posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 05:06 PM
Ok. Got an answer now from Clas Svahn.
Once again I'll try to translate it as good as I can.
I sent a mail through his blog in a form on his site, so I don't have that mail in my inbox, but I basically asked him about this case and and if
there are any reports and so on. Questions like: Is the videoclip the only thing you have on this case?
Here is his answer:
From: Clas Svahn
"Hi Morgan! Oh no, there is alot more. We have made a thorough investigation of this case, visited the location, talked to the man who filmed it
lots of times, gave the tape to the Swedish Defense Department for analyze ( they had no explanation ) and checked the radar images from the moment it
was sighted. And still we didn't find an explanation.
But, as always when it comes to UFO's, there are certain problems. There are actually similar spots of light on other sequences that the same man
recorded the same day. Which could mean that something were in the air that day that caused it all - I don't think there were unknown crafts in such
a large scale. (But I could be wrong!)
So what was it??
It's hardly birds. There are birds on other sequences and they don't look like that at all. At one point we thought it might be insects. But that is
almost impossible to follow tiny insects, to make it look that good it has to be very close to the camera, and you have to pan and twist the camera
very fast. These objects seemed a lot further away and not hard to follow at all.
The reason why this investigation is not on the net is cause our site is pretty lame since a few years back, but we are working on remaking it so will
be A LOT better. By then, all of our best cases and cases that still feels corny will be presented in a much better way. Have patience! (That goes for
me as well...)
Here is the mail in Swedish in case someone want to compare them.
"Hej Morgan!
Nej då, det finns mer. Vi har gjort en ingående undersökning, besökt platsen, pratat med filmaren massor av gånger, lämnat filmen till
försvaret för analys (ingen förklaring) och kollat radarbilderna från tillfället. Vi har trots detta inte hittat någon förklaring.
Men, som alltid när det gäller ufo, finns det en del problem. Det finns faktiskt liknande ljuspunkter också på andra filmsekvenser som filmaren
tog den dagen. Detta kan tyda på att det befann sig något i luften då som orsakade detta - jag tror inte att det flög omkring okända farkoster i
sådan mängd. (Men jag kan ha fel!).
Vad är det då?
Fåglar är det knappast. Det finns fåglar på andra sekvenser och de ser inte alls ut på det sättet. Ett tag tänkte vi att det kunde vara
insekter. Men det är nästan omöjligt att följa små insekter, som måste vara nära kameran för att synas så bra, utan att man måste vrida
kameran väldigt snabbt. Nu verkar föremålen befinna sig längre bort och var inte svåra att följa.
Att hela vår undersökning inte ligger ute beror på att vi har en rätt kass sajt sedan några år men jobbar på att göra om den och bli MYCKET
bättre. Då kommer våra bästa fall och fall som fortfarande känns knepiga att kunna presenteras på ett bra sätt. Tålamod! (Gäller även
I then sent another mail, where I were a little more personal and describe to him a little bit of myself and why I am interested ufology. But also to
ask him if it was alright for me to publish whole or parts of his answers.
And he approved.
So the first mail was the whole thing.
This mail I will only take out the part where he answers more about the birds, since the rest was more of a personal point of view and had nothing to
do with the discussion here.
But I told him about you guys and that most of you are quite sure we are looking at birds.
So he answered:
"When it comes to the bird theori, we have a large amount of other videotapes where we know it to be birds. None of them looks like this. We also
have to take in consideration all the other bright spots I tolld you earlier that the same man took on the same day. They look nothing like
In Swedish:
"När det gäller fågelhypotesen så har vi en stor mängd andra videofilmer där vi vet att det rör sig om fåglar. Dessa liknar inte dem.
Dessutom måste man ta hänsyn till alla de andra ljusa punkterna som jag nämnde på andra filmer mannen tog samma dag. De liknar absolut inte
Well since we don't have access to the other sequences it's kinda hard to make anykind of judgement in my opinion. But he, and all the experts in
Sweden seem to be confident that they are not birds.
He also told me that there are a whole lot of paper archived of this case, but he was uncertain if they had scanned them onto any computer yet.
That was a ungoing project at AFU (ARCHIVES FOR UFO RESEARCH).
And was not sure if he could get them to us at the moment.
Anyway, I tried. =)
I will try to continue to have contact with him, and we might get hands on some reports later on.