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What did the Jews do to make Hitler want to kill them?

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posted on Sep, 27 2011 @ 06:14 PM
Simple...they mingled with German politics and controlled german interests thought money and politics...example.. Albert Einstein an influnential jew of his era had power over the British and had them masacure the palistians and make way for the new jewish state of Isreal...He also was asked to be Isreal's first president but refused...Good question though most people think Hitlor was some cartoon villian and killed who he hated for no reason...Not that i support the man..he def was evil!

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:54 AM
Although no Historian will tell you ...Hitler may have had Jewish heritage, certainly his cronies appeared more Semitic than Aryan.

His mother had a Jewish doctor until her death, and he wasn't killed afterwards, does that make one think?

He was anti communist as was France, UK, everyone at that time was terrified of the Communist juggernaut, alas many Jews in Poland /germany were seen as agents of Stalinism by Hitler.

The oddest thing is without Hitler and the camps ...Israel would not exist so freely as it does today if at all.

Some things just make you go mmmm, yeah shake your booty and go mmm.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 12:58 AM

Careful or they will start with the antisemite bull, not that they will ever look at the figures, they will just tell you that it was terrible bla bla bla. History is written by the winners. If anything israel should really thank the IIIrd reich.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:07 AM
My grandfather is an old Ukranian gentlemen who is 97 years old and has lost most of his ability to remember by a series of strokes. He was a soldier in the red army and was at one stage a prisoner of war.Ii remember him telling me then i was younger that Germany needed someone to blame for the aftermath of WW1 and Hitler just told the people what they wanted to hear so he blamed the jews whilst promising that Germany will never be made the worlds bitch again. He made the people a whole lot of promises he had no intentions of keeping and thus he got elected.

I won't say that he persecuted any jews as my grandfather saw no evidence of this

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:17 AM

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:31 AM
Look for the Contract of Versailles!

After the WW1. Germany was strangled by the US/ UK/ France, etc,
a new Manhunt and War was logical!

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 04:32 AM

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 05:18 AM
I think after the Jews, Christians who would not accept his ideology would have been next. He believed in Nietzsche's will to power and wanted to create a race of supermen and that requires eliminating those with slave-based morality, which the Jews would not do because they accepted the law of God before the law of men.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:03 AM
reply to post by Shine71

Hitler was also a Vegetarian. So vegetarians are anti-semitic Jew haters!!

OT: I think it was just because he was crazy. That mustard gas in WW1 can do horribly things to a guy.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:15 AM
Hitler hated jews because they are the originators of christianity. Hitler thought that paganism and occultism are the real paths of our sprituality which leads us to higher beings.

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:32 AM
Hitler fought in the first world war and saw the after math. Without wanting to sound racist, a lot of those people doing good after WW I was enterprising jews.
Times were hard in the 20s for those returning from fighting, there weren't enough jobs and it didn't help that the money makers were beginning to setup another downslope for the world (undocumented...).

Hitler became political and just like now, once times are hard, you start looking at those doing well, or perhaps too well in ones own opinion. To begin with it was merely a lower class vs. upper class struggle to create better conditions for those who had little.
But as the nazi party started to gain serious influence and ultimately completely consumed the government they needed to focus on those who they knew they could reclaim a lot of wealth from, the jews.

Wether or not the jews were doing anything wrong is a matter of taste. The common jewish man with his or her own little shop probably weren't to focused on running the world. But I can imagine Hitler might have looked at some of the larger families and dynasties and thought it was time to react to their acquisitions.

So in short... Hitler needed a scapegoat for his ideology and the jews were an easy target. Just like now where one can still look at the monetary elite and think, "what the hell do they need that kind of money for when we have so much unemployment in the world and starving people".

Let me toss more gas on the flames... Look at the last names of many of the key players in the financial world at the moment.
I don't condone the mass slaughter of men, women and children, but I also don't condone the terror being performed on people of this Earth by the monetary elite.
edit on 29/9/11 by flice because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 06:54 AM
Are some Member here on ATS also realize the similarity of Conspiracy Discussions;

"The Jews control our Money, they control everything, they poisoned our youth, etc."?

All this Discussions happened already once in the 1920-30,
and they paved the Road to Auschwitz-Birkenau!

I think we all need to take care about what and how we are writing.
To punish the Jews, Muslims or the US Americans as a whole is wrong!

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by gopher mines

A lot of reasons. For one, they were mainly bankers and he blamed them for the economy (million dollar loaves of bread ect.). Two, earlier in life he would up in some jewish slum were he lived a good many years and had to deal with their crap and generally grew to hate them.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Hitler needed a scapegoat too polarize his people. Some country or race of people had too be made into one common enemy in Germany.
Rather than make that enemy a Nation at first Hitler choose The Jewish community.
The German people were starving for national pride and solidarity pre WWII and sadly these racial hate events filled many Germans bellys with fervorish nationalism ala Nazi style.
Create fear so that you may control was the mantra here.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by gopher mines

I read his mother was ill and she seen a jewish doc. who couldnt help and this fueled his aggression.

On January 14, 1907, Adolf Hitler's mother went to see the family doctor about a pain in her chest, so bad it kept her awake at night. The doctor, Edward Bloch, who was Jewish, examined her and found she had advanced breast cancer.

Adolf Hitler sobbed when the doctor told him she was gravely ill and needed immediate surgery. A few days later, Klara Hitler, 46, was operated on and had one of her breasts removed. But the operation was too late. Her illness, malignant cancer, would slowly ravage her body. She couldn't make it up the stairs to the family apartment, so they moved into a first floor apartment in a suburb next to Linz, Austria.

posted on Sep, 30 2011 @ 12:37 PM
The op asked a fair question, as to why did Hitler do what he did, and there are many different opinions. The discussion should not be on why it is only the Jewish population that was focused on, rather the reasons behind what happened.

To start, to even begin to understand the reason why, one must go back to before World War II, to the end of World War I, Germany had lost the war. In that time frame, during the hammering out of the treaty, all sides agreed that Germany was primarily responsibly and sought to assess punitive actions against Germany. The Kaiser was removed from power, and the power lay in the German chancellery. Those who were in the German Army at the time of the surrender, felt betrayed by Germany, dissatisfied with the fact that they had lost the war. Combine that with the crippling conditions of the treaty that Germany was forced to sign and the ground work was laid for World War II.

Germany for a shot time, did experience a good time and high life, the country was doing well, but when the stock markets fell, and the world’s economies came to a crashing halt, those in Germany were already feeling the pain and pinch of a tight economy as it was, ended up crippled by this. The German Mark Tanked, and fell where one day a loaf of bread might cost 10 marks, but the end of the day it was up to 1000’s. The value of the German Mark continued to plummet and the people were suffering.

The Nazi party was just starting out, and while they had brilliant people there, they needed someone who was very charismatic to lead them, to be a figure head, and thus you ended up with Hitler. His speeches were to the point of making people feel good about themselves, promising social changes. Think about it, you are hungry, have a family, and not much, struggling to make ends meet, and then a political party comes up with an offer to help you out, would you follow? Probably, as many did, and his speeches were effective, as he was able to use the power of words to sway the people. But they needed a scapegoat, and the obvious choice was the affluent of society, the Jews. Consider this, before World War II, the Jews were mostly bankers, doctors, educators, and successful businessmen. When the financial crisis happened, they were able to weather the domestic problems. Envy set in, and Hitler used that dissatisfaction to a political advantage.

So while denouncing those who would be considered enemies of the state, slowly consolidating power, and slowly making laws to restrict one group from interacting with the rest of Germany. Combine this with an improvement in the economic status of the average German Citizen, and most would be under the belief, that yes it was the Jewish population that was the cause of all of this, along with those undesirables that the state proclaimed. Slowly tightening an iron grip and then it was only a matter of time before they would start a reign of terror. Most of the German citizens were kept in the dark as to what was going on, as they realized that if such came to light, it would mean a strong social unrest, and like all dictators, once they have control over the money and a few people, it was a matter of creating and focusing the peoples anger towards one group every day. The propaganda that was printed pretty much shows this going on, it was first they had to state who was and was not Jewish, then it was socially unpopular to do business with those who were Jewish, and finally to enact the laws that lead to the Holocaust. Along with those who dare speak out. Even the Churches and other organizations were under a watchful eye, make a mistake, and pay the price.

And once those doors were open politically, they were able to continue to keep them open to include others in that list of what was considered to be undesirable, and against the state.

They did nothing wrong, except to be the affluent part of society in a country who was going through the economic hard times and under a crippling treaty.

The lesson here, is be careful of what doors we allow the government to open, cause once opened, it can be something that non of us would want.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by gopher mines
I've heard many stories on why the Holocaust happened, and they all say something like this:

"Hitler blamed the Jews (for some terrible thing)"

Yet I haven't read anything in detail as to why he blamed the Jews. I mean, they _MUST_ have done something for Germany to be OK with what was happening to the Jews at the time. No amount of propaganda is going to make me want to kill off an entire group of people, or even be a part of killing off an entire group of people,, So my question is this: What did the Jews do for Hitler to seem justified in wiping them out? And don't tell me that he was a crazy mad-man.

[edit on 22-6-2010 by gopher mines]

I expect this post will get no responses because it is about jews (just like my other posts about jews have gottn no responses), but if there is anyone on ats that is not a jew and wants to learn some insights that can help you better understand the world, listen up. Jews have changed the world from the way it was supposed to be to the way it is now. If the world had been allowed to go its own way without repeated purposeful destructive intervention by the jews at key points in history, we would be living in a far far better place. Humanity would have actually advanced instead of degraded. Jews paid for the Russian revolution twenty million dollars, It was a large investment but for this wealthy influential people who used their central banks to finance it, it was not that difficult to raise the money to fund it. And what they reaped in return (owning ALL of Russia) reaped them far more than their measly 20 million, both then and for years into the future. It was a very good investment for them, but they destroyed the natural government of Russia and the relatively good way of life of the Russian people. They took over the country and made the entire thing a slave state. Horrible beyond imagination. And what of Germany? (Yes, I am getting to the point where I can answer your question logically). Germany was winning WW1 after two years of fighting. They were winning it easily. But suddenly the U.S. entered the war and turned everything around. Why did the U.S. enter the war? Germany wanted to just end the war and to have everything go back to the way it was, but the jews had other plans. Now, this involves Palestine. The Jews wanted Israel (their former country) back, but the question was how to get it. Palestine at this time was in a region controlled by the Ottoman Empire. All the countries you see in the middle east were at that time all part of the Ottoman empire. So, how could Israel carve out it's country out of territory that belonged to someone completely independent of their treacherous influence? Simple, get someone to do it for you as part of a war which you (the jews) will help to create and finance. In this war, you will accomplish several things:

1. You will assist the allies (Britain and France) in winning the war with germany if the allies give you what you want in return. They made a backroom deal. Both parties at high levels knew exactly what was being done. This was a very evil thing, you must understand, because of what it led to.

2. Russia became theirs in this war. It was a horrible thing they did in Russia. Words cannot describe the massive loss of life and suffering of the people of Russia because of what these influential jews did.

3. They destroyed Germany and completely ruined its formerly very successful economy. They bankrupted poor Germany and made its people desparate and destitute. Why, you ask, would they do this? Did they have anything against Germans? No. Were not many influential jews living comfortably in Germany before this time? Yes. So why did they do it? To get Israel. They were willing to sell out an entire country to get what they wanted. They completely #ed over Germany beyond all description. And it later became known what they did and why.

Imagine how you would feel if you learned that wealthy, influential people living comfortably among you in your country had secretly done everything they could to undermine the nation and cause it's mightly fall into the dust. Imagined if that happened in the U.S.? How would you feel toward those people who had brought this great and enormous and unbearable calamity to your once great country which now lay in ruins all around you? How would you feel? You would hate. You would righteously hate. There is a time to hate evil when you become aware of it, and if that evil is your midst and you realize it, then what do you do? I do not condone what the Germans did to the jews, but I can understand the rage and anger and resentment that brought it on.

And it needs to be said here that history is written by the victors. A lot of what you think you know about the history surrounding this is NOT true. You have been lied to by the jews who control the media. Hear my words.

The END of Hate Speech, subtle or otherwise, on ATS
edit on 10/15/2011 by maria_stardust because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by Anyhoo

A little bit shortsighted

look when i follow your art of interpretation i can conclude
that all Jews are Men`s and we all would live in a better World
when we kill them all.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by IAmTruth
reply to post by paraphi

Hitler was really after INTL Banker Elite 13 Jew Families The Rothchilds. Rothchilds brought WW1 and Germany to ruin cause all wars since Napolean, Revolutionary war, Civil war are about control/printing of World's paper money. Nations had to borrow from Jewish banking families at high interest. The Amer-Anglo Jeew bankers helped Hitler gain power but Hitler printed his own money(like Lincoln-Kennedy)throwing world bankers out of bus. in Germany so like Saddom and Czar Nicolas(Russia)they could not control him and they aligned the world against him creating WW2, and killing Hitler and millions. When Hitler knew he'd lost he took his anger out on little Jews cause the Rothchilds wanted to create a Jewish state that Hitler tried to prevent-which they forced Truman to create!

Thank you Thank you Thank you for speaking truth, but unfortunately your words will either be ignored or drowned out with meaningless propoganda so no innocent sould actually learns the truth about the world and who controls it behind the scenes. Jews. It took me so long to see it but now that I have it explains so many things like 9-11 and JFK. You no longer need to wonder why the world is going to hell, It is because influential jews all over the world like things just the way they are so they can profit off of the misery and enslavement of entire nations (including the USA). Anybody who has ears to ear, now is the time to wake up and see it.

posted on Oct, 15 2011 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by Human0815
reply to post by Anyhoo

A little bit shortsighted

look when i follow your art of interpretation i can conclude
that all Jews are Men`s and we all would live in a better World
when we kill them all.

Sorry that I'm not following your script. I prefer truth to the lies written in the history books and shown on the History channel. Go back to your masters and tell them that you failed miserably.

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