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TSA Modifies Pat Downs/Protests dated for 11/24/10

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posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 02:55 PM
Also I love the crys for the thread to be closed or troll or whatever else, that just means everyone here who is fighting for the "minority" is also a hypocrite! Since on here right now I'm clearly the minority.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by hawkiye

Um TSA is also in control of the border of mexico? You may wanna look up your facts but the Border Patrol is not controlled by the TSA. Also why are we so paranoid of human touch?
edit on 23-11-2010 by NoJoker13 because: (no reason given)

I just keeps getting better... I guess we are lucky the terrorists have no better mental capacity then you or a few thousand would have slipped across the border among the millions who do so yearly and taken out our power grid knocking us back into the 19th century while TSA agents take naked pictures of and grope little boys and old ladies to convince you they are keeping you safe... Big Sigh!

Or heres a thought maybe the terrorist threat is not as great as it is portrayed? Naw the government says it is so perish the thought someone hand me a beer, when is the game is on?...

edit on 23-11-2010 by hawkiye because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by Blarneystoner
Maybe the writer has it wrong or jumped to the conclusion that the TSO had no choice but to let him go after acknowledging the fact that the procedure is unconstitutional and violated his rights.

That's what I think. I actually think the TSA guys and LEOs didn't want it on the news. They just didn't want to make a big deal, and since he'd already flown, they let it go. They couldn't very well let it go if he was boarding an aircraft.

The TSOs have no real authority and when push comes to shove, LEOs (at least in this case) are not going to provide any assistance to those who would violate our rights.

I'm not sure we can make that conclusion, either. If he had been boarding a flight, the outcome of this story would have been very different, I'm convinced.

Originally posted by NoJoker13
That's pretty damn funny to me since people here of ATS never back the MSM but now are rooting for them.

Yes, that makes the MSM's position suspicious, to me.
But you're not the only one who feels the way you do. There are several I've run across. Most of them wear a "Friend of Yours" banner.
I just can't be trusted to take the position of my friends all the time.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by NoJoker13

1. The terrorists goal is not to kill's to change our way of putting fear in us.
2. Propaganda....terrorists know they don't have enough firepower to beat they use 'fear' to sway people. (ex. Vietnam war)
3. You do realize a bus, train, trolley....easier to pack with explosives....can cause more damage then a plane, right?
4. You're too quick to give up your constitutional rights out of fear...people have died for your freedom.
5. The U.S. is becoming more of a military state....U.S. Presidents are gradually signing away our freedom...that's a proven FACT.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 11:35 PM
ill give you a s&f, i agree with you

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 11:42 PM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
Also I love the crys for the thread to be closed or troll or whatever else, that just means everyone here who is fighting for the "minority" is also a hypocrite! Since on here right now I'm clearly the minority.

I wish I understood what you said. All I can see is you are really angry about something. Who are you calling a hypocrite?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:24 AM
The only reason that the TSA is using these machines is because of a business deal... between politicians and the manufactures of the machines. Has nothing to do with safety... ok ?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 12:58 AM
The Supreme Court overturned Wash DC's gun ban as it violated the Constitution.

Mayor Bloomberg could not even stop suspected terrorists on a watch list from buying guns because it was a violation of their Constitution rights.

This is a violation of the 4th Amendment and my constitutional rights.

I have given no "reasonable cause" for security agents to suspect me of a crime.
I do not give them permission to touch me and I do not wish to be subjected to unsafe doses of radiation (often 20X higher than reported!)

Sign the Petition: Investigate the TSA

After the House voted down invasive porno scanners, the TSA ignored the will of Congress and bought the machines anyway, wasting $25 million in stimulus funds to create just a single job.

Know (download a copy of) PASSENGER RIGHTS

edit on 24-11-2010 by rusethorcain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by R3KR
The only reason that the TSA is using these machines is because of a business deal... between politicians and the manufactures of the machines. Has nothing to do with safety... ok ?


posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by NoJoker13
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Like I said before and I'll say again if your "uncomfortable" with it, find another way to travel. A plane isn't the only way and believe me I do get it, people need to suck up their pride and go through it or don't fly.

What exactly do you think gives you the right to tell me how to travel?

If it makes me feel uncomfortable or giddy, it is MY RIGHT TO CHOOSE FOR MYSELF how I want to travel, and The US CONSTITUTION guarantees me the Right against unwarranted search and seizure as per the Fourth Amendment.

I would like for you to give me three VALID reasons to have to go through a radiation emmiting back-scatter scanning machine, or submit myself to a perverted feeling up of my private parts...

The shoe bomber was a patsy, look up the truth about the shoe bomber. The panty bomber was a patsy as well, look up the truth about the underwear bomber. The toner-bombs...well, UPS does not fly ito or out of Yemen, so why does the media story keep saying that the bombs were put on the UPS planes in Yemen? I only tell you these things because I asked you for three valid reasons for all of this "enhanced security", if the reasons they tell us we need it are BS, then why do you believe them, and then tell us to comply in your lil rant posts?

edit on 24-11-2010 by Banjamin Jefferson Madiso because: typos...

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:48 AM
but !, can private policy over ride what is considered domestic law / international law / consitution?

he / she who figures that one out ill buy a coffey

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 01:49 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

i kind of feel that you are taking this hardline conformist approach in order to get people angry and increase the amount of replies to this thread, assuming that you actually believe and stand by what you are spewing, i'll ask this question, why are you here on this web site?, whilst you obviously understand that your rights have been eroded over the years you seem to maintain that this is ok!, grow a back bone and stick up for them, remember the government is a tool of the people not the other way round, the sooner we reclaim our rights and show these folks that we wont be walked on the better. Terrorism , what a joke, ask yourself this, why would people want to kill people if indeed they do?, kind of a weird hobby

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:07 AM
reply to post by j619pinoy


google the truth about al qaeda, it is a media construct based on a CIA database, al Qaeda literally translates to "the base", as in 'the data base', but in Arab speaking countries the term "al qaeda" is used in reference to the toilet. Search on Youtube for the BBC documentary exposing that al qaeda does not exist. It is easy to find tonnes of evidence on the widely known fact that, there is no al qaeda.

google "false flag attacks" and see what you can find out about governments staging and commiting "terroristic attacks" on their own populations in order to justify enacting unjust illegal and oppressive laws and/or implimenting unpopular policies, such as the Patriot Act, Homeland Security Acts 1 and 2, and the installation of radiating, invasive intrusive personally violating, full-body back-scattering scanners machines, all for reasons based on complete lies.

google the number of "terror" detainees "suspected" of connections to al qaeda, and planning out all sorts of attacks against US citizens and US "interests", who have been held in violation of many civil rights, sometimes for years, who never get legal representation or face any charges. Once in a while, some even get released...but, if there wasn't enough if any evidence to charge them with terror crimes, then why were they arrested and detained in the first place?

What terrorists are you talking about?

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:22 AM
Thought this was relevant:



0: People killed in the USA by terrorism/WMD in 2006.
(Thousands killed by the US and its allies in foreign countries.)

0: People killed in the UK by terrorism/WMD in 2006.

0: People killed in the USA by terrorism/WMD in 2005.

52: killed in the UK by terrorism/WMD in 2005 (all on "7/7").

0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2004.

0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2004.

0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2003.

0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2003.

0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2002.

0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2002.

2,752: in USA killed by terrorism in 2001 (all on "9/11").

0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2001.

0: People in the USA killed by terrorism/WMD in 2000.

0: People in the UK killed by terrorism/WMD in 2000.


1.2 MILLION: People in killed in road accidents EVERY YEAR.

430,000: Americans killed by cigarettes EVERY YEAR. (The equivalent of 9/11 repeated every two days forever.) Bush's response to a real threat? His election promise to stop the Justice Department's law suit against the tobacco industry.

400,000: Americans die each year from obesity (while much greater numbers around the world starve to death).

11,000: the people killed in America every year by guns, a human tragedy equivalent to a new 9/11 every 3 months.

8,437: Civilians killed by US/UK attacks in Iraq in 2003.

3,800: Civilians killed by US/UK attacks in Afghanistan by 2002.

135,000: Deaths from cancer in UK alone EVERY YEAR

3 MILLION: Killed by HIV/AIDS in 2003.

780,000,000: People starving to death RIGHT NOW.

1.2 BILLION: People "living" on less than $1 a day.

513,000,000: Number of people without access to safe drinking water.

2,500: Palestinian civillians killed "by accident" in Palestine by the Israeli army - and that's just since September 2000.

14,000: Palestinian people whose homes have been demolished by Israeli bulldozers - and that's just since October 2000. Families who do not escape in time are crushed to death - often at night in their beds.

Yet we worry about airport security? Of course its for money. Of course its to set a precedent.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 02:26 AM
I'll admit that I have not read every single post in this thread, but, I haven't seen anyone ask what I think are the pertinent questions regarding this story.

Why are people being made to submit to any kind of search after they disembark from a flight?
Are they re-entering the country? OK...
Didn't they have to produce a passport in order to board the airplane?
Did they not have to submit to any US Customs Protocols before they were brought into the country on a jetliner?

If the TSA's function is to ensure air travel safety, then why are they scanning and frisking people after the potential "danger" is over? After the flight has touched down safely at it's destination? In my opinion that is NOT the time for "preventative enhanced safety measures", wth is really going on here?

I have gone through the metal detectors to enter the courts and federal buildings, but never to leave!

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:37 AM
They modified it, huh? That settles it, then.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 03:40 AM

OP use your head before you create a thread.

just because YOU seldom fly doesnt mean EVERYBODY seldom fly's.

some people fly 4-5 times a week,

so your opinion on the matter (in the words of greenspan) "frankly...doesnt matter"

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:23 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

Nothing you said made any sense at all, you refered to tons of immagrants coming over the borders every year I said TSA doesn't control the borders and then you put out some nonsense babble. Whatever if I could delete your awful posts I would!

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by NoJoker13

Neither groping or a cavity search, thank you very much.

posted on Nov, 24 2010 @ 06:26 AM
reply to post by RelentlessLurker

Doesn't matter? You don't go through the AIT every time it's a a selection process most go through the metal detector, you could fly all year and never have to go through the AIT so yes it does matter. Have you even been in an airport in the last 4 months? Because I have twice, I flew six different times and I had to go through the AIT once and had to have a pat down and I joked with the guy not to get scared by the size of my sausage. So what I'm saying does make sense "frankly" and the arguement on your side needs to get somemore facts of what exactly is going on. Your post was pointless... frankly.

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