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Why do YOU hate Americans?

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posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:05 PM
I am 100% sure there is more than one thread concerning this topic, but they may be a little outdated. There has been some time since I have seen a topic like this, so there may be some new voices and reasoning behind it. I will ask a question, then answer the question myself. There isn't one definite answer to this question, that is why I posted it to ATS, the home for hating on Americans.

Question: Why do you hate Americans? Can you give rational reasoning behind your contempt for the American people?

I know why you would hate the American Government. I don't like the American Government either, thanks to this site; however, that doesn't mean you should hate the American people. I do not hate American people, and that is not because I am an American myself. My brother is an American and he hates Americans, so don't play that card.

I don't think the American people are as bad as people would say here on this site. They are just like any other people. For example, Americans have a sense of pride for a flag that would otherwise mean nothing outside of the metaphorical sense, so does every other people.

There are many reasons to not dislike a people as a whole, but what are your reasons to dislike them? Try to explain your reasoning without generalizing. Every group has their bad, so why hate the whole?

+4 more 
posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:16 PM
There is a bit of a stupid 'fashion' to be snotty about Americans in the UK, especially amongst 'trendy left wing types'

Why? I really dont know - I think it is very very stupid.

If I ever hear anyone badmouthing the Americans, I try to remind them that thousands of Americans gave their lives all across Europe to ensure our Freedom, and to think before they start with the Anti American BS.

The people of the USA and my country, the UK, have given many lives to ensure the freedom of other countries - so to anyone who hates Americans, I say stfu.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Onet Wosix because: spelling mistake

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:17 PM
reply to post by Bushido Kanji

I am not sure who you are targetting this to. Maybe some practical examples of what you view as hatred of the American people would be?

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by rogerstigers

Yes, I would like to know exactly why people hate the American people. I have heard people hating on Americans, I have heard people hating on many things and they could not give me a single rational reason as to why.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:21 PM
reply to post by Onet Wosix

Exactly, the American people have sacrificed for others, as have many other different peoples. The French sacrificed for Americans in the American Revolutionary War against the English; the Iraqis are still sacrificing for the belief in a Democratic Government, whether you believe in the war or not. Many different people have sacrificed, and I don't see why people could hate people like that.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:22 PM

Originally posted by Bushido Kanji
reply to post by rogerstigers

Yes, I would like to know exactly why people hate the American people. I have heard people hating on Americans, I have heard people hating on many things and they could not give me a single rational reason as to why.

Ok, guess I am not too knowledgable on the matter.. haven't heard anything like that myself. Never mind

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by Onet Wosix

........If I ever hear anyone badmouthing the Americans, I try to remind them that thousands of Americans gave their lives all across Europe to ensure our Freedom, and to think before they start with the Anti American BS.

The people of the USA and my country, the UK, have given many lives to ensure the freedom of other countries - so to anyone who hates Americans, I say stfu.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Onet Wosix because: spelling mistake

I'm really glad to see that there are those that remember when America was in a war that mattered. My best friend's father died in Europe, along with the hundreds of troops that sacrificed their lives for Europe's freedom. That's when America was America.
I'm an American and there are a lot of people like me that loves our country, but don't agree with the way our government is ran. The American Government does not represent the majority of the American People. We as a people will TRY to elect the right people next time, but you know how that is, the more things change, the more they stay the same.............

edit on 18-9-2010 by kennylee because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:39 PM
HAHAHAHA! I HATE people in general. I'm not even that fond of myself because of the fact i'm a people too.

I can point out something not kosher with everything about humans, I just don't have the time cause we only got a max of 120 yrs. (first point) HAHA!

America basicaly sucks and recieves hatred because of our collective ignorance, gluttony, and greed. And our repeated vain attempts to justify ourselves by overcompensating with fake, empty "caring".

I would gladly watch the world burn, including myself.......... if I was the last one burning.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 02:40 PM
I've read posts about people hating America, as in the government, but i've not read any specific threads about hating Americans.

Me personally I have no problem with Americans on a general basis.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 05:52 PM
I might have come up with a few answers. People got stept on their toes by my thread.

Before I post the link: I do not hate Americans.

Why people don't like the United states of America.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 06:14 PM

Why do YOU hate Americans?

Hate is a strong word that essentially describes nothing at all. Hate is an imaginary friend, in my mind (not literally).

i don't care for the fact that americans can say they are law abiding citizens when none of them can say for certain how many laws there are, heck not even the internet has that answer.

i don't care for the fact americans keep spending my taxes to put people in positions to make more laws when they don't know the ones that exist, nor are they capable of enforcing them all.

i don't care for the fact that americans demand americans to conform to mandatory expectations that number so great that no child born in america can live long enough to learn all of them.

friends do not tell friends that there are so many rules to the friendship they cannot live long enough to learn them all, let alone conform to them. this is not an example of how friends treat friends, nor is it an example of making people feel welcome. it is not home, either.

family does not tell family that there are so many rules to being a family member that they cannot live long enough to them all, let alone conform to them. this is not an example of how family members treat family members, nor is it an example of making people feel welcome. it is not home, either.

so if americans are not my friends, and are not my family, then what are they?

freedom is not a system of government that has so many laws that no one knows them. and spreading this false "freedom" to other countries through means of military operations is also not freedom.

i do not care for G.O.D. (Government Of Dollars) and how they utilize the patterns that exist in words to manipulate and influence the people against their will, subconsciously, without them knowing it. Americans are in a state of hypnosis in my opinion. They are not aware enough to know what they are doing, but due to biological obligations they are reluctant to accept the possibility that they are brainwashed braindirtied, nor do they consciously know how much their fear and hate depreciate their receptiveness and adaptability to new information, directly and indirectly effecting their IQs.

maybe it is something in the water in america that hides their foundation (communication) of their civilization from them?

floor hide

"America is NOT a nation of men. It is a nation of LAWS"
-President George Washington


edit on 18-9-2010 by Esoteric Teacher because: correct quote

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

It was a good post, but that last part stuck out so much that I had to point it out. George Washington didn't say that. I could not find anything on that quote, outside of a thread here on ATS (which voids credibility of the claim). The only thing that came anywhere close to that quote is from John Adams:

"There is no good government but what is republican. That the only valuable part of the British constitution is so; because the very definition of a republic is 'an empire of laws, and not of men.'"

Even that can easily be taken out of context. He was talking about how the nation should adopt Bicameralism, stating:

"A single assembly is liable to all the vices, follies, and frailties of an individual."

Sorry, I just had to point that out.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Bushido Kanji

thank you for correcting me.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 07:51 PM
You think that hating Americans is ignorant because of WW2? What about neo-Nazi, pro-Hitler, anti-semits, anti-Jews, fascists, etc.? There are still a lot of people who secretly share those old, radical ideologies. Many of them are even pro-American, US pro-Nazi groups are a fragmented bunch and their union is a scary thought.

In addition to that, many European countries occupied by Nazi Germany actually welcomed Germans and liked Hitler's ideas. This is probably not found so often in elementary school books but it is reality. Most countries, even allied ones really didn't mind extermination of Jews, many people knew it but didn't think of it as insane... some, due to historical reasons. Now, if Russia stayed with Germany we'd be in true 3rd Reich and I'd be writing this on an IBM computer
. Russia could easily overrun what was left of German army (those that did not die in Russia) with or without US troops. Luckily they didn't, so in truth majority of people should be thankful to Americans for defending them against Russians, not Germans - in fact, people of Europe feared Russians far more than Germans. Many Germans themselves thought they're not even human-looking.

That said, the "we saved the world" card is not entirely valid even in Western Europe which is then again just a tiny fraction of the huge world of American-haters

I don't hate anyone or anything but I know many that do and understand them. There's a guy who's a vegetarian, but he always eats duck meat because he just hates ducks so much.

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:02 PM
Okay, well since you asked!

I don't HATE anybody, but the Americans really # me because everything is always better there than anywhere else in the world.

Encounters I've had:-

The reef in Hawaii is better than the Great Barrier Reef. ( no explanation given, it just is )
The tax system throughout the world needs to be changed to the American system because its better. ( no explanation given, it just is )
Everything is cheaper in USA & better quality. ( once again, no explanation given )
America is the best place in the world to live. ( again, no reasons or explanation given )

AND the big one......wherever you go on this planet, there's ALWAYS a loud mouth American bossing somebody around or being rude to them.

Oh, & just to remind the Americans. Other countries have actually lost people in any WAR we've fought alongside the Americans too. So its not just all about YOU & YOUR losses, okay.

So there you go, that might give some of you an idea about how the rest of the world feel about you.

.......since you asked!

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Bushido Kanji

I love how Japanese you are (online.) I don't know if you're Japanese and I don't want to sound like I'm profiling though I might be but Japanese are such loyal people. I'm American, part Turkish but mainly raised in America. I can tell you why many countries hate America: because Americans are ignorant, concieted, selfish, not-in-tune-with-the-rest-of-the-world, there's Psycho-Christianity taught at a young age (with some people not most), dumbed down with reality tv shows and inapproriate music at a young age, don't know their real history and if they do they deny it ever happened (ie: Agent Orange and the Viet Nam war.)

But under all that America (U.S., sorry not Central or South or Canada or Netherlands) is actually a pretty awesome place. They wear pajamas to stores and no one cares, everyone says it like it is, and the U.S. loves their animals (some even call them children.) Everyone has rights, no one is disciminated and if you are you just sue.

Well, that's my 2 cents. I've visited Turkey and watched their news and thought 'My God, Asia, Africa, and Europe's countries all know what's going on in each other's countries. I didn't know there was this going on in Asia! They should report this stuff in the U.S.' But we don't. Everything on our news happens only in the U.S. and if it doesn't then it's something to glorify the U.S.

When we had a foreign exchange student stay at our house for the summer, one time she accidently got into the wrong car and went to sleep there (an identical car to ours parked next to us, blocking our car and it was late at night when we were at a theme park.) The latino American family came bac kto their car and the husband woke her up. She blushed hard when she realized she fell asleep in the wrong car but the father laughed and said it was okay, even joked with her but countlessly reasured her it was alright and an easy mistake. After that, she wouldn't drop how accepting Americans are and that part is true. If we see a person needing help it wouldn't be surprising to see one or two Americans come to that person's aid, no matter who the person in need is.

edit on 9/18/10 by ohsnaptruth because: Edit to add last paragraph

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:06 PM
I'm from the UK and my girlfriend is originally from Massachusetts.

One of the most uncomfortable things I have ever had to sit through was going to a party and hearing 3 people trying to convince my girlfriend that America was responsible for all the evils in the world and that voting for Bush was a sign that all Americans were idiots.
I then pointed out to them that my girlfriend hasn't lived in, let alone voted in America for over 10 years and that one of the people criticizing her was Russian, I asked him what he had done about the terrible leaders that Russia had had and he said "well thats why I came to England"
I kind of lost my rational debate skills at that point and just told him to ******** .

I was kind of incensed by this point and we both retreated to a different room, it really upset my gf though

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:24 PM
Question, is this about Americans, people born in a Continent called America or is about the people from an country in the North of the continent who think they are the owners of the words America/Americans?

Anyway, im from Venezuela, a country that is in America, so that makes me an American and of course i cant hate myself nor i have reasons to hate people from this continent

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by MonteroReal

Americans, the demonym for those who live in the United States of America.

Good try at making a smart remark.

edit on 18-9-2010 by Bushido Kanji because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 18 2010 @ 08:28 PM
"the Iraqis are still sacrificing for the belief in a Democratic Government"

Why do people hate Americans? Because many of them are gullible and easily believe the rubbish which is fed to them, like the comment above. Being suckered into believing such nonsense is basically doing a major disservice to your country and the rest of the world.

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