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Mayan Elders view of 5-6 hrs before 2012 and just after

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posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 07:00 AM
reply to post by Rellix

Oh man, they got you where you live on that one (I'm thinking.) .. the experience you had .. like remote viewing or out of body ... things like that involve our very life force .... and it can leave the feeling of longing for what was lost in the experience .. like missing a loved one. .. Your other half or what ever part went so you could see/experience ... has not found it's way back. ... Someday it might ... don't give up hope ...

If it left you with reason to hope, then you are already upon a quest. Do well!

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 04:00 AM

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by spmc215
Hmm.. Everything we use on this earth comes from the earth, everything here on this great planet is marked by the earth so we should all be good..

exactly, house is made out of lumber and is dimensional,,,

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:29 PM

The transition between the end of night and the beginning of a day happens in the small duration of dawn. At a certain point, when
the Sun peeps above the horizon, the night recedes and daylight breaks over the landscape. From then onwards, it is the rule of the

Every transition has such a crossover point, where the effect of the previous phase is overpowered with that of the new phase.
We are aware that humanity on this Earth is in a Transition Phase from one Age to another. In this transition, there comes a point at
which the effects of the previous age are blocked and the principles of the New Light Age start taking total effect. We are
nearing that crossover stage.

No other year in recent history has caught the attention of people across the world as 2012 has. And no other date is the
convergence point for so many important events as 21st December of 2012 is. While most of the population seems blissfully unaware
of the importance of this date, those in the spiritual circles have been eagerly anticipating this day, where an old world gives way
to a new one.

This date marks the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. This calendar which had correctly predicted many of the global
events, does not give any predictions after this date. Hence many consider this day as apocalyptical, where the world as we know it
will come to an end and humanity will perish.


Many people believe that 2012 is the year of Apocalypse. The end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar is one reason for this belief.
The alignments and other astronomical events, which will be explained further, also add to this belief that our Earth is nearing
a stage where no life will survive after this date. Such apocalyptic theories have repeatedly been proven wrong like prophesies of
Nostradamus, but still the belief in 2012 is strong.

An apocalypse (MahaPralaya) occurs, when our Planet completes a bigger cycle of time, called as a Manvantara
(approximately 4.3 million years). Our Earth has passed this stage many times earlier when life was completely wiped out and
started again from amoeba after thousands of years of lifeless existence. At present, we are completing a much smaller cycle of
time and are definitely not facing an Apocalypse!

Many events converge in this year and on this date, thus giving it an aura of apocalypse. The following sections explain
these events in brief.


The Mayans were a very special group of people who lived on Earth about 5000 years ago. They were space explorers and also great
mathematicians, astronomers and scientists, and hence very

advanced in both the material and spiritual sciences. With their knowledge, they charted out the almanac (called as Panchanga in
Sanskrit), applicable to the entire Galaxy, and also built physical structures like the pyramids in Central America which depicted
this almanac.

When the Dark Age began nearly 5000 years ago, they ascended directly to the higher planes. The present generation of
Mayans comprises of the local tribes who inherited the knowledge from the original group. Some of them are evolved ones who help
in decoding the preserved knowledge.

The Mayan Calendar which is in focus these days is one of the many parts of the almanac given to this Earth by the Mayans.
There are many such calendars which are subsets of this almanac. The Tzolkin calendar (short count) recognises the shift of energies
on a daily basis and keeps track of these energies of a particular day. The long count calendar keeps track of a similar energy shift
on a bigger time-scale. The other calendars are used for various purposes. Since the Mayan almanac incorporates many details of
astronomy, energy zones, alignments and auspicious dates of the entire Galaxy, the calendars based on this almanac can be used
across different Earths and Solar systems of our Milky Way Galaxy.

The much talked about calendar in the New Age circles is the Long Count Calendar, which is believed to predict the beginning of
the Light Age from 21st December, 2012. Since our Earth has entered the Light Age many times in the past, this date does not
refer to the beginning of Light Age.

Another interpretation of this calendar is the concept of the ‘underworlds’ and ‘thirteen heavens’, which basically talks of the
shifts in human consciousness on our Earth, beginning from the cellar life — to individual — to human — to galactic — and finally

cosmic, through nine distinct steps. This interpretation that is commonly available on the Internet and books is incorrect. The
original concept of underworlds was given to humanity for a different purpose. The distortion has occurred because the
knowledge required to decode the original recordings was lost during the Dark Age due to human negligence.

In reality, the Mayan Calendar actually speaks about the huge shift in consciousness that is expected to occur on a
particular day. It establishes a cross reference between this shift and the effects of the Galactic Alignment that happens on 21st
December 2012. The alignment brings in a lot of new energies and changes, thus resulting in a great shift in human consciousness on


Our Earth and other Planets in the solar system revolve around the Sun. The Sun along with six other Stars revolves around a bigger
star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun. Alcyone revolves around a much bigger Star, Sirius, which is called as the Greater
Central Sun. This system of Stars revolving around one another is a feature found in all Galaxies in our Cosmos where ultimately, each
Galaxy rotates around its own centre. The Milky Way Galaxy, to which our Earth belongs, has billions of such Stars and Planets, all
revolving around a massive Black Hole in its core, called as the Galactic Centre.

As the Sun and other Stars revolve around one another and move in their orbits, they come in various alignments with each
other. On 21st December 2012, two alignments are expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy: (1) Our Sun and the entire solar

system will come in direct alignment with the Galactic equator and (2) The Galactic Centre, the Greater Central Sun and the
Central Sun will form an equilateral triangle in space at the same time.

Our Earth receives energies, both physical and subtle from the Sun as well as other Stars. To receive the maximum amount of
Energies, it has to come in a proper alignment with these celestial bodies. For example, during an eclipse, where the Earth, Sun and
Moon align with each other, very rare spiritual energies flood our Earth because of this alignment. Hence, in earlier times, the
duration of eclipses were considered sacred and were spent in meditations and other spiritual activities, to make the best use of
these subtle energies.

An alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic Centre will have an effect which is many, many times higher in
magnitude. When our Earth (along with the solar system) aligns with the Galactic Equator, it will come in direct focus of a huge
amount of subtle energies, which emerge from the Galactic Centre. And the triangular formation of Alcyone, Sirius and the
Galactic Centre in 2012 brings a massive amount of spiritual energies from these Stars to our Earth.

These alignments will exist for a rough period of 20 years and this will cause a surge of energies and it will have a great
effect on our Planet at various levels, resulting in a great mass consciousness shift. These energies will be used by the Higher
Intelligence to effectively remove all traces of negativities on our Earth.


When the Sun moves around the Central Sun, it passes through various energy fields in space. One such energy field is the Photon
Belt. It is a spiritual field which emerged out of the Greater Central Sun, Sirius. The Photon belt is a field of very high vibratory
frequency, which enhances the spiritual condition of our Earth and all associated life forms here when we enter it.
This energy field is being continuously strengthened with different energies by the Higher Intelligence periodically in order
to amplify its influence on the Earth.

The planet Pluto entered into this field in 1987 and our Earth entered the outer layers of this energy field on 21st December,
2009! The influence of the Photon Belt on our Earth will increase in stages as we cross each of its layers. Our Earth will enter the
core of the Photon belt towards the end of 2012, almost coinciding with the Galactic Alignment!


Our Sun has a twin, another star, which is called as the ‘Second Sun’. This is also referred to by many as Nibiru and Planet X. This
star exists at a subtler level and is not visible to the naked eye. It is only visible to those who are spiritually evolved. As the spiritual
condition of humanity improves and enhances, the Second Sun will open up to all and everyone receives the subtler energies from it.

The energies of the Second Sun are expected to become more influential from the dawn of the Light Age. These energies,
together with the effects of the photon belt and the Galactic Alignment, help us in our spiritual evolution and opening of higher
faculties. Since the Second Sun exists at a higher level, it supports a refined, evolved life. As we progress more into the New Age, we
will be using these energies from the Second Sun.


Solar flares are sudden and intense bursts of energy from the Sun’s surface that are caused due to the variation in Sun’s magnetic
field. When they occur, a large amount of matter, intense magnetic fields and other radiations are ejected into space. These
activities normally follow an 11-year cycle that peaks in the middle. Although these are generally harmless, an intense solar
activity is observed every 150 years, which can have a strong impact on Earth’s atmosphere and electromagnetic field.

Recently, scientists have warned of intense solar flares in 2012-2013. These solar flares will be so high in magnitude that
they can destroy the electrical grids and communication systems on Earth. Such damage will take several years to be repaired and
restored. This can lead to a collapse of the electrical, electronic and telecommunication systems, thus bringing our modern life to a
virtual stand-still.


All these events occurring almost simultaneously within a short span will trigger massive changes on our Earth at the physical
level. There are possibilities of shifts in tectonic plates leading to earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural calamities.
Another result is the flip of Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles and a subsequent reversal in the direction of its rotation.

Another result will be the breakdown of modern systems and the destruction of human life. These occurrences are parts of a
bigger process of change — a transition. There are higher forces which are monitoring these events and guiding the processes
behind them. The events, alignments and occurrences of 2012 will be used by the Higher Intelligence to clearly expose and remove
all negativities on our Earth. All those people, places and systems which are still tuned to the Dark Age and continue to follow those
ways will collapse!

The most important result happens at a subtler level. The huge surge of spiritual energies that flood our Earth will lead to a
shift in mass consciousness. There will be an expansion occurring at the level of thought and emotion in all individuals all over the
world. The dormant faculties like intuition and telepathy will begin to function with these events. We will be able to choose and
implement the values of the New Age with ease.

These results will be explored in the subsequent chapters of this book.


Considering all the predictions, alignments and their consequences discussed in this chapter, we can assert that 2012 is not the last
year of our lives! It is also not the year where the Light Age begins. Rather, it is an important year in our individual and
collective evolution.

It will be a year of massive changes, both at the physical as well as subtler levels. These changes have already been initiated
and will intensify in the coming months.

The year 2012 was supposed to mark a definite end to the ways and life-style of the Dark Age that we have just passed
through. The negativities and degenerated values that thrived on this Earth were planned to be blocked by the end of 2012!
However, the Higher Intelligence which continuously monitors the spiritual progress of the entire humanity, has observed
that Mankind has not made sufficient progress to transform by that time. As a result, the crossover deadline has been extended by a
few more years. We shall discuss this in detail in chapter 8 of the book — 2012 Postponed.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Rwederfoort

The transition between the end of night and the beginning of a day happens in the small duration of dawn. At a certain point, when
the Sun peeps above the horizon, the night recedes and daylight breaks over the landscape. From then onwards, it is the rule of the

Every transition has such a crossover point, where the effect of the previous phase is overpowered with that of the new phase.
We are aware that humanity on this Earth is in a Transition Phase from one Age to another. In this transition, there comes a point at
which the effects of the previous age are blocked and the principles of the New Light Age start taking total effect. We are
nearing that crossover stage.

No other year in recent history has caught the attention of people across the world as 2012 has. And no other date is the
convergence point for so many important events as 21st December of 2012 is. While most of the population seems blissfully unaware
of the importance of this date, those in the spiritual circles have been eagerly anticipating this day, where an old world gives way
to a new one.

This date marks the end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. This calendar which had correctly predicted many of the global
events, does not give any predictions after this date. Hence many consider this day as apocalyptical, where the world as we know it
will come to an end and humanity will perish.


Many people believe that 2012 is the year of Apocalypse. The end of the Mayan Long Count Calendar is one reason for this belief.
The alignments and other astronomical events, which will be explained further, also add to this belief that our Earth is nearing
a stage where no life will survive after this date. Such apocalyptic theories have repeatedly been proven wrong like prophesies of
Nostradamus, but still the belief in 2012 is strong.

An apocalypse (MahaPralaya) occurs, when our Planet completes a bigger cycle of time, called as a Manvantara
(approximately 4.3 million years). Our Earth has passed this stage many times earlier when life was completely wiped out and
started again from amoeba after thousands of years of lifeless existence. At present, we are completing a much smaller cycle of
time and are definitely not facing an Apocalypse!

Many events converge in this year and on this date, thus giving it an aura of apocalypse. The following sections explain
these events in brief.


The Mayans were a very special group of people who lived on Earth about 5000 years ago. They were space explorers and also great
mathematicians, astronomers and scientists, and hence very

advanced in both the material and spiritual sciences. With their knowledge, they charted out the almanac (called as Panchanga in
Sanskrit), applicable to the entire Galaxy, and also built physical structures like the pyramids in Central America which depicted
this almanac.

When the Dark Age began nearly 5000 years ago, they ascended directly to the higher planes. The present generation of
Mayans comprises of the local tribes who inherited the knowledge from the original group. Some of them are evolved ones who help
in decoding the preserved knowledge.

The Mayan Calendar which is in focus these days is one of the many parts of the almanac given to this Earth by the Mayans.
There are many such calendars which are subsets of this almanac. The Tzolkin calendar (short count) recognises the shift of energies
on a daily basis and keeps track of these energies of a particular day. The long count calendar keeps track of a similar energy shift
on a bigger time-scale. The other calendars are used for various purposes. Since the Mayan almanac incorporates many details of
astronomy, energy zones, alignments and auspicious dates of the entire Galaxy, the calendars based on this almanac can be used
across different Earths and Solar systems of our Milky Way Galaxy.

The much talked about calendar in the New Age circles is the Long Count Calendar, which is believed to predict the beginning of
the Light Age from 21st December, 2012. Since our Earth has entered the Light Age many times in the past, this date does not
refer to the beginning of Light Age.

Another interpretation of this calendar is the concept of the ‘underworlds’ and ‘thirteen heavens’, which basically talks of the
shifts in human consciousness on our Earth, beginning from the cellar life — to individual — to human — to galactic — and finally

cosmic, through nine distinct steps. This interpretation that is commonly available on the Internet and books is incorrect. The
original concept of underworlds was given to humanity for a different purpose. The distortion has occurred because the
knowledge required to decode the original recordings was lost during the Dark Age due to human negligence.

In reality, the Mayan Calendar actually speaks about the huge shift in consciousness that is expected to occur on a
particular day. It establishes a cross reference between this shift and the effects of the Galactic Alignment that happens on 21st
December 2012. The alignment brings in a lot of new energies and changes, thus resulting in a great shift in human consciousness on


Our Earth and other Planets in the solar system revolve around the Sun. The Sun along with six other Stars revolves around a bigger
star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun. Alcyone revolves around a much bigger Star, Sirius, which is called as the Greater
Central Sun. This system of Stars revolving around one another is a feature found in all Galaxies in our Cosmos where ultimately, each
Galaxy rotates around its own centre. The Milky Way Galaxy, to which our Earth belongs, has billions of such Stars and Planets, all
revolving around a massive Black Hole in its core, called as the Galactic Centre.

As the Sun and other Stars revolve around one another and move in their orbits, they come in various alignments with each
other. On 21st December 2012, two alignments are expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy: (1) Our Sun and the entire solar

system will come in direct alignment with the Galactic equator and (2) The Galactic Centre, the Greater Central Sun and the
Central Sun will form an equilateral triangle in space at the same time.

Our Earth receives energies, both physical and subtle from the Sun as well as other Stars. To receive the maximum amount of
Energies, it has to come in a proper alignment with these celestial bodies. For example, during an eclipse, where the Earth, Sun and
Moon align with each other, very rare spiritual energies flood our Earth because of this alignment. Hence, in earlier times, the
duration of eclipses were considered sacred and were spent in meditations and other spiritual activities, to make the best use of
these subtle energies.

An alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic Centre will have an effect which is many, many times higher in
magnitude. When our Earth (along with the solar system) aligns with the Galactic Equator, it will come in direct focus of a huge
amount of subtle energies, which emerge from the Galactic Centre. And the triangular formation of Alcyone, Sirius and the
Galactic Centre in 2012 brings a massive amount of spiritual energies from these Stars to our Earth.

These alignments will exist for a rough period of 20 years and this will cause a surge of energies and it will have a great
effect on our Planet at various levels, resulting in a great mass consciousness shift. These energies will be used by the Higher
Intelligence to effectively remove all traces of negativities on our Earth.


When the Sun moves around the Central Sun, it passes through various energy fields in space. One such energy field is the Photon
Belt. It is a spiritual field which emerged out of the Greater Central Sun, Sirius. The Photon belt is a field of very high vibratory
frequency, which enhances the spiritual condition of our Earth and all associated life forms here when we enter it.
This energy field is being continuously strengthened with different energies by the Higher Intelligence periodically in order
to amplify its influence on the Earth.

The planet Pluto entered into this field in 1987 and our Earth entered the outer layers of this energy field on 21st December,
2009! The influence of the Photon Belt on our Earth will increase in stages as we cross each of its layers. Our Earth will enter the
core of the Photon belt towards the end of 2012, almost coinciding with the Galactic Alignment!


Our Sun has a twin, another star, which is called as the ‘Second Sun’. This is also referred to by many as Nibiru and Planet X. This
star exists at a subtler level and is not visible to the naked eye. It is only visible to those who are spiritually evolved. As the spiritual
condition of humanity improves and enhances, the Second Sun will open up to all and everyone receives the subtler energies from it.

The energies of the Second Sun are expected to become more influential from the dawn of the Light Age. These energies,
together with the effects of the photon belt and the Galactic Alignment, help us in our spiritual evolution and opening of higher
faculties. Since the Second Sun exists at a higher level, it supports a refined, evolved life. As we progress more into the New Age, we
will be using these energies from the Second Sun.


Solar flares are sudden and intense bursts of energy from the Sun’s surface that are caused due to the variation in Sun’s magnetic
field. When they occur, a large amount of matter, intense magnetic fields and other radiations are ejected into space. These
activities normally follow an 11-year cycle that peaks in the middle. Although these are generally harmless, an intense solar
activity is observed every 150 years, which can have a strong impact on Earth’s atmosphere and electromagnetic field.

Recently, scientists have warned of intense solar flares in 2012-2013. These solar flares will be so high in magnitude that
they can destroy the electrical grids and communication systems on Earth. Such damage will take several years to be repaired and
restored. This can lead to a collapse of the electrical, electronic and telecommunication systems, thus bringing our modern life to a
virtual stand-still.


All these events occurring almost simultaneously within a short span will trigger massive changes on our Earth at the physical
level. There are possibilities of shifts in tectonic plates leading to earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural calamities.
Another result is the flip of Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles and a subsequent reversal in the direction of its rotation.

Another result will be the breakdown of modern systems and the destruction of human life. These occurrences are parts of a
bigger process of change — a transition. There are higher forces which are monitoring these events and guiding the processes
behind them. The events, alignments and occurrences of 2012 will be used by the Higher Intelligence to clearly expose and remove
all negativities on our Earth. All those people, places and systems which are still tuned to the Dark Age and continue to follow those
ways will collapse!

The most important result happens at a subtler level. The huge surge of spiritual energies that flood our Earth will lead to a
shift in mass consciousness. There will be an expansion occurring at the level of thought and emotion in all individuals all over the
world. The dormant faculties like intuition and telepathy will begin to function with these events. We will be able to choose and
implement the values of the New Age with ease.

These results will be explored in the subsequent chapters of this book.


Considering all the predictions, alignments and their consequences discussed in this chapter, we can assert that 2012 is not the last
year of our lives! It is also not the year where the Light Age begins. Rather, it is an important year in our individual and
collective evolution.

It will be a year of massive changes, both at the physical as well as subtler levels. These changes have already been initiated
and will intensify in the coming months.

The year 2012 was supposed to mark a definite end to the ways and life-style of the Dark Age that we have just passed
through. The negativities and degenerated values that thrived on this Earth were planned to be blocked by the end of 2012!
However, the Higher Intelligence which continuously monitors the spiritual progress of the entire humanity, has observed
that Mankind has not made sufficient progress to transform by that time. As a result, the crossover deadline has been extended by a
few more years. We shall discuss this in detail in chapter 8 of the book — 2012 Postponed.


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by Rwederfoort

The Mayans were a very special group of people who lived on Earth about 5000 years ago. They were space explorers and also great mathematicians, astronomers and scientists, and hence very advanced in both the material and spiritual sciences. With their knowledge, they charted out the almanac (called as Panchanga in
Sanskrit), applicable to the entire Galaxy, and also built physical structures like the pyramids in Central America which depicted this almanac.

The Mayans continue to live today. The Mayan culture did not exist 5000 years ago. Their understanding of the world was advanced for their time. They did not know about galaxies or event that we are part of the Milky Way Galaxy.

When the Dark Age began nearly 5000 years ago

And what dark age would this be?

The Mayan Calendar which is in focus these days is one of the many parts of the almanac given to this Earth by the Mayans. There are many such calendars which are subsets of this almanac. The Tzolkin calendar (short count) recognises the shift of energies on a daily basis and keeps track of these energies of a particular day. The long count calendar keeps track of a similar energy shift on a bigger time-scale. The other calendars are used for various purposes. Since the Mayan almanac incorporates many details of astronomy, energy zones, alignments and auspicious dates of the entire Galaxy, the calendars based on this almanac can be used across different Earths and Solar systems of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Where did you get this baloney? The Mayan calendars do not have anythingto do with "energy", nor do they have anything to do with the notion of a galaxy.

Another interpretation of this calendar is the concept of the ‘underworlds’ and ‘thirteen heavens’, which basically talks of the shifts in human consciousness on our Earth, beginning from the cellar life — to individual — to human — to galactic — and finally cosmic, through nine distinct steps. This interpretation that is commonly available on the Internet and books is incorrect. The original concept of underworlds was given to humanity for a different purpose. The distortion has occurred because the knowledge required to decode the original recordings was lost during the Dark Age due to human negligence.

Of course that is incorrect. It is a hoax perpetrated by Lungold and now Calleman. There are no 13 and 9 parts. That is a colonial concept introduced by Europeans.

In reality, the Mayan Calendar actually speaks about the huge shift in consciousness that is expected to occur on a particular day. It establishes a cross reference between this shift and the effects of the Galactic Alignment that happens on 21st December 2012. The alignment brings in a lot of new energies and changes, thus resulting in a great shift in human consciousness on Earth.

More falsehoods. The Mayan calendar has nothing to do with the New Age hoax of a "shift in consciousness."
During the time of the Mayans the end of the long count did not match the galactic alignment or the winter solstice because of precession of the equinoxes.

The Sun along with six other Stars revolves around a bigger star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun.

More lies. The Sun does not orbit Alcyon.

On 21st December 2012, two alignments are expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy: (1) Our Sun and the entire solar

system will come in direct alignment with the Galactic equator and (2) The Galactic Centre, the Greater Central Sun and the Central Sun will form an equilateral triangle in space at the same time.

More lies. Any possibility of getting anything right?

An alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic Centre will have an effect which is many, many times higher in magnitude.

This happens every year. So what?

When the Sun moves around the Central Sun, it passes through various energy fields in space. One such energy field is the Photon Belt.

The Photon Belt is another hoax.

It is only visible to those who are spiritually evolved.

Is that the baloney story of the day?

Recently, scientists have warned of intense solar flares in 2012-2013.

Can you provide a link for this claim?

There are possibilities of shifts in tectonic plates leading to earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural calamities.Another result is the flip of Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles and a subsequent reversal in the direction of its rotation.

So you want us to believe that hoaxes such as a photon belt and galactic alignments that happen every year are going to be special? That's just weird. Geographic pole flips have never happened. A reversal of rotation direction is impossible.

2012 is a year when hoaxers such as you will have to turn to other years when nothing happens.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:15 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by Rwederfoort

The Mayans were a very special group of people who lived on Earth about 5000 years ago. They were space explorers and also great mathematicians, astronomers and scientists, and hence very advanced in both the material and spiritual sciences. With their knowledge, they charted out the almanac (called as Panchanga in
Sanskrit), applicable to the entire Galaxy, and also built physical structures like the pyramids in Central America which depicted this almanac.

The Mayans continue to live today. The Mayan culture did not exist 5000 years ago. Their understanding of the world was advanced for their time. They did not know about galaxies or event that we are part of the Milky Way Galaxy.

When the Dark Age began nearly 5000 years ago

And what dark age would this be?

The Mayan Calendar which is in focus these days is one of the many parts of the almanac given to this Earth by the Mayans. There are many such calendars which are subsets of this almanac. The Tzolkin calendar (short count) recognises the shift of energies on a daily basis and keeps track of these energies of a particular day. The long count calendar keeps track of a similar energy shift on a bigger time-scale. The other calendars are used for various purposes. Since the Mayan almanac incorporates many details of astronomy, energy zones, alignments and auspicious dates of the entire Galaxy, the calendars based on this almanac can be used across different Earths and Solar systems of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Where did you get this baloney? The Mayan calendars do not have anythingto do with "energy", nor do they have anything to do with the notion of a galaxy.

Another interpretation of this calendar is the concept of the ‘underworlds’ and ‘thirteen heavens’, which basically talks of the shifts in human consciousness on our Earth, beginning from the cellar life — to individual — to human — to galactic — and finally cosmic, through nine distinct steps. This interpretation that is commonly available on the Internet and books is incorrect. The original concept of underworlds was given to humanity for a different purpose. The distortion has occurred because the knowledge required to decode the original recordings was lost during the Dark Age due to human negligence.

Of course that is incorrect. It is a hoax perpetrated by Lungold and now Calleman. There are no 13 and 9 parts. That is a colonial concept introduced by Europeans.

In reality, the Mayan Calendar actually speaks about the huge shift in consciousness that is expected to occur on a particular day. It establishes a cross reference between this shift and the effects of the Galactic Alignment that happens on 21st December 2012. The alignment brings in a lot of new energies and changes, thus resulting in a great shift in human consciousness on Earth.

More falsehoods. The Mayan calendar has nothing to do with the New Age hoax of a "shift in consciousness."
During the time of the Mayans the end of the long count did not match the galactic alignment or the winter solstice because of precession of the equinoxes.

The Sun along with six other Stars revolves around a bigger star, Alcyone, also known as the Central Sun.

More lies. The Sun does not orbit Alcyon.

On 21st December 2012, two alignments are expected to occur in our Milky Way Galaxy: (1) Our Sun and the entire solar

system will come in direct alignment with the Galactic equator and (2) The Galactic Centre, the Greater Central Sun and the Central Sun will form an equilateral triangle in space at the same time.

More lies. Any possibility of getting anything right?

An alignment occurring at the level of the Galactic Centre will have an effect which is many, many times higher in magnitude.

This happens every year. So what?

When the Sun moves around the Central Sun, it passes through various energy fields in space. One such energy field is the Photon Belt.

The Photon Belt is another hoax.

It is only visible to those who are spiritually evolved.

Is that the baloney story of the day?

Recently, scientists have warned of intense solar flares in 2012-2013.

Can you provide a link for this claim?

There are possibilities of shifts in tectonic plates leading to earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and other natural calamities.Another result is the flip of Earth’s magnetic and geographic poles and a subsequent reversal in the direction of its rotation.

So you want us to believe that hoaxes such as a photon belt and galactic alignments that happen every year are going to be special? That's just weird. Geographic pole flips have never happened. A reversal of rotation direction is impossible.

2012 is a year when hoaxers such as you will have to turn to other years when nothing happens.

1) what make you the god of knowledge
2) how do you know what will or wont happen even the very next second

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Many things will b exposed, and no body can fight the LIGHT, the TRUTH shall set us free,]

I have provided a link which you can download some information


posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by mikeybiznaz

I am not here to FIGHt no body but its the tRUTH, and you can not fight the TRUTH. I hope you can open your HEART and do some research. Especially about KALI YUGA, and the GOLD AGE,

Have a nice day.

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by Rwederfoort
reply to post by mikeybiznaz

I am not here to FIGHt no body but its the tRUTH, and you can not fight the TRUTH. I hope you can open your HEART and do some research. Especially about KALI YUGA, and the GOLD AGE,

Have a nice day.

no sweat dude I would ask Graham Hancock the same question but I think nobody knows the answer not even stereologist
edit on 24-8-2011 by mikeybiznaz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 24 2011 @ 11:04 PM
Nomatter what happens or does Not happen, will be experienced in the next years....

Then the truth shall be known concerning this.

On another Note however....

The Seas shall Not remain for ever, and new land shall appear, as the seas recede back under the Earth's Crust to be located between the Crust and Mantel...

Just a part of the Earth's natural thermal Cycle.

The so called "Population Explosion" will no longer be an issue, as 4 times the amount of land will appear, as 80% of the Earth's surface is water at present.

An example of this occurred on Mars, where the water also receded.... clearly seen to have happened in the terrain of Mars today.

But Science believes (falsely) the Water evaporated, leaving some traces of water today.

At some time in the "Thermal Cycle" of Mars, the water will come out from under its Crust again, as the planet shrinks in size, and areas of the crust is compromised through crushing, bringing the cold cycle once again to an end. (Our Planet is made up of plates too...)

This has also happened on the Earth before, as it also happens on other planets as well.

So too in the Earth's "Thermal Cycle", the Seas will recede when the Earth's Crust fractures, along the trenches due to the expansion of the Earth during its "Hot Cycle" present today.

It will start by the coast of Japan and spread along the Ring of Fire in both directions allowing the Pacific Ocean to enter between the Plates.

From "The Book of E'NOCH" Chapter 1 Verse 7 Quote;

And The Earth shall be rent in sunder,
and all that is upon the Earth shall perish
and there shall be a judgement upon All.

Did the writer (of "The Books of E'NOCH") know something ???

But in more recent writings we are told we will be given a little help.

edit on 25-8-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: Syntax Errors

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 07:44 AM


posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:06 AM
reply to post by mikeybiznaz

1) what make you the god of knowledge
2) how do you know what will or wont happen even the very next second

It's glaringly obvious that you chose to avoid discussing any of the statements I made.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:09 AM
reply to post by Rwederfoort

What is in the links that has to do with the Mayans or 2012?

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

The so called "Population Explosion" will no longer be an issue, as 4 times the amount of land will appear, as 80% of the Earth's surface is water at present.

Actually, it only around 70%. That's a big difference. You might even expect to have less land exposed during a warming phase.

An example of this occurred on Mars, where the water also receded.... clearly seen to have happened in the terrain of Mars today.

Water receded to where?

But Science believes (falsely) the Water evaporated, leaving some traces of water today.

Why is that false? Wat evidence do you have?

At some time in the "Thermal Cycle" of Mars, the water will come out from under its Crust again, as the planet shrinks in size, and areas of the crust is compromised through crushing, bringing the cold cycle once again to an end. (Our Planet is made up of plates too...)

Sorry, but Mars does not appear to have plates.

This has also happened on the Earth before, as it also happens on other planets as well.


So too in the Earth's "Thermal Cycle", the Seas will recede when the Earth's Crust fractures, along the trenches due to the expansion of the Earth during its "Hot Cycle" present today.

And where would the energy for this "hot cycle" come from? How could there be fractures of that size without leaving evidence of previous episodes as you suggest there were?

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:52 AM
The part that I find interesting is the 3 days of darkness. This aspect shows up in various places in different belief systems and I am curious as to where it originated. Basically, you die or go to sleep; spend some time in the underworld, sheol, darkness, the void, etc.; encounter some entity (or your higher self) and at some point review your life, then are 'reborn'. It changes depending on the source, but the basic concept is there. I feel there is truth to it, but the nature of it is the mystery.

Also, there is the disappearance of objects/people. This I find fascinating for multiple reasons. Obviously, one instantly thinks of the rapture and those who are ready get to go and those who are not stay behind. In regards to objects, if there is truth to this somehow, it would explain why certain structures are made of stone that have stood for thousands of years. I saw some posts saying 'well all things are made of earth and are natural'. I think that, within this concept, the Closer something is to nature (closer to GOD???) in its design, the better chance it would have of remaining in existence during and after the transition. In this concept, it is all about karma and our actions with each other and about being at one with nature. It seems it would have to do partly with how things were made. Did the earth suffer in its creation? Did people suffer? Moving stones around doesn't really hurt anything (depending on how it was done). How much of the earth is damaged in creating and maintaining materials to build iPhones and the latest line of vehicles? Or cities such as New York? If this scenario were to occur, it would mean that there is in fact a higher order of some consciousness out there guiding the Universe. That means that their Plan is going to take precedence over our plans. Anything we did that did not align with their 'Laws' would cease to exist in the reset. Again, it makes me think of the religious idea of following God and not ourselves. Maybe that is what the whole thing is about. To keep progressing and making it through transitional periods, remain in tune with Nature and the Universe or you will be left behind to do it again.

Ancient beliefs are all based off of a core of truth. Whether it was interpreted properly is the question.

- Dredge

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by stereologist

A light hearted reply to your comments...

As I wrote before; Time shows the Truth.... Whether these things will happen or Not...

The so called "Population Explosion" will no longer be an issue, as 4 times the amount of land will appear, as 80% of the Earth's surface is water at present.

Your Comment... Quote;

Actually, it only around 70%. That's a big difference. You might even expect to have less land exposed during a warming phase.

Your Proof Please....

LOL... Water NOT just Sea Water....

It is happening right now... That is according to Science... Rising sea Levels ! Less land.
But after this event is what I am referring to.... LOL

An example of this occurred on Mars, where the water also receded.... clearly seen to have happened in the terrain of Mars today.

Your Comment... Quote;

Water receded to where?

As I wrote.... Quote;

under the Crust

But Science believes (falsely) the Water evaporated, leaving some traces of water today.

Your Comment... Quote;

Why is that false? Wat evidence do you have?

False; because your "Species" lacks knowledge.

What is you evidence??
The understanding of a "Primate" ????

Yes I can see, Primates understand everything don't they???
This is why your "Species" can cross Galaxies in minutes, with their own transport technology.... LOL.
Oh that's right, you nearly made me forget, they can't can they ??? LOL.

At some time in the "Thermal Cycle" of Mars, the water will come out from under its Crust again, as the planet shrinks in size, and areas of the crust is compromised through crushing, bringing the cold cycle once again to an end. (Our Planet is made up of plates too...)

Your Comment... Quote;

Sorry, but Mars does not appear to have plates.

Proof please....
Note; You wrote, "Mars does not appear to have plates".
Then your "Species" should look a little closer???
Or perhaps Scientists are aware of these plates on Mars, and you are ignorant of this???

This has also happened on the Earth before, as it also happens on other planets as well.

Your Comment... Quote;


Yea right.... LOL.

Have you been to all the planets that exist???
I don't think so....
So then, where's YOUR Proof ???

So too in the Earth's "Thermal Cycle", the Seas will recede when the Earth's Crust fractures, along the trenches due to the expansion of the Earth during its "Hot Cycle" present today

Your Comment.... Quote;

And where would the energy for this "hot cycle" come from?

Do you NOT know anything at all about your own planet ???
I suppose you believe your planet is Cold in its Interior ???
Why is it a little warmer inside your Planet than on the surface??? LOL.

What's the Internal temperature map of your Planet look like???
What is the rate of Energy flow, between the Inner and Outer regions of your Planet???
Why do Plates on your Planet move about over many years.
What causes this ???? LOL...

Perhaps Thermal Convections within your Planet ???

How could there be fractures of that size without leaving evidence of previous episodes as you suggest there were?

Again Don't you know anything about your planet???
Check out your scientific maps regarding your Trenches and Fracture Zones on Earth...
Your planet is a mass of huge fracture zones and one very long trench for example, what you call “the ring of fire” around the pacific Ocean...
Where did these Come from ??? LOL.

But any way You shall find out whether I am right or Not in the Future won't you???

edit on 25-8-2011 by The Matrix Traveller because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by The Matrix Traveller

Your Proof Please....

This coming from someone that offered no evidence at all. BTW, you really wanted to ask for evidence, not proof.

Approximately 71% of the Earth's surface (~3.6×108 km2) is covered by ocean

Does that help?

You claim that the water went under the crust? Evidence please!

False; because your "Species" lacks knowledge.

Again, where is your evidence. The answer is you have none. No surprise there.

Proof please....
Note; You wrote, "Mars does not appear to have plates".
Then your "Species" should look a little closer???
Or perhaps Scientists are aware of these plates on Mars, and you are ignorant of this???

Proof? Do you understand the difference between evidence and proof? Probably not.

To you my friend - Mons Olympus.

You do not have to go to other planets to get the answer or did you skip that class?

You also don't understand the source of heat in the Earth or anything else.

I don't have to wait for the future to see that you know very little about these matters.

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 10:00 PM
What i am for sure is going to happen is the earth's magnetic field will start oscillating and the waves will induce an altered state of consciousness, likely mass psychosis, not in 2012, but likely by November 2011. For many- they will experience fear, (a bad trip) and become either dead, demon possessed, or permanently insane; for me I will see it for what it is- a mass hallucination or psychedelic mind state, for others, they will experience a "good trip" and become either enlightened or permanently insane in the physical dimension or leave their bodies outright and their bodies will be animated by an extra-dimensional entity.

If you want to see 4 dimensional objects/entities there is a very easy way to do so- smoke '___'.

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by stereologist

You are certainly a great entertainer aren't you ???

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