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what's with the allowed racism here?

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posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

Nobody has the right to not be offended.
edit on 28-2-2011 by Solomons because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 28 2011 @ 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
For moderation purposes....we typically go with "globally accepted as racist" when adjudicating racism. This post is the first and only instance I've ever seen in pointing out "Paki" as a racist term...and so, this is likely why no action was taken.

Don't blame the staff or even the membership, but the global community, who don't seem to have (as yet) accepted it as a racist term. Sounds like just an abbreviation to calling a Briton a "Brit"...

Personally, I find 'Brit' as offensive as I do Pommy or Pongolian (a NZ term, AFAIK, at least I've never heard that it's used anywhere else.)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:15 AM

Originally posted by Vicky32

Originally posted by Gazrok
For moderation purposes....we typically go with "globally accepted as racist" when adjudicating racism. This post is the first and only instance I've ever seen in pointing out "Paki" as a racist term...and so, this is likely why no action was taken.

Don't blame the staff or even the membership, but the global community, who don't seem to have (as yet) accepted it as a racist term. Sounds like just an abbreviation to calling a Briton a "Brit"...

Personally, I find 'Brit' as offensive as I do Pommy or Pongolian (a NZ term, AFAIK, at least I've never heard that it's used anywhere else.)

Actually it's spelt Pomgolian, from the words Pommy and Mongolian , The Kiwis brought it to Oz in the mid 90's,it's not widely used here but it is heard occasionally,

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 01:54 AM

Originally posted by Travlla

Originally posted by Vicky32

Originally posted by Gazrok
For moderation purposes....we typically go with "globally accepted as racist" when adjudicating racism. This post is the first and only instance I've ever seen in pointing out "Paki" as a racist term...and so, this is likely why no action was taken.

Don't blame the staff or even the membership, but the global community, who don't seem to have (as yet) accepted it as a racist term. Sounds like just an abbreviation to calling a Briton a "Brit"...

Personally, I find 'Brit' as offensive as I do Pommy or Pongolian (a NZ term, AFAIK, at least I've never heard that it's used anywhere else.)

Actually it's spelt Pomgolian, from the words Pommy and Mongolian , The Kiwis brought it to Oz in the mid 90's,it's not widely used here but it is heard occasionally,

Thanks, I think!
(I've never seen it written, my brother in law has used it, rather tactless of him considering who he married!)
Seriously, it's not funny.
Reminds me of what my father said, back in the 1970s (just before he died, actually...)
"The Kiwi eats, roots and leaves"... (Yes, he had picked up the NZ/Oz meaning of the verb to 'root'...)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 02:53 AM

Originally posted by justyc
twice recently i have made an alert to staff over the use of the term 'paki' which i saw in two separate threads (which in most countries is like calling a black person a n****r).

My countrymen are called Aussies ( Aus- tralian ) understand the abbreviation ?

Pakki = Pak - istani

If its not racist to call me an Aussie then why is it racist to call a Pakistinian a Pakki ?

PC has run its course...its time to get real.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 03:30 AM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Originally posted by justyc
twice recently i have made an alert to staff over the use of the term 'paki' which i saw in two separate threads (which in most countries is like calling a black person a n****r).

My countrymen are called Aussies ( Aus- tralian ) understand the abbreviation ?

Pakki = Pak - istani

If its not racist to call me an Aussie then why is it racist to call a Pakistinian a Pakki ?

PC has run its course...its time to get real.

Nah you'll just be called a racist matey because Oz is a racist country
A hell of a lot of people in this thread refuse to admit it's not a racial slur outside the UK,why is that?
,Plus they use it for other Asians? why anyone would call a Vietnamese person the P word? to me that doesn't make any sense at all, just stupid if you ask me,

People outside Australia do not get that we Aussies abbreviate any word we possibly can,In fact the refusal to acknowledge our culture of abbreviations could be considered a form of racism itself,

edit on 1/3/2011 by Travlla because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 07:14 AM
I refuse to not use words because they might offend. There are way too many words that some find offensive that others do not. For someone to label someone else a racist because of a word being used, when there was no malice or ill will intended by the user of the word is ignorant in itself. If ill will or malice is intended, then the person can be labeled as an ignorant person, but that does not denote in itself that the person is racist.

Someone can have no issue with race whatsoever, but becomes so enraged that he just picks words to enrage another person, ignorant as it may be this does not make the person racist.

Words do not donate racism as much as actions do. Therefore words in themselves should not be considered racist, just the people whose actions and use of the words to incite racism.

If more people would refuse to let words be restricted, it would give less power to the words and those who use them.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 08:42 AM

PC has run its course...its time to get real.

No kidding.

I think that's why no derogatory term has ever really stuck for caucasians...we simply refuse to be bothered by it. Those few that endure (cracker, honkey, etc.) we simply never acknowledge or react to...and with no reaction, they become useless for their intended purpose....

Perhaps there is something that can be learned there....

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by Gazrok

The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Ooh, there's a can of worms.

Here's my opinion about that - Caucasians (at least in the US) have always been in a position of authority. Racial slurs are historically used as a tool to further oppress. If you aren't or haven't been oppressed... there you go.

Look at it this way - Caucasians as a race have never really been oppressed in the US. However, many other sub groups composed of Caucasians have been. There are many charged "fighting words" you can use at which a Caucasian can get riled up about (Irish, Jewish, Italian, Catholic for example) all dealing with a specific country of origin or other affiliation, none of which are "racial". All of those groups suffered discrimination at one time or another, and those wounds still exist in some cases. It isn't so much that Caucasians are "unoffendable", as it is tough to offend a Caucasian by attacking his race. There's just no historic bite to it for context. White people never really have been held back here for their whiteness.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

edit on 3/1/2011 by yeahright because: Typo

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by controldiction

Come on people words are over rated because we make it that way.

I am inclined to agree with you. This is a change for me. The feeling of trepidation inside me is almost like when I first started to consider not calling myself Christian anymore. It took me a long time to get comfortable with that, but it was the honest thing to do. I am white. I am beginning to think that the time has come to let go of the political correctness fad that we have become so accustomed to. Dare I start to use the word "'n-word'"? Oh God that was hard to even type. I sure hope the sensor bot took care of it.

It will be awhile before I could use that word comfortably but I think its time we dropped the BS about the power of words. The power is in our mind, our hearts and in our actions; not the word.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:24 AM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist
If I was using a word, or term quite innocently, to then be told that some sections of society found it offensive, I certainly wouldn't argue the toss and claim that they were wrong.
I would take it as an education, respect their view and refrain from using the said word or term.
To do anything else would be ignorant, rude, selfish, and arrogant.
Since when did someone's right to offend supercede anothers right to not be offended and be treated with respect and common courtesy.

Nope, sorry, I disagree with you. The right or need for education goes both ways. People around the world decide to get upset by all kinds of things. You can't just go along with every hair-brained sensitivity out there. One has to use judgment and sometimes that means standing up for yourself when you really meant no-one any harm. I have no sympathy for the Muslim prohibition of picturing Mohamed. I have no sympathy for people who choose to be vegetarians and might be offended by my like of meat. I have no sympathy for abstainers who might object to my fondness for beer, rum, or absinthe.

I see a valid place for occasional profanity in everyday conversation. Sometimes you just have to buckle up and be prepared to take flack from those whose views are different than yours. We can't simply conform to everyone else's rules or inhibitions. Life would be such a chore to try and do that.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 09:28 AM
I'd wager the slur derives from the word packee, or one-who-carries-my-pack, and has nothing to do with Pakistan.

The slur has probably been around since the once vast British Empire controlled half the world.

edit: to explain why it would be used by a bigot to any of Asian lineage, and not just at one from Pakistan
edit on 1-3-2011 by primus2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 10:33 AM

Originally posted by wayno

Originally posted by NonKonphormist
If I was using a word, or term quite innocently, to then be told that some sections of society found it offensive, I certainly wouldn't argue the toss and claim that they were wrong.
I would take it as an education, respect their view and refrain from using the said word or term.
To do anything else would be ignorant, rude, selfish, and arrogant.
Since when did someone's right to offend supercede anothers right to not be offended and be treated with respect and common courtesy.

Nope, sorry, I disagree with you. The right or need for education goes both ways. People around the world decide to get upset by all kinds of things. You can't just go along with every hair-brained sensitivity out there. One has to use judgment and sometimes that means standing up for yourself when you really meant no-one any harm. I have no sympathy for the Muslim prohibition of picturing Mohamed. I have no sympathy for people who choose to be vegetarians and might be offended by my like of meat. I have no sympathy for abstainers who might object to my fondness for beer, rum, or absinthe.

I see a valid place for occasional profanity in everyday conversation. Sometimes you just have to buckle up and be prepared to take flack from those whose views are different than yours. We can't simply conform to everyone else's rules or inhibitions. Life would be such a chore to try and do that.

Have you ever had the word "Paki" spat almost daily at you from an early age?
Have you ever had the word "Paki" constantly spray painted across the front of your house?
Have you ever felt like scum because you are just a "Paki"
Have you ever been beaten up on a weekly basis whilst being called a "Dirty Paki"?

That was my childhood.

When you have lived a life like that, you then have the right to tell me that I am to blame for being offended by that word.
If none of you can afford me the decency to refrain from the one word that has made my life hell, then I obviously don't belong on this site.

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

You just gave that word the power you so despise. It is not the name sayer who has the power, it is you. I have been called a lot of things from racial to sexuality. It really does not bother me. We give hateful words more credit than they deserve. I see this word you so despise as just a short form as is just a short verbal form of a longer word. Yes childhood sucks and children are evil. Any word used for hate at the time. I tell my friend to f off in fun...if I was to say it to a stranger well....not so funny. It is so hard to know what word is right or wrong any more. I have other more important things to worry and deal with. Do not let it get to you. If someone came to you with an hateful attitude then blame the attitude not the word. Do not let it have that much power to upset you. You are more than welcom here on ATS!

From a Hooligan (filthy drunkin Irish bastard) Flip (short for filipino) Dyke (lesbian) Bitch (woman).

posted on Mar, 1 2011 @ 12:09 PM
Google "8 Racist Words You Use Every Day"
did you know that Hip hip hooray is a variant of "let's murder the Jews?"......well I didn't till today.

posted on Mar, 2 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by NonKonphormist

Have you ever had the word "Paki" spat almost daily at you from an early age?
Have you ever had the word "Paki" constantly spray painted across the front of your house?
Have you ever felt like scum because you are just a "Paki"
Have you ever been beaten up on a weekly basis whilst being called a "Dirty Paki"?

That was my childhood.

When you have lived a life like that, you then have the right to tell me that I am to blame for being offended by that word.
If none of you can afford me the decency to refrain from the one word that has made my life hell, then I obviously don't belong on this site.

I am sorry you had to endure those things growing up. No, I was not called "Paki". I was called, sissy, queer, faggot, homo. I had a bully remove my cap in grade school and piss on it. He tried to pee on me too.

I now embrace those words and use them myself to refer to myself. While I still get a little jolt if a thug uses them, they just don't hurt me as much anymore. I am not sure if it is possible for you to do the same. It is worth trying. You are not going to be able to switch idiots from being idiots. All you can do is be stronger and love yourself better.

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