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WoW! Rupert Murdoch Calls for Amnesty for 'Law-Abiding' Illegal Immigrants

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posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 03:55 AM

Rupert Murdoch Calls for Amnesty for 'Law-Abiding' Illegal Immigrants

The headline isn't what caught my eye... [color=#00BFFF]Get THIS...

At a hearing on Thursday before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Murdoch testified, “I joined Mayor [Michael] Bloomberg in organizing the Partnership for a New American Economy because I believe that all Americans should have a vital interest in fixing our broken immigration system so we can continue to compete in the 21st century global economy.”

Hello, it's the elite colostomy bags that caused all this... We don't need a NEW economy.

That and 9/11 is a huge factor in everything also... but I digress...


I KNEW Lou Dobbs was towing the line for his new boss.

He used to be the blaring horn of how illegal 'illegal immigration' is.

As soon as he hit O'Reilly's TV Show he changed his tune and softened up.

Why? Because his new boss at FOX News told him to ... No one believes Dobbs was serious and he even looked nervous during his segment. Wish I had the video but I saw it live way back a number of months ago.

Guess what?

We turned off our satellite feed six months ago.

I guess I shouldn't be mad. His house was shot at prior to him leaving CNN. A brave coward living to fight another day?

In any event, Rupert Murdock's quotes in the article should shake the Tea Partys' and Patriots that are glued to FOX News to their core. We'll see?

edit on 10·1·10 by DrMattMaddix because: (no reason given)

edit on 10·1·10 by DrMattMaddix because: typoes nad stuf

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 03:59 AM
I tend to paraphrase things, in my head, as a means of understanding them and, by virtue of that, all I read was:

"Let the illegals in, legally, because these damn Americans want a living wage and we, the rich, just aren't happy with that at all."

What a great answer to unemployment though - just cut all wages in half and then twice as many people can be working poor.

Sheesh. Never trust the wealthy to influence or dictate policy.

edit on 10/1/10 by Hefficide because: typo n stuff

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:39 AM
Murdoch is an immigrant himself...I saw a clip of him on Fox and Friends sometime ago where the hosts clammed up about the 'illegal immigrants are bad' rhetoric and just went with whatever their boss was saying, I'll try and find it.

Murdoch is very pro-immigration, his news network is not.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:05 AM
Ok I have seen a lot of this going around but have not replied.
I hope when the left start chiming in on this thread they will be able to answer the following question. DIRECTLY please, without all of the BLEEDING HEART crap.
Exactly what is "law abiding" about an Illegal alien?
(Curiousisall where are you when I need a straight answer?!!!)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 06:31 AM
Not only it would be stupid move from economic POV (further lowering currently very low price of unqualified work, straining social system..), and moral POV (what is law abiding about ILLEGAL immigrant? Thats an oxymoron..), it would only motivate further illegal immigration, more people would migrate illegaly, hoping there would be next amnesty wave. And positives for the American society? I see none.

I am not an american citizen, but if it was proposed in my country, I would certainly protest against it.

edit on 1-10-2010 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

ahh, I see. Its an agenda within an agenda. Doesnt surprise me. They have to crash the economy before they can build/create a new one. And lets all not be too naive. The elite are also afraid. They know if they crash it too hard they may lose trillions and most importantly, their power.

Lets hope they do and this blows up in their face.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:22 AM
Oxymorons are part of classic doublespeak. "Law-abiding Illegal aliens".
The real shame is some will not even see the contradiction.
Why would anyone on Capitol Hill care what an Australian thinks about our immigration policies?

Er. shut up Rupert! Bad teddy bear, Baad

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:39 AM

Originally posted by Quadrivium
Ok I have seen a lot of this going around but have not replied.
I hope when the left start chiming in on this thread they will be able to answer the following question. DIRECTLY please, without all of the BLEEDING HEART crap.
Exactly what is "law abiding" about an Illegal alien?
(Curiousisall where are you when I need a straight answer?!!!)

I am so glad to know that I haunt your mind so. Want a straight answer? For real? Ask a real question. Who said illegal aliens were law abiding? Are you hoping I can explain what someone else might have said or that I will side with Rupert on something?

There is nothing legal about an illegal anything. I hope I can help you out with kinds of puzzles more in the futre as well.

edit on 1-10-2010 by Curiousisall because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Taken from the link. "In contrast to Murdoch's and Bloomberg's testimony, Steven Camarota, director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, told the subcommittee that the economic losses caused by illegal immigrants outweighed the benefits.

He pointed out that the National Academy of Sciences has examined the fiscal impact of immigration.

“They found that the fiscal impact was enough to eat up the entire economic gain,” said Camarota. “So if you put the economic gain with the fiscal impact, you get no benefits at all, it would seem.”

With millions of unemployed American citizens, I don't see how amnesty is going to help. There is talk of the illegals paying a fine and paying back taxes. If someone has worked under the table, how will they know what to charge for back taxes? I don't understand.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:08 AM


posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 10:23 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

In any event, Rupert Murdock's quotes in the article should shake the Tea Partys' and Patriots that are glued to FOX News to their core. We'll see?

I wouldn't bet on that. People that watch FOX don't even know who Rupert Murdock is. Critical thinking and "denying Ignorance" isn't required from fox watchers. Just believe, buy the Depends, diet food, false teeth cleaner and Viagra and it's all good. The fox program managers are brilliant in targeting their chosen demographic; As was Rupert for coming up with the fox concept.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by whaaa

hey now that wasnt a very nice thing to say in fact the majority of fox viewers and fox business viewers know who rupert is and where he is from.....

rupert is out of his mind tho on this issue as like the poster said what is legal about being illegal.

and what about that financial impact have on those legal us citizens working and nonworking

those people are paying their taxes on people who are not even suppose to be here furthermore

legal citizens are out of work because of them if people cant find a job tell me why that is.

NO AMNESTY DO NOT REWARD their illegal activites that deny americans jobs and income and over burden them financially.

for the bleeding hearts out there how it is humaine to screw over legal us citizen just so you people can feel all warm and fuzzy inside to give someone else a chance in life(illegals) and deny that very same right to people who have lived here all their lives and followed the laws of this land to the letter.

in short take care of americans before you just go out and get their votes(illegals) that what this all boils down to

it doesnt have anything to do with helping people its about a certian group of people in this country helping themselves to their votes.

my 2 cents i post and you decide : p

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 04:57 PM
OF COURSE he'd say that.
Amnesty for 'law abiding' ILLEGAL immigrants.
'Illegal' - That means none of them are law abiding.
That means no amnesty.
He looks 'hip' to the left for calling for amnesty, but he still gets no amnesty.
win/win for him.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
He looks 'hip' to the left for calling for amnesty, but he still gets no amnesty.
win/win for him.

I am curious about this. Especially considering no one in this thread right here is falling for it, can you point me to these groups on the left that think Rupy is hip? I guess your post just kind of looks like an empty attack for no reason. Can you clarify?

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 11:58 PM
rupert is funding the ground zero victory mosqe then marches his men on the air questiong weather there should be a mosque built?

Huge Psychological ops going on there.

Use humans emotional ties to 911 and Then trying to bait them into destroying freedom of religion ideologically.

Rupert you have been a bad little crook.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by Curiousisall
I guess your post just kind of looks like an empty attack for no reason. Can you clarify?

Why do you think it's an attack? It isn't. Some of those on the left like amnesty.
If he looks like he's for amnesty then the left will not dislike him so much.
But at the same time, amnesty won't happen for 'law abiding' illegals. There aren't any.
Again .. win/win for him. No attack. Just a statement.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by DrMattMaddix

illegal is the main word.

Signs like "A nation of immigrants" are a play on emotion and lack of education.
The truth is The nation was founded on Immigration yes. during the time of the birth of our country we needed people to come to populate it. so it was open invitation. and pretty much if you came you were a citizen of the brave new world. but that has changed. it isn't open like that anymore and LAWS have been set up to manage a quickly growing over populated country. So now we ask that anyone coming over file for citizen ship and obey the laws in accordance to this. Jumping the fence and sneaking in is not apart of the prerequisites for American citizenship registration.

Unconstitutional you cry. but the constitution is for American citizens. Legal citizens . not Illegals, not individuals or small groups or large groups of people who are not yet or at all part of the American populous.

In other words. if your not an american the constitution doesn't work for you. otherwise it could thus be used or invoked anywhere in the world by anyone. and if it can then invoke it in your own damn country and stop flooding the USA. I know for a fact if Jumped the fence going the other way and ran into mexico the punishment for me would not be so kind. and I wouldn't be on the Mexican news with s sign mocking the authorities saying "ask me for my papers" with a smirk on my face. I know for a fact I couldn't go there and turn their flag upside down and hold mine higher and walk around with it like that. and if I am so damn proud of my country why the hell didn't I stay there? I also know I couldn't set up illegal residency and get benefits of any kind and I also would be severely punished for "Changing the words to their national anthem" because I wanna sing it my way.

We are being punked! and letting it happen. and then defending our invaders rights to punk us. Americans have lost their Cojones! enforce the law. Americans have to obey the laws. you wanna be american then you are subject to the law and you have broken it. Obtain legal citizenship. stop taking advantage of a welcoming country.

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by FlyersFan
I guess your post just kind of looks like an empty attack for no reason. Can you clarify?

Why do you think it's an attack? It isn't. Some of those on the left like amnesty.
If he looks like he's for amnesty then the left will not dislike him so much.
But at the same time, amnesty won't happen for 'law abiding' illegals. There aren't any.
Again .. win/win for him. No attack. Just a statement.

How is labeling an entire group of people as stupid not an attack? You have said twice now that Rupert is using mindless doublespeak to say nothing and that the left will now like him because.....?

Either because they dropped everything they believed that would make them not like Rupert to begin with or were so fooled by his double talk that they were swayed by a weak phrase. Yes calling people weak willed and stupid does come across like an attack no matter how you try to frame it.

So let me ask again, where are all the lefties that are suddenly big fans of Ruperts because they "fell for it?"

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by Hefficide

well, thats one way to interpet his meaning...

myself, i think he's more of the mind that the non-drug trade mexicans... were being forcibly displaced people who migrated across the border to save life and limb...
of course those seeking a sanctuary will take any low pay menial work, as long as its off the books,
and keeps them from starvation...but that set of circumstance is rare indeed... big corps (except agriculture)
would in no way hire these known 'illegal immigrants' as they are called...

so the false idea of Murdoch trying to increase the number of low wages peons for industry to exploit is a real stretch !

posted on Oct, 2 2010 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by links234
Murdoch is an immigrant himself...I saw a clip of him on Fox and Friends sometime ago where the hosts clammed up about the 'illegal immigrants are bad' rhetoric and just went with whatever their boss was saying, I'll try and find it.

Murdoch is very pro-immigration, his news network is not.

Yes, he's Australia's revenge.

And we have plenty more "bad little crooks" (thanks, TaxpayersUnleashed,) to spare, so you lot had better watch out.

You do realise, I guess, that Mr Prez is another one?
His true birth certificate is ochred onto a cave wall underneath Uluru.
His handprints are there too, large as life, so this one has to be genuine.

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