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Understanding the Corporate Shadow Government Made Easy

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posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I agree in large part with what you are saying my friend, yet I am curious as to who these individuals are, primarily for two reasons.

1. To seperate them from their resources and wealth so they can't corrupt new systems with either moving forward.

2. To identify just what they do own in the way of resources and hidden wealth so it can be restored fully to the people.

What's doomed most revolutions in the past is this small group of shadowy elites laying low for a while and then spreading their wealth and leveraging it to reaquire everything and corrupt the processes all over again.

They are in many ways a cancer, that is part of the root cause of the disease that like a weed or a cancer tends to grow back if not found and rooted out.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 07:54 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Citizenship, birth rights, corporations, S corps, corporate personhoods, etc.. are only applicable if the masses are persuaded of its "truth".

We have to give mad props to the masters of propaganda that have created a bunch of words into fancy sentences on a paper and through pomp and circumstance come to dominate the globe.

That is some seriously gangster S$%T.

The only reason that federal power even exists is due to the supremacy clause which honors international treaties. (I know.... Interstate commerce clause, too much infomation)
Think about how completely absurd that thought would have been to those slave owning, aristocrats who wrote the magna carta and US Constitution.

Our power has been subverted by the money powers, and the only way to get it back is through true communal unity. This information has to be UNDERSTOOD.

Unfortuantely the normal human is so dumbed down and over-burdened with made up, fake social expectations, that this seems but a hazy, drug induced fantasy for the necessary force to awaken.

Great post Proto.

S & F as usual!!!!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:00 PM
reply to post by Aquarius1

Therein is the rub, if you are going to run a business today the way to go is incorporating, at least you have some protection, aside from that of the biggest reasons small business has a hard time succeeding is they not only take full responsibility but fail to get good advice or surround themselves with people who know more then they do, no man is an island.

No man is an island, but no island ever dared show the audacity to radically expedite the way people live. Man, or more correctly people, are what have marked the upward surge of mankind, and no island had a thing to do with it.

It is all too often said that "if you are going to run a business today the way to go is incorporating", but where has this got us? If incorporating was the way to go then why is the outcome a populace the thinks protest is the best they can do all the way up until the inevitability of entropy hits, and then, finally, people come to remember that they can do much more than simply protest.

The reality is that all business is risk, and where there is risk, there most assuredly will be winners, and there will be losers. This is the game. It is the win loss scenario that makes it a game. In this game of risk we call business, some will fail. The reasons that they fail are only relevant to those who failed, but on an aggregate sense, we can be grateful that the business was small so that its failure was not felt by the whole. This is the purpose of the second tenet of capitalism, which is massive competition, and that is to make sure that the inevitability of business failure will not be felt on the whole of the economy.

Part of the beauty of freedom is that we have the freedom to lose. We have the freedom to take risks, and we are free to win and we are free to lose. The beauty lies in the understanding that victory and defeat are equal on this level, and all that really matters is that the game was played and played with conviction and fun. That is the fundamentals of freedom.

I sure wish people would stop trying to take the fun out of my damental.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

Thanks to Jean Paul, yourself, and a number of other talented researchers and critical minds on ATS, members sure have benefited in better understanding the constructs of the law through highly relevant presentations you and they have made.

Many people are figuring and seeing their way out of the box of social contracts that convey broad sweeping powers to government entities through non-disclosure and how to break down the words and their legal meanings to see just how the government tricks us into consigning them powers through our signatures that they constitution never meant for them to have.

Ultimately as more and more people begin to realize how to defeat and short circuit these mechanisms the control of the government and their puppet masters in the shadows will decline and make it harder and harder for them to run this system.

They are masters at the turn of the phrase and the use of words and learning to understand the legal definition of the words they are using, versus the figurative definitions that most people assume they mean, is the first step in gathering amunition to challenge them, by using their own game and words to defeat them.

A lot of great work is being done here on ATS to that end, and a lot of people putting it to practical use through free man on the land and common law concepts are in fact very often succeeding against the system and the courts when they do it.

Nothing in life is easy, but where there is a will there is a way.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:08 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You know, I have to tell you my friend, I hesitated when making my last post, because I feared you might take it as an admonishment of your gargantuan efforts, but ultimately decided that you did agree with me fundamentally - as both you and I's damental is always fun - and went ahead and wrote what I did.

I most assuredly understand why you have made the efforts you have, and in fact, one of your latest threads regarding Egypt tends to demonstrate this, and please be rest assured that I am more than greatly appreciative of your efforts.

You are right that if we do not know who the little shadow mites are and where they are hiding, we will have to keep scratching that damn itch until we find them.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:17 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Part of the beauty of freedom is that we have the freedom to lose. We have the freedom to take risks, and we are free to win and we are free to lose. The beauty lies in the understanding that victory and defeat are equal on this level, and all that really matters is that the game was played and played with conviction and fun. That is the fundamentals of freedom

When you put it that way how can I disagree, you are right risk is risk and in many case well worth it. Thanks for your reply my friend, you always put things into perspective.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I think we owe it to our children to find these people who have been passing their contracts and bonds and stocks on from generation to generation and wielding an incredible amount of influence in the world over it's people from the shadows.

They aren't elected (though some will put a family member in office for show) and they hide their wealth in an amazing and confusing array of corporate spider webs, foundations, and institutions, not to mention in vaults hidden away from prying eyes.

They have had an unseemly control over the economy with most of the wealth in circulation flowing up to them, and they only reinvesting and pushing back down what they desire to keep the world functioning in a scarcity paradigm of controlled chaos.

They have no respect for the masses, in large part because the masses never move to curtail or eliminate them from the role they play within society, which is the one that often drives most world events and political group thinks.

Amazingly they don't even subscribe to the thinking that they push on the masses through the media and education system, and in many cases the religion that they do the same with.

It really is a seperate world for them, a seperate world for us and a line of politicians and armed henchmen in between.

We get to that line, we change the politicians and the henchmen but we never go above and beyond it, in part because people want to believe there is nothing above and beyond it.

The world will never be safe or able to evolve as long as they two worlds unevenly coexist, with the dual standards, and the disparities that they entail.

Throwing off the yoke of their governments and henchmens control is step 1.

Cleaning house of the politicians and henchmen is step 2.

But we absolutely need to take step 3 for once and get rid of the oligarchs, patricians and royals operating under 'divine' right and strip them of their instruments of wealth and power and resources once and for all.

Then and only then can a stable system be made that isn't vulnerable to these vagaries.

You are very correct in that we need to address the problem one step at a time, but I am hoping for once when we do, we don't fall tragically short as has always been the case throughout the last 2,000 years.

Thanks my friend, you are an inspiration to us all!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Josephus23

Unfortuantely the normal human is so dumbed down and over-burdened with made up, fake social expectations, that this seems but a hazy, drug induced fantasy for the necessary force to awaken.

I must tell you, my friend, that the whole "dumbed down" label attributed to people, I have come to believe is an unfair one. People are not dumb, even those who struggle to pass "intelligence tests". People can do, and do do stupid things, but they are not stupid as none of us are the sum total of a single act.

Also, I feel compelled to give full disclosure at this point, and along with that share what I believe to be a big part of the problem, which is expedience - which complements your "over-burdened' estimation of the people. I used to post on this site from the comfort of my office, but this economic downturn put me in a position where I finally had to let go of my office. I am not capable at this point of working online from my home, so I have come to rely heavily upon a corporate coffee house to work online. Indeed, for all intents and purposes my new office is one of the various locations I frequent of this corporate coffee house. This strange dichotomy has made me somewhat ambivalent about individual corporations, even if I maintain the same stance on corporatism in general.

I have come to love this corporate coffee house I frequent on an almost daily basis. I am treated well, with respect and always welcomed and for a few dollars a day, I sit in their store using their internet, drinking their coffee while I do my freelance work, and to make things even more interesting, my work has increased since I began using this corporate coffee house because I keep meeting new clients. Nobody ever came knocking on my door and asked me if I would consider writing for them, but I keep meeting people at these locations who will strike up a conversation with me, eventually ask me what I do, and I am amazed at how many of them turn out to be someone in need of my services.

It is a strange ambivalence borne of expedience that gives me a personal perspective on just how easy it is to succumb to this entropic system, and how difficult it will be to re-create the system into an open one.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

Part of the beauty of freedom is that we have the freedom to lose. We have the freedom to take risks, and we are free to win and we are free to lose. The beauty lies in the understanding that victory and defeat are equal on this level, and all that really matters is that the game was played and played with conviction and fun. That is the fundamentals of freedom

When you put it that way how can I disagree, you are right risk is risk and in many case well worth it. Thanks for your reply my friend, you always put things into perspective.

One of the things that has been so detrimental to the people is that never ending desire to believe risk can be eliminated, that any one of us, should be able to do anything no matter how poorly thought out or ill advised any time of the day and night anywhere and never have any ill befall us.

Our governments are continually selling us on laws and wars designed to play off this quest for safety and security but the truth is a temporal life in an uncertain world, that ultimately nature, and not man rules supreme can not be made absolute safe and without risk.

Often eliminating risk means simply not doing something or doing something in a precise prescribed way, and then with supervision on top of it.

In other words taking all the freedom of choice, and action, and privacy out of life.

That very much plays into a corrupt government who would like total power and control to perpetuate itself and they have used that desire to spy on us, herd us, line us up, search us physically and electronically, photograph us everywhere, and so on and so forth.

The desire and belief that people can lead a risk free life is really what is destorying out freedoms as we are, at least far too many of us, essentially giving government permission slip to be our nannies, and surrogate parents, and minders, and supervisors, in every thing in every way.

That people can even deign to think to call ours a free society is basically proposterous, and the proponents of the police state will usually counter with 'well you are free to say what ever you want', yes in your home on the internet but try saying it at a politicians town hall meeting, to the TSA agents at the airport, or the police officer who stops you on the street.

It garners a very different and real response then.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:06 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I watched that video at least three times! It really does simplify it for someone like me who cannot grasp the entire concept at once. After watching the video three times I began to look into some things like economic war and corporate wars. I increasingly was led to continuity of government type of stuff.

Continuity of Government Commission

The Continuity of Government Commission is a think tank set up in 2002 to recommend improvements on the constitutional and statutory provisions for the continuity of government in the United States. It was set up by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and the Brookings Institution following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Former presidents Jimmy Carter and Gerald Ford served as its honorary co-chairmen.

So then I came across the article below. In the article it says that the administration began to deploy a shadow government that not everyone was aware of. It sounds innocent enough that they would want the government to be in control after causing all the aftermath but the thing that got me was that they had it in place already. Now this may not be the Shadow Government we are referring to in this thread but it struck me as interesting.

'Shadow Government' News To Congress

(CBS) Key congressional leaders say they didn’t know President Bush had established a “shadow government,” moving dozens of senior civilian managers to secret underground locations outside Washington to ensure that the federal government could survive a devastating terrorist attack on the nation's capital, The Washington Post says in its Saturday editions. Senate Majority Leader Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) told the Post he had not been informed by the White House about the role, location or even the existence of the shadow government that the administration began to deploy the morning of the Sept. 11 hijackings.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:13 PM
reply to post by jackflap

They say the Government's shadow government (not to be confused with the corporate shadow government) has it's own President and Vice President and that they show up to work every day at their secret location.

So if suddenly Washington D.C. is incinerated they are already on the scene and on the job in their secure location.

This is absolutely amazing in part, because it would seem these individuals that no one even knows who they are, would probably be up to speed on all the most top secret intelligence so they could step right in if Washington was incinerated.

Unelected, entirely unknown, and ultimately also having the power to launch a massive nuclear strike and all kinds of other nasty things, are ever more and more secretive government has taken on a life and even a split personality of it's own.

Great post my friend, as always.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by jackflap

Excellent post Jackflap and research, what say you naysayers about reading about the Shadow Government by main stream news, CBS no less, now if they are printing this there has to much more to it, as you know if we get any news it is usually the tip of the olé iceberg, most people don't look beyond or do the research.

I have heard much about this over the years but it always seemed to be in the conspiracy realm.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Aquarius1
reply to post by jackflap

Excellent post Jackflap and research, what say you naysayers about reading about the Shadow Government by main stream news, CBS no less, now if they are printing this there has to much more to it, as you know if we get any news it is usually the tip of the olé iceberg, most people don't look beyond or do the research.

I have heard much about this over the years but it always seemed to be in the conspiracy realm.

By the start of the early 20th Century Andrew Carnegie is alledged to have written J.D. Rockefeller stating that between the two of them they owned enough of the United States infrastructure and it's natural resources for the game to be over, and the government to be mute.

It is the corporations that control the most vital things to our urban survival and not the government, so in reality the real power does lie with the corporations and not the government.

Most of us would be hard pressed to survive if they were to suddenly shut down the communication, distribution systems, power grids, retail outlets, transportation systems and banks that they own.

We would literally starve without them.

So I don't think it's wise to dismiss the power of the corporate shadow government and based on Washington's behavior and relationship with corporate lobbyists it's pretty apparent that the government doesn't.

Conspiracy indeed!

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 09:53 PM
Another wonderful, informative thread from you Proto, and once again my friend I'm going to bring a 'doom and gloom' point of view/outlook to one of your superb threads (sigh)

It is obvious from the many intelligent and thoughtful replies to this thread (and many of your other threads too) that many are becoming wise to the reality and nature of the system we live in. While one can take some heart from this, it is not these type of people one has to wake up....

It is 'Joe Bloggs' in the street with his penchant for accepting everything the MSM throws at him, that is the person that needs to wake up to the reality of 'bought; governments, fiat currencies, resource rape and the 'slavery' of most to the enrichment of a select few.

Unfortunately not only is Joe Bloggs not listening, he doesn't want to listen. Should you be (un)lucky enough to trap Joe Bloggs in some corner were he has no option but to listen, well then Joe's eyes will glaze over a few truths into the conversation.

I once (not that long ago) tried telling a friend of mine about Smedley Butler's 'War is a Racket' ... He was telling me (in casual conversation) how much he admired the US military for keeping the world at relative peace since WW2. After nearly choking on my coffee, I started on the 'War Is A Racket' speech.... Within a few sentences I could see his eyes glaze over, while he pretended to still be listening... probably thinking about his next coffee at Starbucks (one of his favourite pastimes). I gave up!

This is one of many other occasions which have made me realize that most 'normal' people have absolutely no interest or desire in 'waking up'. It suits them to believe and live the lie that is carefully constructed around them by those in power.... in short, they do not want to be disconnected from the Matrix.

As long as Joe & Jane Bloggs gets their Budweiser, or Starbucks, have a few $ in their pocket, a plasma TV to watch, and some sort of Celebrity Game Show to watch on it, they don't give a crap about whether some third world country is getting resource-raped or invaded... other than in the most superficial of terms. The same goes for for what lobbyists are in bed with what government representatives, what tax dollars are being spent on and why, what laws are being enacted 'under the table', or any of a million other things too 'boring' or 'complicated' to bother with

Does this mean that we give up trying?.... no .... But it saddens me to think that most of the time these threads - your wonderful, insightful, informative threads - are preaching to the converted, and those select few discerning enough to look beyond the carefully constructed superficial reality most people accept as the norm.

Depressing SOB aren't I?

P.S ... despite building my own computers, running several websites and forums, and being a computer buff for 20 years, I still only type with one finger... so forgive me if I don;t contribute to yout threads as often as I would like.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:02 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Most of us would be hard pressed to survive if they were to suddenly shut down the communication, distribution systems, power grids, retail outlets, transportation systems and banks that they own.

Survival always has been a hard press. There are times when we are able to enjoy the luxuries afforded us that will lull us into a sensation that life is easy, but it is merely an illusion. Life is not easy, and it never was. Life is hard...this is the game.

Winning isn't easy, it is difficult. It becomes even more difficult when the rules of the game have been rigged to work against you. Of course, when the rules of the game are rigged to work against you there is only one reasonable option, and that is to change the rules.

Few people understand this, which is why I have taken to affectionately calling this principle of changing the rules; The Captain Kirk Principle. One of the myths in the Star Trek mythology is the one where Captain Kirk is the sole commander to have ever beat the no-win scenario computer simulation. In the Wrath of Khan we discover how he beat this no-win scenario. We learn how when he explains to a lamenting Saavik, who has succumb to her own fears of dying and losing on a desolate planet, that Kirk went in the night before his turn to confront the no-win scenario and reprogrammed the computer to allow for an even chance of winning and losing. Upon hearing this, Saavik responds in disbelief; "You cheated?" "Not cheated", Captain Kirk answers; "I changed the rules."

When the rules work against you, then change the rules!

The fact of the matter is that the start of the 20th Century was the what followed the tail end of the 19th Century, and it was the tail end of the 19th Century that historians will sometimes refer to as The Progressive Era. It was the Progressive Era that gave rise to credentialism, where people were expected to obtain a license to do what they had a right to do. It is no accident that what followed the Progressive Era, or was a natural extension of the Progressive Era was prohibitions. The prohibition of prostitution, gambling, a failed bid at prohibiting alcohol, and finally the so called "war on drugs". These acts of prohibition are really just more smoke and mirrors intended to create an illusion of a black market filled with hookers, numbers runners, rum runners, and drug dealers.

If I were to have immediately gone into suggesting that we engage in the black market and pull out of the "free and open market" without having prefaced it with my little history lesson, many would have read my suggestion and took it to mean I was suggestion we all become pimps, hookers, numbers runners, rum runners, and drug dealers - and indeed, what do you want to bet there are some who in spite of my qualifications will insist that the black market is for drug dealers? - but the reality is that in many metropolises, cities and even towns, there are plenty of people engaging in black market principles without having a thing to do with drugs, alcohol, prostitution, or gambling, and instead are selling their wares, whether it be socks, T-shirts, underwear, toilet paper, shampoo, or electronic goods, they are the unlicensed vendors who are the true capitalists.

The so called "free and open market" is the closed system that is strangling the masses. The black market then is the only viable option for a genuine free and unregulated market place.

Can the corporate world make the masses lives miserable? You bet they can! Can the masses make the corporate world lives miserable? Count on it!

If all closed systems tend towards entropy, and they do, then what difference does it make if before that useless energy reaches its critical mass the corporate world shuts it down prematurely? Useless energy is useless energy regardless of how it became useless. What I am saying is that it matters not that the corporate world can bring down a world of hurt on the masses, because their closed system has virtually guaranteed this world of hurt and staving off the inevitable doesn't change the inevitable.

Even before entropy plays its insidious game of permeation, dung happens. Earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, and all sorts of natural disasters happen that bring about this hard pressed survival for people. Life is hard, this is the reality. It is imperative we toughen up and prepare for the worst, even if, in the meantime, we enjoy to the fullest the little luxuries we have.

We can all sit around and wish for Ron Paul to become President, or Jesus to come back and spank the world, or we can just do our own part in bringing about the best possible world we can imagine. You know what? It is possible that if we do all just do what needs to be done to usher in necessary and positive change, that along the way Ron Paul will get elected President and Jesus will come back to spank the world, but the beauty of us doing what we must is that even if Dr. Paul never gets elected President and Jesus spanking time is for another generation, at least we are doing what we must.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by Dagar
But it saddens me to think that most of the time these threads - your wonderful, insightful, informative threads - are preaching to the converted, and those select few discerning enough to look beyond the carefully constructed superficial reality most people accept as the norm.

But what does this mean? Do we need a new "royal" family of the righteous wise to herd the sheep to greener pastures?

Sri Oracle

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:15 PM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux

We can all sit around and wish for Ron Paul to become President, or Jesus to come back and spank the world, or we can just do our own part in bringing about the best possible world we can imagine. You know what? It is possible that if we do all just do what needs to be done to usher in necessary and positive change, that along the way Ron Paul will get elected President and Jesus will come back to spank the world, but the beauty of us doing what we must is that even if Dr. Paul never gets elected President and Jesus spanking time is for another generation, at least we are doing what we must.

I can agree with that... If I just keep cutting boards and driving nails each day something good must come of it...

good night... and thank you folks for the wonderful read.
edit on 15-2-2011 by Sri Oracle because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle

Originally posted by Dagar
But it saddens me to think that most of the time these threads - your wonderful, insightful, informative threads - are preaching to the converted, and those select few discerning enough to look beyond the carefully constructed superficial reality most people accept as the norm.

But what does this mean? Do we need a new "royal" family of the righteous wise to herd the sheep to greener pastures?

Sri Oracle

Nope ... that sort of plan is what got us into this mess in the first place

All one can do is inform ... if the person you're informing does not want to listen, or prefers not to, then there's little more you can do.

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by Jean Paul Zodeaux

I do apologize for the use of the word "dumbed down". It is quite cliche and ambiguously personal.
You were very correct in your interpretation of the idea. Thank you for broadening my thoughts on the issue.

People are capable of creating civilized humanity, us if you will...

The human condition relies upon the concept of hope. In a broad sense it is what drives propagation of the species, created language, fire, universities, logic, the scientific method, etc...

But this advancement comes at an exponential price. Technology advancing toward life-altering treatments that continue to extend life in its most useful state into infinity, stuff that science fiction dreams as absolute fantasy; that stuff is just around the corner my friend.

But unfortunately the method for producing this singularly universal accomplishment is similar to a hatchling consuming its egg in order to become a bird.
Corporate merging to the point of megalithic organisms is the trend, and it does produce fantastic technology.

Technology that could eventually teach itself to evolve. Intelligence squared.

Mmmmmmm... That corporate coffee tastes good.

Cheers to the future my friend

posted on Feb, 15 2011 @ 10:44 PM
I have heard about the economic hitmen before. Infact I think I first heard about it in the...second? Zeitgeist.

Anyway, if he is saying we went into Iraq because the "Jackals" failed to kill him. Then what about the claims that we went into Iraq because Saddam was going to start trading in Euros?
edit on 15-2-2011 by Baguette because: (no reason given)

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