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Islam is the best DEMOCRACY (NOT Western Democracy)

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posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:03 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Ohh neno, I love the state of denial you are in.

If you understood that link I provided you, there would be no back and forth without any outcome.

but ofcurse, you can believe what ever you want, even if I give you a carrot, and you are suppose to eat, you instead shove it

Yup, my turn to drink ^^

8 PM

I'll post the link again, and believe what ever you want to believe in.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by oozyism

No NENO, denial is not enough.

You have to show some sort of mental illness, because there evidence that too much hate can cause mental illness.

Darn it! I was hoping to be important enough to get on the hit list, with my very own file and everything!

The way the psychology profession is re-defining everything, I'm sure it's only a matter of time before I too can have some sort of state-defined mental illness. THEN I'll be important enough to rate a file!

I fall asleep when I watch chick flicks, and any woman in the room has to poke me in the ribs to wake me up again. I'm just not sensitive enough, you see?

Can't I be mentally ill too, because of that? What the hell does it take?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by space cadet
reply to post by oozyism

If you cannot describe the typical day of an american man, try to describe what you envision as the typical day of an american wife.

I'm don't live in America, so I don't know.

If you want me to describe what I seen on TV, I can.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:05 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Because Islam is the best Democracy in the world every hour in Africa 667 Muslims convert from Islam to Christianity, 16,000 a day convert, for a total of 6 MILLION converts from Islam to Christianity a year! (2007 figures)

width="480" height="385"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">

If everyone has the right to choose their own religion, why is it in this video that those Muslims who chose to convert to Christianity are claimed to have been TAKEN out of their religion? No-one TOOK them away. They CHOSE to leave.

My apology for not understanding how to put the video in correctly.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:05 AM
all religions gives you a choice of "recruiting you"
islam democracy REALLY?
i dont want to be the troll here,but you people treeat your wifes like crap *
you get angry if your wife even speaks to another man *
you only think of marrying christian wifes and converting them and making them have 4 babyes,until you conquer all europe *
muslim is probably the only religion who is that fanatic that they cant even question it,or be free.
most of the christians question theyr religion,they evolve,they seek the truth,some become atheists (awful people) some become satanic.
a muslim will probably murder me for his religion.
and they will still eat meat under a roof,couse allah "cant see them"

i dont usualy have much against muslims,there are nice people from every race,and very nice muslim people.
but democracy? really? what is this a muslim recruitment station?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Originally posted by oozyism

Are you saying Stoning is in the Quran?

Isn't stoning a Jewish law in the first place, somewhere in the old testament lol.

Stoning is still in the Hadith. It is not still the Bible.

Christ challenged and condemned that law when he said...."let he who is without sin cast the first stone"....He changes the laws that are barbaric, and even those that are redundant.

Get a grip.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I understand that you are trying to tell me that the actions of some Muslims do not define the Islamic religion.

What I am trying to say to you is, why do SOOOO many read the koran and become violent against the west? Why?

There is no religion in my country that is divided into two gruops, the violent and non violent. Not one. Not even devil worshippers promote violence against another religion or country.

I am not saying that a handful of Muslims are ruining the Islamic religion in the eyes of the world, I am saying a WHOLE LOT of Muslims, and their actions, say 'I hate the west and I will not be happy until it and the whole world is Islamic.'

Do you personally want Islam to be the one and only religion in the world? What are you willing to do for that notion?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by LAinhabitant

Originally posted by LAinhabitant

My apology for not understanding how to put the video in correctly.

I'm a jackass. 6 million Christians can't be all wrong.

Oh sorry dude, I misread your post.....ouch....This jerkball is keeping me up all night ...I'm getting a little grogy ... again sorry.........I will delete it in a few....I think my head is getting ready to explode!

On second thought I'll let it stand as a lesson to oozy.......with a few changes...Now it makes perfect sence, hah ooz? Looks like your recrutment skills are really paying off for Christians......Hummmm?

Hows that grab ya?....Number 2.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:16 AM

Originally posted by LAinhabitant
reply to post by oozyism

Because Islam is the best Democracy in the world every hour in Africa 667 Muslims convert from Islam to Christianity, 16,000 a day convert, for a total of 6 MILLION converts from Islam to Christianity a year! (2007 figures)

width="480" height="385"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">

If everyone has the right to choose their own religion, why is it in this video that those Muslims who chose to convert to Christianity are claimed to have been TAKEN out of their religion? No-one TOOK them away. They CHOSE to leave.

My apology for not understanding how to put the video in correctly.

How many children a day dies in Africa, maybe you should take that in to consideration ^^

ohh man, I'm on the offensive now zzz

never wanted to be like this guys but you have to know, when people are in dying situation, and Christians missionaries go there and swap livelihoods with conversions, what do you expect?

Islam is growing in the heart of Western civilization, and non of you can disagree with it, and that is why most of you are putting so much time and effort in this thread (because you know, it could be your wifes next, you husbands, you daughters, your sons). Something you fear (because you don't know what you would do if they became Muslim), which then is converted to extreme hate (concentrated hate), and which then is converted to mental illness.

The product= Nazi Germany.

Slayer, tell me if I'm wrong. Read their messages and tell me if I'm wrong. Do you think the subjects will do anything to stop their government if all Muslims were gathered and placed in death camps?

Or will they stand and watch silently, because they acquired the belief that Islam was here to invade them, because they chose the belief that Islam is evil, because they chose the belief that Islam allows rape, murder, stoning, pedophilia etc.

Ignorance is a bless they say, but only to those in charge.

I'm off, great way to end it lol, take it out on someone who just posted for the first time in this thread.

Must be getting tipsy.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:17 AM
I'll try to embed the video...

... nope, didn't work... back to the drawing board...

[edit on 2010/7/17 by nenothtu]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:21 AM

Originally posted by space cadet
reply to post by oozyism

What I am trying to say to you is, why do SOOOO many read the koran and become violent against the west? Why?

That is not true is well. I could have provided statistics showing you what percentage of Muslims are "supposed Muslims" who commit murder, rape, gang rape, honor killings etc.

But that would go against my own point that, it doesn't matter if even all Muslims do those things, it still doesn't give you the right to judge the Quran by it.

The Quran stands on its own, doesn't need anyone to protect it.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:22 AM
reply to post by MY2Commoncentsworth

Not a problem

Here's the url for the video:

Hopefully that will work. I have been reading here for a while now but that was my first post.

Thank's again....from a Dudette!

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:25 AM
First of all, they don't say ignorance is a bless. That saying is 'ignorance is bliss' and I find it terribly ironic that you would use that particular saying to sum up you words. Islamic ignorance seems to be what we are all discussing with you. And you come back with seemingly ignorant statements. It is pitiable.

I am genuinely trying to delve into your reasons for even starting such a thread, it seems to me you were asking for and inviting opposition so you can sit there and shoot it all down with things that only make sense to you.

Myself and plenty of others on this thread have repeatedly asked you to answer questions that could help us and others understand your position, understand why you think Islam should take over the world, why you think your world is the best one, and no one else is godly. But you won't answer. You play games. You have not one straight answer. I am begining to think you are a rebelious child playing on your parents computer. You don't have the answers.

Islam will never be the first religion of the United States of America, never. That is a dream of yours and other Muslims. It will never happen.
We love our freedom, we love our states and yes, our religious diversity.
It is not that people will run off the muslims, it is that people will be the majority, that are not muslim. Ever heard of the 'bible belt'? It is quite strong.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by LAinhabitant

Thank you my dear. And that was a revelation. I misread it as Christians converting to Islam.....I couldn't figure it it makes sense....and the numbers are staggering.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:40 AM
reply to post by LAinhabitant

I reposted your video for all to see.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by oozyism

Originally posted by LAinhabitant
reply to post by oozyism

Because Islam is the best Democracy in the world every hour in Africa 667 Muslims convert from Islam to Christianity, 16,000 a day convert, for a total of 6 MILLION converts from Islam to Christianity a year! (2007 figures)

width="480" height="385"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">

If everyone has the right to choose their own religion, why is it in this video that those Muslims who chose to convert to Christianity are claimed to have been TAKEN out of their religion? No-one TOOK them away. They CHOSE to leave.

My apology for not understanding how to put the video in correctly.

How many children a day dies in Africa, maybe you should take that in to consideration ^^

Not quite sure what that has to do with it...

ohh man, I'm on the offensive now zzz

Being offensive is not the same as being ON the offensive...

never wanted to be like this guys but you have to know, when people are in dying situation, and Christians missionaries go there and swap livelihoods with conversions, what do you expect?

So... the christian missionaries HELP them? Where are the muslim missionaries in all this? (the janjaweed militias don't count as missionaries, do they?) What are the muslims doing with all that zakat they collect to help these people?

Do you REALLY wonder why they turn to christians? Somehow christians offering help and friendship to them should drive them off, into the arms of islam?

I'm just not seeing the logic there...

Islam is growing in the heart of Western civilization, and non of you can disagree with it,

It's already been disagreed with, debunked, and refuted, right in this thread.

and that is why most of you are putting so much time and effort in this thread (because you know, it could be your wifes next, you husbands, you daughters, your sons). Something you fear (because you don't know what you would do if they became Muslim),

I can guarantee that none of my wives or daughters will become muslims. My son is a different story. I can't guarantee he won't become muslim, but I have severe doubts that he would. I have to spend an inordinate amount of time already trying to convince him that not all muslims are evil. Can't really see him going that route.

However, if he DID, I know EXACTLY what I'd do!

which then is converted to extreme hate (concentrated hate), and which then is converted to mental illness.

See, there's that labelling on the outside that doesn't match the contents on the inside again, which leads to...

The product= Nazi Germany. illogical conclusion.

Slayer, tell me if I'm wrong. Read their messages and tell me if I'm wrong. Do you think the subjects will do anything to stop their government if all Muslims were gathered and placed in death camps?

I wouldn't stand by and watch that, no. I have several islamic friends, some of whom I just got back from visiting today (last 4 days of posts came from there, not here), and I'd not just stand by and watch, no.

Or will they stand and watch silently, because they acquired the belief that Islam was here to invade them, because they chose the belief that Islam is evil, because they chose the belief that Islam allows rape, murder, stoning, pedophilia etc.

See, now here you're mixing up muslims and islam, which you've up until now steadfastly denied a connection to. 'Islam' calls for invasion and conquest, but not all muslims subscribe to that. A LOT do, but not all of them. Some have actually begun to enter the modern world.

Islam DOES allow rape (that's in the Qur'an) but only of captive women, captured in the wars of expansion. It doesn't allow 'murder', BUT, has a strange definition of what constitutes murder, not in keeping with modern, civilized norms. Stoning is of course allowed, as we've had photographic evidence of. Pedophilia is covered by...

Ignorance is a bless they say, but only to those in charge.

...the key being " only to those in charge". Evidently pedophilia is only allowed to those at the top, like the founder.

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Originally posted by oozyism

Islam is growing in the heart of Western civilization, and non of you can disagree with it, and that is why most of you are putting so much time and effort in this thread

I would assume that the reason that most of us are putting in so much time is because you are a barrel of a hamster in a cage.

Hey ooz, do you really really want to see a picture of me?

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by oozyism

I fail to see any correlation between children dying in Africa and folks converting from Islam to Christianity. Why would they do that?

Exactly what do you mean missionaries swap livelihoods with conversions? Christians don’t go taking away peoples employment nor do they force anyone to convert.

If Islam is such a great democracy and religion, then it makes no sense that Muslims would want to convert to Christianity when they are dying.

There’s a lot of things growing in Western civilization these days, because people in Western civilization have the ability to freely choose. No person is forced to belong to Christianity or Hinduism or Buddhism or Sikhism or Rastafarianism or Zoroastrianism
or Wiccan or Islam or whatever religion they choose to belong to. They can freely convert to a different religion if they want or choose no religion. It doesn’t affect the benefits they get, the taxes they pay, where they are allowed to go, if they are allowed to drive or vote.

The difference in western democracy and Islam is that a long time ago people decided to give everyone the freedom to choose their religion and to separate the government from religion.

I don’t fear what religion my family choses. They all have the ability to choose what religion they want or don’t want. I will love them no matter what their choice is.

Do you have a source for your claim that hate is converted into a mental illness? Thanks. I would really like to read about that.l

Speaking of HATE….This is peaceful Islam in the West:

hmmmm...a Muslim dad strangles his daughter to death for not wearing a Hijab, a Muslim father runs over and kills his daughter for backing out of an arranged marriage and becoming too westernized and a muslim man beheads his wife for filing for a divorce.

Doesn’t appear to me like Muslims are allowed to leave the faith or go against the "peaceful religion of Islam".

(Thanks My2Commoncentsworth and Nenothtu for your help!)

[edit on 17-7-2010 by LAinhabitant]

[edit on 17-7-2010 by LAinhabitant]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:14 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Originally posted by nenothtu

I have several Islamic friends, some of whom I just got back from visiting today (last 4 days of posts came from there, not here), and I'd not just stand by and watch, no.

Neno, I also have Muslim friends, and I would be very ashamed if they knew what I have posted here...They are real Muslims in my opinion....good people. They'll go to bat for you...religions aside...just people, just good friends...

I know its no justification, but I want to take this opportunity to apologize sincerely to those whom I've offended...My remarks were directed at the OP as he is a real piece of work, and not a real Muslim, and only lives to be divisive.

[edit on 17-7-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on Jul, 17 2010 @ 04:25 AM
I would like for you to know this ozzism, when I wake up each day, I do not have a plan. I work, I work all night long, that is what I wanted to do, I found a job that accomodated my abilities to be there and I am here because I want to be. I love my job. I love the people I work with. We are like a large family here. They befriended my husband and other family members. Within this group of co workers, bosses, and my family are Jehovah's Witness's, Protestant, Atheist, Hindu, Catholic, and good old timey southern Baptist. We never argue about religion. We all find each other's beliefs to be fascinating, with the exception of the Atheist, who cannot concieve why we believe in any religion, yet he does not belittle us, he asks questions and leaves it at that. This is civility among religions. Islam lacks that civility. It leaves no room for it. It demands otherwise. What kind of god asks that of man?

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