somehow "real" and I am not becoming a buggy eccentric, how do I find out what's freaking out the tree? Disease? Rumbles? 2012 doom? It knows I want to get rid of it? Where do you even begin with something so bizarre?

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Ringing Cedars

At a riverside stop, Megré was greeted by a young, modestly attired peasant woman who seemed to know not only his name but also the nature of his quest.

Revealing that she knew the exact location the "ringing cedar trees" he was searching for, she offered to act as his guide. Megré accepted, but as they began the trek deep into the forest, Anastasia began to shed her clothes…

His world turned upside down…
Over the course of three days Megré was led into another world — a world of mind-blowing revelations, sacred sex, altered states of consciousness and displays by Anastasia of such astounding power, knowledge and wisdom — Megré felt compelled to abandon his river trading business in order to document and share these revelations with the world.

These ar discussed on many ATS threads.

To answer your question, YES! I believe it is possible to communicate with a tree or any other living thing.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:21 PM
I have'nt looked into this, but I remember as a teenager back in the 80's hearing about a study on household plants, one roomfull listened to heavy metal music, the other classical(mozart, etc.). The head bangers either died or wilted while the other room flourished. Wether that is plant emotions or different wave lengths(?) from the music I do'nt know. Trees are obviously deeply rooted into mother earth so it would make sense if they could feel things humans can't. Anyhooo....

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:22 PM
There are some faiths out there that believe that every living thing has some kind of spirit. What you were probably feeling was your own emotions reflecting back at you. You took pity on something, and that feeling is amplified when you physically touched it. The feelings of chaos and what not are the things that are in your mind, most likely your subconscious, coming forward to help you reason and/or solve the problem of the ailing life form you came in contact with.

But this universe is so mystifying that it seems plausible to actually communicate with things like a tree.
edit on 24/3/11 by AdamsMurmur because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:24 PM
the secret life of plants seems like evidence for much we dont accept.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:24 PM

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by robinthehood

Mythbusters tested this and said Metal played loud made the plants grow faster. It's all about the vibrations and not the musical content or something to that extent.

OP: Personally I think you saw a tree that looks interesting and that made you feel a certain way so that when you touched it you experienced an emotion. If it starts talking to you lay off the drugs or see a psychiatrist.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:28 PM
the shamans of this world would say this is perfectly normal and that all life can communicate, but nurturing the ability to communicate is a process...and that is knowledge from eons and eons of human development in conjunction with nature, and many would argue (myself included) a much truer source of knowledge than much of our western science on the subject offers...there is nothing paranormal about it if is it perfectly natural

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

I have an interesting story about my uncle...

They lived in northern California and had a beautiful home, my uncle had worked as a grocery store boxer when he was a kid and worked his way all the way up to just of about the top getting a job at the corporate offices for the company where he spent years working there. He was a year away from retirement when the doctors discoved he had cancer. Needing to finish his last year for retirement he still worked that last year while receiving treatments so that his family would be taken care of. In the back yard of his home there was an old oak tree on the other side of the fence in another neighbors yard that left a mess in his yard and pool that he was always cleaning up. He was a very kind and gentle man and didn't have any hate for the tree but it was annoying still. He was the most honest noble person I have known and I think of him as a hero to myself and to his family for doing what he did in his dying days to make sure his family would be taken care of when he was gone.

After the year went by and he received his retirement he passed away from the cancer and a day later the large oak tree that was full of life mysteriously died.

I believe there is a connection between all living things.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:33 PM


posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:37 PM
There`s even a song about it.

Its sung by Clint Eastwood in the film Paint Your Wagon Its called "I talk to the Trees".

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:55 PM

edit on 24-3-2011 by akkad because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 01:55 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

Where do you live?you dont say where you live.It is important to list this to be able to figure out what is going on in your region.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:00 PM
Here is the thread I was looking for!

While participating in that thread, I went out and hugged a tree, just to be funny and scare the neighbors. Amazingly, it felt like a real hug. Have you ever been hugged uncomfortably? You don't expect it, and you are taken back for a second, but then it feels nice and you embrace it? That is what hugging a tree, as a joke, feels like. It starts as a joke, but then it creates a warm embrace. Try it!

Here is the post from that thread

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Applesandoranges

You are lucky to have a cedar tree near you. Now i know what all this tree hugging is about and i went outside my front yard and hugged my tree and the leaves rustled and the old lady across the road thought i was strange and made a dash inside the house lol i giggled and didnt care.

By the way, I am on my way outside to hug a tree right now. I haven't read the book yet, but your post made me laugh, and as I am a 250 lb redneck on the S. Georgia, N. Florida line, but have never hugged a tree, I figured I should try it. It is Saturday afternoon, and most of my neighbors are out in their yards, so it should be interesting. I'll take the Harley out right after that to save face!

At least my wife has a great sense of humor! I'll I have are Pine trees; maybe they are in touch with their Cedar 'cousins'.

Here is the "after" post....

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Applesandoranges

Hugging the tree was great. The kids laughed and they had to try it also. One of our trees in the backyard has a "face" on it (the ceramic kind you buy and hang up), his name is Merlin, and everyone enjoyed hugging Merlin, I think he liked it too!

The neighbors are not surprised by much anymore, so no funny looks.

edit on 24-3-2011 by getreadyalready because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 02:08 PM
Yes, plants seem to be able to express and evaluate emotions. It really is just a matter of looking at the material and deciding for yourself. Here is a link to the Wikipedia entry for 'Plant Perception'...
Definitely take the time to read Secret Life of Plants and you will be on your way. For me the question is not so much how plants feel or read emotion but how are you so sensitive to this? I have always wanted to be sensitive enough to have regular experiences like this but I seem to be thick as a brick when it comes to that. I can only think that whatever I am here to learn does not include being psychic or especially sensitive. So I consider you lucky. There are folks that seem to be 'Plant Clairvoyants' I don't seem to be one of them but I am excited that you are. When you get good enough I have a list of questions for them. Thanks for the post.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:33 PM
Thanks for all the replies. There is a lot to take in and some stuff to answer. I live in Montgomery County Maryland in a semi rural suburb. It used to be rural and got built up in the last thirty years. My subdivision used to be farmland about thirty years ago. I do not know if the woods was natural to this area or put in by the developers for storm water mitigation. It is a very meticulously engineered community. I think the trees were probably original and left standing by the developers.

I certainly am open to the idea it was just my imagination or emotions reflecting back at me. That would make sense. Now I'm really confused if I try again how will I know the difference between what comes from me and what may really be coming from trees? Lol, I'm not in the habit of touching trees. As a little girl, though I spent countless summer and fall days high up in the branches of a neighbor's beautiful maple. I was an avid tree climber and climbed as many trees in the yards and woods as my mother would let me get away with. And that is about the extent of my experience with trees. Otherwise I am notorious for having a completely brown thumb. My mom and dad are the gifted landscapers and help rescue my modest garden from my incompetence.

No, I don't do drugs. Never have, never will, just not my thing. I drink wine at the holidays and an occasional beer in the summer and that's that.

My mother is descended from a sort of shamanic belief system. My grandmother was a yuta in the Ryukyus prior to converting to Christianity. We have had some paranormal experiences I've described elsewhere on ATS. My approach is to be pragmatic and open as much to ordinary practical explanations as to the exotic and fantastic. Even as Christians, my mom and I believe rocks and trees and such have a spiritual energy. I just never thought plants would have anything akin to emotion, let alone be able to communicate it to a human. I will read more on the links and info provided. I did know scientific studies have shown plants exude chemicals to communicate to each other and to react to environmental threats. But that is again a whole different issue from communicating emotion to a mammal.

Going back to the incident in question, it took me by surprise because I was only just trying to feel for physical vibrations or tremors in the ground. I was emotionally neutral at that point to the bad condition of the tree. I've had years to get used to it looking like heck.

Sorry the post is so long but I hope it clears up some preconceptions and questions and cuts down on posts that land their authors with deletions and point deductions.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by getreadyalready

I wonder what where the sigma came from that it's weird to hug a tree and why people in your last post were looked at weird. I would probably do the same if I saw someone hug a tree but why do we think it's weird? Maybe saying's like tree huggin hippie and things like that make people afraid of doing it. I appreciate the movie Avatar for the idea of communicating with trees and plants opening peoples mind to that possibility.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 03:55 PM
Trees have much to teach us. If you wish to have an "interpreter" per se for tree to human communication, find yourself a nice walking stick.

Walk with your stick. Become friends, until it finally evolves into a magic stick. You will know when this happens.

Now for the fun part. Find a nice tree. place the bottom of your magic stick into the bottom of the tree. Somewhat root it in there next to the tree.

Now, with the magic stick firmly rooted, place your ear up to the magic stick. Knock on it, make a rhythm, and have intention that you want to communicate to the tree. The tree, and all the little insects inside will feel this vibration... and know of our presence.

Now... listen.

Try not to be too mind blown.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by SheeplFlavoredAgain

You are probably going to get lots of this if you have not already...If your Grandmother was a Yuta from Ryukyu that probably explains why you had the experience. I do not know why things work like this but there are enough anecdotes involving this sort of thing to break the scale if you are trying to weigh the truth of it. Chances are that if you had grown up on Ryukyu you would have been made a Yuta, too. Again, I am sure you have heard all of this before. The part of your story that I like is that you went to touch the tree for information unrelated to the tree and you had the spontaneous experience. I understand that it usually goes like that. Best of luck to you. Don't take any wooden nickels, as they say.

posted on Mar, 24 2011 @ 04:00 PM
Of course it is! My wooden leg came from a tree, and I talk to it all the time.
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