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NASA and DARPA Plan 'Hundred-Year Starship' To Bring Humans to Other Worlds And Leave Them There For

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posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Shadowed

So those people who left Europe to conquer the New World that is today America were COWARDS?

You have the audacity to decide what is morally correct?

I'll be part of the solution alright... shanghai you and put ya on the first mining ship out to the asteroid belt

Yes they were cowards, murderers, theives, and rapists. If you don't believe me start reading your history. It would be no different at this time if we went to another world. Humans need to grow up. I do have the ability to decide what is morally correct, enough to know that Murder, and Rape is wrong. It seems that 90% of the Human Race isn't willing to do anymore than run away like cowards.
As to Shanghai me, I'd like to see you try.
edit on 23/10/10 by Shadowed because: addition

edit on 23/10/10 by Shadowed because: addtion

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 02:32 PM
I actually don't hold responsibility for the actions for every other human being who existed.

And if I do own their faults, then surely I also own their greatness too.

You go ahead and try and fix the past. I'd start small if I was you - it'll take you more than your entire life to just fix what happened yesterday.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by Shadowed
If you don't believe me start reading your history. It would be no different at this time if we went to another world.

Well I didn't say they were NICE about it. But maybe they will pick a world not already occupied this time so they won't need to evict the previous tenants

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:14 PM
After I initially criticized this joint venture by DARPA and NASA, I now have a different view of what's going on.

This project isn't going to be a 10-year or 20-year project. This project is going to be handed down from generation to generation. It will also consist of a multi-national effort.

From what I understand, this project may take a century or more to come into fruition. The $1.1 million is just for study of the project.

I'm sorry I can't post my source of information.It's not on the Web. My instructor is a retired NASA employee that's still in contact with NASA and he could be still considered an "on call" advisor. I don't have permission to give his name, and I probably wouldn't if I could, but when I mentioned this to him after class class last night, he knew exactly what I was talking about and seemed enthused about it. Of course that's when he said it's going to take generations and will not get completed within the next century, but they're going forth with it.

So any negative comments and remarks I made on this thread, I humbly take back.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:20 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by Shadowed
If you don't believe me start reading your history. It would be no different at this time if we went to another world.

Well I didn't say they were NICE about it. But maybe they will pick a world not already occupied this time so they won't need to evict the previous tenants

If there is life it is occupied. Many people seem to think that other animals are lesser than ourselves. This is a grave mistake. We do a wonderful job of destroying I'd like to see for once a creation where all our brothers were present. We need them all, they have jobs to do and we haphazardly destroy them in our own selfish desires. The Honeybee population for instance is grossly declining. This means that many less flowers are pollinated, which means less food for everyone. Say that niche is filled with Bumble bees, ok all nice and good right? Not really the Bumblebee is too large to fit into many of the Flowers we rely upon. Not only that, but no more honey. Honey has been proved to help with illnesses and allergy along with a ton of other ailments. Decline in honey means less nature cures for the world. One step closer to extinction.
All things affect this web and therefore the world that we live in. Can you tell me what happens when you take down too many parts of a spider web? Collapse, that is what humans do destroy. We need to change that and make a balance. Humans can't survive alone. That is proven, all of us need companionship. Look up aspects of Sociology if you don't believe me. Studies were done and found that if totally isolated humans become insane. We need others, and that means that if in the microcosm we need each other then in the Macrocosm we need other species.
It is more than what you realize. Open your eyes and look at the jobs everything on this planet and learn to respect that. If you don't we are dead already. I can give you endless lists of what jobs are done by what creature it is. Things that you may not readily think about. I think about them. A squirrel isn't just a squirrel, it is a tree planter, it is spreader of Lichen, it is food for many predators that in turn affect other things.
So when you say "Not occupied." I guess you mean Mars or similar planet.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:29 PM
Complex life requires cross pollination for truly diverse and strong long term survival, particularly in cases of isolation effects.

Biosphere colliding, remixing, and coming up with newer and stronger biospheres with ever greater ability to cross pollinate is something you should consider to be a norm. It clearly is all around you.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:37 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
I actually don't hold responsibility for the actions for every other human being who existed.

And if I do own their faults, then surely I also own their greatness too.

You go ahead and try and fix the past. I'd start small if I was you - it'll take you more than your entire life to just fix what happened yesterday.

You should. You are a possible parent, teacher. We teach people all the time by our actions. If you don't act with morality you show that others don't have to act with morality. I'm not talking about what you think that others are guilty of, I speak of what YOU are guilty of.(I don't exclude myself in this, but I do everyday work on trying to fix my own guilty)
We are all Guilty of destruction. Only few of us actually take the responsibility of trying to fix the problems.
I'm not speaking of the past. I'm speaking of the future. History repeats itself, unless we do our part it will happen again. It may even still, that's a gamble I have to take.
If you don't take responsibility for the actions of others, think about this.
John walks into a retail store. He starts his day. He is a slave and he knows it. He acts as usual not really taking his job seriously, his performance on job is so-so at best. For 10 years he just does what he does. As the years roll by he develops severe depression. He starts taking medication. He does better for a while. John loses his job, and because of a poor economy he doesn't get another one. He runs out of medication without the insurance, and feeling as if he is a bum, he kills himself.
Why does John matter to me? If you are his boss what could you do to help him? If you are his friend what could you do to help him? Why would I want to help him? As his customer what could you do to help him? This list can go on and on.
Most likely you would be a contributing factor to his depression. To someone who is depressed the simplest kindness could go a long way. Most likely you didn't even think John was depressed. Sometimes, just being nice can go very far. If you were "Mean" to anyone it is your responsibility. I don't mean someone that deserved it. I mean someone who you know is down on their luck.
You can feel it. Take a second and think about it. You know when someone is just bummed. Sometimes, stopping and just letting them vent is all they need. They don't need you to be their friend. Just Show that you care.
You are a fellow slave just as him. You need to be there for him and help him be strong. If he falls that is one less person that you may need to rely on in the future. And you just let him die, because you couldn't smile at him.
And that effects the future Not the Past.
edit on 23/10/10 by Shadowed because: addtion

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:39 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
Complex life requires cross pollination for truly diverse and strong long term survival, particularly in cases of isolation effects.

Biosphere colliding, remixing, and coming up with newer and stronger biospheres with ever greater ability to cross pollinate is something you should consider to be a norm. It clearly is all around you.

And how at all is this relevent to honeybees? I fail to see your logic. I'm not arguing about pollination. You may want to read it again.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:47 PM

Staying on one planet because you say so isn't moral. There is no intrinsic "right-er-ness" to staying in one place until everyone is perfect by YOUR standard.

Frankly, it is smarter and more moral to not overcrowd your aquarium, but buy as many aquariums as is needed to keep things in good balance and spread things out. Better for the inhabitants. More moral since you KNOW what is going to happen when there are too many of them, or what will happen when the light burns out and the air pump stops working.

Or, maybe we could all crowd into one aquarium and wait until we are eating each other and some with more vision choose on occasion to flush some excess down the toilet to keep things working.

Should you try to live a good life, be kind, be smart, lend a hand, respect others, live with respect of your environment, etc, etc. Yep.

But frankly, if I locked all my kids in one room until when one of them was bad and told them that none of them could come out until everyone was good all the time, that wouldn't make me a better person than you. But you think that doing it on a GLOBAL scale makes you not some form of Machiavellian Utopian tyrant.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:49 PM
The government knows our world is ending , so we now need to put people on other planets so our species will survive. Only the Elite will be able to go, so forget the grandjure of going unless you want to be a slave, OK.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 08:58 PM
reply to post by Aeons

No, but do remember this. The same elites who have committed mass murder and run this pyramid system to the extent of billions of starving people, wars, murder, abuses, are the very same ones who will take others off.

WE won't see what they're going through either.

But for those who will be going, my heart is with them, and may they overcome the slavery they will be enduring.

They are in the wrong hands.

While the whole world does not have to righted, one must have alot more confidence in who their employers are than this.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Shadowed

The Earth is alive. It is a complex living system which undergoes massive challenges to its survival regularly. The least of which so far is humans.

The Earth's biosphere acts like a living system with will to survive, because it is. And that living system, like all living systems on it has an essential drive to spread itself to fill niches into which it can fit. That is what living systems do to best promote their survival.

I am not a separate entity on this planet. I am an essential element which reflects the biosphere itself. I am a product of the Earth, because the Earth itself has a need for survival that cannot be incidentally.

When "I" leave, I take with me a "seed" of this biosphere.

And like every living system from lichen to elephants, viruses and bees, when that bit of pollen hits another biosphere the recombination of living biospheres will begin. It is a good thing.

Your view is much too narrow.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:11 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

Staying on one planet because you say so isn't moral. There is no intrinsic "right-er-ness" to staying in one place until everyone is perfect by YOUR standard.

Frankly, it is smarter and more moral to not overcrowd your aquarium, but buy as many aquariums as is needed to keep things in good balance and spread things out. Better for the inhabitants. More moral since you KNOW what is going to happen when there are too many of them, or what will happen when the light burns out and the air pump stops working.

Or, maybe we could all crowd into one aquarium and wait until we are eating each other and some with more vision choose on occasion to flush some excess down the toilet to keep things working.

Should you try to live a good life, be kind, be smart, lend a hand, respect others, live with respect of your environment, etc, etc. Yep.

But frankly, if I locked all my kids in one room until when one of them was bad and told them that none of them could come out until everyone was good all the time, that wouldn't make me a better person than you. But you think that doing it on a GLOBAL scale makes you not some form of Machiavellian Utopian tyrant.

See here you are using a classic example of Global Elite diminishing tactic. Which by definition shouldn't be used on a conspiracy board. But what the heck now that I point that out I'll move on.

Not by what I think is moral, but by universally accepted morality. Correct me if I am wrong here please.
1. Murder is wrong.
2. Rape is wrong.
3. Stealing is wrong.
4. Cheating is wrong.
5. Bigomy is wrong.
6. Slavery is wrong.
7. Disrespect is wrong.
8. Lying is wrong.

I think we have similar morals here. So maybe they are not just "MY MORALS."

Ok with all these in mind, and this is just a few. Which one do you do everyday?

1. Do you waste food or eat more than what you need?
2. Do you continuously take more than you give?
3. Do you expect someone else to do things for you with little return?
4. Do you stand up for what you feel is right or just?

Now for the overcrowding. No matter how much food we have made in 2000 years we have not been able to feed the 30% of the people that are starving. So maybe if every year we decreased how much food is produced by .25% this would start decreasing our population naturally.
Every species on this planet besides HUMANS sits in a balance once established. It is a basic principle of the natural world there will only be enough babies as there is a food source to feed it. We are starving out other species to feed an ever growing population. If we then decrease the poplulation naturally then we would hit a balance. There have been numerous studies done about this very thing, however most of it is not widely known because of the greed of the Elite. More people(slaves)=more money=power. If humans would decrease just a little ever so slightly then we could manage to balance the equation of overcrowding.
If you don't believe me look it up. I have done my research have you? By appearance you have, but I sense a few more novels in your library than textbooks like I have.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by Shadowed

The Earth is alive. It is a complex living system which undergoes massive challenges to its survival regularly. The least of which so far is humans.

The Earth's biosphere acts like a living system with will to survive, because it is. And that living system, like all living systems on it has an essential drive to spread itself to fill niches into which it can fit. That is what living systems do to best promote their survival.

I am not a separate entity on this planet. I am an essential element which reflects the biosphere itself. I am a product of the Earth, because the Earth itself has a need for survival that cannot be incidentally.

When "I" leave, I take with me a "seed" of this biosphere.

And like every living system from lichen to elephants, viruses and bees, when that bit of pollen hits another biosphere the recombination of living biospheres will begin. It is a good thing.

Your view is much too narrow.

Where as I don't believe that it is a bad thing to "cross pollinate" I do think that it is a very bad thing to cross pollinate for the Global Elite. We need to deal with that Horrifically corrupt aspect of humanity before we go off world.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:14 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Well isn't that a coincidence

I just did a thread on a similar story, though my article was from 1978 Air University Review, January-February 1978

The Extraterrestrial Imperative: Homo Extraterrestris

And Aggie Man posted this...

Originally posted by Aggie Man
Interesting topic. Also interesting that you post this today, as just this morning I was reading this article: One-Way Martian Colonization Missions: Proposal Would Cut Costs Dramatically, Ensure Long-Term Commitment

maybe that will be the NWO agenda... shanghai people and stuff em on space crafts out bound to the colonies to man those mines

I was under the impression you were not active...

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:21 PM

Originally posted by Shadowed
So when you say "Not occupied." I guess you mean Mars or similar planet.

Throughout the history of our planet, nature has wiped out species and brought new ones.. long before man came a long. I see many people talking about species that are becoming extinct, but those same people forget to tell us how many new species we have discovered in the past year.

People forget that evolution and creation of new species is on going. Man is currently one at the top of the food chain and certainly abuse of any environment is a really bad idea... but in the end, when Nature tosses the next ice age at us in a few decades, we may not do so well

Mars not occupied? errrr well if you say so

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:36 PM
reply to post by Shadowed

Oh, I'm an "Elite" then. AWESOME. I feel a Mr.Burns like finger drumming coming my way.

None of your morals are promoted by staying on Earth alone. None of your wants are achieved by stopping progress.

Your goals of more moral and better people isn't achieved with your rabid insistence about staying on Earth until everyone fits your does as you have told them too.

So, I guess I "diminish" and you link completely unrelated ideas to goals you have no interest in.

I believe that you're arguments fit the definition of Pious Fraud.

Though I'd also suggest Confusing Correlation with Causation, and Appeal to Widespread Belief, and Two Wrongs Make a Right.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by tristar
I was under the impression you were not active...

Well Herr Spook, it would seem your agency is not getting the proper intel these days

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by zorgon

Originally posted by tristar
I was under the impression you were not active...

Well Herr Spook, it would seem your agency is not getting the proper intel these days

Indeed so it seems my humble online friend. After your last escapade with the McDonald files you did cause sweat to break out, we are all slightly but not to much concerned, but obviously some butts will be kicked within the following days.

Always look forward to your posts and not from within here.

posted on Oct, 23 2010 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

NASA and DARPA Plan 'Hundred-Year Starship' To Bring Humans to Other Worlds And Leave Them There Forever

If NASA ever gets a clear directive for interplanetary exploration, a new Hundred-Year Starship could be their version of the Mayflower.

Your thread is open and available to the public, sad or should i say the predictable aspect of it all is that it will be swept into the time frame of the internet. But hey, that;s fine since 60% + - may think otherwise, but when it comes down to crunch the time, the majority react to a pre defined stimulation.

It is truly an art.

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