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Black Nobility Exposed Video With Names

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posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 05:24 AM
I have came across a very interesting video which exposes corrupt "elites" if you want to call them that. Anyways here is the video. All comments and questions welcomed as long as the subject deals with the video at hand.

edit on 12-2-2010 by CPYKOmega because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 05:50 AM
Chateau des Amerois (Castle of the Dark Mother)

There is a secret castle located near the village of Muno in Belgium.

This castle is a center of the occult and have a cathedral inside with a dome with 1,000 lights.

This castle is referred to as the Mothers-of-Darkness castle.

Monarch programming would be performed on children there.

This castle is also sometimes referred to as the "Castle of Kings".

Its real name is "Chateau des Amerois" and it is located in Bouillon (Belgium), near the village of Muno.

This castle and its domain, the Muno forest, belonged to Prince Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg-Gotha, Count of Flanders and father of King Albert I.

The castle of Romantic style was built in 1877 for Philippe of Saxe-Cobourg Gotha by the architect Gustave Saintenoy.

The Ritual Area is like a domed ceiling in a planetarium with lights in astrological shapes as “Thousand Points of Light”

It has 365 windows.

Pink Ballet

The Pick Ballet is the choreographed build up to child sacrifice.

It can also refer to the dance of pretending to be normal and compassionate, which includes all the lies, dressing up, pretending and politics they go through to hide their true intents and natures.

Rumors about the sex parties, the so-called "Pink Ballets" (les Ballets Roses), have been rampant in Belgium for about two decades.

“Les Ballets Roses”/Pink Ballet is a Ritual that contains pedophile sex and human sacrifice like Baal and Moloch all as One.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:07 AM
That was mind Blowing... wow.
these people, l. I'm at a loss.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:34 AM
I have a source who says she is an actual escaped slave. Hopefully we will stay in contact.

Second Line.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 06:48 AM
I have found myself as of lately digging into our history and have found that all roads do not lead to Rome .The Netherlands seem to be the place so this post would confirm that .I would give you a star and flag but my pc has been attacked and will not allow me ...I was attacked going to Jeff Gates new site ...He is a good guy and has some vids out on game theory,,,well worth a look ...It seems that wiki leaks is part of this game theory .There is a new article from Rebel News that shows he has awards from the main players in this whole NWO ....
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has close links to the Economist, controlled by the Rothschild banking family . family

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:13 AM
That video is awesome and the music is fitting aswell.

I hope them pricks suffer a long and painful death if all of that is true..

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 07:19 AM
I personally would not advise peopel to watch this vid.

One would suspect that alot of storis about the black nobility are true, and they see themselves as divine, and have some sort of right to rule.

Who knows if they do or not.

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 02:01 PM
If the said Black Lodge activity that some of these "elites" are accused of is true, then I wouldn't be surprised. However, when naming names, we have to be careful to not slander people. Also, where do the photos of those children come from, that are found towards the end of the video? It is implied that an insider escaped with the photos as to tell the story?


"Whether the Black Lodge is controlling the world or not, it is the Father who enacts the punishment for this humanity."

Question: What is the cause of the modern political failure which is so characteristic in the modern leaders of government?

Samael Aun Weor: This political failure, which utilizes modern leaders, has its origin in the sexual debility within them. It is well known that modern society is controlled by the "scoundrels of the intellect." The "scoundrels of the intellect" are terrible fornicators and all this is demonstrated over and over again. A "scoundrel" is the mixture of intellectualism with the lack of spirituality, and the lack of spirituality causes exorbitant lust; and this is true, I repeat that the world is governed by "scoundrels," it is not strange that this happens.

So then, the politicians, because of being weak, are governed by the Superman. The politicians, because of sexual debility, are governed by the Conscious Circle of Solar Humanity which operates in the Superior Centers of the Being. The politicians are like black pawns, which the Interior Fraternity of Light manipulates. There exist black and white pawns, and the Interior Fraternity of Light reinforces (at times) one pawn or another, in accordance with the karma and dharma of the nations.

Although most politicians, are more than likely to be asleep black pawns (asleep fornicators).

Whereas awakened "black pawns" who engage in rituals of Black Tantra, are perhaps a different story.

Originally posted by andy1033
I personally would not advise peopel to watch this vid.

There is something sinister about the video itself.

Who is "Sluttacious 10" who posted it on Youtube? Who is "Lylyth R." who appears at the end of the vid?

One might consider trying to investigate this "Chateau des Amerois" in the astral plane. But it might not be such a good idea to do so, especially if one does not have a Solar Astral Body.

edit on 2-12-2010 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:06 PM

Originally posted by Tamahu

Who is "Sluttacious 10" who posted it on Youtube? Who is "Lylyth R." who appears at the end of the vid?

One might consider trying to investigate this Chateau des Amerois in the astral plane. But it might not be such a good idea to do so, especially if one does not have a Solar Astral Body.

edit on 2-12-2010 by Tamahu because: edited text

She is the supposed sex slave who I'm in contact with. I have only stumbled upon this information not too long ago and only messaged her a few days ago so I don't know much information yet. I am talking with her about this and hopefully she can shed some more light on this subject.

I think she is still subliminally programmed so I'm trying to help her out with that by recommending she listen to Buddhist chants, spiritually uplifting music, ect ect.

edit on 12-2-2010 by CPYKOmega because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 03:59 PM
For one to refer to themselves as a "slut" or anything related to Lilith, implies still having strong connections to the Black Lodge.

"Slut" is related to the sphere of Nahemah; and the sphere of Lilith is of things like pederasty, sadomasochism, murder, homosexuality, sodomy, masturbation, contraceptives, etc.

Hopefully, for her sake, she will have the courage and will to seek the help of her Inner Being and Divine Mother (AIMA), as to heal the traumas of her sexual abuses, by taking up Chastity as to begin severing past ties to the Black Lodge.

Here is some great music:

Buddhist Music and Chanting

Sufi music, and the music of Beethoven, Wagner, Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi, Haydn, Tchaikovsky, etc. is also very uplifting.

Let us keep the following in mind as well:

Igneous Rose

162. We must learn to appreciate the doctrine of the heart more.
163. He who despises the doctrine of the heart because he follows the doctrine of the eye (theories, schools, bookish culture, etc.) can never reach great realizations.
164. We must learn how to know good from evil and evil from good.
165. In everything that is evil, there is something good; in everything that is good, there is something evil.
166. Although it seems incredible, the Mary Magdalenes are much closer to Initiation than many innocent girls.
167. Although it seems unusual to the student, the one who is pointed at and accused with the finger is often closer to the Initiation than the hypocritical, sanctimonious one who sweetly smiles before the people in the auditorium of the lodge or temple.

168. Paul of Tarsus was an executioner and an assassin before the event that took place in his journey to Damascus.
169. The instantaneous transformation of this man surprised all the Saints of Jerusalem.
170. The evil one converted himself into a prophet...
171. This is the mystery of BAPHOMET.
172. Animal pedestals sustain the sacred objects of the temples. The legs of the thrones of the Masters are made of monsters.
173. Christ knew how to appreciate the beauty of the teeth on a decomposing body of a dog.
174. Blue flames were blazing in the demon Beelzebub. These flames assisted him in order to transform him into a disciple of the White Hierarchy.
175. Crime is often hidden within the incense of prayer.

Tarot and Kabbalah

All of us have heard about spiritualism, about Witches' Sabbaths with witches and rogues. There are those who see this as something strange, others as stories which cause one to smile. The crude reality however, is that the medieval witches’ sabbaths and the famous witches of midnight are more real than we might think. Those hags (”Calchonas” as they are called in strictly academic Hispanic language) obviously belong to the world of the Klipoth. Their governess was precisely Maria of the Antilles, so well-known in the ancient medieval convents. Those witches of the ancient witches’ sabbaths called her “Santa Maria.” I investigated that strange creature in the world of the Klipoth; how she was able to spend her life with so many Black Magicians, how she was able to be present at so many witches’ sabbaths. I never saw in her however, that which one could call perversity.

The tenebrous of the left hand the sub-lunar creatures rendered cult to her, and considered that magician not as someone tenebrous, but as a saint. I wanted to know what truth there had been in that; the alleged sanctity of a creature who was involved with darkness, who is mentioned in so many witches’ sabbaths and monasteries of the Middle Ages. Who of those who have occupied themselves with the study of old accounts of medieval High and Low Magic has not at some time heard of Maria of the Antilles? There are so many secrets hidden within the dust of many libraries.

I have to clarify this, of course; I knew about it and I did clarify this precisely in the world of Tiphereth, where I invoked that entity. I was heard, and to my surprise I met with a Self-Realised Master. I then understood that she had emanated her Bodhisattva from herself, and that this Bodhisattva was versed in the practice of Magic, in the Magic Triangle or the Third Triangle, and was passing through rigorous training, beginning in the Klipoth, but without doing harm to anyone. Afterwards, I made direct contact with her Bodhisattva, with Maria of the Antilles, and when I invited her to visit the world of Nirvana, she gladly accepted my invitation. Once she had fused with her Real Being, the Secret Master, I then saw that she was a creature that has attained the perfection of High Magic. Although she may have lived in the world of the Klipoth, she did so to conclude her learning or psychological training, exercising tremendous powers, but without doing evil.

edit on 2-12-2010 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 04:06 PM
Sounds like she is in a position to look towards the light ...When looking for the light it is best to go in the oppisit direction to dark ....Jesus is the Light and the way ...look towards Him and darkness will flee away ...peace

posted on Dec, 2 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by CPYKOmega

This legitimately tells us nothing. It makes a lot of claims, but where is the proof of these claims?

Can someone make this video into a series of stills? I'd like to look up and research each of these individuals to discover what the *real* truth is for myself....

Most of the pictures looked ancient....not modern. And the children looked like paintings.

Basically, I saw NOTHING in this footage that had proof of what is being claimed.

ETA - I will it give it 10 pts for being artistically done.
edit on 2-12-2010 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 02:28 AM
Evil is'nt always dressed in black
and only comes out at night,
Sometimes the devil wears a white dress
and is the finest thing in sight.
edit on 3-12-2010 by BrainGarden because: correction

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 06:45 AM
Fascinating. Disgusting but fascinating. I imagine this thread won't garner too much attention here but it is still quite an interesting thread!

I've known about the black nobility for some time, and the fact that they engage in abhorrent behavior including murder, pedophilia, and well a lack of goodness/spiratuality, but this kind of puts a face to it somewhat.


posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Redwookieaz
and the fact that they engage in abhorrent behavior including murder, pedophilia, and well a lack of goodness/spiratuality

And you know this "fact" how???

So far, all I have seen are a bunch of rumors and innuendo with NO PROOF. How would you like someone slandering your good name and accusing YOU of "murder, pedophilia, and a lack of goodness/spirituality"??? Maybe I should start some threads saying you guys are doing these things....because, after all, maybe you are? I mean...I've got just as much proof that YOU are selling child prostitutes and making blood sacrifices to Satan as I've seen against the people in this video....

How about we start researching some PROOF instead of following someone blindly because it sounds "good" and "nefarious...."???? I'd love to see some real proof instead of just regurgitation of the same old sources that really show nothing.
edit on 3-12-2010 by CIAGypsy because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 09:01 AM
not trying to kill a good conspiracy or anything, but who says that these people are guilty of the crimes attributed to them in the video? I get that rich nobility never had to live in the real world and have no idea what it's like out here, but I don't think we should make stuff up about them just to make us feel vindicated for being regular. I just have a hard time seeing any of this a factual.

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 09:36 AM
CIAGypsy and network dude

That's why I said:

Originally posted by Tamahu
If the said Black Lodge activity that some of these "elites" are accused of is true, then I wouldn't be surprised. However, when naming names, we have to be careful to not slander people. Also, where do the photos of those children come from, that are found towards the end of the video? It is implied that an insider escaped with the photos as to tell the story?

So let's back up a little, and start by finding out more about the castle itself.

Is the castle shown in the pictures in the video, actually called "Chateau des Amerois" (Castle of the Dark Mother) by those who inhabit it?

Is it a fact, that those who own it, have actually been trying to hide the fact of its existence and whereabouts?

Anyway, those who have studied Kabbalah, can see that AIMA, the Fertile Bright Mother, is related to Shechinah; and that AMA, who is known as "the sterile dark mother" seems to have aspects related to the sterile Lilith.

And the "Castle of the Dark Mother" is getting associated with activities related to Lilith, whether any of the accusations are true or not.

edit on 3-12-2010 by Tamahu because: edited text

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 09:56 AM

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by network dude
not trying to kill a good conspiracy or anything, but who says that these people are guilty of the crimes attributed to them in the video? I get that rich nobility never had to live in the real world and have no idea what it's like out here, but I don't think we should make stuff up about them just to make us feel vindicated for being regular. I just have a hard time seeing any of this a factual.

It's as easy as typing in a name. Here's the first tidbit i found...

posted on Dec, 3 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Romans 10:9

well, that guy certainly was/is a nut job. there was a guy in the US who had done that. I don't recall his name, but the girl he imprisoned was Cacey Dugard or something like that. To my knowledge he wasn't nobility in any way, just a sick nut job. To me that proves that lunacy isn't just for the poor. I fail to see how anyone can put this together to be a huge conspiracy unless everyone on that list had the same situations.

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