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Texas Group Launches Scholarship For White Males Only

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posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:31 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

Diva Alert !! Someone tell Mariah Carey and Celine there is a new diva / drama queen in town.

When I look at our Congress or the Fortune 500 it's really self-evident the type of misery and retribution that women and minorities are inflicting on all white males. Makes me so sad. I think we need to start up a charitable organization for all the white males suffering in the middle and upper middle class. An outright travesty!

I nominate you for President of the pity party.

edit on 1-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

+13 more 
posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:45 AM
reply to post by MaryStillToe

Yeah its all fun and games until people grow weary of this crap.

You expect me to accept being a second class citizen in order to make up for crimes of which I have had no part in. Make all of the stupid condescending comments that you wish, but at the end of the day Im not willing to accept the role people like you wish to bestow upon me.

I have never owned or participated in slavery, I have never oppressed a woman or a person of color, I am a respectful, law abiding human being just like you, and I will not forego my own right to a decent existence in order to placate to some liberal ideal that white men should feel shame or be made to feel guilty.

I reject your ignorant, self defeating ideas and I refuse to own your imaginary guilt system.

What makes my right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness any less worthwhile that yours or anyone elses?

Do you not understand that reverse racism is still racism?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:47 AM

Originally posted by lee anoma

Originally posted by backinblack
reply to post by jam321

I see no issue anyway..
We have many Scholarships and grants etc here in Australia that are only available to Aborigines..
I see no difference..

Well it is true that White Males lag far behind minorities in America in terms of education, wealth, and employment.

If you look at the actual numbers, more White males are in prison than in college, are less likely to graduate high school, and in terms of unemployment, the numbers rank double digits by comparison to their non-White counterparts. A lack of equal footing in terms of economic status usually holds them back from the better aspects of higher education. Mostly due to generational poverty, as opposed to say minorities, who usually outnumber them in the more popular college settings.

There is a dire need for a Whites-Only scholarship when you look at all the facts.
Whites just tend to be underrepresented all across the board., that's not the case at all.
In fact, it's the exact opposite of what I said.

Sorry, I left the real world for a minute.

- Lee

edit on 1-3-2011 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-3-2011 by lee anoma because: (no reason given)

Your missing a key issue. You speak of generational poverty. I am white, and my family has been working class poor for generations. If we are combating poverty, we should do so across the board, not just the poverty of a specific race. But wait, because we are white it's our fault we're poor. While minorities that are poor are without blame, because of the fact they are minorities. I would agree it's the actions of my family and me that have made us poor, to an extent. Just like it's the actions of minorities that cause them to be poor, to an extent. There are outside factors that influence such things, but these outside factors hit whites the same way they hit minorities. Giving the leg up to minorities does nothing but breed anger and racial divides.

You speak of more minorities being in jail than college. What does this mean? Are 90% of them in jail for stealing food to feed their families? I doubt it. I doubt that number is anywhere near 90% or anywhere near just 9% for that matter. So why is this an issue. Why would minorities get a certain advantage not offered to whites because, by your word, they care more about committing crime than attending college? My parents couldn't afford college for me, I've been working labor jobs my whole life, often times 50-60hrs a week. Why does a minority deserve a free ride to college because of his status, but I don't? My answer is, neither of us do.

You see, all of these minority specific programs give advantages to minorities. All of them. The supposed advantages that white people have are just that, supposed. It's nothing to do with skin color, it's social status. Poor white people need just as much help as poor minorities, but the myth that any white person has an easy road to the top because they are white makes society favor minorities.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:50 AM
Having this type of scholarship is fine with me as it will help those that were not lucky enough to have parents with deep pockets. Student loans on the other hand is nothing more than a way to ripoff the next generation before they ever get the chance to start. Thus are not a viable solution either.

When I went to college it was on my own dime as my parents just didn't have the funds to support a college education. The student loan wasn't available either. You really only had two choices if you were a male back then.
1. Go to college.
2. Go to Vietnam.

Not a good choice for a poor white boy so you can guess where I was headed. It would have been nice if there had been a scholarship back then, Oh well, at least there is one now. As for any minorities that wish to complain, I suggest that you stick you hand back in you pocket instead to looking for a handout. Get a job and pay your own way through college like the rest of us had too.

Solution to this scholarship issue is; One scholarship for everyone based on GPA and income status. You study hard and get the grades you get the scholarship regardless of race or gender. If you want things equal, do away with the race and gender cards. College is for those that make the grade not mooch off the system for a free ride.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:51 AM
reply to post by jam321

First....Caucasian does not equal white, at least in the truest sense of the word.

Caucasian is defined as: "Of or being a human racial classification distinguished especially by very light to brown skin pigmentation and straight to wavy or curly hair, and including peoples indigenous to Europe, northern Africa, western Asia, and India."

Since most white males have been born in this country, we generally have made synonymous Caucasian and American white as the same. For me by example, I was born here so doesn't that mean I am indigenous to North America? By definition, I do not fall under Caucasian except for description. But we cannot solely base it on the official definition given in a dictionary. Politics aren't that simple!

According the the Office of Management and Budget (which is really weird...), Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, states "Alternative words suggested for "White" include "Caucasian" and "Anglo."

They go on in the report about the historical grouping that fell under Caucasian, such as Arabs, western Asian persons, etc.

Me thinks if the solely wanted to limit it to "white" males, they would have been better served to provide the scholarship to a more focused group, such as Anglo Saxons and descendants thereof...

Nonetheless, one from India could argue in court that they are Caucasian by anthropology means and thus could apply for this private scholarship if they were to win their argument.

I see no problem with a private scholarship that has a directed aim such as this. Many attempts will be made to thwart this most likely. Even though it is a private group that is entitled to give a specific group aid.

If people want to donate towards it, they will. If they find a problem with it, they will forgo their donations and this FMAE will die out. The beauty of personal-responsibility and freedom of choice.

On a side does a whole lot of uploading data...I should monitor that traffic to see what exactly is it uploading.....

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:01 AM

Originally posted by MaryStillToe

Originally posted by FutureThinker
I knew this was coming, but I wonder just how we got into this mess of favoring a certain ethnic group over onother.

The only group that has continually given themselves undeserved favor in the history of the American continents is white males. This favor was typically attained by force and discrimination. To try to balance things scholarships were introduced for minorities who were treated UNFAIRLY and held back.

Could you please explain to me what unfair favor I have given myself due to force and discrimination? I would love an example. I do not benefit financially from being white. The REAL issue is wealthy ELITEs vs the common man. Wealthy elites care just as little about poor white people as they do poor minorities. The only difference is poor minorities get a helping hand while whites don't. Talk about being treated UNFAIRLY.

Originally posted by MaryStillToe

Originally posted by FutureThinker
I knew this was coming, but I wonder just how we got into this mess of favoring a certain ethnic group over onother.

Someone once gave a good analogy. Imagine you sat down for a game of poker and you learned that halfway through the game everyone was cheating except for you. The other players have 125 chips and you only have 25 and they say now we are going to play fair. Do you really think you have a fair chance at winning the game and getting caught up?

I'm assuming this game of poker is a metaphor for life. In that case, it's not accurate because minorities don't have a monopoly on entering the game with only 25 chips. It happens to white people too, but they are left out.

Again, you fail to realize the wealthy elites are the cheaters, NOT WHITES. You are stereotyping the white race as somehow having an advantage they do not. Those born rich have an advantage. Those born white do not. People of all races are born rich. People of all races are born poor. But a minority born poor gets more advantages than a white person born poor. Your metaphor about the poker game works both ways. In this case, the cheaters are the minorities that have a free trip to college just because of their race, while the person with 25 chips is a white poor person.

Originally posted by MaryStillToe

Originally posted by FutureThinker
I knew this was coming, but I wonder just how we got into this mess of favoring a certain ethnic group over onother.

Plus won't all the other white males think you are a loser anyway? You mean with all the white advantage your ancestors were given they couldn't manage to rise to the top? Everyone else had a 400 year delay and your parents still couldn't achieve so you need more handouts?

You seem to have a very skewed view of reality and history. I'll ask again, what is this advantage you keep speaking of? I can't put "being white" in the "skills" section of my Resume can I? So what is this advantage? You seem to think all the white people in this country are rich. Sounds like someone needs to wake up.

Bottom line is, scholarships should be offered to those that need them, and are intelligent enough to deserve them. They should not, in any circumstance be awarded to someone based on race.If you disagree, that is by definition discrimination.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by MaryStillToe
reply to post by BlackOps719

Diva Alert !! Someone tell Mariah Carey and Celine there is a new diva / drama queen in town.

When I look at our Congress or the Fortune 500 it's really self-evident the type of misery and retribution that women and minorities are inflicting on all white males. Makes me so sad. I think we need to start up a charitable organization for all the white males suffering in the middle and upper middle class. An outright travesty!

I nominate you for President of the pity party.

edit on 1-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

Why does nobody address the fact that the majority of white people are poor, just like the majority of every other race? You ignore that the wealthy .01% elites are the enemy of all races and genders.

So I deserve less help because I'm white, just because a few white people are rich? Your logic makes no sense. I'm not rich, I'm poor. Nobody in my family has ever been anything but poor. But somehow I'm less important than a minority in deserving attention.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:06 AM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
reply to post by MaryStillToe

Yeah its all fun and games until people grow weary of this crap.

You expect me to accept being a second class citizen in order to make up for crimes of which I have had no part in. Make all of the stupid condescending comments that you wish, but at the end of the day Im not willing to accept the role people like you wish to bestow upon me.

I have never owned or participated in slavery, I have never oppressed a woman or a person of color, I am a respectful, law abiding human being just like you, and I will not forego my own right to a decent existence in order to placate to some liberal ideal that white men should feel shame or be made to feel guilty.

I reject your ignorant, self defeating ideas and I refuse to own your imaginary guilt system.

What makes my right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness any less worthwhile that yours or anyone elses?

Do you not understand that reverse racism is still racism?

Nothing you said matters at all. You are still a super rich, racist bigot. You know why? Because you are white.

Didn't you know at age 18 every white male gets a "sponsor" that knocks on the door of your mansion, gives you the keys to a BMW, and a 3mil/year job at a law firm?

Well, I didn't know that either. Never happened to me, probably to you either, huh?

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by pstrron
Solution to this scholarship issue is; One scholarship for everyone based on GPA and income status. You study hard and get the grades you get the scholarship regardless of race or gender. If you want things equal, do away with the race and gender cards. College is for those that make the grade not mooch off the system for a free ride.

That was just... perfect.

I can't see how anyone would disagree with that, but I'm sure some will.

If anybody thinks race deserves a slot of scholarship criteria, you by default support discrimination, and racism.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:29 AM
reply to post by BlackOps719

I married a white girl a week ago because someone told me about this "White Privilege" thing...Starting to think after 5 years of courting this chick and then putting a ring on her finger that this may very well be BS.


I completely disagree with ANY race based scholarship system. Why? Because being Hispanic never got me anything I didn't work for. And being white shouldn't either. I know there are scholarships out there for me if I wanna take them, but I don't think it's right to take money I don't deserve for something I had no control over. The notion that white men should suffer because a few idiots 100 years ago were evil scum bags makes no sense to me.

Affirmative Action is racist IMO, and so is preferential race based college entry, like Diversity Quotas...Many schools use these and if you're white, even if you have good grades and have merit, you'll be the first to get screwed over if I'm applying for entry as well and have not the same accomplishments.
edit on 1-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by BlackOps719

I married a white girl a week ago because someone told me about this "White Privilege" thing...Starting to think after 5 years of courting this chick and then putting a ring on her finger that this may very well be BS.

edit on 1-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

Just wait. Ask her about her sponsor. She will look really surprised at first, because us white people aren't supposed to tell anyone about them. Just say "it's cool, I have one too" and then she will open up more, and share her mansion and BMW, possibly also getting you a million dollar law firm job

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 05:12 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
I completely disagree with ANY race based scholarship system. Why? Because being Hispanic never got me anything I didn't work for. And being white shouldn't either. I know there are scholarships out there for me if I wanna take them, but I don't think it's right to take money I don't deserve for something I had no control over. The notion that white men should suffer because a few idiots 100 years ago were evil scum bags makes no sense to me.

Affirmative Action is racist IMO, and so is preferential race based college entry, like Diversity Quotas...Many schools use these and if you're white, even if you have good grades and have merit, you'll be the first to get screwed over if I'm applying for entry as well and have not the same accomplishments.
edit on 1-3-2011 by projectvxn because: (no reason given)

I agree with this whole statement above, but my only digression would be it's a private group of individuals seeking private donors to make the scholarship available to a set of defined individuals. Now, if it were a state-based one, I am with you 100%.

They are free to associate in any manner they wish and they are not by any means denying anyone an rights; given the multitude of scholarships out there.

On a side note: I am going to take advantage of a private group but I am not sure if they provide scholarships. Sons of the Revolution and Sons of the Mayflower. Just have to get my genealogy papers in order.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by jam321
By the title, one could assume this to be racist. However... *snip*

While I'm sure I would find the writers of this grants as racists if I ever met them, I would not condemn the grant itself. There are plenty of grants I have to pass up because I am not of the ethnicity required. I'm sure white men all over who are in terrible socio-economic climates face the same difficulties to get into college.

Bottom line: It is private funds and they can be racist with it if they want. We all know they aren't the only ones to do it. It would be nice if ethnicity were not on any grant application but... eh. People still believe their ethnicity means something for some reason.
edit on 1-3-2011 by Cuervo because: Shortened quote...

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:15 AM
I think its about time! With all the political correctness, and all the BS about how we need to give illegal immigrants free education, also establish a negro fund...its sickening to see the exploitation of this country. And its long overdue that we took care of our own!

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by Whereweheaded
I think its about time! With all the political correctness, and all the BS about how we need to give illegal immigrants free education, also establish a negro fund...its sickening to see the exploitation of this country. And its long overdue that we took care of our own!

I totally agree! Like moving indigenous people off their native lands and giving them an nice reservation to live on.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 11:52 AM
I do not see anything wrong with establishing a scholarship for whatever criteria you choose. If I was some old dying wealthy person who had no one to inherit my estate and I wanted to set up a scholarship fund for girls who looked like what? It was my money and that's what I chose to do with it. Heck some weirdos leave their cash to their dogs!

There are lots of things in life that are not fair but that is part of life. If we all got everything we ever dreamed of without working for it, then what did we learn?

All of this labeling is getting out of hand in our society. Who cares if you are rich, poor, black, white, brown, yellow, green, purple, etc.

Also I think it is silly to call wealthy people the "elite". I have experienced being dirt poor and middle class and upper middle class at different stages of my life. I take nothing for granted. I do know several wealthy families and they are normal...nothing sinister about them, nothing elite about them. They bleed red just like you and just like me! It seems that people have this notion that all wealthy people have some agenda to take over the world.

I'm sure there are individuals that fit that description but it is silly to label everyone who is wealthy in that category, those people got there with hard work and lots of education and risk.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Mod love!! Gots to hand out some Mod Love for your post!

I can't tell you how many times my kids have been discriminiated against because of being considered 'white'.

We enrolled our oldest into a great charter school for kindergarten, told of all of these great afterschool programs, offered tutoring if needed ect.. ect.. we asked a ton of questions, feld confidant in our choice, only to find out once school started, we didn't live in the 'correct zip code'... guess that was the one question we forgot to ask. Sorry, we were not poor enough for the great programs.

Now, in the school all 3 are enrolled in, they offer Jr's and Sr's duel credit courses, but now guess what, once again, since we are not on any reduced lunch or free lunch, we have to pay for those courses.

We are not 'poor' but like most of the middle class, we don't have a lot of extra money floating around and once again, due to the fact that us the parents are not "poor" my kids get the short end of the stick!

In no way shape or form am I bashing those who need the free and or reduced lunch programs, I feel every child should never be hungry and am all for free breakfast also!

I think every child should be offered the same academic programs that 'lower income' families are offered. PERIOD!

And like Projectvxn being 'hispanic' never helped me in any way. Hell, living in Texas and I am not "hispanic" enough. Seems that being a California Mission Indian, and Spaniard isn't 'hispanic' in Texas..
I couldn't even join Lulac..

Speaking of California Mission Indian.. My peeps don't even have a damn casino!

Now that I have totally gone off on a rant..I rather like the idea of this program. I nearly fell off the dang treadmill when it was on CNN. I was thrilled that finally, something, my boys could qualify. Since they are screwed by the fact that their parents seem to 'make too much money'

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by BlackOps719

I married a white girl a week ago because someone told me about this "White Privilege" thing...Starting to think after 5 years of courting this chick and then putting a ring on her finger that this may very well be BS.

: (no reason given)

Congratulations on getting married my friend, all the best to you two.

You will soon start receiving plain white envelope in the mail each month, be sure do NOT throw it this envelope will contain your secret decoder ring, instructions on how to perform the secret "white guy" hand well as your monthly honky allowance in the form of a check.

Welcome to the club

edit on 3/1/11 by BlackOps719 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by James1982
Could you please explain to me what unfair favor I have given myself due to force and discrimination? I would love an example. I do not benefit financially from being white. The REAL issue is wealthy ELITEs vs the common man. Wealthy elites care just as little about poor white people as they do poor minorities. The only difference is poor minorities get a helping hand while whites don't. Talk about being treated UNFAIRLY.

Again, you fail to realize the wealthy elites are the cheaters, NOT WHITES. You are stereotyping the white race as somehow having an advantage they do not. Those born rich have an advantage. Those born white do not. People of all races are born rich. People of all races are born poor. But a minority born poor gets more advantages than a white person born poor. Your metaphor about the poker game works both ways. In this case, the cheaters are the minorities that have a free trip to college just because of their race, while the person with 25 chips is a white poor person.

The advantage is that poor whites still had and have the advantage of undeserved favor from RACIST RICH ELITES. When racist business owners would not employ minorities who were equally or more qualified than their white counterparts. Did white people step aside and say, this isn't fair for me to get the job just because I'm white. NO, they happily took the job and enjoyed the UNDESERVED benefit in terms of income and the opportunity for economic advancement for their families.

Whether or not you or your family was actually in the KKK or actively participated in the discrmination, turning a blind eye and enjoying the benefits is just as wrong. If someone robbed your house and gave 50% of your stuff to your neighbor (Family B), and he kept it without a word wouldn't you call him an accomplice? Would it be fair for his family to hold on to your property and use it for the next 50 years to build a great business and financial success while the loss of your property caused your family to end up white and poor. Pretty messed up don't you think?

The problem is everyone realizes what's wrong to them, but when they are being showered with ill gotten gains they find some excuse as to why it's not really their problem or it's out of their control.

Plus no one is saying white men today should feel guilty because they are white. Everyone on this earth has ancestors that did something evil to someone at some point in time. What matters is how we decided to live as individuals.

If you were the son of Family B and 50 years later you found out what your father did, and that the other family most likely ended up poor because of what your father did would you try to make it right?

Imagine the minorities was your family, but it didn't stop with the father of Family B, but the same thing happened again to your children's families. A robber came and delivered 50% of your children's property to Family B, and the son of Family B turned a blind eye, and his grandson, and great grandson. What would your descendants have compared to the descendants of Family B? Probably not much.
edit on 1-3-2011 by MaryStillToe because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by jam321

I don't see why it's so bad, we have plenty of Scholarships for we Native Americans, and single mothers...etc etc etc
ya know not all white guys are born to the privileged elite...

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