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Carrol County, Maryland - Triangle UFO/Helicopter/Sonic Booms - 11/12/2010

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posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 04:13 PM
Glad to be here. I'm happy to answer any questions you have, and I'll do so to the best of my ability, but ideally I'll be able to get Dan on .

As far as I know, it's an average, rural neighborhood (insofar as house proximity and denseness). After his mother sent him the video, Dan went back home for the weekend to investigate. He spoke to several of his neighbors with mixed results. More people than not reported hearing the booms and feeling their homes shake, (I don't know how many thought to look outside, but I'm positive Dan's mother/family weren't the only ones to see it--also, I do not know how close they were too it. I've heard an estimate of half a mile from one person based on the video. Who knows.) however, he encountered others in the neighborhood who felt and heard nothing.. even though they were Literally next door to those who did. Keep in mind that it was a Friday night, so people could have had loud music on or been away from home.

Dan and his girlfriend also visited quite a few police stations in the area. I'm a little fuzzy on whether or not the police knew what "booms" he was referring to (as in, they'd received calls about it on Friday and didn't need any clarification, "booms? wtf are you talking about" vs. "Oh yeah.. those") but I got the impression he had no trouble asking.. though there were no answers. I believe the figure claiming it was a drill was a phone conversation and it wasn't until visiting the police station attached to the training unit that Dan realized something didn't add up. They made it very clear they had not been informed of any training exercise or drill taking place on the Friday in question.

The only reason this video is up on youtube right now is because our group of friends thought it was too awesome to just tuck away.. point being that Dan's mom certainly wasn't concerned enough with the incident to have done anything with her footage (other than send it to Dan to tease him about liking UFOs).. it was an anomaly for sure, but she's definitely not as psyched about it as we are. I would imagine that, if there are any other videos out there, they may have been taken by people who share his mother's sentiments and see no point in "spreading the word" because, to them, there's not much to say. We looked for other videos corroborating this one since we first saw the footage--and we'll continue to look--but so far, nothing.

Forgot to answer some stuff:
I know she went back inside for a while after taking the video around (8pm) and it was gone by the time she went back outside to check at 9pm. I'll have to ask Dan if there was more police activity in the area than usual. I judge the size by the helicopter, but it's too dark to get a great idea. I'll have to ask him about that too. I wish I had been there!
edit on 22-11-2010 by Chrestien because: Forgot to answer some questions

posted on Nov, 22 2010 @ 06:04 PM
Hey first timer here. I know what those sonic booms feel like, and sound like. One morning I was outside drinking coffee, and I heard and felt a boom that rattled the entire house. The outside deck I was on shook so hard that my dog jumped and started barking from being startled lol. I live about 2 miles from a quarry so I'm used to occasional booms. This one was completely different though since it came from the south-east, was MUCH stronger, and sounded more aireal. So my next thought was that I live about 40 minutes from Ft. Leonard Wood in MO. So I texted my cousin who works on that base and told him to keep it down as a joke. He texted me back saying "We gotta talk after work...". He stopped by after work, and to keep this from being a novel I will keep it as short as possible. He said that he got to see a 600 ft wingspan, two story tall triangle aircraft. He said he was told there are 25 in the world, and the US owns them all. He said it went from Ft. Wood, to Whiteman in a little under 10 minutes, and on its way back did a fly over that made the sonic boom I heard. The size of it shocked him, but what really scared him was that it did all of this with 8 abrams tanks, as well as alot of other stuff. If anyone has any more questions feel free to ask. Glad to be posting now instead of just lurking lol.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 02:18 AM
reply to post by Chrestien

Hey Chrestien, hope you don't mind that I linked to your reddit post
Btw, that "mysteryhistorytv" dude had the guts to repost your video to reddit today.. I made him delete it though! Check it out..

He actually wrote me angrily asking "why I cared". Pfft. Anyways. Nice to see you here!

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:19 AM
Why was the video deleted?
second line
edit on 23/11/2010 by stonhans because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by stonhans

I was wondering as well.. Some searching brought me to this:

I think this video was the subject of the thread? Correct me if I'm wrong.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:00 AM
i am amazed this post is getting so little attention to me it is far more credible than most of the youtube videos posted here also where are all the usual de-bunkers?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:05 AM
did a bit of research seems like this has happened before check this link out

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:18 AM
That's a pretty damn interesting triangle, even when the chopper is hovering that sounds right.
so was it a news or police helicopter?

Baltimore Sun link from late Oct
^^ related area? sorry not from the states

Chrestien, she really only got that amount of footage? Tell her nice job not zooming in all the way

cheers mob
edit on 23-11-2010 by mobtek because: link

edit on 23-11-2010 by mobtek because: (no reason given)

edit on 23-11-2010 by mobtek because: spy triangles watching us

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 06:59 AM
reply to post by CuriousR

so do you have any proof of this?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:29 AM
reply to post by mobtek

Looks to me very like a military platform based surveillance drone. These can remain in a constant position for hours. They were developed in the 1990's using VTOL technology (as used in the Hawker Harrier) and noise cancellation generators to make them more or less silent. They were intended to be used in street to street combat or civil disorder situations to provide intelligence to local command units and are unarmed and remotely controlled. As nighttime observation units they are a somewhat successful concept but in the day they are both very visible and also too slow moving to avoid being an easy target. Of course they normally in operation they do not have their navigation lighting on but it's probably due to the "nosey" police heicopter nearby activating the drones anti-collision lighting. Some of the larger units do have a short range SSR radar system fitted that would detect the helicopter by it's transponder and so activate these lights. If so the helicopter left the drone would appear to vanish as the light went off as it would have appeared from nowhere when the helicopter arrived.

As for what made the "sonic boom" it could be due to some imperfections in the drones noise suppression feedback circuits (the VTOL units used are extemely noisy and so need very efficient rapid response noise suppression systems). Possibly noise interference of the nearby helicopter created an overreaction. I am aware of similar "booms" reported with some military attack helicopters fitted with silencing generators to allow "stealth" low level approaches during testing in combat trials when tank or heavy artillery fire was nearby.

I am an aviation expert previously working as a consultant to the DOD on systems concept development.

Nice video but I do not think in this case it's anything more than a drone.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 07:40 AM
Seems to be about the same size as the Helicopter, just surmizing of course. The Chopper seems to be hovering near the object that seem to be stationary. Looks similar to the Triangle I witnessed in sept '99, twice over 2 nights. I do believe this one and the one I saw twice, are US black Project craft, doing recon flights to actually gauge the public reaction, or lack thereof.
The boom sounds like a shotgun shot to me, probably some excited neighbour "dude", who thinks the martians are coming and has taken a pot shot at the object. We are talking about Middle America here.
Shoot first, ask qs...well forget about the questions!!!!.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:13 AM
reply to post by BRIANGEORGE

I find it hard to believe you're an expert, sorry. "1990s VTOL tech like in the Hawker Harrier"? Hilarious. So, directed jet thrust from a platform that has been around since the 1960s? Noise cancelling "circuits"? Seriously. Gonna need you to expand on that one a little more in a bit of detail please.

So many internet "experts".

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by gort51

I saw a triangle craft before, too. A few years back in Indiana, and there were also sonic booms, or booms, with that one. They eventually said it was a military training drill. I'd have to say that I agree with you, I believe they are testing a black project to gauge public reaction. It says a lot when half the people in the town didn't hear anything. Most people are so busy they probably wouldn't notice these things, like he said they were probably out, or listening to a loud movie or music, or sleeping, etc, on a Friday night. Who knows what's going on over our heads at night, or during the day for that matter.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by BRIANGEORGE

Okay, well if true, then why was the military flying their drone over a town/decently populated county, and what was the helicopter doing there in the first place. If it's a rural town like he says, why would there just be a police helicopter flying around randomly to happen to intercept this craft? The booms were said to be so loud they shook houses, I doubt a shotgun did all that, so something had to have fired something. I live in a rural town and I've seen maybe one helicopter go over us in the whole time we've been here, and it was just a news helicopter filming a crash. We have one police officer for our whole town, lol. Either way this video shows something interesting and suspicious going on, a military drone and a police helicopter just happen to meet over rural Maryland? Why wouldn't the drone have just moved once it's lights were activated and it was seen? It's all good information but it still doesn't make any more sense out of the video.

But if this is what it was, what's your expert opinion on why they would do all this over a town, surely there are less populated places where the drone could fly over, or where the military could do drills? Do you think they may be trying to gauge the publics reaction to such things?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by dashdespatch

I was looking up similar events, and there are some MUFON reports from Maryland in the weeks before this video was taken where people are claiming to see a similar triangle object. One person said they saw 2 triangles flying together, slowly, with 3 dim-ish white lights just a few days before this video.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 08:49 AM
Yes, sorry the video link at the beginning of post isn't working, when I started the thread I didn't have the original youtube link.This is Chrestien's original vid.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:00 AM
reply to post by SpaceJ

if you watch the video link i posted earlier the news report is very similar to this incident here including the sonic boom but it happened last year. sorry not from the states anybody know if there are any covert testing areas in maryland?

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by Exocet
reply to post by BRIANGEORGE

I find it hard to believe you're an expert, sorry. "1990s VTOL tech like in the Hawker Harrier"? Hilarious. So, directed jet thrust from a platform that has been around since the 1960s? Noise cancelling "circuits"? Seriously. Gonna need you to expand on that one a little more in a bit of detail please.

So many internet "experts".

Directed jet thrust is a 1950's concept used in the 60's for the Harrier. It was way too cumbersome to be used till the 1980's as drone propulsion and only created "operational" units in the early 90's. Why is this so hilarious??

Noise cancellation generators are quite well known technology so why do you find that so surprising! If you are informed you must know of its use in modern attack helicopters. Fogel in the 1950's & 60's patented the first active noise control (ANC) for helicopters (albeit intially for cockpit noise suppression). Even the 500MD Quiet Advanced Scout Defender (a variant of the 1976 Hughes built helicopter) used it in a primative form using recorded rotor assembly noise. Modern computer processing power has made it far easier to actively generate suppression especially for cyclic or mechnical systems noise such as that produced by aircraft engines. Modern ANC is used in helicopters such as UH60 Black Hawk. More experimental machines like the MH-X use far more sophisticated systems as are used on these drones. Thread> on this site also deals with ANC technology.

Please understand I am not a debunker saying UFO do not exist just saying that this looks to me like a drone.

As for my expertise I have 28 years operational experience in both civil and military engineering fields. Ask me a technical question on avoinics, aircraft systems or surveillance and unless it is classified material I will happily give you an answer. However I cannot be expected to provide you or anyone else with more technical details or photographs of these VTOL based drones since they are still classified "Secret" although I do not really know why since its quite old technology (but this is the case for lots of things that IMO should have be declassified years ago).

I do agree with you that lots of "experts" on the internet are bogus. Reading some of the threads on this site at times I cannot decide if some people are informed and trying to mislead or just have a very good imaginations.

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:46 AM
aurora flight sciences vtol drone

posted on Nov, 23 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by SpaceJ
reply to post by BRIANGEORGE

Okay, well if true, then why was the military flying their drone over a town/decently populated county, and what was the helicopter doing there in the first place. If it's a rural town like he says, why would there just be a police helicopter flying around randomly to happen to intercept this craft? The booms were said to be so loud they shook houses, I doubt a shotgun did all that, so something had to have fired something. I live in a rural town and I've seen maybe one helicopter go over us in the whole time we've been here, and it was just a news helicopter filming a crash. We have one police officer for our whole town, lol. Either way this video shows something interesting and suspicious going on, a military drone and a police helicopter just happen to meet over rural Maryland? Why wouldn't the drone have just moved once it's lights were activated and it was seen? It's all good information but it still doesn't make any more sense out of the video.

But if this is what it was, what's your expert opinion on why they would do all this over a town, surely there are less populated places where the drone could fly over, or where the military could do drills? Do you think they may be trying to gauge the publics reaction to such things?

Firstly I agree that the military would not test such a drone over a town when there are indeed far more sparely populated places to test such equipment (not to mention huge areas of restricted military zones). Anyway if its the type of drone I am aware of this is quite old equipment so cannot be a test of the platform itself.

My best guess is that its presence must be either
a) operational (surveillance) since they have infra red and high resolution cameras and also highly sensitive directional acousitic sensors. They wanted to watch someone.
b) testing some other payload/system conveniently carried by the drone.

If it was b) then the helicopter could also be military and circling the drone and carrying out a test of this other system. The drone would be cooperative with it's lighting on to avoid potential collision. Many sorts of equipment that can be tested in this way such as electronic countermeasures (ECM). Why do this in a urban area I do not know I would use a military test area. So I prefer solution (a) probably with some comms/system problem with the drone (they are programmed to hover if they lose contact with command) leading to sending out a military helicopter to attempt to get the faulty drone to return to base. This was apprently successful.

As for gauging public reaction to some airborne lights then I would have selected a densely populated area and get my drone to move around a bit. Why would they do this anyway? These drones have been used on several occasions in the US and elsewhere as a coodinated wide area night surveillance network by the military (without lights so remaining undetected) but thats another story.

Of course its impossible to eliminate other more "interesting" explainations without an admission from the drones owners and my guess is that that is not very likely. Pity nobody else seems to have filmed it.

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