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Conspiracy Chicks #4: Internet Neutrality & Oil Under The Sand

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posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong
To be honest with ya all I think I just became Ashleys biggest fan right after watching this vid...

I'm 5 foot 11 inches and 224 lbs.

how big are you?

I'm 6'3 and 226 lbs
Nice joke though!!!

6'3, huh?

i might have a chance ...

once you get done laughing at my footwear...

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:41 PM
A great start to what has enormous potential.

constructive criticism... go out and do some hands on research. It seemed like they just talked about threads on video. anyone could do that. i wanna see the conspiracy chicks going out and uncovering things that are left out of the threads they talk about. expand and do more research. find things that the OP of the threads in discussion dont know or bring up. go interview the children in china (example). do your own documentation of events. and further research that we cant find on the forums already.

anyone can discuss a thread thats already been written on video. but two chicks that go out and get their hands dirty.. now thats what we need on ATS

headed in the right direction for sure. keep it up ladies! love where this is going.

i would also like to add... if you stumble over a word. dont let it slide. you are professionals being seen by ALOT of people. do another take. speak professionally. and a missed or stumbled word is worth doing another take. Since this is a news type video. all we have are your words. dont push them out like this is an E! tabloid show. speak with intelligence and normal speaking voice. every sentence doesnt have to be a shocker. the information will sell its self

[edit on 18-8-2010 by DONNYxMC]

[edit on 18-8-2010 by DONNYxMC]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Timelab
Sorry ….*SNIP*…..listenability.

I like her delivery. And with each episode there is measurable improvements. She delivers with enthusiasm, and energy.

Originally posted by Timelab
.... Ashley needs to work on her painfully amateurish slow, way too open-mouthed and over pronounced, annoying constant eyebrow raising and lowering dramatic presentation.

Ya, and this guy never amounted to much either:" border=0>

reply to post by Mr Mask

rules only permit me to give you one star for that post, so here:" border=0>

rules don’t allow us non-mods to provide you with applause, so here:" border=0>

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:46 PM

Originally posted by DONNYxMC
...go interview the children in china.

i'm just shaking my head.
this was a one line post.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:48 PM
The Good:

Thank you for getting in closer with the camera. It helps when someone is speaking to get a clear view of them, and your shots this time around are closer to the subject this time than last time. Recommendation though (which I think you are doing, but I can't tell) is to use about a 110mm focal length for your video. Basically, the higher focal lengths flatten facial features more, so, someone's nose, lets say, doesn't look so big (not that anyone has one, just trying to give a helpful piece of photography advice if your not using it).

Thank you for your choice of topics and documentation and links for them. What you present IS the story and you chose very pertinent topics in my opinion.

Good job on word choice, you obviously spent some time rewriting what you were going to say and it showed.

The Bad:

Once again, you went with a news format and yet you claim that you are not the news. You even have a rotating globe banner stating “ATS News” reminiscent of the old time newspaper building signs. I would appreciate it if you changed your format, or, started actually investigating your stories (as the news does) to bring us more than what we can find just in the thread that you sourced from. Basically go all the way and do a full story on one topic, or stop trying to “be the news” in a half hearted fashion.

Try not to speak so fast. You did well writing the dialog to be clear and well chosen, however, because of your extra familiarity with what you knew you were going to say, you forgot to slow down and present a clear message. As well, you may have chosen too many topics to cover in the time frame that you had. You tripped over some of your words because you tried to speak the dialog too fast.

All in all, I liked the broadcast and you presented topics in a way that make me want to look further into then. However, I think you should cover less topics and go more in depth on the ones chosen. I suggest that you make more video's if you have too to cover all the topics that you want to cover.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Hot_Wings]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by DONNYxMC
...go interview the children in china.

i'm just shaking my head.
this was a one line post.

im just saying.. i dont wanna watch a video of some chick reading a thread i have already read. i wanna see some hands on stuff. some follow ups. interviewing the pyschic children in china is just an example

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:55 PM
look guys its the conspiracy chicks again......flooding the front pages of ats ..isnt this great?... like i say in every thread of CS .... soo eager to watch the episode

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Noobastronomer]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by DONNYxMC

Write us a check for $100,000.00 to cover the costs and we'll head to China.


posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by Springer
reply to post by DONNYxMC

Write us a check for $100,000.00 to cover the costs and we'll head to China.


haha i understand the expenses involved with something like that. It really was an example (wish i had picked a better example). but there is foot work that can be done at a low cost. im Not bashing the Conspiracy Chicks at all. I just wanna see some hands on detective work. and it doesnt cost 100,000 bux to get to china. But if you are gonna do a video like this. you need resorces to get your people in the field working. if you dont have that then its just someone reading posts and threads to us.

They could go to the beaches of florida and the gulf, they can do even more extensive research to bring up questions and ideas left out of the original threads. there is alot that can be done besides discussing headline ATS topics.

i love that ATS is doing this. and i support it. i just wanna give my opinion. i think if the chicks were out in the field interviewing and collecting evidence on some topics. it would be a HUGE success.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:12 PM

This was my first "Conspiracy Chicks" experience, and I gotta say:


Very professional. It felt like a real news show and very legit in my opinion.

Keep up the good work!


posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:23 PM
Now for some constructive criticism.....

For Ashley...

There were a couple points where your articulation and speed of reading was a little awkward. You did great, just remember to flow and you'll be golden.


Great speaking voice. Love the accent. Not really many complaints here.

Keep it up!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:39 PM
Ashley: slow down a little and try to avoid raising your eyebrows too often. Try to be more natural, relaxed and not too over excited.

Julie: Your accent is too deep, maybe tone it down a little. Although i dont mind your accent but it would be clearer if you make it sound simple.

Overall its good although you need to decide if your going to present actual news or promote things talked about in the threads. Also the lightning is poor since your using yellow bulbs, go for white fluorescent lightning and the girls could use some foundation and good make-up but i guess thats not really important now is it ?

ps dont mind my opinions.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by DONNYxMC

i think we are part of the research team for them.

i can relate to your desire to see them reporting from out in the field, and in the future it might be a possibility, but i don't think that is the current format they desire.

it is a news like atmosphere and presentation about ATS discussed topics.

sending these two ladies to china (i know it was just an example) for a few weeks to have discussions in mandarin about uncovering COMMUNIST china's posssible classified projects is in my opinion ... not too smart for a 15 minute or 1/2 hour presentation. And, yes, it would cost a lot of money to send them and their escorts, and their translator(s), and their camermen to china and cover their living expenses.

They are selective in the information they choose to talk about, but are focussing on what threads are of ATSers priorities.

And even the best threads don't stick around forever. Estimate how long it would take to put together a team to go to china with Ashley & Julie, make reservations for living arrangements there, coordinate who they would interview there, get permission from the government to do so, and actually get there and get the job done, then come back and put together the episode.

then see if the thread is still the hot topic that ATSers are interested in.

What you suggest may be possible in the future, i hope they don't discount the possibility of it.

but, right now, i don't think that should be in plans for the immediate future.

But, sending the Ladies to Florida ... maybe a detour to Disney Land for them and their loved ones ....

Please make checks payable to:
The Above Network, LLC

put a 44 cent stamp on that envelope and mail it to:
The Above Network, LLC
15111 North Hayden Road
Suite 160-156
Scottsdale, AZ 85260


[edit on 18-8-2010 by Esoteric Teacher]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:48 PM

Originally posted by DONNYxMC
interviewing the pyschic children in china is just an example

That doesn't even make any sense, if the chics go to China to interview them, the chinese psychics will already know that they are coming before they even buy the plane tickets and they'll a fly-by night psychic crew!

But seriously, excellent job

Not everyone, like myself, get to read every single thread.
So something like this is great.

I think that the negativity stems from people feeling like they have a voice and they get to comment on this because they are part of this site.

FYI this is basic economics, if you want an investigative crew like CNN you need sponsors.

That's why when you have people like Judge Napolitano from Fox or that Dylan Ratigan show on MSNBC that are only online and don't step outside of the building but invite guests for remote interviews.
Once Dylan Ratigan had Ron Paul on Skype.

It's the same thing as that.
Seriously this is grade school economics.

Anyhow, excellent show

Please keep up the good work.... Can't wait for the next episode!


posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:48 PM
All of the issues brought up by the OPs in the video presentation could be summed up as One Big problem, as discussed below. We could choose to turn the problem into an opportunity. Your choice. One must Act on what they know and 'defend' what One knows to be true; the Rite of Freedom/Freewill.

It should be clear to ATS members by now who controls the govt. as well as most foreign govts. Since America is the last bastion to get under 'control' by the banking/illuminati cabal and it's NWO scheme, it is America that must lead the effort for the people, by the people.

Americans must start by putting down Federal authoritative acronym agencies which make decisions on behalf of the american 'people' though act with sovereign authority over the people with non-elected folks making decisions for the flokes.

Re-Declaring Independency makes Sense because it relies on 'Common Sense" to understand in the first place. We all have common sense though many have been taught to bypass it with indifference to what End, what purpose? Got me/you there?

This makes sense Financially (most critical for the times), Economically (bring back manufacturing, investment), Politically (accountability, effectiveness, efficiency), Soulfully (to each his Own), and most importantly JUstly.

There is a clear problem here:Federal 'agency' list

The folks in the positions above work for the Federal govt., which works for the TPTB of which are not elected or are rather elected by 'their' proxy, not real vote counting. TPTB are answerable to the bank of england which are not owned or managed by the English people, but rather a handful of folks who believe they are above the flokes for any input into their govt. The bank of England as well as the English people (inluding most nations and their populace) are in turn, on papyrous, owned by the Vatican from some silly paper signed in the 11 century AD.

The only way for America to succeed from here forward and serve as a beacon for others is for the governors and sheriffs of the states to finally put down all federal agency powers and return the authority back to the people whereby the people in the community level make the laws and cooperatively agree to make certain state laws which comply with the combined community laws.

A massive restructuring of govt. is what is needed. There is no taxation without representation. There is no fair govt. without 'representation'. Turn off the televised msm deception, manipulation and turn to the alternative news sources on the internet and find/discover the Truth for yourselves for your own good and the good of your neighbors.

The state governors and sheriff (take Ur authority/power back) departments need to work hand to hand to respect, reinvigorate and reinforce the Bill of Rights and US Constitution for the people, by the people, as every war in America was supposedly fought for and every representative was/is required under oath and common sense to uphold.

The only way for a society to be managed in a fair fashion is from the bottom up (community>state). The only use of any Federal authority is for defense. These pentagon authorities should be chosen by the people, not TPTB! of which the people, in reality had no vote counted for their concerns.

TPTB, as per my conversations with some will attest, do not believe the people can manage themselves since they are uneducated, ignorant and incapable of doing so. This is a copout. The people have intentionally been dumbed down with a purposefully deceptive and manipulative education process, msm dis/misinformation agenda and 'that' plethora of chemicals.....found most often in American food and water though are somehow? illegal in other countries. Ignorance has no virtue.

I agree that most Americans are not educated enough to see the real problems/issues of the day though this was done by intention.....for no good reason.

Awareness is key and sites such as this, and others are addressing this awareness issue. Trolls are there as well to monitor the 'progress'. Let's hope the trolls are awakening themselves to the world they are paid to create. Is this the world they want for their children? Would their children agree? Clearly No. No child would choose to live in a controlled world where their every action is approved, disapproved by a cabal of folks who have only their interest in mind.

If the US, on paper, is a Corporation and if your social security number makes yourself a resource of that corporation and you are managed under Admiralty law under a UCC (universal commercial code) then you Clearly are NOT a free people.....on paper that is.

Mankind discovered fire for many reasons. I can think of one of the best uses Of FIRE for the times. The library of Alexandria is Not a good example. Some of the texts 'reside' in the hands of TPTB, esp. Vatican, though are there/'theirs' for 'No Good Reason'.


Truth cannot be written, it Is.
But you know this.
Let's Act on it.

It will take a consensus of Governors and Sheriffs, to make these changes effective. When the economy crashes and the folks find their federal govt handouts have run out, I suppose the people will finally do something for themselves. I'd rather do it now than later.....for later, may be too late for yourselves. Please remove youreselves from the Federal socialist payroll. These folks are bought and paid for, by design of course. When one leaves govt. office are they not required to sign a nondisclosure agreement with their lifelong pension and 'security' in -Check-? Yes, though for No Good Reason.

Sometimes the trend, is not your friend.....Friend, but rather a 'Check' in m0~tion on one's Conscience.
Who's listening.....
Who's Acting.....

The awareness/disclosure process is in motion and cannot be reversed. The results are what U make of them.
Good Luck?

I find some are annoyed with the symbolitry (((((@@@@@AAAAA***** stuff going on in my posts. I would like to appologize for your inconvenience though I find I can't for the language I'm required to use rarely gets to the 'Heart' of the matter. It wasn't designed to.

Rolling eyes.....
Yeah, me too.

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:55 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

Originally posted by ringht_n_wrong
To be honest with ya all I think I just became Ashleys biggest fan right after watching this vid...

I'm 5 foot 11 inches and 224 lbs.

how big are you?

I'm 6'3 and 226 lbs
Nice joke though!!!

6'3, huh?

i might have a chance ...

once you get done laughing at my footwear...

you just might if you happen to be Ashley....if not...then I'm married....

Nice shoes though!!!

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by Esoteric Teacher

Thank you for your professional response. You guys are doing a great job btw.

another thought.. ever think about finding ATS member in specific areas of interest to do some field work? maybe if we have some member in certain areas that pertain to the story the "chicks" are covering they can do some field work. just a thought. i know if a UFO crashed in Las Vegas i would be down to do the foot work for you guys... (example)

keep it up

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:17 PM
Quick question: Do these conspiracy chicks have their own ATS profiles? I might be ignorant in this matter, so if I am, somebody please correct me. I hope nobody is offended when I say that for two people to be promoted so heavily on this site to not have actual ATS accounts is somewhat...suspicious.

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by DONNYxMC

Sounds like a plan though why not work for yourself and then offer to sell your videographed stories? This would give you more control and more funds anyhow. Why work for another when the other could compromise, edit and/or censor your data entirely.

For example, if you had a story to sell myself and I was a wealthy guardian of the State press, I could simply buy your story from yourself, not publish it, and send someone to keep an eye on you.

Work for yourself when collecting data/information, then sell it to the appropriate authorities in honest journalism. Hopefully you would know the difference as I assume 'you' do.

Anyhow, just A take on the matter.

To each his own,
they will be known;
unto themself,
as unto their neighbor.

That's enough blah blah for now.
It registers, or not.
Your choice.

Love Out).....(?

[edit on 18-8-2010 by Perseus Apex]

posted on Aug, 18 2010 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
Quick question: Do these conspiracy chicks have their own ATS profiles?

yes, yes they do. good question.

Here is AshleyD’s personal profile page:

Here is Julie’s personal profile page:

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