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An open invitation to all ATS members concerning the homosexual issue.

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posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:04 AM
I have nothing against gays, but I do hate gypsies.

Oh and people riding a bike in cities.

edit on 29/9/2010 by enteri because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by number38
Yay or nay? as in are you opposed to homosexuality or do you have no problem with it and wonder what everybody gets so upset about?

I feel that what CONSENTING ADULTS do in the privacy of their own homes is their business. I really don't see what all the fuss is about. As far as I am concerned, someones sex life should not be of any concern to anyone else. There are far more worthy causes to get excited and rabid over.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 05:50 AM
reply to post by subby

well I don't condone that either because I believe it is stupid. But society is getting worse by the day. What is next on the list when homosexuals get 'freedom'? BTw you should read the tablets of the Sumerians since they were the first civilization of mankind which were 6000 years ago. They don't even mention the same sexes having some type of intercourse.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 06:20 AM

Originally posted by number38
Alot of people are saying things like 'don't worry about it' 'don't focus on the negative' 'there is no issue' 'ignore it' blah blah blah. Must be nice to live in straight whitey world were you ain't being judged. What the heck do any straight people here know what challenges and bull# a gay person comes across in their daily lives.

Like for example coming to my favourite site everyday to find more and more blatant homophobia.

Like for example being told by various straight people that there is no issue, of course there's no issue for them, they're straight, duh.

You will never change somebody else.

You can only change yourself. Its pretty easy thing to do and the consequences will turn your universe upside down.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 07:31 AM
What is abundantly clear here, on ATS [despite the very misconceived idea that it is somehow elevated in terms of the moral standing compared to other sites] is that ignorance, mis-informed and parochial individuals are in greater number than first thought.

The common sound-bite now emerging on this thread is ''two consenting adults doing what they want in their own privacy is their business''...well, indeed, that is the very much a line I agree with.

In the context of this thread I would further ask that we perhaps divert our attentions to those who say ''nay'' to homosexuality and those who confess to being homophobic? Moral outcry perhaps? Perhaps it is, but I ask you to justify the homophobia as being a 'natural' thing in the very same way we would ask whether homosexuality is or not. It works both ways, exclusively in the context of this thread at least.

When one begins to understand the difficulties, social, psychological and physiological that can present themselves to a person who realises they are homosexual, then and only then will one even remotely understand how little one knows. Classically, yet so brutually ironic that it is demonstrated here on the very site that spear-heads the online campaign to Deny Ingorance.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:25 AM
reply to post by BAZ752

I have counted them.

There are only about 60 homophobes on the whole site.

They simply make a lot of noise and since this is the topic that gets all their gym shorts in a wad, they seem to hog the conversation.

Take heart...Ignorance is not as prevalent as it is least here on ATS.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 08:37 AM
reply to post by rusethorcain

I applaud you for counting them!

In my opinion it is still 60 too many.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by Brood
reply to post by Sly1one

Everything you have said is pathetically ignorant. Increase in population is a bad thing. The suppression of homosexuality is a plague to the human race, you are suppressing nature's way of controlling the population and now we are running out of resources and killing our planet with the amount of pollution that is produced to keep all these children alive that you are all so proud of yourselves for making. And this idea of the island that keeps coming up will never happen anyways so stop talking about it as if it matters. You can make this situation with anything. If you put a 150 men on one island, they'd all die too. Since 150 women could create their own offspring with chromosomal science, they're the only natural people. Guess men unnatural, by your logic. You are wrong, get over it.

edit on 29-9-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

Lol ok ok you got me I didn't think someone all knowing as yourself would make it on these forums to give us all a heads up on exactly how overpopulated we are and that "homosexuality" is nature's way of curing that "reproduction" seriously must be privy to some information regarding the intent of nature to quell reproduction. lol by using your same analogy I could just as much say that homicidal serial killers and genocidal maniacs like Hitler are genetically destined to exist as natures way of "quelling" the offspring to a more suitable number. Its all about bringing the number down right? Nature doesn't care how life begins or ends, only that it does begin and end...

Population is only a PROBLEM because people have come accustomed to "living outside of their means" if there were 6 billion people living close communal lifestyles farming and living "within their own means" population wouldn't be an issue. Let me put it this way for you to understand better....the modern world made population matter....before then population had little to no significant effect on the environment and resources.

If men were unnatural they wouldn't exist and they wouldn't carry the 2nd part to logic is not flawed and you twisted it to make it seem so for some reason.

I'm not wrong, as much as you would like to think I'm wrong, I have nature and science behind me on this 100% and no matter of dancing and creative word-play can get around that fact...I can't keep people from painting fantasy pictures of the world around themselves though so they can "handle" it.

I'm sure if someone tried hard enough they could justify and rationalize how "cancer" has its benefits and is just as much part of nature as well. I'm sure they could convince many people that cancer has a natural purpose and nothing is wrong with cancer existing even though it is in flat out contradiction with how LIFE is supposed to be able to function, ie: killing people.

edit on 29-9-2010 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Other then issues involving predators, the only time I need to know someones sexual history is if that person wants to get in my bed. Beyond that, it's no bodies business which consenting adults are getting in bed with other consenting adults.

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 12:20 PM
A question to the people that disagree with homosexuality - what exactly is it about it that bothers you?

posted on Sep, 29 2010 @ 01:25 PM

Originally posted by Sly1one
lol by using your same analogy I could just as much say that homicidal serial killers and genocidal maniacs like Hitler are genetically destined to exist as natures way of "quelling" the offspring to a more suitable number. Its all about bringing the number down right? Nature doesn't care how life begins or ends, only that it does begin and end...

Gay people aren't killing people or even suppressing people against their will. Guess you're still closer to Hilter on this one, bud

Population is only a PROBLEM because people have come accustomed to "living outside of their means" if there were 6 billion people living close communal lifestyles farming and living "within their own means" population wouldn't be an issue. Let me put it this way for you to understand better....the modern world made population matter....before then population had little to no significant effect on the environment and resources.

You've come up with a ridiculously simplistic diagnosis and answer for a very complicated problem. Surely you cannot sit here and pretend that an 8% homosexuality rate hasn't helped to control the population over thousands of years. Surely I do not have to do this math for you?

If men were unnatural they wouldn't exist and they wouldn't carry the 2nd part to life...

This is what everyone has been saying to you about homosexual men but you don't listen because you are stubborn and ignorant.

my logic is not flawed and you twisted it to make it seem so for some reason.

I didn't twist anything. Don't get angry because I made you think below the surface for once in your life.

I'm not wrong, as much as you would like to think I'm wrong, I have nature and science behind me on this 100% and no matter of dancing and creative word-play can get around that fact...I can't keep people from painting fantasy pictures of the world around themselves though so they can "handle" it.

Your perception of nature and science is not educated.

I'm sure if someone tried hard enough they could justify and rationalize how "cancer" has its benefits and is just as much part of nature as well. I'm sure they could convince many people that cancer has a natural purpose and nothing is wrong with cancer existing even though it is in flat out contradiction with how LIFE is supposed to be able to function, ie: killing people.

Again, gay people aren't ending anyone's lives. No logic here.

Furthermore, I'm not arguing with another surface-thinker anymore. You people don't listen.

edit on 29-9-2010 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:00 AM
I believe that homosexuality is wrong for many reasons, but having said that I also believe that it is up to each person to make their own choice to either be homosexual or not and that neither I nor anyone else has the right to tell another person what they can or can not do in the privacy of their own home as long as they are of legal age and are consenting. This also includes those who wish to live the Polgamy life style. I further believe that those that do practice such life styles do not have the right to force me or anyone into accepting their life styly. You see I can not own a business because I would not hire anyone wants to openly talk about their sexual preferrance. I believe that all should keep their sexual habits to themselves while at work or in public. There are places for each to go so as to be able to practice and to speak openly about their sexual preferrance and that is where it needs to be done or at home not in public. I do not go around talking about my heteral sexual preferrance at work or in public. Consenting adults need to be allow to practice what ever sexual life style they desire to among themselves without government approval or disproval. But all need to keep silent about their sexual life style at work or in public and not try to force others into accepting a life style they feel is a sin so as to insure that those who believe that certain sexual life styles are a sin we would be punished for believing and obeying our God concerning that sin. I am not told by my God to condemn anyone who wishes to practice the homosexual life style. The only thing He commands me to do is to have nothing to do with them. You see I can not own a business because I would be forced by law to have something to do with all who practice what I believe is a sin and if I refuse I would be punished. So I have to give up my right of freedom of religeon so that homosexuals can have their right to openly practice their sexual life style. This is not right either.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 06:10 AM
reply to post by JohnySeagull
I hate the term homophobia. I do not approve of the homosexual life style, but I am in no way afraid of anyone who wishes to practice that life style and I certainly do not have a deathly fear of them. So please explain to me how my not approving of that life style makes me a homophobia? Those of you who desire to practice the homosexual life style need to find a better lable for those of us who do not approve of your life style than one that is an out and out lie. Fear you!!! I in no way fear you so I can not be a homophobia.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by Fitzlight63
Perhaps the term homoist? or homohater? I think the term homophobia sprang from the fact that some people FEAR gay people. A phobia is irrational and so are the actions of the person suffering from it. Obviously there are some that have no fear, more like an irrational hatred.

Also, I find with a large portion of people they're okay with the opposite sex being gay, like guys who like lesbians but hate gay guys. Also with some women who like gay guys but find lesbians creepy. Weird?

Anger can spawn from injustice- but what have gay people ( as an entire entity, not individuals) ever done that can explain such anger. It can also spawn from FEAR- understandable, a common theme for humans, to destroy the thing that brings fear, to show power so that the weakness we feel from the thing that scares us turns into a shield. Last one I can think of is more base, anger from the desire to dominate, to inflict misery on others and always have the whole cake, to deny others basic freedoms.

So, homophobe, homohater, homoist. I'm just tryna undrstand where it comes from cause I have never had a logical answer from anybody. It makes no sense to me.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by Fitzlight63

Have you read any threads on here on ATS, where individual membrs have used demeaning and derogatory remarks, when it comes to homosexuality, bisexuals or lesbians. Labelling a homosexual a Predator or a Beast, Or stating that homosexual couples of bisexual couples should not be allowed to adopt, that is initself discrimination and homphobic. This I have witnessed, with my own eyes.

Does that answer your question for an explanation?

I Have seen enough of it, I am not going to stay quiet and allow it to happen anymore. I for one think if individuals have no problem with it, then why use demonizing or derogatory remarks. Beats the purpose of the message individuals are trying to get across to others, when individual members use vulgar or digusting names, by branding homosexuals bisexuals or lesbians.

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by Fitzlight63

Gay people go to work every day and listen to heterosexuals touting their sexual behavior. You will receive no sympathy from homosexuals here, because you have no perspective. Free enterprise will not suppress free expression.

Furthermore, if you were to start a business and have a written rule that says "No chatter of sexual behavior, this can result in immediate dismissmal", then anyone who speaks of their sex life at work, homosexual or heterosexual, can be fired right there. I do, however, recommend you don't start your own business as this requires a lot of work and research on laws that you are clearly unable to do.

But all need to keep silent about their sexual life style at work or in public and not try to force others into accepting a life style they feel is a sin so as to insure that those who believe that certain sexual life styles are a sin we would be punished for believing and obeying our God concerning that sin.

Embarassing to Christianity. Everyone sins, not everyone goes to hell. You obviously have never read the Bible, and you disgrace those of us that have by talking about it as if you have any idea what it has to say. Don't be selective; don't pick and choose which parts of the Bible that you want to listen to to support your own ignorant standpoints (not opinions). Directly after a passage of the Bible that says homosexuality is a sin, it says eating pork is a sin. It says eating pork is a sin in the Bible more than it even brings up homosexuality. Anyways, if you were a true Christian, none of this would bother you; mind that log in your own eye.

edit on 30-9-2010 by Brood because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2010 @ 10:13 PM

Originally posted by number38
Yay or nay? as in are you opposed to homosexuality or do you have no problem with it and wonder what everybody gets so upset about? So if you are gay obviously you won't have a problem with it unless you're a self-hating gay which would be a very complicated thread. So yay or nay on the issue.

Its as simple as that. I want to find out what the majority of ATS members actually think about this issue. No debate or arguing just a FOR or AGAINST. If you can't decide then keep the maybes to yourself, have a long think and reply later.

thanks to all who contribute.


edit on 27-9-2010 by number38 because: to make it clearer what I'm looking for (hopefully)

Yay I thing we need to have Fredom here to spress.our self Yay-Yay-Yay

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by number38

I have a few things to say about this. If you actually read the Bible, you notice that David's most significant relationship is with a man, Jonathon, the son of King Saul. They loved each other. It does not imply a sexual relationship, but a love relationship that lasts their lifetimes. Also, in the Gospels, they make a bigger deal out of how much Jesus loved John than they do about his relationship with Mary Magdeline, which spawned several powerful cults. (Templars, who created the money system and who still run the money system). So, are we just ignoring the obvious indication from the Bible that people of the same sex can love each other very much?
Perhaps the thing that is forbidden is lust, in any form, which objectifies another person for one's own pleasure. That is certainly a sin. Love is not a sin.
All you Christians who condemn homosexuals, do you eat pork or the blood of an animal? The eating of pork and shell fish and blood are strictly forbidden in the "Old Testament", but overlooked by most Christians. That story in the Book of Acts about Peter seeing unclean things and being told by God to not call them unclean was specifically meant to prepare Peter for the knock on the door and the first gentile to be "saved". It was not meant to say we can eat whatever we want. Read that story in context.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not a matter of food or drink, so eating pork will not prevent you from being "saved", just as so many other sins will not divide you from God. There is only one unforgivable sin, the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. So, get over your darn homophobia and stop eating that pork!!!

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 09:35 AM
ps, The reason not to eat pork and shellfish is that they calcify the pineal gland, and your pineal gland is your antnae to God. The reason not to eat blood is that the life of the animal is in its blood. The fear that the animal experiences being slaughtered goes into its blood, and you eat that fear.
There is a cult that uses this knowledge to eat blood for specific reasons. No follower of the True Living God should be eating blood.

posted on Oct, 1 2010 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by hollyavila
ps, The reason not to eat pork and shellfish is that they calcify the pineal gland, and your pineal gland is your antnae to God. The reason not to eat blood is that the life of the animal is in its blood. The fear that the animal experiences being slaughtered goes into its blood, and you eat that fear.
There is a cult that uses this knowledge to eat blood for specific reasons. No follower of the True Living God should be eating blood.

wow... just... wow....

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