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Race War 2010: New Black Panther Party declares war on Tea Party!

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posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:45 AM

“With the rise of the Tea Party, the white-right and other racist forces. With gun sales nationwide at an all time high amongst whites, with a mood that is more anti-Black than any time recent, it is imperative that we organize our forces, pool our resources and prepare for war!” Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. Convention Convener and Party Chairman.”

Just one month after three members of the New Black Panther Party were cleared of any wrongdoing in a 2008 voter intimidation case, the organization’s chairman announced that the New Black Panthers aren’t done harassing people for no apparent reason.

In a videotaped interview with Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher, NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz said, “[Beck] can bring his Tea Party, and we’ll bring our party, and we’ll see Glenn Beck.”

Shabazz is referring to a rally that Beck will lead on August 28 at the Lincoln Memorial—the same day and place of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech.

“Glenn Beck should not be allowed to have this rally,” Shabazz told Christopher. “Glenn Beck is a sneaky little devil, and he does sneaky things, and tries to portray that he’s really not the neo-racist that he really is. And for him to go and to secure the Lincoln Memorial on Dr. King’s birthday will meet not only opposition from civil rights leaders, but it’s going to meet direct opposition from the New Black Panther Party.”

In other words: Standing on the shoulders of giants is a privilege, not a right; the keepers of said privilege are separatist thugs, not visionaries.

(More videos within this website, alongside the full story)

(This is an old video, don’t know why it was on the FOX story but it must be relevant)

So are we gearing up for a massive racial clash in Washington, D.C. on August 28!? They say they have declared war on Glenn Beck, FOX News, Tea Party and Congress. Will the Tea Party and New Black Panther Party clash violently and possibly erupt into a national racial upheaval, will they clash and have no after effects, or will they not clash at all and are just talking trash? This could become very, very serious very quickly!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:50 AM
this is something to keep an eye on. The black panther party is affiliated with the CIA and could be used to start a whole mess of garbage. too bad the public is already on to the scam of the black panther party. just have to wait and see.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 12:58 AM

Originally posted by Misoir

“With the rise of the Tea Party, the white-right and other racist forces. With gun sales nationwide at an all time high amongst whites, with a mood that is more anti-Black than any time recent, it is imperative that we organize our forces, pool our resources and prepare for war!” Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz, Esq. Convention Convener and Party Chairman.”

Just one month after three members of the New Black Panther Party were cleared of any wrongdoing in a 2008 voter intimidation case, the organization’s chairman announced that the New Black Panthers aren’t done harassing people for no apparent reason.

In a videotaped interview with Mediaite’s Tommy Christopher, NBPP Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz said, “[Beck] can bring his Tea Party, and we’ll bring our party, and we’ll see Glenn Beck.”

Shabazz is referring to a rally that Beck will lead on August 28 at the Lincoln Memorial—the same day and place of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous “I have a dream” speech.

“Glenn Beck should not be allowed to have this rally,” Shabazz told Christopher. “Glenn Beck is a sneaky little devil, and he does sneaky things, and tries to portray that he’s really not the neo-racist that he really is. And for him to go and to secure the Lincoln Memorial on Dr. King’s birthday will meet not only opposition from civil rights leaders, but it’s going to meet direct opposition from the New Black Panther Party.”

In other words: Standing on the shoulders of giants is a privilege, not a right; the keepers of said privilege are separatist thugs, not visionaries.

(More videos within this website, alongside the full story)

(This is an old video, don’t know why it was on the FOX story but it must be relevant)

So are we gearing up for a massive racial clash in Washington, D.C. on August 28!? They say they have declared war on Glenn Beck, FOX News, Tea Party and Congress. Will the Tea Party and New Black Panther Party clash violently and possibly erupt into a national racial upheaval, will they clash and have no after effects, or will they not clash at all and are just talking trash? This could become very, very serious very quickly!

Quit fear mongering. You assume tea partiers will rise to the bait. I doubt it. Members of the new black panthers are nothing but racist idiots who have called for the death of all 'crackers' and white babies.

Let them come and start some crap. Remember people at the tea parties are known to carry ar-15s.

Not just that. Let them run there mouth. i would not be surprised if skinheads or the KKK show up to deal with the black panthers. I dont really care who takes care of them. Black,white,yellow,etc. what ever. Just take care of them. If they came to MY tea party they would get a face full of baseball bat. I would not tolerate them spewing there racist garbage in my childrens face(many take there children to tea partys).

I think its about time that the tea party shows msn how 'violent' and 'extremist' they can be on these 'black panthers'. I hate these black racists that somehow get a pass by the msm,etc.

And they are idiots. Because msn dont report it. But a lot of black people are in the tea party as well.

Let em start some -snip- we will see who can do the talkin. Red staters that hunt for fun or black wannabe gangsters.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by tracer7
this is something to keep an eye on. The black panther party is affiliated with the CIA and could be used to start a whole mess of garbage. too bad the public is already on to the scam of the black panther party. just have to wait and see.

Yep just more divide and conquer! Keep us at each others throats and we stay unorginized and easier to control and manipulate. Even the tea party is infiltrated also to pit it against whomever. What do you say we not buy into to it and make this a time of peace and reconciliation?

[edit on 12-7-2010 by hawkiye]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by Proudconservative

How am I fear mongering? Did you finish the rest of the OP? At the end I said, "or they could just be talking trash". I never stated that it will happen. And whether or not the Tea Party falls for the bait, what would they do if they are attacked? They are going to defend themselves as any sane person would do.

I vehemently disagree with what Glenn Beck is doing, but he has the absolute right to do it. No person or group of people have the legal right to claim holiday or legacy of a person, while it is socially stupid it is perfectly legal.

Besides, let them attack the Tea Partiers, they are armed just like you stated. They will shoot to defend if necessary.

[edit on 7/12/2010 by Misoir]

+12 more 
posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:05 AM
It's real sad to see what has become of the whole Tea Party debacle.

When I first heard the term it seemed terrific to me...a bunch of Americans taking it to the street in a non-partisan effort to fight unfair things. Like a embryo before cellular devision, there was no "left" or "right." Just Americans.

Then a bunch of necon shills like Sarah Palin jumped to the head of the parade and started trying to co-opt it, declaring their own personal fiefdom without any consent of the people who actually were out on the streets. The left was no better -- they instantly crystalized in opposition to it, dragging out the stale old leftist cliches about the thing being made up of gun-toting hillbillies, blah blah blah. Suddenly, the first movement in living memory that looked like a possibe escape from the stale old left-versus-right punch-and-judy show was mercilessly reduced down into the broken, outdated, one-dimensional ideological spectrum of left-versus-right. The very thing it had been a spontaneous eruption against.

Now people are trying to make it a racial issue, of all things. This is really going off the deep end and has nothing whatsoever to do with the original spirit of the tea parties.

Sad how quickly the usual vultures descended from above while the bacteria rotted the corpse from below -- all before the thing even got off the ground in the first place.

[edit on 7/12/10 by silent thunder]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:06 AM
Really? I say let em at it, both of them. Both the Black panthers and the tea parties are completely useless movements that offer little to solutions to solve this nations problems. To me both sides offer room for ignorance and frustration, they do nothing more. I do not understand why we should care either.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:11 AM
yep more CIA bull[snip]

in fighting rather than protesting the gov

CIA .... u will NOT win !!!!

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:25 AM
Geeze are they Idiots or what ?

There are Black People attending the Tea Parties.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
Really? I say let em at it, both of them. Both the Black panthers and the tea parties are completely useless movements that offer little to solutions to solve this nations problems. To me both sides offer room for ignorance and frustration, they do nothing more. I do not understand why we should care either.

Except the tea partys are not racist and call for the death of all black babies. Want a REAL extremist movement? look no further then the black panthers.

Although if they come in and started some -snip- with me because im protesting some retarded BLACK president,just like they protested a retarded WHITE president then i would show msn how extremist I can be.

Im a psychopath(pointed out by one of the ATS members) and i would not mind showing it to these racist pieces of crap.

There nothing but black supremicist seperatists. I would beat them into the dirt and feel no guilt. But while i beat them into the dirt. i would have a video camera running so i could be telling everyone WHILE im beating them "i am in no way affiliated with the tea party movement.I am not beating them because they are black,im beating them because they are black RACISTS,that has called for the genocide of my race".

Sound retarded? yeah i would have to do it though. Because you all know that if any violence breaks out between the tea party and the black panthers it will be the white tea partiers fault. its always whiteys fault. The tea party would be labled racist by msn party and obama would come on chastizing them 'typical white folks'(his words not mine).

Im tired of this double standard. you know what.....there just might be violence at the black panthers. Because white people are fed up with the way black people are acting. Blacks are falling lock step under the democratic party and obama. They only voted for him because he was black,and you all know it. DONT DENY IT.

Its not just with that either. White people get blamed for everything wrong with the black community. Slavery? its the modern day white persons fault.

Poverty? whitey.

Abortion rate? Whitey

Out of wedlock births? white devil.

HIV rate? white devil.

Crime rate? Racist white cops.

High drug rate? whitey.

Poor grades? whitey.

Ghettos? whitey.

Everything wrong with the black community is whiteys fault. IM SICK OF IT. If any violence happens i wont blame the tea partiers. Because white people as a whole are geting fed up.

In the immortal words of Pastor Manning " WHITE PEOPLE ARE GONNA RIOT..WATCH OUT! "

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by Misoir

the keepers of said privilege are separatist thugs

Oh the irony! Lets look at your organisations name again and exploits again..

The Black Panthers
Separatist? [check]

Violence and Racism
Thugs? [check]

I would suggest that this is the pot calling the kettle black but that's a bit... ummm... 'problematic'.


[edit on 12/7/10 by InfaRedMan]

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:29 AM
This has got to be one of the stupidest threads I've seen since I signed up here.

You all are falling into a trap. No one cares if the Bloods and the Crips wanna get down in D.C. You're a bunch of damn fools for taking sides and spewing political madness.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:32 AM
Damn...every time I start thinking I may finally be allowed to at least hang out with Black Panthers, I end up learning I am not a welcomed person there.

Man...really? That black guy really hates me and my babies? I wonder if he can be talked to personally and reasoned with on this subject, or if I just am not "cool" with them because I'm not black.

KKK people are the same way...I mean come-ON! You really have to hate a bunch of people who are different colored then you? I mean "all of them!?", not just a certain type of music or popular stereotype?!!! You really are humanly incapable of respecting a black person?

Both view points are just so extreme! It would be refreshing to see that New Black Panther guy just puase for one second and say-

"aw, I guess one or two white people 'may' be alright. Who knows? Got to be at least one...right"?

Or a KKK activist say-

"yknow, I have to admit, that last black guy we just talked to was really nice and a very good person. I'm shocked to admit it myself, but he was really aces!"

I mean...I could ALMOST respect both sides if they had some reasoning ability, some limit to their agenda, some kind of humanity....but nope...just hang folks and kill babies.

Gee man...Alls I know is that most black folk I know would start beating the crap out of any skinny black guy killing white babies.

And most white people are never going to allow a bunch of Skin Heads to go around even yapping the crap they push as doctrine without slapping the tattoos off their foreheads...cept when the police protect gotta suck to have to swing off the police just to speak in public.

Well...they have the right to hate me.

Everyone does.

But saying that crap in public should warrant arrest.

Sorry guys...just being a violent bigot, no matter your color, is just not acceptable behavior from well adjusted adults of today's society.

I'd love to see a truce...hell, why not?

All individuals of any race who have problems with other races declare a big "I'm ignoring you nah-nah-nah thing"

Yeah...I know half the rhetoric and propaganda both sides have been brainwashed by...what's the use trying to ever make them "human" again?

Programmed little hate-bots.

Your makers are so proud.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:32 AM
When Sarah Palin crashed the tea party, that really ruined it for me. The leader of the New Black Panthers is probably way smarter than she is as well. Maybe they should go on Celebrity Jeopardy together? The kill all the white people stuff is reminiscent of a vintage Saturday Night Live skit though. I cannot believe an educated law school graduate is talking like that.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:32 AM
reply to post by The Sword

"damn folls?" We debate constantly on ATS. Plus we also discuss big issues the media will never air on television or post online.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:33 AM
This is a major joke. I hope nothing ever kicks off a race war in this country, but if id did, it would be over in less than two weeks. You have WAY too many VERY well armed white people in this country, for this to ever happen. The population differences are staggering! If there was ever an attempted race war in this country perpetrated by the Black Panthers, it would be killed off so quickly, it would barely make news for a week. and they would all no longer exist period.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:34 AM
Both sides are co-opted by the controllers - this is simply a way to destroy and discredit the tea party movement once and for all - and to incite racial hatred.

Another social programming move - this one has nasty potential.

The problem is it is hard to get rid of fktards like glen beck from hijacking.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:37 AM
be proud, at how stupid this is..

I heard this moron, speak the other day, and realized how stupid, some people really are..

this is just a pickot sign for stupidity..

the USA failed in education, big time...

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:42 AM
bah just get the water hoses and the dogs and unleash hell on both.

for added entertainment mix detergent with the water and let the slipping sliding suds action sort out the differences.

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 01:44 AM
This racism should not be tolerated by american society and it needs to be put down immediately. its a blatant step backwards and promotes nothing but hate and attempts to divide by race.

The real crime here is not that these men and women honestly believe that theyre not being racist, it's that all this energy could be used against those funding them that are the true enemy.

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