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Secrets of Our Existence and Universe Unraveled

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posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:06 AM
Eye believe that the shape is called a Torus and that it was Einstein who that that to be the shape of space. Eye believe it's wrong. Shape is relative to perspective and light and dark.

Eye do though agree that the universe has played out, in a very rapid fashion, a reflective course in which all things have lived the inverse and obverse and all natural possibilities in all angles until this instance. Yet just as you ponder your equation and theory. All possibilities have changed and are set for another course do to vast arrays of counter possibilities. Like a flesh wound or someone consciously thwarting your plan...sorry being funny.

Math is a lie. There are only one of everything. There has never and shall never be an instance in which there are two of the same thing. Hence 1+1 does not equal 2. Because 1 and 1 can never be combined or grouped to make 2 of the same. The fractal is a lie. Math as a tool to explain the natural universe only gives a predictable outcome based on hypothetical formulas. Lies. "if" (n) equals 4 and...

Life is so everlasting and random.

Some believe that God put us here. Some believe that we evolved. How come it's never been argued that "GOD" may have created the evolving possibility that all new things be allowed to have been created?

edit on 17-2-2011 by illuminatuscadabra because: typo

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:27 AM
reply to post by ValValient4

Thats right the more I have studied and researched and, seen. The New Age philosphies are a deception to lead you from the truth which is the spirit of him which is in us. This kind of calculation of the nature of god is what was the cause of sin. Like the devil says your eyes will be opened.

Once that happens you stop living by faith, you stop appreciating the majesty and being in gladness because you understand its an illusion, and try to do things by your own power.

I am what I am cannot be said any better. We are not one with everything, we are one in the same body of Christ.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:28 AM
What a beautiful post OP ... and I think you really did manage to explain it way better than I think you thought you could ... Huh? What?
... Reset

Seriously though, this is also what I believe as a result of having had similar experiences / meditations ... Thank you for reminding us that we are all one and that we are all God ... not the god of the Bible mind ... but the the Creator of all that is.

In Lak'ech

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:32 AM
I must say, I absolutely understand your feelings and experience. I had a similar awakening a few years ago and your words have been the best description to it yet.
This feeling of infinity, of unity, humbling and amazing and the peace of mind of finally Understanding.
It changed my life for good, I have found serenity.
Thanks for sharing.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Psyagra

The God of the Bible is God.

This says it best.

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

[Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:39 AM
reply to post by EnigmaticDill

So what are you saying you would rather take the Devils word for it? did you mean to proove my point?

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:45 AM
reply to post by ValValient4

Ofcourse I was agreeing with what was said about everything being "One"

Thats kind of arrogant to assume that especially after what I posted.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:48 AM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions
I've been in conflict with myself over whether I should share an experience I had a few weeks ago publicly, or keep it to myself. It was a difficult decision, but ultimately I came to the conclusion that I couldn't keep something like this to myself. I feel that it might offer people a different perspective of the world around us, maybe validate some outlooks on life, or simply entertain a few individuals who might find it inspirational.

Let's just say that a few weeks ago I found myself in a very deep meditative state. I felt myself slowly being separated from the room I was in. It was as if I had been a two-dimensional being all my life, and suddenly I had stepped off the screen into a more three-dimensional space. Maybe it would be better described as a fourth dimension? I don't know. The objects in the room were all the same, yet different. The way in which I became separated was very interesting to me. The room seemed to slightly pixelate in the process, as if it had not been "real" all along, as if it had been programed. As I was sinking deeper and deeper into the dark caverns of my consciousness, I found myself in an unexpected place. Although I could still see the room around me, I was looking at it through what I would describe as a spherical wall of screens. To help you imagine it, think of the way a bee or a fly might see the world through it's hundreds of eyes.

I was standing (though not physically) in a dark center of space surrounded by these "screens", and I saw the room. I got the sense that this was the "control center" of my mind. Time had completely stopped. Time was irrelevant. A minute or an hour could have passed, and I would not be able to tell you which was true. I was in the midst of eternity. I felt something else was with me. It wasn't physical, but I could feel it's presence close to me. I want to say that it was separate from me, but I suddenly realized that I was it, and it it was me. I asked it to tell me why I was shown this place. It told me that sometimes it needed to remind itself where it had come from and what it's purpose on earth was. It told me it had left small clues in our world to help us remember where it came from and why. Suddenly I was thrown even deeper into space only to find myself (my consciousness) floating above an incredible sight.

In the middle of dark space I witnessed something unexpected. I'm not quite sure how to even begin to describe it. I'm not sure words in the English language exist that would be adequate to describe what I saw. In fact while I was deep in it, I thought to myself "How the hell do I describe this when I'll want to explain to someone what I saw???" but I will try. I witnessed our universe being born and reborn over and over and over again at very high speeds. It wasn't like the "big bang", it was more like a loop that constantly turned inside out. It was like the shape of an inverse-rotating donut, or I suppose what some would describe as the symbol for "infinity". It was a giant, infinite fractal. This Universe was not what we believe it to be. It performed a function, and that function was to constantly generate new possibilities. Much like computers in our world (though extraordinarily/severely basic in comparison) the Universe was like a giant calculator/generator producing infinite possibilities through complex mathematical equations.

There was a strong presence/consciousness hanging over it. This "calculator/computer" Universe was the creation of this consciousness, and it overlooked every single little action with incredible yet effortless and tireless concentration. I suppose that this presence is the thing to which many people refer to as "God". I felt a oneness with this being. I finally understood that I was it, it was me, it was you, it was the grass, it was the rock, it was the ant, the bird, the wind, the sky, the earth,.... it was everything. It was love, hate, anger, sadness, it was us. Imagine yourself being cut into a quadrillion pieces, and those individual pieces being able to have experiences of their own, separate from the whole. According to my vision that's what our world is. The world and all of us, we are IT.

Since I realized what an important moment this was, I did not want to miss asking the big question. My question was "How did you come to be? Where did this start?" It replied in a form of exchanging a thought in my mind, and the answer was that it simply WAS. It just IS. It did not know why or how, in fact it did not care for why or how, it didn't feel the need to know why or how, it just WAS. Since we humans experience a "beginning" and an "end" on this earth via birth and death, it is very difficult for us to imagine something having no beginning and no end. It seems inconceivable, much like the idea of infinity, something without an end. We try to imagine it, but we struggle to come to terms with the fact that something may not have an end or a beginning. I can't say I felt satisfied by that answer for the reason I mentioned just now, but I accepted it. My next question was why we were here. Understanding came to me in the form of seeing. In a manner of speaking it split itself into an incomprehensible number of pieces in order to learn. It was like an enormous calculator producing new possibilities, just churning them out constantly without end. The purpose was to learn. It had an insatiable hunger for information.

While there, I came to understand a few things (assuming that what I have witnessed is true).

1.) It is all-knowing, all-powerful and ever-present, because it is us and we are it. It is not an old man deciding our fates, it is a consciousness that is inside all of us. We are God and God is us.

2.) It is both partial and impartial to our suffering, because it is experiencing this world through us. To make it easier to imagine, just picture being one of it's atoms. (Hmmm.... Adam/Atom ...

3.) We are powerful and we have the capability to influence the world/reality around us. We are creators and engineers of this world, because we originated from the ultimate creator. Though we are stronger as a whole, we (the individuals) do posses some of this ability as a result of originating from IT.

4.) This "physical" world we live in is a mathematical illusion. To help you understand better, it's like an extremely intricate virtual reality program complete with physics assigned to our world, which we are forced to follow.

5.) In order to keep our experience as "real" and pure as possible, we CHOOSE to stay "blind" to our origins.

During my "outer space" experience my earth life seemed almost unreal, as if I had been playing a game for decades. I felt satisfied knowing this, because I realized what was truly important in life. There were things that I fretted over, and now I knew they were not important. I finally knew my purpose. My purpose was to have the experiences that I have, so that we as a whole would learn from it. You and I, we are one piece of a giant puzzle. As strange as it may seem, I actually began to miss my "virtual" life a little, and couldn't wait to return to it so that I could continue. I was told that it was best if I return and immerse myself back in this world, because if I didn't, it would be impossible for me to continue my mission. Since IT was me and I was IT, I knew that I had chosen to be here. I was slowly eased out of my meditation, the room came back, the pixels began to disappear as I "stepped" back into our three-dimensional world, time began to tick again, and the earth seemed like a real place once more. I was happy to be back, and I was completely blown away by what I had seen during my little adventure.

Ever since I've been trying to figure out how to put the whole thing into words, and whether I should tell people about it. I guess I finally found the courage. So, there you have it. Make of it what you will. Truth? Delusion? A little bit of both? You decide. My words are here for your consideration, entertainment, thought, opinion, or whatever else you choose to do with them. I'm not preaching by any means. I'm only offering my perspective of the world based on the experience I just shared.

This is a GREAT thread and thank you for posting it. I came to the conclusion not too long ago that we are god and that the idea of a separate deity is unnecessary and a trick, perhaps one we play on ourselves while in the game. The question I asked was: if religious people say that god has always existed, without beginning or end, then why can't that apply to each and every one of us? We want to experience physicality and purposefully forget who we are because the game just would not be as "fun." As for the rest of your story, unfortunately, my personal "revelation" was not anything near as interesting as yours. It was just an evolution of my thoughts, I suppose. But this is a fascinating experience, made more so by the fact that so many of us come to the same realization in different ways.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 01:51 AM
Space is something for waves of energy to permeate and travel through and that combined with the forces those waves exert, that space, forces and waves of energy make up our reality.

I would appreciate it if you could describe this "nothingness" a bit more. If it's just a dark empty place, then I suppose all we can conclude is that this space of nothing isn't really nothing, but rather just a space where "our reality"(waves of energy and forces) cannot manifest itself.

I would also have to disagree that this consciousness is all-knowing, If it was really all knowing, then it would not try to "experience" because omniscient or being all-knowing implies that that there is nothing more for it to experience(unless it chooses to forget itself, as Hidden_Hand suggested, and this would make sense as to why it would not listen to our prayers. You may ask, isn't it stupid for forgetting all of its knowledge? Well, I think it has to have some kind of fail-safe mechanism or "mode" that if one of its "children" become a "virus"(or rebellious) and try to overtake him, it can reset itself).

Let's assume that it is not all-knowing, then I can answer your question for where it came from. It came or evolved from nothing or the quantum foam, from being a "very basic intelligence" to "very complex intelligence"(but not necessarily infinite).

You can see that this "modified" creator seems to answer all of the questions that opponents of intelligent design often ask(and I think that in order for evolution to work the way it does, some kind of "inherent intelligence" is necessary).
edit on 17-2-2011 by np6888 because: changing some words

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by np6888

This is pretty close to what is but God is that knowledge a perfect seperation and understanding of Good and Evil. Holy things and Defilable a kind of perfect and unphased constant judgment . The quantum mechanics come from this understanding.

I was reading a trip report of someone on shrooms where Jesus asked him, or more a proposition, to help answer the question. And his answer from him was a laugh and said thats the trick, you cant answer it, its already been answered and its that you cant answer it. The question is what keeps it going.

The quantum machine can give life by seeking an uncaclulable answer.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:13 AM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

I can empathise with you OP believe me when I say this. However, the come down afterwards is not so nice. For example, when you are in this higher state of awareness you can see things for what they really are, which simply are. However, when you come back and resume ordinary day to day activities you kind of feel cheated and alone. If only the whole world could experience this type of thing, the world would be a much better place for simply 'existing'

Everything that we hu-mans deem to be true and physical is nothing but an illusion that has been casted and imprinted in to our minds as a version of 'reality' it is only through this higher state of awareness that we can some how muster up the necessary vision to see this. Vibrations, levels, whatever you want to name them are all under one umbrella and that label is 'god' which in turn = US. we are a collectiveness (although we all want to be individual) we are our own Gods.

edit on 17-2-2011 by franspeakfree because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

You said: "So many questions come into the then the creator conscious of its own self...can it only be aware of itself through us?"

I see it like this: Once upon a time there was absolutely nothing. Then suddenly the impossible happend - something came into being. An enormous consisciense suddenly woke up, found itself totally alone, and soon started wondering what it was ...
To better understand, it cut pieces of itself - released these lifeforms to find out what it really was, and sent them out into itself - the universe. Like detectives, who would one day return home and then share these new acquired experiences & knowledge. Or maybe whenever something was felt or acquired by the detectives, this "god" felt it simultaneously.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 03:42 AM
reply to post by AllIsOne

Purpose is to experience and enjoy. I believe, that just the smile we all get on our faces when we read this post, has a deep effect on all of us.

Also, have you never felt like, there is more of you?
They say we only use 10% of our brain capacity, maybe our energies are occupied elsewhere doing other stuff. Could there be groupings of consciences? Could you be existing 10 places in the universe simultanousely?
It's fun living, thinking, drinking, loving - and maybe you can become more the next time around - reach a higher number of your oversoul.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:04 AM
reply to post by EnigmaticDill
my bad I read to fast and misunderstood you, it was simple stupidity not pride though

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by ValValient4

Appreciate you rebuking me on that. Its cool man just was unsure of the intent.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
Where would you suggest a thought would come from...if not your personal own thought? a start for you...if you wish it to be.

Actually experiences which appear similar to yours started more than a decade ago for me, that's why I'm concerned, hope you don't make the same mistakes as I did. One of my biggest mistakes was pretending I'm multiple people, in retrospect because of low selfesteem, some shame of how I've become maybe even a little powertrip, curiosity. Also it's a known technique that if you want to (mind) control others you first have to get rid of their sense of self first. Divide and conquer. If anything one should make a strong persona for themselves that one likes and keep working on it to establish it firmly and then interact with other beings.

Sure you may not willingly, out of free will, search out the bad entities but guess what, they have free will also and they might seek you out some day, there will be nothing you can do about it unless you start to play their game. Maybe it will not happen at all, but because you meet people on earth in daily life, might be at a moment when you're off guard or you'll have little defenses if you only have your faith, you must have knowledge and understanding, a system if you will. If you make up a system that would help you a lot, you can do that now but not once the bad comes knocking at your door.

But enough with the cautions, I'll return to my lurking state

edit on 17/2/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:29 AM
Firstly OP thank you for your post. Very interesting indeed...and mind boggling.

Trying to imagine that..and my mind goes into spaghetti haha.

3.) We are powerful and we have the capability to influence the world/reality around us. We are creators and engineers of this world, because we originated from the ultimate creator. Though we are stronger as a whole, we (the individuals) do posses some of this ability as a result of originating from IT.

I read somewhere, can't remember what, of the power of thought. that if many people think the same can actually affect us..and hence this could be the power of prayer or something?

Thank you for sharing this

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 06:55 AM
Very good thread.

Btw, donut shape space reminds me on Nassim H. theory.

Originally posted by multisouls
reply to post by LeoVirgo

You said: "So many questions come into the then the creator conscious of its own self...can it only be aware of itself through us?"

I see it like this: Once upon a time there was absolutely nothing. Then suddenly the impossible happend - something came into being. An enormous consisciense suddenly woke up, found itself totally alone, and soon started wondering what it was ...
To better understand, it cut pieces of itself - released these lifeforms to find out what it really was, and sent them out into itself - the universe. Like detectives, who would one day return home and then share these new acquired experiences & knowledge. Or maybe whenever something was felt or acquired by the detectives, this "god" felt it simultaneously.

Nothing can't exist. There's always must be something.

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by 2manyquestions

I witnessed our universe being born and reborn over and over and over again at very high speeds. It wasn't like the "big bang", it was more like a loop that constantly turned inside out. It was like the shape of an inverse-rotating donut, or I suppose what some would describe as the symbol for "infinity". It was a giant, infinite fractal.

Very impressive experience. I think what you're referring to is a Moebius strip.

Images of Moebius Strip

posted on Feb, 17 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by 2manyquestions

Yeah, I kind of worked this out by myself a while back. Its a evolutionary fractal. A mathematical waveform that intersects, overlays, creates peaks/troughs and complexity out of seemingly nothing.

As a species we have developed a brain that can interpret the chaotic results and we are also inside the feedback system itself. I saw all this years back while I was reading up on chaos theory. There is a very good bbc2 program you can find on youtube that describes it (Its a must watch), here:

The thing is we can adapt this simple built in Universal maths for our own uses. Evolutionary chaos engineering, quantum computing, simulation, design, swarm intelligence and the list goes on. We just have to create the right environment / simulation.

I'm off to film Marting Rees and Stephen Hawkings for an Cambridge University interview in a few weeks, I plan on asking them about it.

Nice that you saw it so clearly.

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