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UN Declares Possible Extinction

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posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by ghostsoldier
Its going to come back and bite us though, when the greater-eco system fails, alot of humanities food sources go with it, along with all the little things that make our existence possible that we rarely even think about.

The humble Bee is an obvious example.

Yes, I agree.

Homo sapiens may well die out in the future, and that'll just be the natural evolutionary course, when perhaps some other new species will develop similar traits to us, and take our place at the top of the evolutionary tree.

I've argued before that our supposed intelligence will be our downfall, and I stand by that assertion.
edit on 18-10-2010 by Sherlock Holmes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:44 PM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes

Could also be our savior.

Its not natural to have a self-destroying organism - I haven't seen that replicated in the wider ecosystem, or nothing comes to mind atleast, therefor it would stand to reason that we could overcome this, as that would be the natural thing to do.

The problem being neoliberalist capitalism - growth is needed for it to work, and to admit that the system is wonky requires a lot of hard work to fix, so we've been passing the buck to the next generation.

And if Selfish-Gene-Theory stands correct then its only a matter of time before this fact clicks.

bah, I is waffling off topic.

posted on Oct, 18 2010 @ 10:45 PM

Originally posted by CHA0S

Originally posted by SeventhSeal

That is just ~!@#$!@# disturbing...


Sad part is that they do it all the time. I saw this a couple of years ago and wow, just wow.
Save Japan Dolphins

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:27 AM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders ..........................

But then,one must consider who some may be trying to save it for.

edit on 18-10-2010 by chiponbothshoulders because: other

Yes indeed ! I have no respect for the opinions of the U.N. For whom are they championing their ever so noble cause ???

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:35 AM
Well this is the kind of topic that The United Nations should be addressing on a daily basis.
Wouldn't you say.

My point is, that these annual or periodic rabble is ineffective.


For ALL forms of life on this planet,,,,,catch my drift? Check out the link tabs on their main page

We could go on and on. So many raise their fists and say this places restraints on business.
But we know that is myopically profit driven. Because when a species or resource is gone, its GONE
FOR GOOD. So Where is The Business in That? The Short Termed Greed Heads should be at the TOP
of The Endangered Species List.....Period. In fact, the smart businessman knows this to be true,
and therefore implements this new process insuring The most profitable business model of the future.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:56 AM
Ah yes,
The UN is now pushing even more for Agenda 21.

I am concerned as many are about the rampant pollution, big corporation payouts to avoid culpability,
However, do we have to abandon our own Declaration of Independence to "correct" our populance?

Sustainable America, the report from our former President Clinton's President's Council on Sustainable Development (PCSD). Former President Clinton's PCSD is merely one of about 150 similar councils established worldwide governments, following the guidelines from United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development.

Keep in mind that those who define the policy terms will write the rules. These great "sages" will show the "science" to educate the "ignorant masses".

However, nowhere is the usurption of our Rights more evident than in its policies regarding governing private property rights and the use of land and its resources:
Recommendation A.1

(b) All countries should establish as a matter of urgency a national policy on human settlements, embodying the distribution of population...over the national territory.

(c)(v) Such a policy should be devised to facilitate population redistribution to accord with the availability of resources.

Recommendation D.1

(a) Public ownership or effective control of land in the public interest is the single most important means of...achieving a more equitable distribution of the benefits of development whilst assuring that environmental impacts are considered.

(b) Land is a scarce resource whose management should be subject to public surveillance or control in the interest of the nation.

(d) Governments must maintain full jurisdiction and exercise complete sovereignty over such land with a view to freely planning development of human settlements.

The Wildlands project referenced here has an even more vivid description:

"...that at least half of the land area of the 48 conterminous states should be encompassed in core reserves and inner corridor zones (essentially extensions of core reserves) within the next few decades....
Nonetheless, half of a region in wilderness is a reasonable guess of what it will take to restore viable populations of large carnivores and natural disturbance regimes, assuming that most of the other 50 percent is managed intelligently as buffer zones.
Eventually, a wilderness network would dominate a region.... with human habitations being the islands. The native ecosystem and the collective needs of non-human species must take precedence over the needs and desires of humans."

I'm sorry, but I do not believe that the needs of animals should take dominion over people.

I am not a rabid animal hater for stating this, just a regular American landowner who DOES NOT WANT my rights of owning land taken away.

This is being sinisterly implemented without people even realizing it...
How hard is it for most people to build even a deck on their own property, without jumping through huge bureaucratic hoops to get the darn permits and permissions??

How many people have had land of theirs already taken away due to "rezoning" laws or conservations easements??

Google Agenda 21. Look at the map they have made up.

This is real.

The UN does not want to conserve. They want to contain people. Contain us drones, sheeple, what have you. Not the elite.
And the human settlements? Will people be happy to live there? Will they be crying out, "Oh, thank you, UN, for saving the whales, the dolphins, and the eagle!! All for this!!"

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 12:59 AM
All of you America haters need to start cleaning up China, Japan and the rest of the third world before you come bashing on the U.S.A.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:09 AM
It is profit and technology that enables environmental friendliness.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 01:52 AM
Maybe the UN will address the issue of whaling while they are in Japan

Uh, yeah.

Ironic. The biggest destroyer of cetaceans on the planet hosts a biodiversity summit for the UN.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:10 AM

I'm sorry, but I do not believe that the needs of animals should take dominion over people.

I am sorry.. but it is THIS VERY MINDSET of ME FIRST.... that has put mankind in this situation to begin with... pull your head out of your arse and realize about the bigger picture for once. The wanton selfishness of man has done the earth ZERO good. Maybe man could afford this mindset at some point... but we are long past due
You or your land is not more important than an entire ecosystem.
edit on 19-10-2010 by Zeres because: *spelling

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:14 AM
All this reminded me of a music video:

edit on 19-10-2010 by Mr9v9 because: Link not working?

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:31 AM
The problem with planet earth is Hysteresis. Hysteresis is a system, that has a memory. The effects of the input to the system are experienced with a time delay. Earth is a system and all the effects it feels are delayed by a certain amount of time. Many people on this planet say we are having no effect that's because the effect takes a long time. The reverse will happen where we will look for a good change we'll have to wait a long time for that too.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:34 AM
Hopefully the human race extincts before all other animals on this wonderful planet. We will die anyway - too emotional, too dumb, too selfish - aggressive. A restart would be a good plan for nature to test another version of humans in future.
edit on 19-10-2010 by cushycrux because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 06:38 AM

Originally posted by cushycrux
Hopefully the human race extincts before all other animals on this wonderful planet. We will die anyway - too emotional, too dumb, too selfish - aggressive. A restart would be a good plan for nature to test another version of humans in future.
edit on 19-10-2010 by cushycrux because: (no reason given)

You know I was just thinking this and you piped me to the post - no pun.
But I thought how better the earth would be without us and how much quicker it would recover without us.

posted on Oct, 19 2010 @ 08:16 AM
reply to post by SeventhSeal

WHAT a bunch of LIES!

It is all a carefully orchestrated stage show to get you to accept your chains of poverty willingly!!!

I am not saying we did not need to clean up our act, but I AM saying the same people who in the first part of the 20th century said pollution is the "price of progress" and got the US government to block the use of "Crminal Trespass" to stop the pollution by a neighbor, are now the same people using the environmental movement to their benefit. LOOK BEHIND THE CURTAIN!

WHO popularized Global Warming and the Environmental Movement at the First Earth Summit in 1972 -The Rockefeller's Right Hand man, Maurice Strong a big Canadian Oil Mogul!

Remember these are the SAME people behind tossing small independent ORGANIC farmers off their land throughout the world so the big LAND DISTROYING transnational corporations can move in. See the Schorched Earth Farming Policies in HR 2749 advocated by the same author as the Cap and Trade bill Text of Bill can be seen here Note the use of the words Interstate Commerce The Supreme Court ruled "Congress could regulate agricultural production that might affect interstate commerce, even if it is not for sale." Say good bye to your home garden if this bill ever passes.

What does the Biodiversity Treaty actually do? It STEALS seed from third world farmers so Monsanto can patent it!

June 2006
Global Diversity Treaty:
Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA) a standardized contract that will enable much easier access to crop diversity. [ germplasm for patenting] royalty payment (1.1% of sales) is paid only if product is unavailable for further breeding and research. funds will be devoted to conservation efforts. [Translation: Bio-techs Corporations steal seed from third world farmers, patents it and pay money to Bioversity Internationa ]

April 2007 Monsanto, Cargill and Maseca-ADM sign agreements to establish regional seed banks in the center and south of Mexico. Didn't take the Transnationals long to put the "biodiversity" treaty to work did it?

And the UN is right there SUPPORTING these thieves!

FAO is supporting harmonization of seed rules and regulations in Africa and Central Asia in order to stimulate the development of a vibrant seed industry...An effective seed regulation harmonization process involves dialogue amongst all relevant stakeholders from both private and public sectors. Seed quality assurance, variety release, plant variety protection, biosafety, plant quarantine and phytosanitary issues are among the major technical areas of a regional harmonized seed system. The key to a successful seed regulation harmonization is a strong political will of the governments involved

In the EU, there was even a list of 'official' vegetable varieties. Seed that is not on the list cannot be 'sold' to the 'public' To keep something on the list costs thousands of pounds each year...Hundreds of thousands of old heirloom varieties (the results of about eleven thousand years of plant breeding by our ancestors) are being lost forever, due to some rather poorly drafted EU legislation. &

The UN worked with the World TRADE Organization to help the international ag-pharma Cartel steal land from the independent farmers of the world.

January 2005: "Guide to good farming practices": This draft guide to good farming practices for animal production food safety was taken from the Report of the Meeting of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Standards Commission (Paris, 17-28 January 2005)

The EU has fully implemented the WTO/UN farming agenda, so what has happened?

As Sir Julian Rose has stated:

I gave a speech entitled, “Don’t Follow Us”, in which I explicitly warned of the fate in store for the Polish countryside if Poland joined the EU. I gave some vivid examples of what had happened in the UK over the past two decades: the ripping up of 35 000 miles of hedge rows; the loss of 30 percent of native farmland bird species; 98 percent of species-rich hay meadows, thousands of tonnes of wind and water eroded top-soil, and around fifteen thousand farmers driven off the land every year, accompanied by a rapid decline in the quality of food.

Yet these mega-billionaires are the SAME People running the WWF!

What is their goal???
Nothing less than the entire ownership of the world!

On the international scene bankers have indicated they want control of as much land (and the natural resources under it) as they can get their hands on. The World Bank/IMF forced structural adjustment programs onto third world countries with debt problems, grabbing up valuable farmland. Iceland and possibly the UK are just now finding out how their government screwed them by using a privatized banking/monetary system and thereby leaving them prey for the IMF. This also includes Greece and Spain and Portugal Is the United States bankrupt? Read what the F E D E R A L R E S E R V E B A N K O F S T. LO U I S has to say.

Stewart Dougherty, a specialist in inferential analysis, thinks so. It is now "statistically impossible for the United States to pay its obligations".

Something called the World Conservation Bank puts forth a “land for debt” swap idea. George Hunt's report on the Fourth World Wilderness Congress describes the international bankers discussion of plans to grab US land. One look at the Dave Foreman's “Wildlands Project” Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) tried to sneak through the US Congress as H.R. 980 in 1993. click

What is really disconcerting is the "extinctions" can not even be PROVED TO HAVE HAPPEN! So Where Are The Corpses?

Remember what Kissinger said:

Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.

Do NOT fall into the banksters traps of appealing to your sensitive natures PLEASE look behind the curtain for the lurking traps.

Project Awareness:

So who owns the world?

Queen Elizabeth II, head of state of the United Kingdom and of 31 other states and territories, is the legal owner of about 6,600 million acres of land, one sixth of the earth’s non ocean surface...

She is the world’s largest landowner by a significant margin. The next largest landowner is the Russian state, with an overall ownership of 4,219 million acres, and a direct ownership comparable with the Queen’s land holding of 2,447 million acres. The 3rd largest landowner is the Chinese state, which claims all of Chinese land, about 2,365 million acres. The 4th largest landowner on earth is the Federal Government of the United States, which owns about one third of the land of the USA, 760 million acres. The fifth largest landowner on earth is the King of Saudi Arabia (a good buddy of the Rockefellers) with 553 million acres

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